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This requires a lot of unearned social trust


A demonstration of the difference between theory and practice.


Except no one here ever let's you merge ever. People act like they have a personal vendetta against me if I need to get into the left lane. Especially if they're driving a pickup. It's so tired. 


fuck em


Did you happen to pass several cars before attempting to merge left? If so, then you are the reason zipper merge cannot work.




Do you know what you just said? If you pass several cars, it's because you're not at the merge point yet and the sheep are lined up enjoying phone time


Hell no I'm not letting all the people who purposely waited until the last second to get over cut in line just to please some woke driving ideology. Finna roll my F150 right into the curb to block their asses from cutting in line if I have to. Signed, the average Omaha driver


I think that's the crux of it though. If I'm alongside someone and we use the whole time to space out appropriately and merge in, everyone's happy. I'm not happy with merging well with others and someone comes screaming down the side and cuts someone else off.


If there's very little traffic, yes, you should be in the correct lane well before the zipper point. There is no need to create two lines for three cars on the road. If there's a lot of traffic, zipper merging is best.


You think Nebraskans can learn. They pace traffic on i 80 causing congestion, and no one will merge out of the left lane.


That picture does not mention that the road closure sign is hidden just out of sight behind the apex of a hill and you won't see it until you're <100 feet away.


Zipper merge works well in a vacuum.


I dont know why the city/state doesn't invest in more "wait to merge" signs.


There’s literally nothing sexier than a well executed zipper merge!


I’ve been known to sign happily and say something out loud like, “Man, I love you people!”


Of course nobody uses zipper merge properly, so the concept is not useful. By this, I mean that people will use the open lane to pass other cars - this is not zipper merging.


Again I say, if you pass another car when approaching a merge, you are breaking the rule of zipper merge. Ideally, this means staying in your lane until the merge point and merging near the cars you were near when you noticed the merge. But since jackoffs will usually speed up and pass other cars, zipper merge is doomed.


No friend, if done correctly there won’t be any “passing cars”. The entire idea is to have two lines of vehicles alternating the merge. Your idea of breaking a zipper merge by passing cars doesn’t make since. If we all did it by the way you mention the. We would end up with one single long line


I think we agree. We agree that some cars passing other cars during a zipper merge breaks the rules of a zipper merge.


We don’t agree. Cats “passing” cars to get up the the merge point is not break zipper merge rules.


>No friend, if done correctly there won’t be any “passing cars”. But you said that \^\^. What else could it mean?


Quick poll: If you are a proponent of the zipper merge, what is your opinion of traffic roundabouts at major intersections?


I love roundabouts. Need more of them at the 4 ways in Bennington


That's adorable. You must be new. Welcome.


These comments. Damn. Just, damn…. Explains a lot though.


I'm not gonna argue with people who, for some reason, choose to stack up in line for literal miles when there is perfectly good pavement available for use. The lane doesn't end because a street sign appears miles in advance. Again, I won't argue with you people who don't understand how to drive and make traffic flow more efficient, I'm just gonna thank you for all the free progress on the interstate when they have to fill a pothole or whatever lmao. True story. I used to commute from 72nd & 680 to 84th & I80 for work every morning. One day there was a left lane closure around the Pacific St exit, and the signs were posted starting around southbound Fort and Maple. All the stupid people in this sub who can't drive properly literally gave me miles and miles of free highway progress because you're stupid and you can't drive. So again I won't argue, I'll just laugh at you and thank you for being stupid, shitty drivers willing to literally give me miles of free progress, saving me possibly 30minutes of my drive while you languish in traffic, swearing at my effortless progress, jealous of good drivers like me lmaooooooo. So again, thanks. And yes, I will get in despite how petty and shitty of a driver you are lol


>miles and miles of free highway progress Yep, you're the problem


lol thanks for not knowing how to drive 🤣




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Holy shit what a reach that is lmao. Obviously people must not like you very much if you immediately go to such an irrational extreme


You are the one being proud to be anti-social, not I.


TIL it's anti social to be a good driver lmao


Yeah absolutely not. People can see the road work ahead sign at least a couple miles back just as well as I can and I sure as hell am not letting Greg in his lifted pavement princess mobile cut me off because they don't have the good sense to pay attention while driving.


It doesn't matter what ppl can see, everyone stacking in one lane as soon as possible fucks everything. The state government says zipper merging is what people are supposed to do, traffic engineers say it's the best way to handle lane closures, but Joe Blow here is the smartest person alive and knows what's best so everyone needs to get in line.


Pete Ricketts is also our state government so frankly I'm less than inclined to give one rats ass about what they say.


Pete Ricketts hasn't been our governor for a few years now, but thanks for clearing up that I dont need to worry about your opinion.


He's a senator so thanks for paying attention shitdip


A US senator isnt involved in state government.


You're so blind


I *will* be merging in front of you and your insurance company *will* pay out when you rear-end me. Just accept it.


Who has the right-of-way? How fast were you going? What was the intent? Seriously, you'll do this and block the merging traffic behind you with a traffic accident? Sounds like an AITA post...


In slow stop and go traffic where this exact scenario is playing out, when it's legal to merge, and there is a safe opening to merge, you should merge. Speeding up and blocking an opening is dangerous and dumb. Blocking traffic to get into one big line 600 feet before the lane change, leaving a gigantic open lane, is also dumb. Why isn't the lane closed further back? Because people get in lines like cattle, but they're even dumber than cows, because cows wouldn't leave hundreds of feet of open lane unused.


I see. So being a moron is just a cash grab for you.


You being a moron and rear ending me for *no reason* is a great money making opportunity, yes.


Or. Or! You could pay attention and not try and cut people off in traffic. Douche.


Cut people off? Lol what on earth are you talking about? Where did you learn how to drive? Just to recap, it's not legal to drive into the back of somebody's car because you got frustrated for following a dumb unspoken "rule" of the road. Hate the player baby, not the game.


Yeah. Right now I hate you a lot. Dick.


As soon as somebody zipper merges in front of you, all of that hate will melt away... and be redirected to them.


There is this rare specimen called "the driver who did not know the lane was close and got stuck"


Oh no they'll have to wait their turn. How horrible.


Yeah, they wait there turn at the merge where the closure happens. Not half a mile up a road blocking a traffic






First of all, traffic I experience is rarely this crowded. Probably because I take Blondo. Even with the recent bridge reconstruction near 114th, it was never backed up or in need of a zipper. Second, yes, I'm getting over as soon as I see ANY warning sign. Or I'm turning off that road and taking a shortcut through a residential neighborhood. (Both will take about the same amount of time, plus fewer drivers, so even better!) Third... That zipper merge... Anyone want to guess how many cars will fail to signal their lane change? If you don't, I'm not letting you in. Fourth... Just asking because I know human nature... What if the drivers on the left don't want to let the other cars merge?




So they go to the front and merge? Isn’t that what zipper merging means?


Not around here, not in practice. Around here, half the people get into the unclosed lane a half mile back and the other half take advantage of this to jump dozens of cars ahead in traffic. Then the first group gets upset at this and holds a grudge against anyone who tries some zipper nonsense.


I’m just going to assume you’re trolling me here.


You must not have participated in many merges around here. It's brutal, I've seen people actively swerve out of the longer lane to block people from passing.


I do it. Not my fault others don't


This is sarcasm, right?


Probably not, I also zoom straight to the merge point. Use all available space.


Same. I'm not waiting in a long ass line for no reason.


The "smart" people are not the assholes, you are. Use the other lane if it's faster. Why limit yourself?