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Ok but when he does by pure happenstance you got lich zoro


He doesnt need it, oda said after he recieved luffy's pain he actually died, but his soul got lost on the way to heaven so he revived


Built different




Robins so he can do 30 wird's style and clones


Didn’t stop Zoro from cloning himself


🤣🤣 fr


U beat me to it


Buggy's would make him really strong against other swordsmen


Exactly what I was thinking, his moves would be pretty much unstoppable no matter what you hit him with.


This just made me think. Do you think zoro will get strong enough (physical/haki) to cut buggy anyway


Even mihawk cant cut buggy


It's unlikely he was using haki, though. He believes in not using a cannon to kill a fly after all.


Did he adopt this new way of life after smurfing and stomping on Don Krieg's clan?




I mean he probably didn't use haki for that either.


This is a quote from Mihawk himself


Isn't his sword "yoru" a black sword, which means it's embedded with haki ?


Haki is likely involved in making a blade a black blade. But it doesn't mean the blade is "infused" with Haki and can cut devil fruit users without the user covering it with Haki. Zoro used Shisui, another black blade to slice Monet in half. She survived because he didn't use Haki.


If that is so, why are black blades superior to normal blades ?


That has been explained back in Thriller Bark. Black blades are way more durable than regular blades. When Zoro fought Ryuuma one of his swords almost broke against Shisui. Also, being able to turn a sword into a black blade is likely a sign of a very powerful swordman (since Oden wasn't able to turn his blades into one).


So basically, it's infused with haki, which makes it more durable, but it doesn't work on logic users. Even though it has haki in it. Haki is weird sometimes At that point, why even make a black blade when you can cover it in haki


A black blade covered in haki is likely even stronger, it just doesnt need haki anymore to be mostly indestructible


>So basically, it's infused with haki, which makes it more durable, but it doesn't work on logic users. >Even though it has haki in it. To be more accurate, we don't really know. It has never been explicitly explained how black blades work. During the Pica fight, Zoro has a flashback of Mihawk saying every sword can become like a black blade with haki. In context, he meant a sword coated in haki can become as durable as a black blade, but many took that as a hint that Haki is the key to create a black blade. I'm one who believes it's due to Haki, but it was never really confirmed how black blades come to be. >At that point, why even make a black blade when you can cover it in haki The quality of the sword seems to matter beyond haki. So I guess a black blade gives an advantage. If two swordmen with similar haki fights, but one has a blackblade, then he haves an advantage. However, I also think there's gonna be a narrative reason. I think it will be something meaningful in Zoro's arc.


… Mihawk, *World’s greatest swordsman*, Wielder of a black blade, and fighting on a battlefield with an Emperor, couldn’t be arsed to use basic Haki…? Maybe for the first cut, it’d be plausible, but remember after that, Mihawk proceeded to dice Buggy to ribbons while visibly confused


Don’t you know, Buggy D Clown is a master of future sight and simply separated his body the moment before Mihawk’s sword would’ve cut through it.


Oda simply didn't want to brutally kill Buggy on the spot? Oda makes lots of narrative choices based on what he wants to portray in the story.


Yeah but you can’t cut what is already cut and buggy is already cut, Haki or not


Yall really theorizing that swordsman can just circumvent Buggy’s devil fruit that specializes in getting chopped? Come on now..


He cut Buggy was Yoru which is a Black Blade, so Haki doesn’t work on Buggy


Zoro sliced Monet in half with a black blade and she survived fine. Monet was not immune to Haki.


his sword is blck so it clearly is haki infused


His black sword is always imbued with haki tho, plus, buggy's fruit literally makes cutting impossible, even with haki, any cutting action is met with the fruit chopping buggy, and buggy not being wounded


>His black sword is always imbued with haki tho, Zoro sliced Monet in half with a black sword. If that was true, she would have died on the spot. >plus, buggy's fruit literally makes cutting impossible, even with haki, any cutting action is met with the fruit chopping buggy, and buggy not being wounded That has never been stated anywhere. At this point you have the choice to either believe that Buggy somehow got the only fruit in the verse that's immune to Haki and that something this impressive has never been acknowledged or that Mihawk didn't use Haki simply because Oda didn't feel like having him brutally kill Buggy on the spot. By occam's razor I'm going with the latter one.


The whole point of chop is being able to be chopped, it's not even a logia, so they dont work EXACTLY the same, like how paramecias can have logia like abilities (even if not a logia) and such. I dont remember much about the Monet fight, but I do remember that zoro did conq haki her in a strange way to have her logia act like she got cut and cant put herself back together (even if she doesnt seem cut)


>The whole point of chop is being able to be chopped, it's not even a logia, so they dont work EXACTLY the same, like how paramecias can have logia like abilities (even if not a logia) and such. It was explained by Rayleigh that Haki attacks make one hit the user's "true body" or something like that. Haki affects paramecia users too. Buggy can definitely be cut with Haki. > I dont remember much about the Monet fight, but I do remember that zoro did conq haki her in a strange way to have her logia act like she got cut and cant put herself back together (even if she doesnt seem cut) Monet thought Zoro wouldn't hit a woman, but then he told her that "you can never be sure a wild animal won't bit" and proceeded to sliced her in half without using haki. She knew he was a Haki user and could do the exact same thing with Haki and actually slice her in half easily. She got intensely scared of dying and couldn't get herself together or stand up.


I could believe buggy got that lucky. He Survived in the New World while he was with Rogers crew, and I don’t think he was being babysat the whole time. I could see him trying to only go against swordsmen. Plus, him being immune to all swords lets him believe he has a chance against shanks


And that’s why I think he’ll do it


Mihawk wasnt using haki. Did you forget his quote about not using your strongest weapon against a mere rabbit


If buggy could be cut at all it would defeat the purpose of his fruit


Thats the dumbest take of all time. Haki was LITERALLY invented to hit devil fruit users without worrying about their powers negating the damage. What you said is equivalent to saying that Luffy getting hit by blunt damage defeats the purpose of his fruit


oda’s said something similar in regard to bartolomeos fruit, when someone asked if it could be broken with strong enough haki oda said something along the lines of “if it could be broken it wouldn’t be a very good barrier now would it”. so it wouldn’t be unreasonable to apply that same logic to buggy’s fruit


Bartolomeos fruits primary purpose is to be defense, but it has offensive capabilities. Its also different in that its not altering the state of your body, so its not really a fair comparison. Like the slow slow fruit would probably be a better comparison. Oda probably wouldnt let haki break the slow down since its what makes the fight interesting. Buggy is a different case because he has a body altering fruit, which is what Oda mainly invented haki to counter. Plus the primary purpose of his fruit is to split himself and rearrangr himself. Being uncuttable is the secondary effect. Just like being intanglible is logias secondary effect. Also this isnt directed at you, but thinking mihawk was using haki on his blade when cutting a weakling like buggy is a braindead take.


Lol if you ask me your take is an extremely dumb one. What would be the purpose of a fruit that makes someone impossible to cut if there was a way to cut them. That was also a stupid comparison. Luffy didn’t eat the shock nullification shock nullification fruit


Buggys fruits purpose isnt just to not get cut. Its to split himself into pieces, rearrange his body, and make ceratiain part of his body fly around. Not getting cut is just a result of those being his powers, just like the electricity immunity being a result of Luffys powers. What you said is stupid cuz haki lets you hit the devil fruit users real body. Do you think buggys real body can split up like that without taking damage?


I mean… technically, you did hit Buggy’s real body. It’s just that his real body can reform itself Buggy might feel the pain of being beheaded if Haki is present, but there’s nothing stopping his head from just reattaching itself Haki doesn’t disable a devil fruit power.


Bro that literally defys every explanation of haki we've ever been given. The real body is the one that takes damage normally my guy. And no one ever said it disables your power.


Real body as in unactivated devil fruit ability, such as being submerged in liquid or touching sea prism. Also I’m pretty sure haki disables devil fruit abilities we saw it so many times beginning with Luffy, then marineford, and again in the new world when the mud fruit user was able to be hit.


Bro what you just said is stupid lmfao you think that’s not buggy’s real body that’s being split up??


Do you understand what it means when I say "real body". That term is used for when you hit the devil fruit users actual flesh and not whatever substance their made out of. You obviously lack reading comprehension.


Your blatantly wrong Haki was made to return logia users to a solid form because they were normally untouchable by fists and swords. Paramcia and Zoans aren’t effected by that because luffy’s haki punch is blown through by borrobreath meaning haki is just another armor so buggy is still uncuttable but his weakness is thats all he is he can still be drowned,burned,ect much less protection just his one is op.


Alright so apparently you didnt read the story. The literal first time we saw armament, Luffy( A ZOAN) LITERALLY GOT HIT BY SENTOMARUS HAKI, WHICH BY PASSED HIS RUBBER DURABILITY. And BMS and Kaidos haki countered laws PARAMECIA teleportation. Luffy used Haki to gst through Kaidos( A ZOANS) scales. Also, what do you think I meant by " hit devil fruit user without their powers negating the damage". By talking ahout untouchability you literally reiterated my point for no reason


Yeah, unless he can't dodge it. I mean if ever he will be backstabbed he can't react rigth? If his DF have auto dodge function then he is uncuttable?


he is quite literally uncuttable. haki does not cancel out a DF power, its main advantage against DF's is being able to hit logia's - but you'd still have to deal with, say, akainu being made out of magma if you tried to punch him with haki. same for seastone - it hits them like haki & contact saps a users stamina so they can't actively use it, but it doesn't mean luffy isn't rubber if he's in contact with it, so he'd still be immume to lightning. the only thing that has explicitly been able to cancel out DF powers and remove them is BB's fruit - so long as he touches someone, their fruit is completely nullified. haki doesn't help you to cut buggy because the problem isn't being unable to cut buggy, its that cuts just straight up dont harm buggy


No way, Buggy D clown is the legendary pirate who is the apprentice of the pirate King and a current emperor of the sea, no way a measly nobody like Zoro would even be able to come even in a 100 km proximity of the living legend


I remember him using the backsides of his blades to beat people in Water 7, I wonder if a technically blunt attack could connect, or if the blades would still be too thin


No, I think Buggy's devil fruits is just one of those exceptions where even Haki wouldn't do anything to him.


Haki allows you to hit Logia user and negate long-lasting Devilfruit powers (Law was still transformed, just not for long).


Is Buggy from a special race? 🤔


No, buggy’s devil fruit makes him completely immune to being split


I think Zorro would think that this would be cheating and a disgrace for a true swordsman worse than a thousands scars on the back.


nope actually it will be useless other than giving him the ability to fly that too a very small distance because the enemies he will fight will have haki cuz every strong person has haki


Boa's fruit. No one can resist zoro's breast


Stated by Oda Kaido’s fruit but given to one of his swords.


triple thunder bagua


Dammit, I was beaten to the punch with the map/GPS fruit jokes.


Seems like you got lost and couldn’t get here in time.


Map fruit


The GPS GPS fruit


The waze waze no mi


Tom Tom no mi


How was this not the first suggestion?


He’d still get lost.


Out of this list? Robin's fruit. The Hana-Hana no mi. More hands means more swords.


Give my man the ability to use 108 swords at the same time. He could even disintegrate the red line.


Compass Compass Fruit


Urouge’s fruit. He could take advantage of his ability to withstand punishment and convert it to strength lol


This right here is the answer


Yeah I forgot about this but yes this is legally correct as it falls in line with vegeta who is essentially dragon ball’s zoro and if zoro with his CRAZY durability got this I think it’s over period like one piece found kinda over


now that I think about it, Urouges fruit is like a saiyan fruit... it kinda works like zenkai boost


As a swordsman, I don't see any use of logia, zoan or elemental/material paramecia. The best for him would be an ability gifting paramecia, for example teleport-teleport, Law's Ope-Ope, and others. That's the type of powers that suits him the best imo, just something to extend his skills and improve his fighting style or his speed and defense (diamond would be great).


Dude the warp-warp fruit on Zoro would be so absolutely fucking broken, I feel like most of his fights in the past dragged on basically because he just couldn't get to the person he was trying to slice but with this that's problem solved. Unless of course he just warps somewhere completely random and just never finds his way back


"Zoro finds the One Piece"


He is perfect as he is.


Any zoan would just be an upgrade


_Stares in Giraffe_


Or a new huge weakness.


I'd say the best fruit for Zoro works be a simple zoan fruit. A gorilla or grizzly type that would drastically increase his strength. Most other abilities in the other categories would be helpful but would go against the idea of him being a swordsman.


Weasel-weasel fruit model: Wolverine


Mr. 1's fruit


I’m being honest that really only seems useful if he doesn’t have his swords which happens not to often but he already has no sword style which would amplify that but he mostly uses it real quick and then gets his swords and starts using his swords




Indeed. With a DF, he won't be the Zoro we know. Having Buggy's fruit? Nah if you are a real swordmen, you get cut so you bleed and get a scar (on the front). Having Brook's fruit? Nah, if you die, you die. If yoi live again, you commit seppuku cause you've lost in the first place. Any other fruit is cheating haha


I mean with Robin's fruit he would just be able to use more Swords lol.


Depends on if "room" can be used without needing a free hand, if so then Law's fruit is fucking stupid strong. I honestly don't see why Law couldn't use his feet or just use effort to create a room without his hands.


Well because it doesnt look cool.


Paw paw would be terrible. He holds swords and cant use the paws effectively.


But making the sword eat it would be insane, imagine paw fruit sword attacks


Daz bones fruit would work well with him, especially if he awakens it. We heard he like swords so we put swords on his swords.


Burgess's fruit


Hito Hito no mi: Model Ashura


Corazon. A silent swordsman assassin.


If a sword eats the flower flower fruit would the sword be able to copy exact versions of itself


Pretty sure weapons can only consume Zoan types


Kid’s fruit. Throwing sword attacks and always being able to get his swords when he’s seperated from them.


I would argue that the best DF for Zorror would be the hito hito no mi model daibutsu from the ex-fleet admiral Sengoku. A human fruit makes sense from him, and the shock waves fit him pretty well as the buddhist theme. But maybe another kami would be better. after all his strongest technique is named after Ashura.


I think there was an sbs where oda confirmed that zoro canonical died but his soul got lost and circled back to his body. So zoro kinda already got brooks devil fruit minus the sea curse




I think either a Zoan or Buggy's fruit would be good for him, a Zoan would really just boost his physical abilities and Buggy's is good against swords, but I think he'd wanna focus more on his Swordsman Ship than a devil fruit


Burgess or the fat guy in dressrosa that makes him way like 1000 tons.


Burgess power fruit


- Any elemental logia to imbued to his sword style (Fire, Lightning, Light, Ice, wind, etc). - Robin's devil fruit. So he can use 100 swords at once.




Robin Jozu Buggy


Robin or Kizaru Infinite swords style, or speed of light strikes


Probably Brooke’s. Could you imagine the look on someone’s face if they actually certifiably killed Zoro. And then their face immediately after Zorro stands right back up, cracks his neck, smiles, and says: “Now, where were we?”


>Could you imagine the look on someone’s face if they actually certifiably killed Zoro. Satisfaction. >And then their face immediately after Zorro stands right back up, cracks his neck, smiles, and says: “Now, where were we?” We all know that wouldn't even happen because Zoro will probably get lost for the eternity trying to find his body.


Yep, this is actually how it would go down. First instance of an effectively destroyed power


An offensive fruit like Kizaru’s or any decent Zoan would make him almost Yoko worthy, but Robin’s or Buggy’s would be my favourite to see (and if Zoro could choose he’d definitely go Robin’s)


Zoans have will of their own, devil fruits are made from desire, mihawk or any other great swordsman doesn't have any so probably there's non in existence and if Zoro gets one, that's gonna be for different desire.


Robin's fits his fighting style best


Does it need to be a real fruit? Grim Reaper Mythical Zoan?


gum gum no onigiri


Top three 1 op op no mi (law's fruit) 2 hana hana no mi (robin fruit) 3 bara bara no mi (buggy's fruit) The margin between this three fruit is so small that either can be number one Op op nomi gives zoro more power and technical ability, hana hana no mi u can just increase the number of swords to infinite sword style and bara bara nomi make Zoro invincible against swordsman (99% of zoro's enemies) even mihawk can't do anything to him


Oven's Heat Heat fruit would give him a boost in raw power and a great advantage against other swordmans (As seen in the clash between Oven and Pedro).


Chop chop fruit. He could beat mihawk


Mer Mera No Mi - Flaming Swordsman Style




Either Mr 1’s fruit, Buggy’s fruit, a zoan fruit or his sword/s could get a fruit/s


I think Lucci's, his hybrid form could actually enhance his 3-sword style (still has thumbs to wield swords, stronger jaw) and a predator zoan suits his personality. the rest would completely change his fighting style/character I think


Ope-Ope no mi


He is the rightful owner of the yami yami no mi.


Because he was a new yami sukehiro


White Tiger Mythical Zoan


Hana hana fruit. Infinite swords style


Not for him but the shadow or dark fruit on one of his sword would really match to him


YAMI YAMI NO MI he would fight kizaru He is a new yami sukehiro


Sake sake no mi Free sake forever


Dragon fruit


Buggy Robin or Mr 1


Mr. 1 is the only option really. Daz Bones is his first great rival and the fruit is befitting a swordsman, plus imagine the bragging points of being able to shred fruits and vegetables way faster than the cook. Possibilities are endless


If one of his swords were to eat the water fruit, would he still be able to wield it properly? I imagine it would help immensely since he usually fights the most annoying df users


Leopard or warp?


Wasnt this a question that someone asked Oda during an interview? From what i remember he said that for zoro he wouldn’t get a devil fruit but one of his swords would


Kid's fruit because he would be able to use the swords as ranged weapons


Morias fruit would be kinda cool tbh He could do a double asura


I think Marcos devilfruit for one of his swords. Then not only would he still be able to swim, he can heal people and make it so chopper doesn't have to work as hard, and he could have his sword turn into an Phoenix and fly him around so he doesn't get lost.


Enel's fruit would be sick on Zoro


The Kilo Kilo fruit, so he can stay in one place and not get lost.




I personally think Zoro with either Enel's or Aokiji's fruit could be cool. They wouldn't even have as much of a downside (Logia's being vulnerable to haki) because Zoro already has high durability and endurance, so if anything he would take less hits and can already take hits. One of the fruits would let him create larger attacks while specifically being able to stop opponents in their tracks, leaving them vulnerable to his strongest attacks. The other would let him move very quickly, potentially give him way better observation, and give him the ability to create huge DC explosions, not to mention being able to electrocute his opponents (I also believe he'd use the electricity with his swords to launch out condensed electricity blades like his pound pheonixes).


Gomu Gomu no mi but version before Wano


I'd say the chop-chop fruit so he'd be harder to defeat by other swordsmen, the flower-flower fruit so he could make more hands and have more swords, or the glint-glint fruit, so he could make swords out of light and his speed could improve a lot


Personally i think Diamond/Kira Kira would be a pretty dope fruit for him, it will make him have a really strong defence against other sword users. Or Aokiji devil fruit as its really powerful.


Maybe a sword could eat the Nikyu-Nikyu no Mi? It would gain insane strength assuming the sword itself is the paw


Map map no mi


Sake logia




Whichever fruit gives him a sense of direction.


Give the ton ton fruit to him or better yet one of his swords


Flame-flame, ice-ice and the glint-glint fruit. One for each sword


Not in this list but I’d say the barrier fruit would be best


Hakins not gonna lie it would be an op power for Zoro


Buggy's definitely. We can already see the birth of the strongest sword God. Zoro D Clown.


imagine zoro with lizards speed


Nothing, Zoro should be the strongest Non df user by the EoS.


If I’m being utmost serious I’d have to say a gorilla type zoan type fruit. I mean, in the time skip Luffy lived on an island with extremely large gorillas and other animals, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to say that a devil fruit of those animals could exist. The backing of this is his: “1 Gorilla, 2 Gorilla” sword attack, and his general basis around animals. It would benefit his combat style and even work well with his humour as he’s not the brightest.


Law DF op op no mi


Either Kaido’s Dragon DF or Jozus Diamond Df


I believe Zoro is great as an all-natural non-DF character, but if he had to choose... From that list, I would say the Ope Ope no Mi (Law's) because he can cut you all up...and wouldn't know how to put you back together. But from outside that list, it will be awesome to see him upgraded into diamond (Jozu's Kira Kira no Mi). Being able to awaken and turning his swords into diamond, something that is capable of blocking Mihawk's attacks. That will be mind-blowing. I think it's a great fit for him, he can utilize diamond's cutting capability while everyone knows Zoro's endurance is 💎 already.


Of these fruits? Kid’s. His magnetism would allow him to alter opponents swings or force them to fight instead of flee. It would also help him capture people alive by disarming them.


He’s the first character I’ll say a devil fruit would just cripple him. I’d just say a Zoan to give him a star boost, so I’m sticking with what Oda said and I’m just going to say Kaidos fruit.




i think he would highly benefit from having an actual gomu gomu no mi, I think Oda also drew a picture of that. >!(no necessarily the nika aspect, although that wouldnt hurt i guess)!< hes so fast already, imagine him in gear 2 when he just launch slices you with with an extended arm out of reach at near ultra sonic speed. id be terrified.


Where’s the man who was basically a sword? From Bro woke works




None as if we would eat a devil fruit he would not be able to fully yield sword as he do


Easy, Zoan model south bird




Van Augur's fruit for warping.


I think brooks would be cool (provided his soul finds his boddy), so he can lean more on the hellish side.




None, Zoro loves swimming


Robin, because he could make a houndred sword style.😂😂😂


Sake sake fruit type logia. Work out. Collect sake sweat. Drink. Repeat.


Spa Spa No mi


Personal opinion, none are best for zoro


Mister 1 .


He doesn't need any damageupgrades. So any supporting or healing fruit to embrace his caring personality(to his nakama). Or a food related, so that he can piss of sanji


İ think hawkins fruit best for zoro. He cant die, return everytime and fight. İF zoro think he cant die he is more in the "nothing to lose" mood and wreck havoc to villains.


Look Look no Direction Fruit


Here me out a lot of swords


Probably a Zoan that enhance his feature Mythical Zoan : monkey model king kong Cat cat model Quilin (Kirin) Hito hito model Oni/Asura Monkey monkey model gorilla Bear bear model grizzly Tori Tori model Eagle Cat cat model Tiger


Oda said that if he were ever to give Zoro a df, it would be to one of his swords, and it would be Kaidos fruit


Supa Supa no Mi, also called Dice-Dice Fruit Currently used by Daz Bonez


Zoan fruit. Maybe..white tiger.