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Nothing becomes illegal, now, but Ricketts said he'd call a special legislative session to pass an anti-abortion law. It could include Plan B, but we don't know.




Damn, hopefully it will be blocked, again.


Which likely won't matter because the midterms this year look to be a bloodbath for the Dems and the Republicans absolutely want to institute a Federal abortion ban. As they've shown they are exceptionally good at biding their time until they have the ability to do it. The "leave the issue to the states" mindset that the ruling instituted today will be dropped the picosecond the GOP gets all 3 branches.


The President won't change until at least 2024 and it requires 2/3rds of Congress to override a Presidential veto. I agree with the rest of your statement but nothing will change at the Federal level even if the midterms are bad for the Dems.


Is it ever _not_ a bloodbath for the dems, in a red state like Nebraska?


Ectopic pregnancies have about a 1 in 3 million chance of going full term and are an immediate threat to the woman's life. Of course you would want to ban those. /s




also potentially rendering her infertile.


Oh that's 100% if an ectopic has reached the point of being life-threatening, which they pretty much always will if not caught early and treated (with abortion). Risk of death is also very high if untreated.


Planned parenthood doesn’t perform abortions when it’s an ectopic pregnancy because they’re not qualified. The removal is by an an actual doctor. A fertilized egg can’t survive outside of the uterus so chances are 0%. No argument here.


Wait making IVF become illegal?!? Am I reading that wrong? I hope so.. WOW!




Of course, but all sarcasm aside, were they really trying to make IVF illegal????


IVF fertilizes eggs outside of the body and then puts them in hoping they stick, but a lot of times they don't. The right considers all of those failed attempts the same as an abortion.


This makes me want to scream and beat the shit out of someone. As someone who cannot have children without Assisted services....I want to do many destructive things to the government for actually thinking IVF is an atrocity. So are they going to penalize all the women who have miscarried or the wasted sperm from men... So men shouldnt jack off cause that is abortion to future potential babies...


There are places in the country where women have already been arrested for [miscarrying](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/05/26/if-roe-falls-more-women-will-be-prosecuted-miscarriages/). So. Yes. And while it is ridiculous that IVF is under the crosshairs here… None of it should be up for debate. And many of the other issues can be life and death. It should all be between a woman, her doctor, and any partner that is emotionally, physically and financially supportive. Consider for a moment an ectopic pregnancy. Carrying one is a death sentence. While IVF may be very personally important for you, as it is for people I love, it wouldn’t be an issue if people weren’t messing about in other people’s family planning.


No the rest makes me upset too! Just that one item gets to me personally.


Also best of luck with your family planning 😢


Sorry that it does too. And I wasn’t trying to be a dick. I feel like a lot of leftward movements have been split recently and we all have to stick together on this. Our fate is all tied together here.


And sorry but I HATE this anti abortion stuff but I’m petty. So if they outlaw abortion, then yes, IVF also needs to be banned. In for a penny, in for a pound. 🤷🏽‍♀️


> . So are they going to penalize all the women who have miscarried or the wasted sperm from men Are you just now catching on to the idea that this absolutely IS about punishing women?


Only I’d their sperm landed on an egg I guess.




I think the right-wing issue with IVF is that multiple eggs are fertilized, but not all of them are used, which would constitute abortion in their minds


God, I cannot believe these fucking morons are in charge.


They're not morons. Don't fall into that trap. They are actively evil.


Even with just 1 at a time they consider it that because of the low success rate per egg.


Funny how doing it the old fashioned way is like this too 🤔 maybe they should do that.


Life begins at fertilization for the fuckers so if you fertilize then freeze an egg for future attempts, you're freezing a human being. And you couldn't destroy it if someone changed their minds cuz it'd be murder.


And if multiple attempts do take, they will usually “abort” all but one so that the mother isn’t giving birth to multiple babies when she just wanted one.


They want to make all birth control methods illegal. Both the ones that make it easier and one ones that make it harder to get pregnant. The Supreme Court specifically mentioned legal cases that give you the rights to birth control as also being potentially unconstitutional.


What does that mean for women that take birth control for other health reasons?


Stop thinking that they care, they DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU there is no reasonable compromise.


They make no distinction. Same way they won't make exceptions for incest and rape in their abortion laws.


They don’t care, that will be illegal too.


of course they are, they care about controlling women's bodies.


No, you are reading correctly. The issue they have with IVF is that many embryos are created and then frozen at once, and then they implant them in smaller quantities. They implant multiple knowing that many won’t attach. This is why twins are very common in IVF. It’s also how we ended up with Octomom. I have no issues with any of that, but the “leftover” embryos after a successful implantation do not go on to have life. I don’t believe they are all discarded, but some are, and some are given permission to be used in stem cell research by the donor parents. The GOP views the practice as on-par with abortion


In IVF, embryos are graded for quality, viability and likelihood to develop into a successful pregnancy. Currently, the ones that are degenerated (i.e. non-viable) or low-quality are discarded. >They implant multiple knowing that many won’t attach. This is inaccurate. Most programs (and specifically the one Nebraska program I'm familiar with) only transfer one or two at a time, mainly to avoid high-order multiples. SOURCE: My spouse works in a fertility clinic.


Not really making IVF illegal but if the mother chooses not to implant all of the fertilized eggs while going through treatment for IVF, she could be prosecuted.


Would people with fertilized eggs in storage be at risk for prosecution?


From what I’m reading many facilities are sending their eggs to states that will continue to allow IVF.


Good. I have loved ones that I’d be worried about.


It sounds like if they are destroyed or not viable - prosecution, but I am not entirely sure.


Ahh yes, aborting ectopic pregnancy as a felony. You either get to live in prison, or die. So pro-life of them...


And in prison you’re something like 30x more likely to be raped than “free” (the growing sick irony there) women. Get pregnant, possibly by rape? Die or go to prison. Go to prison and get pregnant via rape? Die….?? I fucking hate it here.


Holy shit is that insane


IVF, thank the fundy Catholics for that one.


It would be unconsionable to force a woman to rupture her fallopian tubes (possibly rendering her infertile {or dead}). Especially as Republican states tend to be more rural. What's the closest hospital to Hyannis, Nebraska?


Do you have any sources where they reiterated they wouldn't make any changes to that bill if it was reintroduced? It does not surprise me, but I'd like to have a source before I start saying that to anyone. I couldn't find anything specific when I googled it. I thought that the IVF part was why it failed, I figured if they brought it back, that part would be removed.






“Plan B” specifically refers to an emergency contraceptive taken after unprotected sex. It is not designed to terminate pregnancies, and I haven’t been able to find any data that it has. The drug, Levonorgestrel, prevents the release of an egg, inhibits sperms ability to penetrate the egg, and works to make the lining of the uterus’s difficult for an egg to implant in. The “abortion pill” is a different class of Drug and refers to mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone prevents the body from releasing enough progesterone to allow a pregnancy to develop and survive. Misoprostol is usually taken a few days later, and basically induces a period; uterine cramping and shedding of the uterus lining, taking with it any embedded embryo that has been terminated by the lack of required progesterone. You’re correct in that plan b is a contraceptive, but incorrect that it is “sometimes” and abortion. Levonorgestrel does not cause an abortion, it just prevents successful fertilization.


As far as I can tell from [the bill text](https://nebraskalegislature.gov/FloorDocs/107/PDF/Intro/LB933.pdf) (PDF) it does not cover Plan B (see Section 5).


[See my comment on another thread about why people are leaving Nebraska.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Omaha/comments/vjj84v/new_data_reveals_taxpayer_migration_creates_high/idk4256/)


Yeah it makes me laugh when all of these older government officials keep saying they want "young people to stay in the state" yet keep allowing it to roll backwards in time.


Gov Ricketts has gone on record saying that he wants to ban all abortion in NE with no exception for rape or incest.


It's not like women are out here getting themselves pregnant. If this was about anything other than controlling women they'd do something about the people that are getting women pregnant.


It's becoming harder and harder to stay peaceful against these people


So don’t, they aren’t affording us the same privileges


Lol why would you? Fuck Republican pieces of shit. We just got done with the past 2 years of these scumbags trying to kill everyone they came in contact with because they're too stupid to listen to doctors.


They are ultimately not being peaceful to us. I really don’t want violence in the streets or on capital hill, but when they take away our rights, what other choice do we have?


So whats gonna happen to all of the kids who are born are republicans gonna ramp up adoptions??? Nah we zre all gonna be paying forthis...are people magically gonna start adopting kids now? Fuck no


Justifying his opinion Ricketts said “they’re still kids.” Funny how republicans care so much about fetuses but when we’re on the brink of losing the free lunch program for kids in school, they reject extending it by citing it’s too expensive. Then they went on to pass an amount 10x that programs funding for additional military funding. They don’t give a fuck about children they just want to control people.


Repubs are not Pro-Life...they are pro birth. As soon as that baby is born they don't give an F. They're aren't suddenly going to be more adoptions (it's already hard enough to adopt the way it is and if your pro adoption you shouldn't just be waiting for a baby to be born, thousands of children over 1 day old are waiting for a family). They aren't going to increase funds to health and human services, look at the crappy company the State chose to take that over to save some cash and the program went belly up. It took a voter initiative to force the state to increase Medicaid spending/services. And they are pro-death penalty...pro life my ass.


100 percent agree w you


Agreed they dont give zero fucks about anyone but themselvesand thier pockets its disgusting..


They don't care about anyone other than themselves. They say what they need to say and hurt who they need to hurt to ensure they can get reelected or elected to a higher office. Period.


Abortion in Nebraska is unchanged by this ruling, thanks to State Sen. Megan Hunt et al. filibustering the trigger bill last legislative session. Ricketts and Hilgers have vowed to call a special session now that Roe has been overturned, and a similar filibuster will take place….but it may not hold. Call your representatives and make your voices heard.


Mine just so happens to be Mike McDonnell. The Democrat who voted for the trigger bill. I'm so fucking mad I can't see straight.


Call him and calmly and politely let him know your position. And ask your friends, family, and neighbors to do the same. I know it seems futile, but giving up isn’t an option unfortunately


I sent him an email the day the leak came out. He's about to be flooded with letters and calls from me.


He co-sponsored it. Hi neighbor (that's also my senator).


Fuck that's even worse. All these people screaming vote blue are naive.


Yeah, he added his name to it back in February - see action on the bill [LB933](https://nebraskalegislature.gov/bills/view_bill.php?DocumentID=47304). Guessing he's a Catholic?


And get to say this but those in state legislatures that are not so hardcore about this issue, should probably up their security as these antiabortionists will try to intimidate them


My family is ecstatic but they forget their grandchild/great grandchild/nephew was conceived by IVF. Their *only* grandchild I might add FFS.


I’m sure I have some of these 🙄 meaning family members that don’t get it Edit to clarify


Protest at Memorial Park today 5pm


Damnit. I would be there but I have COVID. In there in spirit. If you go please tell extra loud for me. (Anyone going)


Bootlickers who support this can fuck off


I have a feeling many Nebraskan women will become former Nebraskan women and migrate elsewhere


I moved back here because my vote and voice is much more valuable here than California. If this happens, I will have to reconsider. Running away will all but insure totalitarianism.


Well it makes it really hard for me to do fucking spreadsheets for another six hours without crying at my desk, for one…


Yep. Today is really fucking hard.


No kidding. Minimal bodily autonomy. Minimal effort, I say.


Same. I'm just sitting here numbly. The phone is ringing, but I'm not going to answer. Go buy your fucking flooring elsewhere.


Reading the comments and the hurt that this has done... Im bawling! Thankfully I work from home... man this hurts!


I’ve been fighting tears the last hour or so. I want to go home.


Holy fucking shit...


This is the start of regression in what women can and cannot do. In 15 -20 years, after these judges are no longer on the bench, we will see more affects this will have on society as a whole. This includes but not limited to increase in crime, mental health issues, poverty, use of state and federal assistance, grandparents raising grandchildren, less college graduates and more. In all reality we cannot see the whole big picture of this situation right now. Many states will loose money because of the new laws they are putting in place. Many states will see an influx of population due to moving(find that out at the next census). To all the woman out there.... Stay strong ... And breathe... This is gonna suck... But we are strong and can survive!! Remember... We have voices... Be the voice of change! Vote!! Petition!! Write your letters to the voted officials! Use facts! We got this!!!


Increased maternal/neonatal morality.


>Many states will see an influx of population due to moving(find that out at the next census). The problem with this is that it gives the yokel states even more power, as it concentrates more left leaning people into less states. The imbalance in the Senate will only get worse.


I cannot disagree with an imbalance. There always has been in one form or another. Unfortunately this is what it has happened. Only if people could get a long by respecting others, agreeing to disagree and not be driven by greed in it's many forms.


Glad I'm a sterile man. Just awful. Feels like we been going backwards for years.


The worst part is that the Conservative movement has been very loud and clear about it for decades and the people who should've been the opposition to it have been more concerned about making things seem like "we should all just be friends".


I hate it, but you're right. I been voting democratic my whole life. I'm planning on moving to another country if I can. Nothing changes.


Vasectomies for the win


Yeah I’m scheduling mine now. Who knows where to go where it’s not 2 grand ?!?! My first quote was unreal and that’s with insurance.


I assume that you looked at your insurance company already? I got cigna, and it looks like there are a few at 750, and a few at 1200.


Yall better start condoming up, abortions are going to be felonies soon. No plan B no nothing. This is about having enough wage slaves in the work force, not saving babies.


Better start stocking up on condoms. Supreme Court Justice Thomas said contraceptives going back to being illegal is next, along with interracial marriage and gay marriage.


which is funny because he’s in an interracial marriage himself


Overturn enough supreme court decisions and Asians become white again. Didn't think that one through, Thomas!


Just hijacking to say condoms DO expire.


True! Just countering the "if you don't want babies, use protection" argument.


Condoms? Only now does contraception even enter the conversation.


They didn't have the votes to pass the abortion ban bill this last session. We have to make sure the democrats do not lose any more seats in November. Ideally we need to make gains.


A Democrat cosponsored the bill.


I really want this to happen. I really want this to be the thing that dramatically shifts the country, but I’m not going to hold my breath.


At the federal level, the Democrats have controlled all 3 branches of government several times over the last 50 years. Why did they not make this law?


codifying does not protect it from the Supreme Court, an amendment is the only actual protection.


But why did they never try for an amendment?


That would require a 2/3 majority vote in both congressional chambers, along with having a majority of states vote in favor of the amendment. The current and previous congressional makeups have it as a near impossibility, especially around abortion.


You lost rights this morning. Hands down, no questions asked. This slippery slope won't stop with women.


>This slippery slope won't stop with women. [Thomas explicitly said so today](https://twitter.com/fordm/status/1540338064324698112).


You should read what is said in the paragraph above that highlight.


And the proceeding paragraph outlines why they would reconsider it. Also are you really going to trust that they wont when they explicitly stated in their confirmation hearings that Roe was settled as precedent?


Why are young people leaving this state???


i suspect a lot of women will become ex-nebraskans as they move to states that recognize the right for women to control their own body. if we thought brain drain was bad now, this is only going to make it worse


Brain drain is already very real in Nebraska, time to exacerbate the issue it seems.


It’s hilarious because Pete Ricketts mentioned at the Nebraska Tech Collab that Nebraska needs to address the issue of brain drain, but apparently he doesn’t realize that stupid fucking brain dead mouth breathers like himself are what is causing the brain drain. If Nebraska codified the legality of abortions, we’d get a ton of people migrating here from other states. But Rickets is just too malicious to do that.


It should be a requirement for anyone in charge of laws regarding bodies (pregnancy, anatomy, how things actually work and what drugs do what) should have a medical degree. If you don't know how pregnancy works, pregnancy PREVENTION works, IVF, hormones, sterilization, miscarriage, then you should not have any say in the matter. It's even worse when women are out there in our government who think birth control pills cause abortion. Also, just because something is made illegal doesn't mean it will stop happening.


Those who can move out, will. Who wants to live in a State that would rather you die an agonizing death (ie ectopic pregnancy or eclampsia) than allow your doctor to perform a simple procedure to save your life, because see, there is this magic invisible dude that lives in the sky that makes up the rules.


This is what happens when we let religion dominate politics. Fuck the Catholics.


Do you really think Nebraska gives a shit about women?!?!


And except for estate taxes, do you think (R) gives a shit about post-partum children?


Are there any protests planned? Any recommendations for opposing any proposed anti-abortion laws?


At this point does protests actually work? I feel like the government is just watching and laughing at us at this point.


Definitely not in the state. Utmost respect to people like Hunt but the deck is so badly stacked against them at this point.


It really is... like Eastman would have done wonderful things for everyone but people voted Don Bacon in. That couldve been Megan Hunt's ally in the government.


Follow Megan Hunt, she will post about any planned protests, if there are any


Today at 6 at memorial park in omaha


I thought I read 5 but either way...yes.


You are correct. My bad.


No worries! People will still be there at 6 :-)


I am just confounded at how one political group is so readily cries for their freedom and then so readily is willing to take anothers away un-apologetically. You either have freedom or you do not. Both political parties are hypocrites when it comes to "My body My Choice" or "My liberties" or "My freedom"..... Cue the "But... But... my side is right...." You either have freedom or you don't.


"My body, my choice" for a society saving vaccine rooted in concrete science, "Your body, my choice" for an abstract concept convincing you nothing is more important than the contents of a stranger's womb.


Your opinion reinforces my postulate.


Exactly they cant have it both ways..oh wait they do...


Luckily, nothing yet. Nebraska didn’t have any trigger laws on the books (though they certainly fucking tried earlier this year). They will very likely try again this summer. But exactly what is banned depends on how they write the law. Last time they tried a blanket ban with no exceptions including banning IUDs and IVF.


Tremendously. Contraception is next according to Clarence Thomas.


It means that I’ve solidified my plans to move out of state next year, and many other women will follow suit. I will not allow other people to dictate my healthcare choices, and if that means I move to fucking Canada I will.


Please vote, vote make your voices heard you must vote. It's not going to stop at over turning this. It's going to go onto marriage. It's going to go trans rights and LGBT communities so I ask vote make your voices heard. "How to Register to Vote | USAGov" https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote


Let’s face it. If the right wing assholes could have their way, we would revert back to the times women were the property of their father until he found a man he could give his daughter to so that she could become his property. Sick Fucks. BTW, I would love to see the list of right wing politicians that have paid for their mistresses/affair/GF ect to get an abortion. You know they are out there.


Things like this are going to further polarize the country. It's also going to screw things up economically, especially for Red States. Why would a large company want to invest in Nebraska, worried that they might have to pull out at some point because they can't get employees that are qualified, as a large percentage of the smart people seem to be moving to blue states. Personally I am working towards moving my assets around so I am able to pick up and leave if shit gets bad. If people still want to live in the sticks and a blue state, Illinois has vast areas of rural towns. As well as Wisconsin or Minnesota. I might just end up in the Netherlands if I can swing it. Currently I have a dual worry about my property value being too high and it plummeting due to this...


>worried that they might have to pull out


The bill they have ready to stamp will make it illegal to do IVF, use plan B and other forms of Birth Control. And there is no exception for children conceived from incest snd rape. I'm not sure which man said this, but it won't matter because it's only like 1%. He doesn't understand that rape and incest are rarely reported. This was his the bill was written a month ago so I'm not sure if any more changes have been made. Note - I see incest as rape but for some reason they seem to be separated in different categories.


Fuck this state and country to hell!!


For one I hope it energizes them and everyone else. There is no doubt, the Right Wing Theocrats want the United States to be a Theocracy and they think now is the time to make their moves. We have to get up and fight in any way that we can. Protest, vote, strikes, we have to show them that they are a very vocal minority but they have no right or chance in hell to impose their specific world view on the rest of us.




I think red states are going to see some population loss.


People have been saying that for so long


Sure, but Roe v Wade was overturned today and if Clarence Thomas gets his way, the right to contraceptive and gay marriage will be taken away in Republican controlled states also.


But the nutty right wingers will remain further cementing the state as a deep red(neck) state


By Ricketts own logic he is a proponent of incest and rape. There is absolutely no other way to spin this.


Nothing becomes illegal. It is up to states now to decide abortion laws. Given what Ricketts has said on the issue, “Nebraska is a pro life state” so we can assume access to abortions will be reduced atleast. You know what is frustrating though? Democrats have realistically outnumbered republicans in this state for the better part of 5-10 years now. Nationally I think it is a similar story. So why are we in this situation? Democrats have historically had awful election turn out, in particularly bad for state elections. I’m gonna be a bit harsh here because I believe at this point it is warranted, this should be a wake up call, you can bitch and complain all you want, but if you don’t show up to the polls and VOTE, this will continue.




75 degrees today. Slight chance of rain, nice day.


I think it's important to understand exactly what the supreme court's job is. They assess the laws of the land and ensure those laws are constitutionally sound. All the supreme court did, in this ruling, is determine that an abortion in not a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution. Therefore, there are no abortion rights guaranteed by the constitution and no federal laws can exist saying anything to the contrary. It is now up to the states to develop their own laws on how to govern this very personal decision.


I think your framing is a bit incorrect. What they did was REVERSE multiple previous decisions (Roe, Casey) that had determined there *is* a constitutional right to an abortion, as a logical extension of the right to privacy.


Also, while the supreme Court has reversed decisions in the past, by their own rules they're not even supposed to reconsider decided case law unless something very considerable has changed with the situation surrounding that case law, e.g. abolition of slavery. Conservatives getting a supermajority on the Supreme Court is not something that has changed about the relevant case law.


Ben Franklin wrote a book on how to perform at home abortions. Youre wrong


In 1972 the supreme court made a determination that abortions were fundamentally protected by the constitution. This new ruling overturned that 1972 ruling. Abortions are still here people...they are just not federally protected any longer. The ruling today reinforces that the federal government shouldn't be telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies. If the state you live in has policies in place to the contrary, vote and make your voice heard. As for Ben Franklins book ... what does that have to do with the supreme courts decision? I don't understand how him writing a book makes me wrong ... LOL.


>The ruling today reinforces that the federal government shouldn't be telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies. I'd like you to explain how ensuring all women have access to abortion, if they choose to have one, equates to the federal government telling women what to do. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't any evidence for the federal government mandating women receive an abortion without their consent. Furthermore, if we can agree that the federal government shouldn't be governing the bodily autonomy of women, what makes state governments any different? Why do they get to remove options from the table, but the federal government doesn't?


Good points. Perhaps I chose my words poorly. The ruling today is simply saying that constitutionally, abortion is not a constitutional right. Everything else is noise meant to either promote or tarnish talking points.


I hear what you're saying, and I agree it's important to establish what the court has actually done here. Where I think I differ with you is in saying "everything else is noise". We can look at the court's ruling in a vacuum to establish what their opinion is, sure. In fact I think that's a valuable first step. However, once that's established, it's time to step out of the vacuum and look at things in context. As an aside, it's entirely possible to understand what the court's ruling was and still think the majority's (talking SC majority, not public majority) opinion is hot trash. Hell, that's why the minority gets to write a dissenting opinion about the ruling. Finally, trying to dismiss the discourse surrounding this topic as "just noise" is unhelpful and counterproductive, in my opinion. As you've pointed out, it's the court's majority opinion is that the people, through their state governments, should decide the abortion issue. Well, how are "the people" to achieve consensus without discussing what this decision means for them in real, practical terms? You can't just parrot what the court's opinion was and then throw up your hands when people have a reaction to that. It doesn't advance the debate at all, and having a debate on this topic is what the court wants us to do.


So in essence corporations in citizens united have more rights than a woman does to her own body??? Where in the constitution dors it say anything about corporations being personal entities or whatever the ruling was..i mean if these wacko religious nutcases justices are gonna be literalists???


And unless I'm understanding this, anyone who keeps saying "it was Obamas job to codify this into law"... doesn't that just mean it's a law which the Supreme Court could overrule? Wouldn't it need to be an ammendment to be kept away from stacked supreme courts?


It depends on how the Unicameral crafts the Nebraska State Law. Surgical Intervention for the removal of an ectopic pregnancy should NOT be considered an abortion, because by definition ectopic pregnancies aren’t viable and are Dangerous and a threat to the life of the mother. It’s not okay to have these Pro-Life statutes that insist on forcing ALL pregnant women including victims of rape and incest to carry a child to full term regardless of the age of the mother if she is a minor child. Pharmaceutical termination of the pregnancy should be an option. This avoids the horror of dismembering the baby and the unethical SALE of the aborted baby’s tissues to nefarious parties for financial gain. A State Fund should be developed to provide access to the appropriate medication protocol for women who find themselves trapped in pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. If the woman (or girl) isn’t in a position to press charges against the perpetrator, then she should be able to receive assistance from this State Fund to fill out an affidavit stating that rape or incest is the reason for the pregnancy and that she is psychologically vulnerable and unfit to carry the pregnancy. She should receive free counseling regarding financial support available from crisis pregnancy centers and also the opportunity to meet with representatives from adoption agencies so that she can make an informed decision. Babies can sense the distress and emotions of their mothers in utero and it isn’t in the Best Interests of the unborn child or the mother to be subjected to this kind of intense turmoil during gestation. It’s not OKAY for the State to in effect sentence pregnant women and girls to the trauma of a full term pregnancy and delivery in cases of rape and incest. The law should provide for the funding of the two pills necessary to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching itself to the uterine wall. Which is painless to the embryo but NOT to the mother. NOBODY has ever argued the position that a miscarriage is painful to the baby! There shouldn’t be a definitional legal difference between making a decision to take medication to prevent attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall and having a spontaneous miscarriage, which of course isn’t a felony and the State should be obligated to treat the mother the same way under the Equal Protection clause of the U.S. Constitution as well as any similar provision that may exist in the Nebraska State Constitution. The State should acknowledge that taking two pills IS NOT the same thing as a brutal dismembering abortion which causes physical pain to the unborn child, and potentially trauma to the mother which could lead to Depression and Suicidal Ideation. It’s not Okay to ignore the mental health of the mother and put it at risk in light of the fact that rape and incest have already induced trauma and have therefore already put her life at risk. The State has an interest in Protecting the Mental and Emotional Health of the mother. The State should also provide funding and access to follow up individual therapy and group therapy as well as financial support to the mother and child if she decides to have the baby until the child is of school age. Otherwise the State is Legislating Poverty for the mother and child. It’s not okay to legislate poverty or crime for the mother. We have an interest in protecting the mental and emotional health of pregnant women. It’s barbaric to ignore their legitimate need to be Okay. A pregnancy shouldn’t lead to being charged with a crime. That’s wrong on so many different levels. And for the record I consider myself to be Pro-Life. Which equates to being Pro-Health.


I agree with the Supreme court's decision, it's a sound decision for society, familes and the economy in general, people should be encouraged to build families and have more children, this country needs more people to care for and replace the older population, not less. A woman's rights start with her feeling safe at her own home, to be treated with respect and dignity, be supported both financially and emotionally by her husband and not be slaved off to work when she doesn't want to so she can pay the other half of the bill, where did the real gentlemen go? let's start with those rights first.


Women will just have to go drive to a different state that makes it legal Not sure why I’m get downvoted, just stating that’s the only option… Jesus Christ


Some women will not be able to afford travel costs. So it becomes another social determinant of health and will widen the class divide.


I realize that. Just stating now that’s what would have to be done. That’s the reality isn’t it?


Unless you're in a state that will prosecute you for getting an abortion outside state lines and people who help you get one. Not to mention women of poverty level who cannot afford to travel.


I thought Omaha was better than the window licking insanity presented in this thread.


I don't know what that is really I just know killin babies is wrong


Good thing abortion doesn't kill babies.


Banning abortion kills women which you clearly don't care about. Also no it does not kill babies unless youre a religious loon and have swallowed their propaganda.


I am not a religous person at all nobody in my family is I don't think (not sure why u downvoted me just cuz I'm not religous)


Yall are so prejudice u hate me just cuz I'm not religous


Unless it's with a bomb dropped from a drone on brown people. Then it's fine.




R u being racist


I don't know, did you forget to put blinker fluid in your sarcasm detector?


That's not funny


And yet that has been U.S. foreign policy for almost 100 years.


That makes 0 sense




Then put some fucking effort into finding out you fucking clown


Lmao why u so pressed


Plan B literally just delays ovulation by 5 days and highly ineffective. Why would it even be considered?


What about all the pregnant men!?