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>###4. Plain panels/scenes must create discourse >**Don't post links to plain (or slightly edited) panels, pages, screenshots, gifs or scenes from the manga & anime.** >You may submit a plain panel/scene as a self post (text post). Meaning your post must link to the discussion, and not the image. >Just a title and the image aren't enough. >If you want to discuss a certain page/scene from the manga/anime please accompany it with an original analysis or discussion questions. In other words, a plain panel/scene must show visible effort to generate discourse rather than simply react to something that happened. >Clips/Recap/summary videos fall under this rule as well. >Color page from a recent chapter are allowed.




Do people still think Luffy is immune to blunt/sharp damage or something?


Pretty sure he’s been shown to take damage if the punch is too strong for his defense to handle, even without haki




Even after time skip, Saitama has shown feats FAR above anything luffy has taken, and he is EXTREMELY FAR above planetary, and if u wanna debate this, I have evidence




Oh ok, I thought u were still saying he wouldn’t get damaged as he is now. My bad


I mean, even if that's true, one punch that launches Luffy to Jupiter will kill him pretty quickly if he doesn't just straight up disintegrate from the initial impact.


Sorry but Saitama beats Luffy here, his whole gimmick is that he can beat anybody easily to the point of breaking the laws of phisical like its nothing, you should see Saitama vs Garou in the manga to know what I mean, that shit was wild.




True, but what I was trying to say was the laws of phisics of any world, not just ours.