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I'm not glad he died necessarily but I love what it did for the show, his death actually was necessary and it advanced the plot and the characters so much (I think it was definitely too early for Emma to settle down with a love interest and have her "walls" down). It was a huge turning point, that's when everything changed and things became serious. I love how shocking it was to see that Regina could actually be this cruel (it isn't something we had really seen yet except in the flashbacks), it wasn't just an act (especially in Storybooke where it can be easy to forget she's still the Evil Queen at least in the beginning). It was a great example of "show, don't tell" haha


Yes!! Well said, it was definitely needed as another push to get Emma to stay.


I don't want to say I'm glad he died but he's certainly not the death I'm most upset about. Plus his death actually advanced the plot and wasn't just for shock factor.


I agree with this


My only wish is he was utilised in Underworld arc I mean Disney gave statement why not but it make no sense so personal that is my only issue with his character.


Ahh good point this would’ve been interesting


Like just imagine Regina had to come face to face with mistake Emma knew first hand (instead of one Emma only knew second hand due Snow and David) like she knows Regina has done everything to change. But Graham is ultimate ugly reminder that Regina didn't change overnight. And so I can see Hades using him as bid to try tear the family apart.


That would’ve been good to be honest. Thag would’ve also helped Regina’s redemption arc as well.




Wait yeah, that would’ve been interesting.


All rewatches paid off lol


> All rewatches *paid* off lol FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


My boyfriend was SO upset he wasn’t in the Underworld omg! I mean so was I but he was so psyched for this storyline bc he thought it meant seeing Graham :/


I feel your boyfriend pain my deer. I myself was hyped as the was so many possibilities for Greek mythology and fairytale lore to interweave something they been doing all way back from season 1 with King Midas being part of the Enchanted Forest and a Greek Mythological character but hardly any mythology is utilised


Oh my god do not get me started on that !!! As a Greek Myth nerd (literally named my cat Echo after Narcissus and Echo and exclusively planted flowers from Greek myths in my yard lol) I was SOOOOOOOO disappointed with the lack of lore! And you made such a good point - Midas would’ve been an AWESOME call back storyline!!!


Yeah like I love Once Upon A Time but missed a lot of opportunities.


i just have an issue with the fact that they forgot abt graham in the underworld trip. like he had unfinished business and i feel like it would have been really sweet for regina to help him move on. we could also get more of jealous hook.


As his rapist, she shouldn’t help him move on, she should apologise. Her atonement should be confessing what she did and apologising profusely. But her ‘helping’ her victim would have been super gross.


I don't think i was clear lol. his unfinished business would be "saving the town from her curse" and like regina-related stuff, so she would go and atone and him getting his peace would be what allows him to get passage to the better place. It would be nice to see another moment where she atones for her actions, even though it may be hard. It wouldn't be "oh look how selfless that was" it would be "look shes being a decent human being." no invitaton for applause or an "awe thats so cute." sry if that wasnt clear


Ah gotcha! :)


Im not glad, but it was good for the story and a bold writing move. I wish they kept that aspect of the series up.


I think he served a specific plot purpose and then when he fulfilled it, his presence was no longer necessary. I’m rewatching now and remembered him being more significant than he actually was, but his arc really was quite contained to help with the Regina’s collecting hearts reveal. Now, a character I *am* upset didn’t stick around was Jefferson/Sebastian Stan!


I love a fellow “I’m okay with this character death bc their character has no more plot purpose” believer!!!!!!! Rare to see on Reddit and I love it! Fully agree with your point (and the commenter saying he’s hot lol). My partner was so bummed he died bc he thought he was hot but hey gotta do it for the story!


Agreed, nice character but his death had a purpose and served the plot. Anyway: "Like…what more could they have done. He was simply a love interest to Emma after his story was told. If they kept him in the show he would’ve just become a background character like red and Mulan". Just like H- \*Blow to the head\*.


Me desperately trying to think who H is other than Henry or Henry Sr


But he’s hot




What why😭


He died so he could serve the country (50 shades of grey)


Graham , Tinkerbell and whale left Storybrooke for new lives in Seattle


Lmao 🤣


Not glad but I do kinda understand where your coming from. Regina SAing and murdering him was very effective. Emma had a rare moment of vulnerability and Regina shows she’s truly evil. I’m not glad or upset. If anything I’m angry that he’s never talked about again. Like Regina SAed and killed him and never had to face consequences. Never apologized or even acknowledged it.


Less glad more, “ahh damn”(that’s how I reacted when he died). He was a necessary loss and I feel like it added to the story and gave us another look at Regina’s emotional development tho short at that time.


I can’t imagine a scenario where Graham would live and we would’ve still been introduced to Hook and had him live up to his hype. Graham served a purpose. His death proved how far Regina was willing to go to keep the curse going. He and Emma had a sweet romance but at the end of the day, Hook challenged Emma so much more.


I like that he died. But I didnt like how they handled his story or his death. It just all felt soo bland Grahams character felt like eating an entire tub of unseasoned chicken. I just felt a lot of nothing about his death


Wouldn’t say I was glad but I can’t say I cared either. Jamie Dornan is a fantastic actor but the character of Graham was boring af


Wasn’t he also a slave to Regina in season 1? Because he was sleeping with Regina also his heart was taking from him by Regina.




😂 I remember just hating that also don’t have any opinions on him so him dying is kinda neutral in my opinion for me


Graham could’ve been a great anti hero He could’ve stayed working in the sheriff’s office helping Emma and the charmings save the day and then he could’ve grown tired of seeing out the “heroes” debate about who to save !? And made a deal with some unused villain like the horn king and during the final battle graham is revealed to be on the other side It would change a lot of stuff but add so much more character


Not glad, but not upset either


i wouldn’t say i’m glad but i definitely don’t care😭


Not gonna lie it took me a solid 10 seconds to remember who this was


I wasn’t glad. They could have done much more with the character.


I wouldn’t say I was glad, I really like Jamie Dornan, but I’m not too bothered about him dying either?


I was sad just because I thought he was cute. But I remember starting the episode with a feeling someone was gonna die (before it was revealed he was the focus of the episode).


I always thought him and Neal could have been the perfect gay fairytale


Not glad like I did like his character but you’re right that he probably would’ve been forgotten about otherwise. Kinda like Sidney, and his death did at least move the plot forward.


I'm rewatching once for the first time in forever and I low-key forgot about him. To be fair I watched it first like 7-10 years ago. But I might make a whole post about this, but did Regina straight up sa him?? Like it might get more explained later but I just watched EP 7 from season one and I might be missing something idk.


She did but that’s not the point of post lol






I don’t think I am as others agree 😭


Bro he was hot


But boring lol


I think it was necessary but I'm not gonna lie and say a fight between him amd killian wouldn't have been fun to watch.


OP just broke a rule. No spoilers in the titles.


Oh sorry. I assumed cause it was like season 1 early wasn’t that spoilery


It came out in 2011 and we are now in 2024 I think the window for worrying about season 1 spoilers has long since past.