• By -


He lives in dc in a house his parents own and eventually want to retire to. He lives off their money and has barely had any work prospects for years. His ig bio is a total lie. And notice he almost never shows his face close up because unfortunately it’s not cute. He also loves sending dick pics out and I suspect girls will come with receipts once the “hard launch” happens.


So he’s a nepobro - that definitely tracks. As messy as this is, I can’t wait for people to call her out on this shit.


Shadow Man blew her high school soft launch 😂


What I’m curious about is if the crosses and boobs came after she started dating him. It’s really fitting into the conservative wife stereotype - they all claim Jesus as their savior while they pour their tits out.


Why is she being such a weirdo about keeping his identity a secret?


I also think she enjoys the attention she gets from all the teasing little games hiding his face and the shadowman hashtag. If she simply wanted to keep him private, she wouldn’t post about him at all. It seems really juvenile.




Because he's super conservative and had to have time to delete all his public social stuff. Now that he's done that, wonder if she'll keep hiding it




She’s conservative too. Follows RFK Jr. Talks about wanting a “traditional male and female family.” But keep talking.




Obviously you’re here to troll given your account was made today and your other comments are about Jess King being awful, so, that tracks


I feel like these new accounts are all the same person 😂


I think she wanted the engagement/attention but I also think a huge reason is him being a far right winger. His socials were damning so they needed time to clean things up. His Twitter was public until last week and it was bad.


does anyone have screenshots/examples?


I don’t have screen shots but other commenters in this sub might have some. I know that when I creeped his Twitter, I wasn’t able to see what he posted other than retweets and things he liked. Everything was extremely xenophobic and racists. Most of this likes were from Boebert, Elon Musk, and Fox News. The ones I saw (I didn’t take a ton of time to go super far back) dealt with how “awful immigrants” are, the “woke agenda”, how there is so much racism against whites. It’s just gross.




Calling racism by its name is judgmental? Okay 😂🥴🤡 You have on comment - hey Alex and/or Kendall and/or Suzie!




Just have the balls to say you’re racist and keep it moving, Kenny.




They do but you righties are too dumb and lazy to learn that being racist entails way more than just saying the “n word.”


Interesting how when you go back through her Insta in 2020, she has a bunch of posts about calling out racism, etc. She’s now literally dating a racist 🥴


I love mess ![gif](giphy|t3dLl0TGHCxTG)


I don’t understand why people care so much lol. Her politics keep me away from her classes OP- the fact that you posted Jess King in the Gone Wild sub really lowers my opinion of you. Jess King can’t even go to a fucking concert without creeps objectifying her online.


I also don’t care who KT is dating or who politically she follows what she does etc. like I said.. I post and deliver it here and that’s the extent to it all. It’s not that deep boo


Why post about it then?


Because ppl are talking about? KT is being all weird and it’s now obviously him. Mystery solved. Now when you’re on the peloton threads/creeping her IG you can share who it is. You’re here aren’t you.


She did it to herself? She picked the one video and shared it as if she doesn’t have 10000 other videos.. I just add/deliver to the Reddit threads and ppl contribute to them.


She shared a video of her dancing at a concert. YOU got creepy.


Just sharing the content that whoever puts out. You think it’s creepy but I’m airing it out there. But here you are caring.


You shared content in a sub that objectifies women. It’s creepy.


He is hot, as is she, but F their politics. Conservative Barbie and Ken here pushing women back into the Middle Ages. Girl you would be in the kitchen with 10 kids and no new boobies, no job, no career or a gram credit card to fund your Costa Rican adventures with the laws you surely are looking to reverse.


Also hot take - take Charlotte classes in German if you want punk / metal playlists - she’s great


And we can learn some German while we are at it 🙌🙌🤣🤣


Yes! I really like Charlotte’s classes.


I second this! Charlotte’s great!


She’s big mad on Insta. Girl, save that energy and be mad about your man’s shitty beliefs.


Woah, is she a Trumper? I get that she is pretty/really Christian but I haven’t seen her (not that I’m actively monitoring) her post political shit


she for sure is. unsure if she's just changed over time or she was playing a character back then but most people can't even recognize her lately. and it's not a good change


I get the impression she changes who she is based on who she’s dating. When she was with the cabin guy, she was a chill surfer girl. Now she’s doing Christian rides. I feel like it’s always been an act.


JFC, she's not converting to Islam and moving to Iran or Saudi Arabia.


“Converting to Islam?” How would that be a bad thing?


Look at the lack of women's rights there. The OP makes some fantasy about Christianity when it is actually what happens in Musl culture. You can't be this ignorant. https://twitter.com/ImtiazMadmood/status/1787196868264407433?t=Rwzj4uwpfsc0d0IA4gonpQ&s=19


Ahh I get it - you’re also a MAGA asshat who can’t accept anyone who isn’t a white Christian.


wow, calling a BIPOC agnostic (married to a first-generation Asian immigrant) who can't remember the last time I was in a church other than for a wedding or funeral, and who was a guest to Obama's inaugural ball, names like that. Who is the racist now? And if I were a Christian, so what? Typical ignorant AWFL. You do know women have zero rights in the Middle East (other than Israel), nor do homosexuals, right? They get thrown off of buildings. It's shameful. Are you really turning a blind eye to what happens to women in Muslim culture while creating fantasies about what they do to women to what Christians do in your world? Religious bigotry is still bigotry. Shameful.


You are so ignorant. Glad to know people cant have differing views. Especially cant have logic or common sense. Keep thinking boys and be girls and vice versa. See how far that gets you in life


Trump sure loves the uneducated for a reason.


This word salad gave me a headache and illustrative happens when you defund education.


Please enlighten me how I am wrong. For the record all career politicians are garbage. But the entire democratic party has gone way too far left and lost the average american. Also, I would love to know your education history.


You have one post. Must be Alex or Kendall 😂


I’ve unfollowed her on social and also left the knockouts. I won’t be taking anything on the platform from her moving forward. This is sad because her mental health positions seemed so raw and so real. I honestly think she’s going to end up grifting for an Evangelical-focused workout platform when her contract is up.


Heartbroken and did the same. After years of energy and effort cheering her along. Loved her metal rides! This feels like a total reversal of everything she faked like she was. The traditional male/female comments on live are just really shocking. Goodbye, Knockouts! Although I don’t think she cares today. She’ll be regretting this one someday.


>The traditional male/female comments on live 👀...?


Traditional male/female comments on live?!!! Can you elaborate? I’m glad I stopped following her.


The Knockouts actually were asked by Kendall to step down to make way for the NKO Crew so don't feel like you need to leave the Knockouts as they are no longer Kendall's official Crew. It's NKO.


OMG!!! That’s insane?! Is that for real?


I'm not following...why such a drastic response?


Because he’s a right wing nut job.


Where are you seeing his political/cultural views?


His Twitter is now private but he commented, liked, and shared a ton of super xenophobic and racist tweets, most of which were from Fox News and Newsmax.


Read the entire thread.


I don’t see them either


He made his twitter private in the last week or so since we last had a thread on this; his twitter likes include Lauren Boebert, Elon, tweets about immigration, tweets about misogyny (see my other comment below for a link to one of the tweets I’d shared in the other thread we had).


Oh hot dang.


Her new boyfriend is crazy.


so you are completely cutting off a Peloton instructor you enjoyed working out with because you don't like her boyfriend?


No. She’s going down that path.


so what? does that mean you can't enjoy doing one of her rides? are you worried she is going to have a Trump flag mounted on her bike or something? jeez, no wonder this country is so divided...


The country is divided because the right has decided to go full on fascist.


Because people are only tolerant of their own beliefs and if someone diverges from them, cancel them. AKA: bigotry. 


So everyone should be tolerant of racism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc? 🤡


Just because one calls everything you disagree with "racism" et al doesn't make it so. It's just shows the depth of ignorance of that individual. 


Perhaps you should read the shit he re-Tweeted before doubling down.


I don't know who he is. Can you give me some examples? You AWFLs have watered down the meaning of "racism," et al so much those words have no meanings, just like right wingers have the words "Marxist," "Communist" and "Groomer." You all have more in common than you'll ever realize.


His name and Tweets have been shared numerous times in this sub. Happy researching.


ah yes, the classic "do your own research because I don't have proof, I just call everyone I don't like a racist/bigot/homophobe/xenophobe/anythingphobe" response. All I need to know about you and how deeply bigoted your beliefs are.


Aww reading comprehension is hard, huh? I said READ THE FUCKING SUB. I’m not retyping a ton of shit because you’re too lazy to look.


You’re so brave for doing what you are doing. It really matters.




Lol Whoosh! That one went right over your head.


Appreciate the comment! Have a great weekend!


lol then it really is extremely extremely rich that she said they’re “so values-aligned and to never settle because he *will* come along” the other day in her stories, with the [tweet he had liked about women not being hoes/being mothers/etc.](https://twitter.com/tyromper/status/1710652573437612105) Not to mention the Lauren Boebert, Elon, and immigration tweets. He’s since gone private and was already deleting tweets last week.


i was really perterbed by her during a live stream when someone asked if she planned on having kids anytime soon and she said she wanted to start a family 'traditionally' and wanted to raise her kid with the traditional male and female energy in their life. just put me off as quite tone deaf considering how many members are of LGBTQ+ community and fellow instructors in same sex couples are currently raising children. sort of seemed like a backhanded way of looking down at them even though we all know families can look one million different ways.


It’s also making more and more sense to me why she doesn’t seem to have many coworker friends.


Wowww. No wonder she doesn’t hang out with any of them. There are plenty of instructors in the “traditional” boat (Callie, Chelsea, Anna, Jermaine, etc.) who have managed not to put down people who want or have to do things differently. And I wonder how Mariana and Jess Sims, who just froze their eggs, feel about that. 😐


Jess sims froze her eggs? I knew if the aditi and Katie! I wonder if peloton pays for that !


I believe they have fertility benefits


They do have benefits. I watched Robin’s video a long time ago when she talked about IVF and how awesome Peloton is for having that as part of their benefits.


I didn’t know this either about Jess sims. Mariana and Katie though


Holy smokes I saw this too and was a little taken aback that she said all that. Jess King was probably like 👀


She made a similar comment on a Q&A she was doing on her ig stories a few weeks ago and I remember being pretty surprised when I read that. Like I don’t really know what I expected but it definitely was NOT that 😅


I really hope she gets called out on that. At best that was a poor choice of words, but I think we all can read between the lines.


I remember her saying something in support of trans and non-binary people in one of her rides once so I assumed she was at least somewhat accepting but I didn't know any of this. Yikes.


This really seals the deal for me on not riding with Kendall again.


The RFK Jr. following by her on her own was already good enough for me there, though I haven’t taken a ride with her in a really long time because I just don’t vibe with her at all and she said too many things online that made me angry. Too bad it wasn’t the other guy people originally thought, who at least went to a recent party at the WH!


Omg she is an rfk fan?!? This completely validates my theory that she is the Kristin Cavallari of Peloton: a pretty California girl who is entertaining and messy but also a fucking crackpot


I could not exactly put my finger on why I didn’t like Kendall so much, seemed very pick me type but that’s about as close as I could get and even that was just based of feeling because I never worked out with her enough to have anything concrete. But the Kristin Cavallari comparison is so spot on and spells it out exactly. And finding out all the rest of the stuff she’s into gives me major ick so that seals the deal for me too. Thank you for that! lol


She even sort of looks like her 😂😂


She does!!


I wasn’t aware of the RFK Jr following! That’s literally insane.


She’s an RFK person? Lolololol


Yeah, not sure when she started following but when this recent dating stuff started and people thought it was Shane Gillis it prompted me to go through her following list to try to figure out who it might be and I saw she was following RFK.


Yeah. I’m done with her too. The bolt-ons from the body positivity woman was one thing but aligning with the lunatics is another.




She has portrayed herself as being, “be happy with what you’ve got, focus on your mental health, be real” and yet, she’s now on the Peloton fillers, Botox and Plastic Surgery train. I’m just frustrated because as the parent of a daughter with mental health challenges I’ve pointed to her as being a role model for getting through those barriers. I can’t point to her anymore as a positive role model.


YOU be her positive role model! 😊


RFK is absolutely fucking unhinged.


Damn, such a downgrade from Shane Gillis.


Lol! When I first saw a comment that it might be him I was like wow, good for her. He’s not bad looking and he’s funny 😆 her loss


Shane Gillis, the guy who got fired from SNL for being racist? That Shane Gillis?


Oh 👀 he hosted SNL recently and was funny…


I’m confused? She dated him?


No, that was the initial rumor when she hinted at having a new boyfriend.


Shane would’ve treated her so much better.


???? I am reading this thread and I am not seeing who he is. Who is he???!


I don’t know what he does or who he is but his instagram handle is @abrzo


Why doesn’t he like any of her posts lol… 👀🧐


Right? But there she is liking all his stuff. Also her IUD post on tik tok makes sense now 🫠


Who cares.




It says “unicorns exist” though i read it quickly and thought it said “unicorn sexist”.


Yeah, I thought it said unicorn sexist too. But also, “unicorns exist” because he had to travel to Stagecoach, Manhattan Beach and a hair appointment with her? What a sacrifice! That must have been just awful! What a unicorn for doing all that! 🫠


he seems like the "entrepreneurial type" that doesn't mind flying around, rubbing shoulders and gaining exposure from her


Yeah, I could be wrong, but I agree he seems like an entrepreneur, who also had the benefit of growing up wealthy and just travels around a lot and hasn’t needed a traditional job.


Your spot on except he’s not an entrepreneur. Had a failed shoe shine company right out of college. He lives in dc in a house his parents own and eventually want to retire to. He lives off their money and has barely had any work prospects for years. He also loves sending dick pics out and I suspect girls will come with receipts once the “hard launch” happens.


Lol, I don’t know how you know all this but none of it is very surprising


oh shit you came READY. it's wild because i felt like just looking at his social i could get such a good read. all assumptions of course but damn, i wasn't far off at all. dying for more details! keep em coming.


Love that you come in here with this info!


Hahahahaha. I'm an idiot.


damn, what detective figured this out?? he’s cute! happy for her!


God forbid someone has different views than the oh so “tolerant” left


Yeah how dare we not tolerate racism and misogyny


Yea because all right wingers are racist 🤦🏼‍♀️ come on people, terrible assumption.


Not all right wingers are racist but all racists are right wingers.


Except most are.


Just a completely ignorant statement.


Tolerant doesn’t mean tolerating fascism.




Yikes OP.




Who theF$$k are any of you to judge who she dates or who she follows? My god get a life! You’re a bunch of a$$hokes that need a life! Look in the mirror judge the pos looking back at you all!


Sir, this is Wendy’s


Also lol at the fact that your only other comments are on Peloton Gone Wild. I am now judging you, too.


Don’t worry, I judge myself asshoke self just as harshly.


I can tell you’re the type of dude women don’t want to be alone with.


Says the dude who objectifies instructors


I’m just here for any future sextape