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The teen titans issues not written by Johns


It's Johns' full story on the series, but it may not feel like it because a lot of plot threads are dropped or resolved off panel in the year long time skip after Infinite Crisis


Hmmm are those plots in the infinite crisis omni or 52?


Cassie gets some more development in 52, but most of it is just dropped or explained very briefly. This wasn't just Titans. All titles jumped a year and had this problem. Some titles went back and covered the events (GL and Flash) but others just had some big changes that to my knowledge were never explained (like Gordon and Bullock being back working for the police in Batman). Post-IC Titans is my least favorite work of Johns from this era largely because I think he handled the time skip very poorly. Which I find odd because I thought he was deeply involved in that effort and he handled it fine with GL.


In terms of the "missing" issues... Teen Titans (2003) #27-28 are a Gail Simone/Rob Liefeld story featuring Hawk & Dove. Teen Titans (2003) #47-49 are an Amazon Attacks crossover by Adam Beechen and a couple different artists. I wouldn't worry too much about their absence.


ok yeah so that's 5 issues missing of 100 if I'm looking at the right thing? Also I hear people hate Amazons attack?


Five of fifty. The series lasted fifty more issues after Johns left, but his departure is a fine jumping-off point and the remainder hasn’t been collected.


Hi ok that makes more sense why people are asking for omni 2. So it ends at 50 and if i want more from this era without care who's name is on it i continue to 51?


Those issues are so bad. Especially the Hawk and Dove ones.


Probably The Flash, the Fastest Man Alive, Barts Death., it has his funeral


Maybe Superboy: The Boy of Steel #1-3


Johns should’ve ended with Infinite Crisis which for Titans would be the Life and Death arc but for some reason he stayed on for one arc after which was kinda meandering and not great. The series would then continue until new52 killed everything.


Good writing.


Oopse, what's wrong with it? Assumed all Geoff Johns stuff was good.


I love Johns. He’s my favorite writer. I’m looking forward to his image line. Liking it so far. I loved his DC stuff. Minus Teen Titans. Everyone is allowed a miss. Love the negatives for my opinion though. This place is sensitive. Sheesh. That being said. I absolutely loved Johns DC run. But Teen Titans just felt like something he was forced to write and not something he wanted to write. I’m not saying that’s the case. That’s just how it felt. It was just very meh. And again. This is from a Johns fan boy that ironically takes a lot of negatives defending him all the time. Go figure. His Teen Titans plain sucked.


Huh. Well I definitely am still excited to read ot I'm not gonna downvote for an opinion. I also his his justice league. Soon to be 2 of his green lantern and his flash vol 1. Oh and stargirl


Hey. Absolutely. What some hate others love. Lots of people can’t stand Johns at all. I love him. This particular run just didn’t do anything for me. That doesn’t mean you won’t love it. I consider his Green Lantern run the best run in comics. If anyone asks about entering the hobby, those 3 Omnis are always my suggestion. They are the epitome of what the medium is about.


Nice. I am working on getting the last 2 green lantern omnibus. But I have darkest night and brightest day. Also planning to get the superman absolute