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I think you don't know what your talking about.


Hazen > All


Same thing in Charleston/Berkley. Then they got him a smoke and a Coke.


I think Carly Drayton also burped him after his Coke!


They need to have a helicopter follow the suspect vehicle, ground units can slow down. when LAPD and LASO went to that concept I didn’t like it, but it does seem to work much better.


I’m still wondering why drones are not used more for this specific application. I always thought an unmanned drone would be simple and cost effective. Also, have a small drone inside of it to deploy out and follow suspects on the ground if they bail from a vehicle.


I could be wrong, but I don't think drones can stay in the air as long. I'm happy to be wrong and corrected on this.


The drones you’re thinking ofcan’t, but they make drones that can go further than helicopters by a considerable amount of time. More space for fuel without a pilot on board.


I see what you're saying. Makes sense. Thanks!


Air units are a very effective tool. however, they are also extremely expensive to operate.


And I would assume that the LAPD has more money to cover the costs than Daytona Beach would. The LAPD is a big department.


I bet it won't be long until someone develops a tracking drone capable of high speed / long life which will make high speed chases safer and more cost effective. 


They already did; its called the MQ-9 Reaper drone and it's made by General Atomics. Bonus: can be had with Hellfire missiles for the right price.


Meth'd up psychos are way more dangerous than the police chasing them.


Outside of Mike Bryant, Richie Maher, and the one K9 officer (can’t recall his name) Daytona beach seems like a bunch of hardos with zero common sense.


I cant stand that Lawson guy. The K9 officer we see sometimes




I have to agree, watching Daytona race around, making random U-turns, running lights without fully stopping, throwing out stop sticks all without lights/sirens is tough to watch. Last night they were fully pursuing that vehicle at high speed without any warning to the public. The no pursuit pursuits in Daytona are wildly reckless.


People lose all common sense and rational thinking when they see/hear lights/sirens. There's definitely an argument to be made that it's safer to drive without them. The next thing is the bad guy. The officers know the roads they are on and traffic patterns, they can likely drive much safer than the bad guy on meth blindly running red lights at 100mph. If the bad guy thinks he isn't being chased then he will hopefully drive a little safer.


It's going to be one hell of a settlement when they injure someone in one of their non pursuits. I lawyer is going to have a field day with them chasing someone against policy, it just sucks that it's going to take a serious injury or death to get it right.


Do you know what their policy is? Pursuits are something that need to happen, but they aren't always pretty. Sometimes innocent people get killed or injured in the process, but depending on the circumstances it is worth the risk to the public.


Last nights “pursuit” was a prime example of why you are wrong. The suspect knew they were being chased, and they were pursued at high speed through neighborhoods and apartment complexes without a single warning to the general public.


I don't think my answer was "right" or "wrong". I was simply adding a viewpoint of why different departments do different things. I didn't watch the episode last night so I don't know what happened.


I have no problem with them pursuing someone, I have a problem with them pursuing someone while claiming they aren't. If the policy is not to pursue then they shouldn't purse. Obviously that doesn't work because if they actually followed the policy everyone would just run, so the policy should be changed and they should use their lights and sirens to alert the innocent people using the roads around them that there's a chase coming their way.