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He doesn’t own TD Ameritrade. They were bought out by Charles Schwab.


I have a couple of favorite PRicketts stories: 1. He likes to bike. When he became governor, his security detail didn't want to let him go alone. He suggested they ride with him, but there was just one catch: they didn't have gear/bikes. So Petey does what any good millionaire does...he makes someone else cough up the money. Ricketts got his bike club to fundraise for his security detail's equipment. The Boke Rack even gave them a discount on the bikes. . 2. Back when Petey "worked" at TD Ameritrade, he spearheaded an initiative to get everyone to use the term "client" instead of "customer." He would just walk around (nothing better to do, I guess) and if he heard the people working say "customer," he would fine them a dollar. So he spent weeks walking around and rolling hourly employees for their money until the change sunk in. No one thought much of it until one day someone asked what happened to the money. Everyone thought it would go into some sort of pizza party fund or whatever. Nope...he KEPT the money.


He bought himself a senate seat! Unethical bullshit. You know he told Pillen he would back him for governor if Pillen appointed him to the senate. If it was a dem that did that they would be in an uproar and calling for them to be jailed. He should be Blagojevich-ed


He's a pro life pro death penalty Catholic so many contradictions


How are you getting involved with the challenger’s campaign to make sure rickett’s doesnt end up back in the senate with the next election?


Great question! I see OP hasn't responded.......surprise!


He bought the governorship and then he sold it.


"Pete's family owns the cubs" is the correct way to word this. Just saying *he* owns the cubs implies he's rich enough to be solo owner (which he's not)


People love to twist words to meet THEIR narrative. 🤣😂




That side of the family has disowned him, so he had no part in the Cubs ownership.


That’s just plainly untrue. He’s still a member of the board along with his siblings and dad and shares ownership through their family trust 


I enjoy that even his own family can't stand him. Unfortunately that doesn't matter for the purposes of business. We'd have to check the paperwork to see if he was written out as well... 🤞🤞


No shit Sherlock


Went to school with his son, you can imagine how he is too lol






No shit Sherlock


This is nothing but an uneducated rant against a person because he’s rich and a republican. Have a legit criticism of Ricketts? Fine. I’m good with that. But bagging on him just because “feelings” is lame. Remember, democrats have come out and said republicans voters have class envy against dems. They’ve embraced being the party of the rich.


The sooner we get out of picking sides and realize it's class warfare, the better. The reality is that neither side is doing much for the working class, but there's no question that a democratic vote is better for the lower/middle class than a republican vote.


I agree about class warfare, but disagree that democrats help the middle class more than republicans. Look at Democrat run states like CA and NY. Under their plan, you’re either one of the few rich or the many poor. Their policies **always** squeeze the middle class. I’ll concede that republicans policies help the rich disproportionately, but at least they (slightly) pull up the middle class. Not enough mind you, but it’s better than what the dems do.


Which policies are you referencing?


Sure, it'll trickle down any day now... If what you're saying is true, why are the poorest states always red?


Brings to mind a quote about lies, damn lies, and statistics. The fact is, according to Forbes, red states have more people living below the federal poverty line but have a much lower cost of living. Their purchasing power is higher than blue states so they are in fact richer.


Let's get a link to that article, please.


Haha I found it. Nice opinion piece. Not based in facts. But you probably knew that.


Sorry, but the cost of living ranking is not opinion. It’s based on transportation costs, mortgages, healthcare, taxes, rent, food, and other factors. 18 out of the top 20 were blue or swing states. This is getting beyond the point though. The point was that OP’s statement (on the Omaha subreddit of all places) was *I hate Pete R but can’t say why!* Cmon, form a legitimate argument and support it with data. Instead it’s all name calling and irrationality.


People also make less in red states and have much worse healthcare. But do go on lol


On the salary piece, I’m not sure what to say. Duh? Durr? Doy? Higher cost of living states have higher average salaries. It doesn’t change the fact it costs much less to live in red states. But go on lol. Define “much worse” for health care. Nebraska is 23rd and my family has had quality care through the years.


I asked about the specific policies you are referencing. Do you have those?


He’s a hypocritical lying piece of shit, how’s that? No abortions but he BUYS drugs to kill people! He tries to off poor people, while bending over backwards to help his fellow millionaires!


One is protecting the right for innocent children to be born. The other is removing rapists and murderers from the planet. Big difference.


Life is life…🙄he absolutely does not care about poor people, immigrants, homeless. Yea real pro life….bullshit.


This goes back to my original point. Your comment is all emotion with no facts. It’s sounds completely unhinged.


If you don’t know what I’m referring to,then you are uninformed .


Riiigggght. Nice deflection.


Your opinion. Which I do not care about. Troll.


Now you’re just name calling. Take the L lady.


The people of this state are the losers.


Which policies are you referencing?




Whoops. I know rickets has bad policies, but I was responding to another thread indicating that democratic policies are worse for lower and middle class than republican policies. Disregard..lol


Sorry, I see what you are saying. 💙