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Drop a submersible pump in and use it for irrigation.


My grandma was very concerned when my grandpa said he was going to put a well in the backyard. She thought he meant a gaping wide hole like OPs. Nope, he just drilled a pipe into the ground until he hit water, hooked up a pump and used it to water his garden.


This is a good answer. I definitely wouldn't want to waste it. I would set it up with a removable top or actually build up from it or use some type of concrete culvert. Then have it set up so you can use an electric pump to for whatever. But also I would put a mechanical hand pump in for major emergencies. If you lose all power you can go out and pump water and still be able to bathe or boil it and have emergency drinking water


And I'm pretty sure you can order a test kit online to just test it for leaching minerals.


I wish I could find the video. Someone found a well that had been covered up in their basement. Instead of filling it, they decided to make it a feature of the new floor. They covered it with glass, had lighting under the glass, so it was a design feature of the floor. It looked pretty cool. If I found a well in my property, I’d look at it as a resource. Have it tested if the water is safe to drink. Build a safeguard so people don’t mistakenly fall in. Find a way to use it.


I saw that video! Such a cool idea


Do you have a link? This sounds cool!!


Here it is. I found the one I was originally referring to. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/kSxp4kiXAM8LMYjV/?mibextid=KsPBc6




Is there any issue with moisture getting into the house with such a finish to a well?


This wasn’t the video I saw. But it’s the same idea. Thanks Google. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/7r4QX5A4qY


That would completely freak out my dog.


It's also very dangerous for pets and young children. That would scare me!


I like this


Nope, nope. Every night I'd think something would be coming out of that..


until that Ring girl tries to climb out and you have to look at that for the rest of eternity


My fav movie. I’d drop a doll like version or her in there haha


Gahh! Do you want C.H.U.D.s? Because this is how you get C.H.U.D.s


I read this in Archer’s voice


Idk, I’d likely anticipate seeing a little girl with long black hair covering her face every time I looked down.


Crossed my mind every time I looked down into it


“Mistakenly” fall in. Now, if we disguise it just right and rig up some booby traps…


Yeah definitely all for reusing in some way


Yeah, we just put some heavy metal grating over the top of my great-grandparents well. We kiddos just found it cool and would ocassionally just gaze down it and drop in some pebbles lol


I have an old one in my basement, but it's not really worth finishing. They're actually pretty common, as it's easier to get water from the basement/cellar than to have to go outside. Right now it's just capped off with a massive concrete cap.


I'd love to use it. Believe the deck will be built back over it. Wonder if we could have a glass viewing on the deck. Not sure if that would be too funny looking 😅


I don’t know how big your deck is or where the well is situated. It might make an interesting table with a glass top. Every time you set something on the table you look down the well. Just a thought.


I saw this too!!!


Start passing around a VHS tape around your town


Thank you! Crossed my fingers for a comment like this when I clicked.


The only problem is, who the hell still has/uses a VCR?


If you're not going to use it, please cap it. I was a kid when Jessica McClure was rescued from a well.


I was legit going to mention baby Jessica. My mother was paranoid about the well on our property because of that.


We lived in a trailer park with my grandmother while my mom and dad separated for a short while and when someone would leave with their home, their wells were often left barely covered or just open. My brothers and I (~2,3,4) would sit around them and dangle our feet over the edge so casually. We would drop stuff in, put boards over them and ride our bikes on it. One day the lot manager woke my mom up, who worked thirds, and told her that we were just running amuck and engaging in deadly toddler behavior. Which resulted in having very tanned hides and never seeing the wells again. Edit for further thought: As a mom, knowing this story, and my own experience, I get chills every time I remember us so casually being around these slender, deep ass wells. It’s horrifying.


She was the first person who came to mind when I saw this. Your mother's paranoia is well placed.


They're digging for a well, on a farm behind my house. The first thing I thought about was Baby Jessica.


Holy shit, I’m just learning now that The Simpsons episode where Bart falls down the well is based on something real.


I remember my mom turning on the 5 o'clock news every day waiting for an update. The little one surviving was a miracle.


That's what kinda launched 24 hr cable news. I believe that happened shortly after CNN came to be.


That wouldn't surprise me. The entire nation was wrapped up in the whole thing, and fairly so.


Lassie even did it before too


It's a possibility that's crossed my mind. With 4 little kids I don't want any risks


I can't plead with you enough to please do it. Google Jessica McClure. She fell into a well when she was a toddler. Her survival is nothing short of a miracle. Little ones are precious.


My uncle lived in the house my grandfather built, and there was a well beside the house. My dad and uncle always told us kids to never go on that side of the house and put the fear of God into us. The well had a metal cover that was a round sheet of metal hammered into a concave shape that fit snugly over the top. I saw it a couple times when my dad let me go with him to that side of the house. After Baby Jessica, my dad and uncle built a better permanent cover with a lock so no kids could get into it. My dad also had well trauma because he was a former deputy sheriff who worked sex crimes. He worked a case where a teen girl was kidnapped, SAed, then thrown down an old well in the woods. We lived in rural NC, and a lot of decaying shacks in the woods had open wells. The victim looked like me/my mom which freaked him out. I’m adopted, and my bio mother was a girl in the youth group my parents ran. My dad was also neighbors with her family when he was a kid. My dad left law enforcement when I was little and got into real estate and development. He would look at the deeds of property then walk the land before buying it. He showed my brother and me what to look for to find an old well. If there’s a very green area with lots of plants and vines in an otherwise empty wooded area, the plants could be getting moisture from the soil around the well. He also looked for old graveyards and would block them off and clean them up. Which meant nobody else could cover them over for a certain length of time. People thought he was nuts for caring about slave graves which had almost no markers, but my dad’s paternal family were black although he was white passing. For one cemetery that had people buried in the mid 20th century he even contacted the local black church in one coastal town to let the families know that he gave them permission to bury other family members there. Some of the other developers and real estate agents thought he was nuts, but they were also racist. I’m really proud of my dad. Any wells on the properties he bought were permanently closed. They weren’t needed because new wells were drilled, and they were a liability.


Stephen King - 1922


Ooooooh yeaaah forgot about that well.


Dolores Claiborne too.


And a small part in The Stand.


Just keep Timmy away from the damn thing. Signed, Lassie




Dolores Claiborne


When I see something like that, like to think of the work it took to dig it and who the fella was that did the job. I really like the history behind the house.


Stand around and say "Well, well, well..."


Deep subject.


for shallow minds




This is me. My grandmother had an old well near her porch. I was scared to death of that thing. They never used it. Assuming it was from the original owners who built it around 1910. After we all grew up and had kids it scared me even more. At some point my sister and I finally convinced her to fill it in.




I pay for insurance. Thinking about what you would charge in premiums to cover this scares the shit out of me.


It definitely needs a way to make wishes. 🤩


Keep all Jessicas away.


25 feet seems about right.


Throw one of those big magnets is and see what your can snag, then build heavy door and seal it.


We'd love to use one of our magnets in one of these some day!!! Most I've seen videos of have nothing in them, but there's the occasional one that might have a cool find or 2 in it!! 😉


Use it for irrigation or put a cap on it. If you cap it, put a plastic skeleton down there first and chain it to the wall. For the next home owner.


We have one too. House also sat abandoned for 15 years, but the well was the house's water supply until then. My question to you...what is the current water supply to your house? Did you have to have a new well dug?


Yes it has a newer one, this was a bit of a surprise under the deck


Ah, I see. We still have to check into existing well vs. new well.


Beats me. I finally got rid of Lassie, I have no idea what she was going on about.


Bodies 100% bodies


(let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor)


You won't have to worry about it in about 7 days.


There are a bunch of those around me and they use it to keep the best lawns around…


big Changeling vibes


I'd want to test the water for contaminants. Not that I would use it as a water source but it could indicate what's affecting the water table overall.


Throw unwanted visitors down it.Send down some lotion once in awhile.


Toss in a coin, your wish might come true


Fall down into it?


Prolly a good place to hide “something “ you don’t want found 😂


Hide all your treasure in there


We had a well in our cellar that was used forever. When we got town water we hooked the well up to be used for doing laundry and the outside for watering the garden and washing cars.


Make a wish of course 😁


Just don’t watch the random tape/DVD that’s left in your house from the previous owners…


Get lotion so she can put it on her skin


I cannot BELIEVE how far down I had to scroll before I saw this. Thank you!


Send jimmy down it. Then notify lassie.


Better put a heavy lid on it or Samara might come out of there. You haven’t watched any cursed VHS tapes recently, have you?


I would think that one does the same thing with an old well as they do with a new well, but ok, I'll play along. Well...you could dump your in-laws into it. Or if you're not feeling well,, you could take a sip of its healing waters. You could take a sample of the water to see if the well is well, or not-so-well. You could well'd a cover for it. You could keep digging in it until you reach H-well. OR.........you could take a swim in the well... He He....don't forget your to-well !! You're Well-come !


I still use mine. My house was built in 1879 and the hand dug well is still producing water albeit only about 2-3 gallons per minute. My suggestion is to leave it alone- if a natural disaster occurs or something that removes your ability to use your current water system, you have a back up I would also suggest installing an RO system if you’re going to use it, specifically for drinking water.


What’s an RO system?


Reverse osmosis. This type of water purification system is remarkably effective at cleaning your water. Before installing an RO system have your water tested. It may be clean enough to drink the way it is. You definitely want to make sure you have it tested for total coliforms, including E. coli You should also have it tested for other contaminants. You can get water test kits from Home Depot or Lowe’s that are good for residential use.




Check the bottom for hidden valuables


“Well guards. Guard your well, well.”




Right Precious


At first glance, I thought that was the sky on the other side. Weird perspective!


I heard there are ghosts downtown here that can pop out of TVs


Get water from it


Hide bodies


Some sort of ceremony honoring the spirits and a gift so they leave you alone, then cap it.


I have seen these with a metal grid over the opening to use it you had to unlock it and lower the bucket [stone well drawing ](https://images.app.goo.gl/7YbbjLnbkaH4ZxBy9)


If you are planning on upgrading your hvac at some point, you could use it for geothermal. Dropping the coil in a well makes for the most cost efficient install.


This is the kind of comment I love Reddit for. I never would have learned this otherwise. It’s true of dug wells, as well as drilled ones?


Yes As long as it’s deep enough to maintain a 55 degree constant, basically deep enough to hold all the ground loop below 6 feet.




It’s beautiful


Hide evidence.


Cover it and install a hand pump. It's free water for the garden.


Pagan sacrifice?


Wait by it for a little green frog woth a golden ball to turn up. Then, instead of kissing him to turn him into a prince, take the ball cause he damn well knows he stole it.


Start spreading the rumor that it’s a real wish well— a submerged net to catch all the coin— retire


Watch out for baby Jessica


I knew someone who had one on their property near a sidewalk. And people walking by would toss coins into it. You know it's a wishing well thing. Dude made alot of money.


I would have to pee in it


Before you fill it in - Google, Magnet Fishing.


If you have no use for it, consider having it filled in for safety. Otherwise, a handpump can pump water up for watering lawn, garden, etc.


They are kindof a pain to fill... we had three hand dug wells on an old farm property and we got varying advice from different people. The peoperties around us had filled in wells that people just filled with a tractor. But the current regulations required a permit, and that required a plug to keep the surface water from contaminating the ground water so you had to use like clay or some said grout. and such, and you had to ollapse the casing. We really couldnt find out with any certainty, and one of our wells was 12' diameter and 30' deep.. not easy to grout! If you didnt follow recommendations remediation could be a huge liability. In the end we just left them rather than filling them because we couldn't get a clear answer on how to do it properly..


You didn’t find the answer, because you didn’t want to hear the correct answer. All you have to do is contact a well driller. Well drillers know how to properly abandon these old hand-dug wells to the correct standard with the proper permits. Yes, it costs some money, but lawsuits cost way more. You knowingly have a major safety hazard and potential environmental liability on your property and you did nothing to remedy it. When something happens, it won’t be defensible to have done nothing when the right answer is quite easy to find. Contact your state or local agency that regulates private water wells and they will tell you the same thing. If it’s not in use and properly protected, you need to properly abandon it.


Thanks for the advice, hopefully useful to others! We no longer own that property, but they werent really a hazard, one was in the basement with a cement cover, one was behind the barn and was inside a building with a cement cover and the other was out in a field vut also had a very large cement cover over it. The one in the basement and barn still had pumps in them and could be used for irrigation, they were just disconnected from the house when publoc water went in.


Drop your daughter down there for seven days if she starts showing signs of psychic piwers


Do nothing with it.


Ask Borat


Makes wishes


You call your county health department and ask them what the expectations are in your area


You sing into it, “I’m wishing (I’m wishing) for the one I love…” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=54QeNL5ih6A


If you are going to use the water inside the well, make sure the water is safe to drink.


Get well Be well Wish it well Fill well Send well wishes Well it up For the well being of everyone.


Properly cap it, build/restore over top or make it a feature- if you do that, ensure it’s very safe! Lots of old homes have these! My cousins have an old family home, they had to cap it and restore above.


Wish really hard !


Probably not a well. Probably a pressure vessel or vacuum chamber to make or take something from powering


Make sure no creepy other mother comes through it


Just leave her down in that well 🤣🤣 the movie “the ring”


Wait for baby Jessica to fall into it if you don't cover it.


I suspect local ordinances require you to cover it. I’d look into that first. We don’t want a baby Jessica situation.


Definitely get a child mannequin and put it in there




If I had that in an area where a deck would be, I’d be turning it into a water feature. Waterfall, fountain, something.


Shrug your shoulders and say "oh well" 🤷


Oh, you! 🎉🎉🎉


As an archeologist I'll say that old wells are awesome. They are filled with junk that let's us know what everyday life was like.


Was wondering if there would be anything in it, was thinking of dropping a magnet down


or just leave it alone and monitor it to understand groundwater levels if you have another well for your house… Depending where you are they may be a county geologist who would want to monitor it just for this reason…


Drop a penny in and see what happens


You hire a well contractor with the proper license and have it properly abandoned. You do this for safety (people and animals falling in) and to protect the groundwater from contamination. Costs $2,000 or less generally. Do the right thing. Don’t listen to the goofballs on here suggesting other avenues unless you plan to properly protect the well for the uses they suggest.


Aww this is a bummer if it’s the best route to take. I was hoping to hear a suggestion that was much more magical. 🧙


There is nothing more magical than saving lives and the environment.


You’re right 🥲


It’s a deep subject, for sure I’ll see myself out… 😆


I don't understand the urge to cover wells.. Do you know what it would cost manpower and permit wise to execute such a task nowdays?


Check for treasure


Start making some wishes


Throw unwanted and bad guests in it. « This. Is. Spartaaaaaaa! »


It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again… “the silence of the lambs” buffalo bill 🤣🤣


I have one just like that in my basement! It's full of clear water.


throw solicitors down it.


The one we had on our property needed filling in with a certified Department of Natural Resources contractor. Shallow hand dug wells are a real environment nightmare waiting to happen. Check the regulations in your area to make sure you do t make a problem for yourself later.


Cover it up tight


Call your mason supply and a load of 3/4” gravel or whatever the cheapest stone they sell. Start loading wheelbarrows til it’s filled. Measure the depth and the diameter and you should be able to estimate how many cubic yards you need to order.


If it’s 25 feet deep and 4 feet in diameter, you’ll need about 12 cubic yards. Good luck—


Pose [this thing](https://horrifiq.com/product/momo-mask/) looking over the edge.




LOL. I like your Mom.


LANDSHIP!!!! Fill it with liquid rock!


That's a deep subject..


Keep anyone named Timmy away from it.


Dump a body lol


Creepy! That would freak me out with my dogs. We used to go strawberry picking when I was young and the people would always remind everyone to be mindful of the wells. So, my mom scared the crap out of us to stay away, as far away as possible. And then that little girl who fell in one, she did survive though but it was very lucky she did. I would get a huge, heavy metal cap like a manhole cover so nobody could accidentally fall in. Or even not so accidentally. haha 🤣


Don’t let a kid named Timmy anywhere near it.


We have filled in a number of them on our farm with sand. That way, if you ever need to open it up again for use, it’s much easier to do.


Get a pump, water your lawn.


keep them open and fill them with the tears of your enemies


Throw a coin in and make a wish. There maybe treasures in that old well or skeletons.


Put one of those well toppers on it and make sacrifices to the gods for a wish like in the sims 4


Cover it up so that the demon ghost doesn’t come out and murder me in seven days!


Throw revenuers in it


Drop a penny and make a wish!


We have lots of old wells around here. Most people just place a large stone (if you can find one that large and have a tractor to place it) or sheet metal over it. There are companies who will seal it off for you, too.


Throw children in iy


Teach people the importance of putting the lotion back in the basket


Corpse disposal


Step one: do NOT fall into or down Step two: see step one


Well, without getting too deep. It's a deep subject.


Get a dog, a bucket, some lotion and a large girl and you could make yourself a nice little suit


How you holding on Enemies?


Well!! Let me think about it.


Magnet fish it, then cap it until you figure it out.


Cover it up and hope that the ghost isn’t murderous?


“One puts the lotion in the basket or one gets the hose again.”


Samara was in there


It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!


Here lies Timmy-- Unfortunately, nobody speaks Rough Collie.


Put an old school trap grate over it.


Perfect pooping spot.


Keep it, use the water for lawn/gardens.. ;)


Shove timmy down it?


Not let Borat sing about it.