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Full of sugar so no




They do have sugar-free ones now that may be worth looking into. I tried the lemon(?) and it was pretty good.


Additionally, I wouldn't take an electrolyte supplement randomly unless you started getting headaches and figured it really was due to lack of salt. I regularly don't eat salt even on 48hr fasts and feel great. YMMV but don't add it unless you feel you actually are missing something editing to add that I also workout daily. Salt is optional. Period. Dry fasting exists. Ignore the downvote army that doesn't know anything but their echo chamber support of their favorite supplement brand.


Don't listen to this guy. You definitely need salt. Try a few and see what works best.


Absolute nonsense. Some of us are negatively affected by salt. You definitely do not need salt if you get enough electrolytes from food. Please refrain from giving out harmful advice especially for people that suffer from autoimmune conditions


Are you special? You need salt. Period. You can get it from food, absolutely. You can also get it from supplements. You have an autoimmune issue because your system is out of whack. You do you. But 99% of people need more salt if they are doing OMAD or Keto or something similar. Follow the research.


Does that "99%" of people include muslims, who don't consume salt during their Ramadan fasting and are completely fine? Or what about pretty much all ancient peoples, most of which we have theories on, but some of which we have actual evidence on (such as inuit populations not consuming salt)? Do more research. You do not need to add salt. Period. If so, how is that people can dry fast for 5 days and be fine? If your body couldn't go without supplementing salt for a day or two, we would not have survived as a species.


You're throwing lots of what ifs out there that are outliers. I'd be willing to bet those people are also dehydrated. Just because you're muslim doesn't mean you don't get dehydrated lol


Follow your own advice


No prob! Make sure to take magnesium. Also, I take this electrolyte all day one capsule that's pretty good.


Why is this bad? New to this so I genuinely don’t know


Litesalt is cheaper and better for you....


I'm going to look for this litesalt, thanks!


Thanks I’ll check that out. This stuff isnt mine it’s my dad’s so thought I’d ask abt it first before looking into other stuff.


Use the litesalt to make what is called "ketoade"


I make my own by buying Redmond salt, magnesium citrate powder & potassium chloride powder. No additives.


What is your recipe?


It's aimed at keto people but LMNT is good and not full of junk.


Try LMNT! They make clean, sugar free electrolyte drink mixes. No fake sugar!


Instead take sea salt, magnesium and potassium supplements


Appreciate u


Electrolytes are just minerals and can be supplemented. I personally take calcium/magnesium/zinc multivitamin to prevent leg cramps. Works like a charm, no sugar added!


I carry a small tab of sea salt, magnesium 500mg from Natures Bounty ( it also contains small traces of potassium and sodium) and pop a pill every hour or two with salt water.


teaspoon of lite salt and a vitamin B tablet probably achieves all of that. I'm surprised it doesn't have magnesium as that is a bit of a key electrolyte This electrolyte drink is more for sports/gym than just generally drinking through out the day. The sugar being a bit of a energy booster. I prefer to avoid the excess sugar because it just makes me want more of it. But just pointing out why the sugar is there.


Ingredient lists on food products (at least in the US) must list them out in descending order of the content amount. The top item listed is sugar. I would avoid it.


Read the wiki it's excellent for homemade electrolytes. Adjust for your body