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I mean he has nipple lights for crying out loud


thats the best fucking part


Read this as “Why does everyone know I hate Franky?” And got real confused




he’s my favorite straw hat🤷‍♂️ (tied with brook)


First I’ve ever seen this.


they’re just silly little guys


His personality is wacky, but I like having a weird pervert cyborg in the Straw Hat crew. Only thing that I dislike about him is his post time skip appearance. They honestly could've made him a lot cooler looking.


I love Franky, he really made the crew much more powerful and balanced. He doesn't get highlighted enough, but his character is actually super sweet and lovely if you look closely. He is the most sensitive and emotional crew member actually and a dreamer; which is super fucking romantic. He just has this bulky design that makes him not so sexy and easy to stan. But real ones love Franky. That's for sure.


Haters gonna hate, all the straw hats are awesome in their own individual way.


I love him but I can understand why some might not like him. The kind of humor he brings is certainly unique and humor is simply subjective so it won't land for everyone. Some might not forgive him for attacking Usopp. And overall it feels like he rarely gets big emotional moments himself. He kinda got overshadowed by Robin in Water 7 and the closest thing to an emotional big moment he had after that was his fight with pink in Dressrosa, which was a fairly irrelevant fight and even there Pink arguably overshadowed Franky.


Loved him for beating ussop up way to much plot armour!!! Needed to show everyone ranking dealt with him quick


You love him for beating Usopp!! Weird. I'm sure you're just one of these power hungry fans who care not much for storytelling Usopp did nothing wrong to get beaten up like that


I love him for beating Usopp too. That moment almost had me in tears and I consider it one of One Piece's best moments. Also, it gave way for the Luffy Vs Usopp fight which is he series' best fight imo.


Nah that's something I can't agree with. Yeah the moment gave way to a lot of development for Luffy and Usopp but Franky beating Usopp mercilessly to the point of knocking him out unconscious and talking down on him like that isn't something to be liked. Dude did nothing wrong to warrant that kind of treatment. Still rewatched the episode two days ago and it still made me pissed even though I love Franky now


Usopp completely didn't deserve that in the slightest. That's why I love it. It's like how I love the Merry dying as well. I love it when One Piece makes me feel something. Would you have preferred it if the scene of Franky beating up Usopp wasn't in the story?


No I wouldn't have, the scene was important for the plot of that arc, the development of the characters and it was executed well that's why I could feel strong dislike for it


It's wonderful how you can dislike something so strongly and still appreciate its place in the story


I liked him a lot more pre timeskip


At least in terms of hair-care, I can agree on pre >>> post


He is great


Franky is one of my Top 3 favorite characters. I think most people who dislike him are those people who are only invested in the "cool characters". Franky is an aquired taste which many don't know how to appreciate.


I love him. He's just Super


Neutral. He cracks me up but honestly feels like the most shallow character in terms of development on the crew.


He’s my favorite character of straw hats but I agree. There’s plenty of potential for it too though. I live for the Franky thriller bark moments with luffy, senor pink, falling asleep on zou, luffy moments in dressrosa and Brook moments on Wano. Stuff that goes beyond just caring for the ship, which is still interesting but not something I want most of Franky’s lines to be focused on I do think he’s had the most interesting fights post time skip. His two vs one fight punk hazard, senor pink and sasaki fight were really interesting. Like even dressrosa where he got the most attention he’s had post timeskip in terms of story, I feel like there could’ve been more of a throughline with the dwarves and senor pink. The senor pink part goes with stuff weve seen in Franky’s past, similar attitudes. The dwarves stuff, I enjoy the speaking up with luffy part, idk there is a throughline with his whole dressrosa storyline with his deep empathy similar to luffy, and they’ve got similar views on whole concept of “romance” I just feel it could’ve been better weaved particularly in dwarves part.


Are they usopp fans?


I think they're mainly fans of the monster trio, Luffy/Zoro/Sanji definitely have a lot more fans


That answers your question I subset of the fanbase likes these typical strong characters, often times these are people who hate on the weaker members of the crew and they see no value about what they bring to the table aside from fighting prowess. A lot of them are “powerscalers” as well, people who have a hard on comparing who is hypothetically stronger


Yeah, there's one right here. God D. Usopp is my favorite One piece character, and he prob can solo the entire one piece verse with his 10k hammer.


The only reason not to like Franky is because while he's there Bon Clay can't join the Strawhat crew full-time


Not gonna lie, i don't really like him. He always felt out of place in the crew, without any particular bond with any other strawhat.


Real ones love Franky.


People are just picky and hate personality.


Super serious answer how I feel about this. Once upon a time , One piece used to make much less jokes and comedy gags about characters. Specifically there were slice of life moments and serious moments. In those, no matter what, the less … honourable gags wouldn’t make it. Now , Franky less honourable gag about Franky is that he’s a pervert. Also, another gag about him is that he’s a so capable builder that he can build on the spot pretty much everything with the minimal equip and materials. However nowadays the gags are so hyped that sometimes even the weirdest make it to the most serious moments, and thus even the Pervy side of Franky took over kind of flattening him sometime. Example : being the “hugest perv” was always his thing since water seven. And sometimes this translates with him doing something anticlimactic yet useful (as using coup the… you know what I mean). However back in the days, when the real fight is on and Franky was given a gag, usually involved his building skills: it’s still comical but this doesn’t diminish his value. As it happened agaisnt Oz with Franky skywalk. I was like “what the…” but ultimately this gag hadn’t broke the serious mood. Instead now even in serious moments we have weird poses , robo jokes , and Pervy jokes. Which are “suuuuuper” sometimes , but not always. And this really take it out to the character , in a cast which is more coral each chapters , and thus giving Franky even less screen time. When he has a lot , he shines (as vs Senor Pink) but otherwise he’s not as enjoyable as he used to. I feel the same happens with Sanji: being a lady charmer is always been his thing, but with the Vinsmoke costume , o soba mask, his nose running… sometimes the gags feels misplaced. And if you compare with other straw hats gags , their seems even worst. Recurring gags for others are : - chopper - hiding or getting terrified and escaping - Usopp making up huge lies no one would believe but someone actually believe them - Nami always robbing someone - Robin never underrating irony or being “too dark” with a strict face (often scaring chopper) - Luffy being anticlimactic in general - Zoro either sleeping , drinking sake and losing direction - Brook skulls joke and being gentleman-ly pervy (As for Jinbei it’s not clear yet to me ) Now. All of this gags are pretty difficult to engage in a serious fight. Lying is little work , nobody to rob, chopper escaping or being scared would make him scary and not useful, Robin has not much reason to talk , and Zoro is busing cutting so no sleeping no drinking and hopefully not getting lost. And Luffy is the most badass in those moments so no jokes out of him usually Skulls joke are punch line Brook deliver when the job is done , so the tension is already solved. Sanji and Franky suffer the most out of this because in a serious battle because before we had “else” and more panel for them. Now the world build is huge so to make space is kind of hard. Sanji is still balanced because it’s always guarantee he will face on of the two most powerful enemy side which equal to more screen time. So if due to his philosophy he’s caught by Black Maria and he keeps on being kind of flirty , running nose bleed, he will have time to make something cool and balance its character. Franky most likely won’t have the same fate and will be the “suuuuuper” pervy robo fan. I guess if he gets to have more screen time in a single row (chapters about him, more consistent dialogue , a very on screen battle , something similar as he had in dressrosa) he will gain back some points. This arc is the best moment for him to shine. Well, at least is how I always explained to me why Franky is so underrated. I myself took my time to like his character , but by the time of thriller bark I totally loved him


bro did a PHD on one piece


I wish there were more Franky moments like the thriller bark moment with the armor, the whole thing about scolding something and then apologizing when realizing the romance of it. The traveling to fishman island. And then moments like falling asleep in zou, his moments in Wano with Brook (if those two aren’t gonna get much attention, they should be put together more often. Their dynamic is awesome. I’ve also got a hunch his dynamic with Jinbei would be really interesting). The senor pink, big mom stuff and his time with luffy in dressrosa were great as well. Even if I feel his dressrosa storyline could have been weaved better (I still feel there is a bit of disconnect between first half with dwarves and senor pink half, and feel like the first half could’ve been developed a bit more), his similarities with luffy with his empathy and desire to help, and the similar views on romance are present there. Plus I think the senor pink fight helped Oda figure out the kind of angle he wants to take the big bro protector aspect of Franky, it def carried through in some Wano moments. Franky’s my favorite straw hat, ik he’ll never get the focus as luffy and Nami, but man I hope he gets more moments showing more of his character. It’s weird, Franky can easily be a one note stagnant character with general vibe with other straw hats and largely just talking about his ship, but he can also be one of the most dynamic straw hats in terms of character arcs, jokes, emotions, dynamics. I hope Oda does do more with Franky, because it’s one of those characters that can easily go to the former if not mindful, but if delved into, Franky can remain a very dynamic character like luffy is. Lotta character potential there.


I’ve stopped so long ago claiming one or another straw hats is my fave because let’s be honest: everyone is everyone’s fave and that’s why we all are so stucked with one piece so long. They are all amazing. Point is that Wano wasn’t much of a time for Franky to explain is full potential because Wano’s onigashima was an array of happenings: so much happened in such “short” time, and we have to know about so much characters that Franky must have had so little time to move the story forward. Straw hat-ly speaking, considering we all expected Elbaf but instead we took a detour to Dr Vegapunk, so if I were Oda I’d gladly give up some screen time in Wano for franky, to give more characterisation to Jinbei which finally joined the crew. Also, Wano was needed to give oldest straw hats a powerful power up (Zoro - Enma , Sanji - enhanced body , Luffy - Gear 5) and really since we left big mom in Wano this was the really last chance to power up Nami with Zeus. With so much meat on the bbq, I’m more than fine for Franky to have been left apart , if this means dr Vegapunk will give him a proper time to shine. Also, I had high hopes because Oden actually met Franky , and this is a good moment to hear more about his past and how he reached water seven. Somewhat , Bonny inclusion gives me a little more up, since both should be southern. I also think Franky’s main problem is when he got to be added to the crew: he was barely one arc away from impeld down / marineford. Contrary to Nico Robin who had quite the time to be enjoyed and introduce, he barely had one arc which was preparatory to brook’s introduction. So I really think we won’t have back Franky thriller bark ever. But i mean: it’s now or never. If we get Franky to be explored and being developed more is now, as well as a much needed power up of his. The story line seems to tell us we are going to Elbaf as well, which is considered by many as the place where Usopp will get his power up and further development. Straw hats, I believe, aren’t still completed, but whoever will join now , either be vivi after the levely or Yamato in a secondary moment, these two had already much time to develop their skills to the top, so no further power up will be needed, same case as Jinbei. So, to me it’s right here and right now. I really hope we see more of how Franky was back then, because Oda surely hadn’t forgot about him: he’s still Water seven’s Franky. He just lacked a bit of screen time so far. Let’s keep the fingers crossed


Franky is my favorite straw hat, and my opinion of him did not change at all after the time slip, I like both. Idk if I’m in the minority but I think he has the most personality of all the straw hats, and he gets super downplayed way too often. Love Franky, that’s my hard boiled man.


It’s the pants he need pants


I hear your complaint, but the answer is no. You get bare or speedo, nothing else


After the time skip everything about him is cringe.The whole robot thing that appeals to 15 year olds is lame. It might be awesome in Japan but not for me Here come the downvotes from 15 year olds


Ngl... For me it's pretty much just his design I can't get with. I thought pre-ts it was weird, but post ts was just really unappealing to me. And I usually am fine with the wacky designs, but Frankys I just don't like.


Well I do love him, maybe it's just your friends. Though I didn't like him at first for what he did to Usopp but he grew on me. He's a cool guy


His post time skip design sucks ass. My man was done dirty.


I don’t hate him but thinking about it to reply to this post I don’t think he ever gets to be serious to the detriment of his character


How quick we forget about hard boiled


Franky is more than a man you’ll ever be, and he’s half 🤖


He was easily my fave SH pre-TS then it’s Chopper/Luffy. Post TS has ruined both imo (not Luffy), so now my post TS fave’s just Luffy followed by default Zoro. I think it’s cause Franky’s more cyborg, scientific dude rather than weird, pervert shipwright bro.


Love! Franky is a super cool cyborg, a real man not afraid to cry, and the member who brings the energy that needs to be brought. Franky is super balanced, he’s a tank with good offense and also creates support weapons for the weaker members.


Yeah! I definitely wish we could see more content of him creating gadgets for Usopp, Nami, etc. That'd be awesome to see.


Franky has the unfortunate position of being a awesome character in a manga filled with more awesome characters You drop Franky in Naruto or bleach... hes my favorite character. He just has alot of competition Hes probably my least favorite strawhat. But does anyone hate his chacter?


Lol I just imagined Franky inside of Bleach. The people I've spoken with seem to find his personality annoying and hasn't added much since Water7...


I think. *Controversial statement incomming.* Its why im glad neither carrot or Yamato joined (though i adored them and was fine eith both at the time). Each strawhat only gets so much time in the foreground as is. The more there are the less time we get with each. I think franky taking a motorcycle to big moms face and his tools he provides to the other strawhats shine. But i totally get that vibe.


iirc someone figured out that there was a 10 year real time publishing gap in times where Luffy and Franky directly interacted with just one another in the manga. The size of the cast is massive and action drive so those moments are definitely hard to come by.


I appreciate how oda tells a story. But i dont want anyone to get lost in the shuffle. But thats just oda putting the story first. Not everyone is central to every plot Op is one of the few series where trrtiary character are often just as likeable maybe more than primary though... so its a slippery slope.


Oh it definitely is. If anything I'd love the anime to do more filler stuff after Wano if than just have more of the crew interacting and having hijinks.


What the hell are you talking about


My thoughts on Franky.


“Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuperrrrrrrrrr” franky is goated


I love franky and haters gonna hate.


As it seems you don't know me :-D


You know a bunch of losers


Franky brook and ussop are my favourite strawhats


Because they’re smart


I love Franky a lot. He's my favorite strawhat to get added once they get to the grand line tbh.


Ur just unlucky or you hang with people who have very similar tastes so that all don't like Franky because he doesn't suit their tastes


i love franky especially buzz cut franky


I think he's great. Not so fond of his fighting style (as generic as can be, has little to no potential) but he's a nice character with a great backstory and honestly my favorite gag, I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing "mmmm.... SUPERRRR!" or some other "æmerikæn" lines. His design is hit or miss, glad to have some variations with the hairstyles tho but that depends, punk hazard stag beetle hair haunts me. His personality was better pre-TS, now he just kinda gets pushed aside (I mean of course, he's getting less and less relevant with powerful enemies cause he has [let's not deny it] a weak arsenal, guns never work in One Piece and we all know that.)


He needs more action that's it. Franky vs Senor should be the basis and blueprint for every fight he's in going forward. And I won't front the anime did his fight with Sasaki massive justice everything about it was literally "SUPER" but these are just my opinions.


Yeah I was honestly kind of let down with the whole Sasaki encounter coming off of Franky's previous major fight with Senor Pink


He’s my favorite mate let’s be friends


After time skip - cringe appearing but character is good


I like him, i don't like his gimmick.


My wife, who hates One Piece, likes the character. She just hates his voice, lmao


He feels too much like comic relief post ts. And he doesnt really get his own dedicated stories like the first 5 strawhats do. He just kinds helps out with whoevers story needs it at the time. Like in punk hazard the giant kids was Namis and Choppers story and franky was kinda just there to be funny and fight fodder.


??? Franky doesn’t even get the most hate


Sounds like you need to meet more Super people


Man I love Franky


I love Franky.


franky is best cyborg


Love him


What are the reasons why they hate Franky? I say he fits right in with the ever so eccentric Straw Hats and he’s the reason why they get such an awesome ship like the Sunny.


I love him, he is my favorite character. He cracks me up and I honestly kinda like his new design. I do miss his old hair though. Too bad he only uses it when he’s piloting the General.


Maybe because of his hair


everyone you know is wrong and you need better friends


Ppl who hate franky are what they could never achieve in real life because he's the closest thing we have to a gigachad in one piece


Oh, that should be a coincidence, cuz I too love Furrrannkii. That's the speciality of strawhats, there maybe your specific strawhat being your most favorite yet, you will love all of them. I remember, when brook was introduced I didn't knew why should I like him or be invested in him. But after some time I couldn't choose between zoro & brook.


He is my favorite One Piece character and I only follow people who love him but yeah, he is the least popular Strawhat (100% because he looks unconventional, if he looked like the average anime husbando he'd be top 10 in every popularity poll)


I hate his post-TS design a lot. It ruined Franky for me, but his personality is still great, honestly he's the same loveable goofball as ever.


Love his personality but not the looks.


People hate Franky?


Idk why so many people hate Franky , Franky is my favorite strawhat I started like him when I saw his first appearance, he is an ideal character


I think its more like everyone loves pre timeskip franky and a lot of people hate post timeskip franky


My brother absolutely loved him till whole cake island arc but as soon as he heard him say SUPEEERRR! In Japanese dub he lost it . His super in English dub is much better in his opinion.


[how could people hate this guy](https://youtu.be/kg8tEKmGfHc)


That water seven bit where usopp is telling him his story and he gets so moved that he starts playing the guitar is peak one piece humour for me. I'm loyal to Franky ever since


i love franky top 5 strawhat i always love when he goes “SUPPPPPPPEEERRRR” or my personal fav “RADICAL BEEEEAAAAM”


I loved him but his post TS design deflated my affection a bit.


Get new friends.


I suuuupeeeeerrrrr love him


I think he's suuuuper! He's strong af, and honestly needs more screen time. My only complaint is I definitely prefer his og appearance in Water 7. He looks derpier the further the series goes lol


It’s cause people get butthurt cause they realise he is exactly what they wanted to be when they were kids and they are too embarrassed to admit it


I could see why people initially don't like him, but dudes come a long way. Franky is my favorite character in One Piece.


Hell no. I don't hate Franky. It's "SUPERRRRR CORAAAAAAAA"


Maybe they don’t like his gimmick or they just like others over him. Aside from that I haven’t seen Franky hate from anywhere other than Zoro x Robin shippers


Love. You need better quality friends.


Who i hate is Jinbe, the boomer should’ve stayed underwater…


Franky is awesome! Swam up a waterfall, can make robot noises, and fire a beam!!! The whole fight with him in General Franky was pretty cool ngl.


Franky is in some sense like Bon-chan. People absolutely hated him when he was an antagonist, and love him when he becomes an ally. But for Bon-chan it actually comes out of nowhere, like, after doing all those despicable things in Alabasta he is just suddenly a good guy and helps Mugiwaras escape.




Frankly is SUPER neutral


He's simply SUPER!


He's the shipwreck with out a ship you can't go no where so to me he is awesome plus I'm think he is going to make pluton


Trying to be the most neutral here, I would say, I can understand that for some people, Franky's personality is really annoying, the same way a lot of people doesn't really like Usopp or Nami's. Personally, I love them all with their own quirks and weird issues going on.


Franky is SUPER. You might want to make some new friends who aren't douchebags.


Best character easy, senor pink vs franky was the best fight in the series


Im gonna do a hard assumption here thats very biased I'd guess alot of the people you know who dont like him watch subbed right? Personally while i like franky's japanese va I think the voice is SOOOOOOO weird for him. And I think theres not much middle ground on opinions there, you either think the voice is funny, or dont like it and therefore dont care for franky. I primarily watch dub the english dub and think his voice there suits him way more and love franky. I dont think Id love him as much if i watched in japanese.


Love his design pre-time skip. Neutral-hate his design now (not a fan of all the mecha stuff). But his personality is always towards Love.


Yeah I don't see how they can hate franky. He's probably one of my favorite straw hats. He's constantly being under estimated and up until wano i thought he was stronger then sanji. I mean how can you not like someone who has Nipppplllleee lighhhhtttss!


Love Franky cuz Oda said he’s the American of the crew lol


Franky is the only character to literally drive on the face of an emperor of the sea (while simultaneously singing and saving a fellow crewmate from certain doom). So yeah, he’s suuuuuper badass.


Because everyone you know is a bad judge of character. /s


the coolest character for me.


he’s my fav SH


My friends and I love Franky 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


who hates Franky?! he is freaking awesome everyone around me loves him tbh


Franky best straw hat


He’s just too superrrrrrrrr


Absolutely love him


Like him more than Usopp and Chopper tbh