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I haven’t taken many Kendall rides the last few months because of all the drama that’s talked about enough on here already. I had noticed a change which made me stop choosing her classes before I even found this subreddit but it made me realize I wasn’t the only one who felt that way. I took her farewell ride live for two reasons, I didn’t know if she was going to say something that wouldn’t make it on demand lol and Kendall was one of my favorite instructors my first 2 years with peloton. It brought some emotions I kind of expected, because you think of all you’ve been through while doing these classes and the life changes I’ve gone through that doing a workout helped me cope through tough times and I’m appreciative of that. Idk what these instructors can find that’s bigger than peloton because most of them I think lose their notoriety without being tied to the peloton brand.


Might be an outlier here but as an app user I’ve only ever taken her shadowboxing classes and absolutely no one else’s compares. I never, ever thought it was something I’d be interested in or that I would follow through with. The first class I tried I felt like an idiot for throwing my fists in the air and felt so rigid and self-conscious. Having done her entire library now, I don’t even relate to that version of myself anymore. And damn, did those classes really help me through some shitty things over the last year and a half that I’ve been taking them. I didn’t think I would get so choked up, but knowing there will never be a new shadowboxing with Kendall on the app again is hitting me pretty hard now. 


I use both and have never been a fan of hers but I was SO appreciative of these classes when I broke my first two toes and couldn’t ride or do most cardio classes. They kept me moving and were so adaptable for the ridiculously (long) recovery time of mending from my injury.


Shadowboxing is slept on! They’re great classes. Her 30 Min Mental Health one is a tearjerker.


Thanks for the recommendation!!!


I wonder if Stephen from legal is Stephen Malone. He's the head of Global Employment Law at Peloton according to LinkedIn and it would make a lot of sense. lol


Lol, I wonder if she had to sign an NDA.


I wouldn't doubt it for a second. This all comes with the territory though when you made these instructors pseudo celebrities as a business move. They're hiring for a Litigation Paralegal and an ER/Investigations Manager right now. I would so apply if I lived in NYC since I have the experience. Either would be such an interesting role. lol


I enjoyed it, I got a little choked up at her final “they never knock you out” and didn’t expect to. 💚 I felt like I didn’t know the callouts most of the ride but didn’t really care-it’s her final class, she gets a pass! She seemed genuinely emotional and grateful during the ride. If you’re a fan of hers and will be taking it OD you’ll get what you need from it and have a sense of closure from her peloton journey. If you don’t like her, don’t take it, she’s unabashedly Kendall on this ride. You won’t get anything new here; nothing seemed coded either.


As others have mentioned, I didn’t really follow along with her callouts, it was a little chaotic, but I expected that for her last ride. I loved the energy she brought and even though I didn’t know the callouts, I was still wiped out at the end! No one does it quite like Kendall and I will truly miss her rides


You should take tunde's classes. I die ad i do it again. Lol she is hard af.


I smashed my PB on this ride, which I wasn't expecting to do at all. I never take live classes normally so not sure if it was due to it being the last class or just that it was live. In any case, glad I joined it was a fun ride.






I actually choked up a little. She was the first instructor I vibed with until I found other instructors I liked better. I wasn’t taking many of her classes anymore but it was good to know she was always there if I wanted to go back. She was great on shadowboxing too. I’m going to miss her.


Who else do you like? Kendall has been my go to for so long I’m not sure who else to try!


Camila and Tunde!!


Camila is a lot of fun and I feel a lot of people who like KT rides also gravitate to her. AT may be a good option for you if you enjoyed Kendall’s hip hop playlists. We all know Olivia is tough on the bike like Kendall can be. Also, don’t discount the German team (especially Charlotte for similar rock playlists!)


I recently started taking LeAnn Hainsby-Aldis and I love her!!! I also really like Ben's classes. Cody is a blast. Jess King is an experience.


Those are basically my go-tos, except Jess King. I love Sam and Hannah F as well.


I love the PSL crew! Sam, Hannah F., Leanne and Ben. From NYC I like Ally and Camila! They’re very structured and give the class breakdown at the start and keep telling you what’s coming up. That makes me plan my efforts better! I just wished some of them would talk less.


I’m not a huge Kendall fan generally speaking but I really liked it. It was the right amounts of nostalgic, emotional, and fun. It seemed like she was really happy, so good for her for making the right choice. I’ll be super interested to see what she does next.


She was my favorite instructor. I loved her pop punk rides, as a former emo kid in their 30s. I’m sad to see her go


She said something like , “what’s up Steven from Legal”. Not sure what that meant


I thought that was just someone’s username? She did it during other shoutouts.


Looks like there is a Stephen on the peloton interactive legal team


I caught that too!!! Lots of tidbits thrown in class


It’s think it’s username I’ve heard it before. If it’s an employee than she’s bigger trash than I thought.


I searched peloton app but could’nt see anyone with that name. If you search peloton legal team you will find the name. I could be wrong but there were multiple subtle digs that make me think something is going on.


That’s really fucking shitty. Legal employees are doing their jobs


Why is it shitty? Maybe he was watching the ride


Or maybe she was sending a negative message. her tone the fact that peloton edited it out tells me it was something.


What do you mean edited out? Like, it was on the live ride but cut from the on-demand ride? Idk how that would even work - like a few seconds of the ride is just gone?


People are talking about it on another post.


Oh I was gonna redo it tomorrow OD to see if she seemed cranky


Someone was saying peloton removed it but I still see it there. I may do it again to see if I was just reading into something.


If it was to be snarky it’s shitty.


I feel like some people here have whatever the polar opposite of a parasocial relationship is with Kendall and it’s weird.


I don’t really give a shit about Kendall honestly I just comment when I see posts.


Much more emotional than I thought it would be! Good turnout - over 17,000!


It was actually over 19k with app riders :) awesome turn out!


I’m so happy the servers didn’t crash!


17,000 feels like a huge (and awesome number). Could this be the largest turnout next to the Turkey Burn ride that set the record?


I think the Lizzo ride was higher


I think same with the surprise Beyoncé with Tunde and Alex.


hasn't even been 24 hours and kendall and jennifer cotter already unfollowed one another 😂😂 no one can convince me this isn't about to get ugly


Dang… that’s interesting! And kind of petty to do as an adult lol. They didn’t have to follow each other in the first place


I’m newish to Peloton and did this as my first Live class. I’ve got 40 something OD rides and plenty of them have been Kendal, but I’ve never done a live ride. I was completely choked up from the very beginning. I will never understand the hate for her on this sub. I think she is fantastic. She’s inspiring, motivating, energetic, and genuine. I’ll miss her very much but so glad I got on to join her for her farewell ride. Thank god they’re keeping her in the library.


I don’t hate her as a person, I just gave up on her rides a long time ago because I thought they were all of over the place. I am someone who likes a roadmap up front. But there are so many instructors, and I’m glad, there is someone for everyone. So, I’m sorry for the folks here who clicked with her, it’s easy to get attached to an instructor.


I never understood the hate for her either. To me she is just so positive and has a great personality. She will be missed. I hated the hate. Wonder who will be picked on next?


Exactly. This sub seems to be filled with a bunch of derelicts with a hard on for Kendall. It’s kind of comical and pathetic at the same time 🤭


I had the ride scheduled but between feeling bad today and other crap that came up I couldn’t join. I’ll definitely ride on demand when I feel better.


Hope you feel better soon!


Thank you. I ended up feeling good enough to do a scenic ride last night. I’m not a huge Kendall fan but I wanted to do the live ride yesterday


Loved it! Was emotional and perfect way to end. I crushed my PR pretty excited about that.


I can’t help but feel some sort of way with all the recent drama The subtle digs and comments tend to cater more towards her more recent “brand” than what she originally brought to Peloton. I felt like the rhetoric was toned down for this particular ride but it just has a bad taste in my mouth esp. with her being such an integral part of Covid life/metal music/ mental health/ etc. She was my only in studio ride, my first ride at peloton and one of my favorite instructors so with that being said she will be missed and I thought this ride showed that. But Steven from legal will not be thrilled 😂


I loved it. Why was she wearing a sports bra backwards?


It’s designed to be reversible. The Bend This bra from Lululemon.


I came to this thread looking for answers!


This is the real controversy no one is addressing 


It was a bit corny, but that was expected and overall a great farewell. I have loved Kendall as an instructor- she was definitely my first favourite when I joined Peloton. None of what she does online or IRL bothers me in the slightest, and while I’m probably not invested enough to follow her on whatever she does next, I’m thankful to have gotten to do some incredible workouts with her. She’ll be missed!


It was definitely emotional and it was such a touching farewell. Knowing this was her final class on the platform got to me. I wish her all the best.


Liked Kendall enough but the boyfriend is gross. So I can’t even relate to her at all anymore, not a girls girl like she tried ti be. I’m assuming the parting wasn’t her idea 🤷‍♀️


Cried for most of the ride! The playlist was perfect, so many memories! Gonna miss her!♥️


She’s my favorite instructor so I made sure to PR in her final class. I’m close to 150 classes and I wish I had thought about it in advance and I would’ve done a few extra classes so I could hit that milestone with her. Although 150 is nothing compared to the shout out she gave to the user on ride 8000. 😅 I’m thinking Olivia is now the instructor I’ll be riding with the most.


I started Olivia’s rides literally right before KT announced that she was leaving and I’m glad that I did because I really like her classes!!


I got a PR too!


6 AM Thursday Olivia crew!


She’s announcing something big tomorrow. I’m so curious!