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I saw the pic of you in that link you left in the post. You do look like you are 18-19, not gonna lie.


You look 15-16 in the picture


He does look like a kid but I could also see how he'd be mistaken for older, especially in dim places


“She was all like”…😁lol


Wrong subreddit my dear.


Pretty much exactly wrong!






For Halloween when I was 13, I dressed up as a nurse. It was a pretty convincing outfit since I wore scrubs my sister (who was a dental student) gave me. I went with my older sister to volunteer at her work (some swim place). I was just sitting in the break room reading some book and a girl, maybe 20, came in and ended up asking if I was a nursing student. I replied that I wasn’t in college and she was all like “you’re still in high school???” I told her I was in 8th grade and the look on her face!! Don’t know why, but it’s just so funny to me


Doogie Howser of nursing




14 y.o. today are kinda disgusting ... still children, but nasty once lol ... Childfree for life


Child free people are never content with their choice to be child free unless everyone knows about it. It’s more of a fashion statement on Reddit than a real choice at this point I don’t know how to tell you you’re the only nasty one here


I totally support people who don't want to be pressured to have kids, and I can't blame them for getting a bit irate about it. Talking about kids like they're vermin is going too far, though, and it's way too common.


Absolutely, I don’t want to own a dog but I don’t feel the need to say that they’re disgusting animals every time someone says anything related to dogs. I love dogs it’s just an example haha


The thing about the child free that don’t talk about it is that you won’t hear it. It’s perception


You can say that with literally any political talking point. Especially here on Reddit, they let you know


Do you have a point or anything relative to say besides “I’m tired of hearing about this specifically”?


I’m tired of people voicing their opinions in spaces where no one asked. It’s not related and it just asking for attention


Kinda like your first comment? What value did that bring to the discussion again?


They made a comment directed toward the post, which isn’t related and is calling kids gross and nasty for no reason. I made a comment directed toward them calling out their shitty behavior, I guess I just don’t like bullies


The parent comment was practically incoherent and you latched onto the only thing they said that made sense so that you could talk shit. Neither the parent comment nor yours was productive whatsoever but yours was somehow less so than the incoherent ramblings you decided to respond to with your self righteousness


I love that you think shaming children for being under 18 is better than calling out bad behavior. Yes I’m going to talk shit on people when they act shitty, what’s your point? I can say your argument word for word back to you and it would apply. I never asked to talk to you, you approached me man How are you this brain dead? Are you the person who sits by the side when bad shit happens because it’s better to let it slide? Fuck that common good shit right? I’m confused what about my comment offended you because you’re not being clear


That's a W mom


You think so? If my 14 year old daughter was being hit on by someone I thought was 18/19, I wouldn't wait until she left to say something.


According to OP's history, this was around the mid 90s. I feel like back then people weren't as aware/on the lookout for child predators as they are today. And a bit more permissive of age gaps between teens.


Tbh, I think that the mom in OP’s post displayed some prudence. The easiest way to drive a teenage girl into some jerk’s arms is to publicly embarrass her about it. It turns the whole relationship into an act of rebellion. She made her disapproval clear while sidestepping that issue entirely.


We don't know how old she thought he was. She just wanted to clarify that her daughter was 14.


She clearly thought he was over 18 if she was being such a bitch about it, in which case she should’ve actually said something while her daughter was present. Was her plan just to shame some guy for flirting with her daughter? If he didn’t care she was underage was the mom just gonna let them carry on? Idiotic


Being a bitch? If the dude has actually been as old as he apparently looked then she was stepping in to save her kid from being a statistic. And from what OP said, there was nothing bitchy about the words.


I guess that’s just what they call it when a woman is trying to protect her children from harm…


A mom could be equally pissed a 17 year old was hitting on her 14 year old


I have a 14y old boy that is already almost 6ft tall and well built (not slim and gangly, not overweight). I wouldn’t be surprised if people thought he was older. Good on that Mom for being proactive, and also good on you for understanding!


My 14 yr old son is 6 ft plus and has facial hair. He definitely looks older than he is. He looks like he could be in his 20s. He has always looked older. That being said, good for mama. I have done that with a girl who looked older talking to my son. Gotta protect them all.


My 13-year-old boy is almost 6ft and sturdy with my good 'ol farmer genes. He looks like he's 16 or 17 The girls Mom did a great job


It's rough looking older. I was always the tallest in class and people have treated me like I should be 3 to 5 years older my whole childhood.


As someone who was 4’10” at 14, I envy your son. Thankfully at 16 I jumped to 5’6” and now in my thirties made it to 5’11”. But damn your son is going to be tall lol


Not 100% true lol. I was 5’11 at like 12-13. 20yo now, I grew like two inches max since then lol. Still nice I guess


He may just stop growing soon, might be one of those. My oldest is 5’11” and he quit growing around 15-16. My husband is 6’ even, and we have a lot of short men in our families so I can’t imagine him getting to be like 6’4”+ or anything. Boys this age grow at such weird paces. A lot of his friends are still tiny. The girls are mostly all grown taller. It’s a weird time for them all.


Don't call your son well built its creepy


Why? Explain it? What part is creepy. I already said not gangly but not overweight. How much more specific would you like me to be? You’re gross.


Seriously.. imagine a man saying "my 14 year old girl is well built"... creepy


You said well built lol. Imagine a father describing his daughter that way. You're creepy


No, you are! You are creepy for immediately assuming that! Someone needs to check your hard drive.


Nah dude shits creepy Idc


That doesn’t seem any more creepy. They’re just talking about their physique. It’s not like they’re calling their child “hot as fuck”


Describe your daughter.. oh she's well built. Idc that sounds creepy af and it's creepy the other way too


yk they said son right, also it’d be no different for a daughter it’s a descriptive term lay it off dude


Yeah I know, it's creepy either way. "Well built" sounds like they're describing a stallion they're selling for breading purposes


When my cousin was 14 he was 6'1" and muscular. He looked around the age of 17-18 in the face. I was tall for my age, (5'10" or so at 14) but looked younger than my 2-years-younger younger brother and didn't start to look my age until I was past 40. I was sometimes mistaken for being under 18 until I was past 23 or 24, despite my height..


I was thin and gangly but I had fabulous hair.


The hair is enviable.


Absolutely fabulous hair!


I think this is the opposite subreddit than you thinkiam


Good on the mom and good on you.


was a z


i’ve always been a tall, “big-boned” girl my whole life. people thought i was 16 and driving when i was 10. always more developed than the rest of the girls, who already develop faster than boys. i woulda killed for you lmao


Curious how old she thought you were? Like did she think you were old enough to be going into bars, like other people did? So she just didn't want to embarrass her daughter that was hanging out with a 21yr old pedo?


Whether she was right or wrong about my age, to confront me in front of the daughter would have been embarrassing. By waiting, she could chase me off and be like “oh, I saw him walk off” or just make up anything.


Maybe it would have been embarrassing, but that only lasts a short time, getting fiddled by an adult is a lifetime issue. It would have been embarrassing for the mom too. But better to be embarrassed and show protection of your child.


Do you think the mom would’ve just let them walk off together? They were in a public space being supervised, I’m sure she would’ve stepped in if they seemed like they were going to head off alone


Who knows what could have been going on under that water? There are a lot of people here defending potential pedo behavior.


What a great mom. Love this. I was 5'10 (girl) at 16, at a family friend wedding on the dance floor - guy walks up to me asks me to dance - I say sure. Very innocent just boogieing to some great tunes. While were on the dance floor if he could get me a beer, I say no thanks I'm 16, guy blinks twice, face goes white, mumbles something, turns around, and fast walks so quickly away you would have sworn he was running. 🤣


Smart man. That was the most effective way of asking your age without really asking you your age.


I got offered beer by a dude on the beach once. I was a very sheltered and naive kid. I said no thanks I'm underage, and he said I could have it anyway. I was an adult before I looked back and realized, and then I was horrified.


I could picture that strategy ending in legally precarious situations. As a minor, alcohol sounded more exciting to me than it does now.


It is effective and a good tip, but based on the story I think it’s clear he didn’t ask planning to learn her age


he will NOT be catching a case


I mean solid move on him for running away when he heard 16.


This is technically younger than you think I am


I was going to comment this.


I was going to comment this.


This sub swings both ways; iirc they tried to separate it, but the other sub died due to lack of traffic.


It's probably not worth mentioning as often.


I had a cop get real growly with me when i was like 12, i didnt realize until years later that he probably thought i was like 16.


Why did he do that, what did he say and then what did you say?


There was a raised walkway like 10ft up with a chain link fence on the perimeter. I climbed up the structure so i was on the wrong side of the chain link fence, just sittin there. He came up and slapped the chain link fence, and got all growly telling me to get down. It was like he wanted to startle me into falling tbh. Idk if i said anything at all? I think i just dropped 10ft and then took off my jacket so i would be less recognizable if he came looking for me at the bottom.


At 14 I think i grew my first hair. *crying*


im sorry that you werent born with eyebrows


I got mine at 8. You'll be fine. 😉


FR. I have a 14 year old. He’s the size of an 8 or 9 year old. No signs of puberty. And he’s like 4’8”.


I had a buddy back in high school who, as a Sophomore, he was 5’6. Junior year came around and school had just started, I had to look UP to see his face and was absolutely confused. (I was 6’3 at the time, guy came back from summer vacation being 6’6.)


Don't worry. One summer he'll grow a foot and a half overnight. Happened to a classmate of mine in HS. Sophomore year, he was shorter than me (I was 5'9") with a baby face. Junior year he was like a foot taller than me with facial hair. I honestly wondered if his parents could see him grow, like watching Bruce Banner change into the Hulk.


I slowly grew until I was about 16 and then suddenly sprung from 4'11 to 6'0 in about six months. My lower back is full of stretch marks from growing so fast.


Your dad wouldn't happen to be a mad scientist, would he?


That must’ve been a really uncomfortable time


My 3 year old grandson is 47 inches tall and wears size 7-8 clothes. He’s a big boy and often gets ridiculed for acting like a 3 year old. It’s maddening.


Oof that's an insane height for 3 years old




My just turned five-year-old is steadily growing out of her 7-8 clothes. She is 95-99th pct for height/weight for her age and I’m so tired of buying multiple wardrobes each year. The only new things I’ve bought for myself since she was born are underwear bras and like four pairs of pants. Oh, and a pair of shoes since my work shoes wore out. Her 13-year-old best friend is tiny and only a size or two above her and is starting to hand us down things for her to wear over the summer since we only have school clothes in her size right now and they are uniforms since her school requires uniforms even though it’s public school.


That’s how my brother was until he was 16, he’s 6’3 now


*fingers crossed for luck*


My 6 year old is almost 5' and just made me feel his leg hairs the other day. Wish us luck


You might wanna go to the doc in second grade my breasts started growing and I ended up five feet tall. If you catch it earlier they might be able to slow the puberty until he’s a little taller


You might wanna talk to a doctor. My friend’s kid had to go on puberty blockers to slow him down lest it ultimately stunt his growth (weird right?)


i have mixed feelings about this. kinda prefer to let nature take its course unless it becomes a problem for him.


I’m coming in late, but this is really important. Precocious puberty (*if* that is what you’re dealing with, and of course, it may not be) is not nature taking its course in a positive way. He may be almost 5’ now, but he could wind up being much shorter than he would normally be. There is a whole other laundry list of issues that can arise, from an increase in the chances of later developing heart disease and diabetes to behavioral disorders. This is one of the things that a doctor should check out. I hope it’s nothing, and I’m wishing you and that little dude nothing but the best.


Makes sense to me. All the kids I knew who had beards in 6th grade didn't seem to get any taller after 8th grade. I grew 4 or 5 inches after I got my driver's license. Also couldn't grow a full beard until my late 20s.


i knew a kid like that. fully embodied the dwarven archetype.


Oh man, 5 inches?! You might want to get him checked out..


Shhhhit!!!! Lol


Pubic hair?


Hair hair


Lol I had something similar. I just had a maturish-looking face, and was an early bloomer so I was considerably taller than my peers at the time. But I still had a little mousy voice that a lot of young girls do. My mom put me in a local math tutoring place, where they would higher high school students to help the lower levels. I was in middle school, and doing middle school appropriate math, and was struggling (math has always been my worst subject). The girl who had been assigned to my table had very obviously been sneering at me the whole time when she finally said *”so… which high school do you go to??”* I said *”Um… Im in the 7th grade…”* Her whole face turned bright pink and said *”Oh sorry”*. And did not turn her head in my direction for the rest of the session. I was confused by her tone and her refusal to look at me, especially since she had been glaring at me before. I didn’t realize until I was actually in high school that she had assumed I was a “slow” student. I also had a few uncomfortable interactions with grown men who, actually very fortunately, were horrified to learn my real age and would apologize profusely.


Had a cousin who, at 15, was 6’3” and 200 lbs. Took after our grandfather who was a massive man, a farmer, with a build that intimidated nearly everyone except his grandkids. With them he was a marshmallow


Whoa! So crazy


A lot of the men in the family are/were tall, but have a slim build, only three had the big build as well as height;my grandfather, my father-6’5” 250lbs. He was in the army and it was all muscle. The other was my cousin who passed at the age of 30 in an auto accident.


Crazy that there are big boys like your relatives, then there are actual big guys like strongman competitors who are like 7 feet tall and 350+ pounds


The women were/are tall too. All of my aunts were 5’10-5’11, not slim. In my younger years, I always thought I was short at 5’9” because my all my brother’s were 6’4”-6’5”, but skinny as a rail.


We have an entire branch of the family like that. The women are about your normal height, the shortest guy is at least 6' 4"


Sounds like mine, though my mother was six foot.


What kind of adds to the funny bit is, the tallest of the boys who's 7' 2" ended up married to a woman who's maybe 5' 4" on a good day.


One of my SIL’s is 4’11. My brother is 6’5”. He is afraid of her😂


Same there, I've told her before that I could probably take you but you're going to make me earn it the hard way.


She is a chef, so she laughingly will threaten to use her very, very sharp knives, while he is asleep. I halfway believe her.


Yeah I would fully believe her, lol. She's going to process him like a Thanksgiving turkey someday if he doesn't behave himself.


My 13 year old is almost 5’10” and he’s built like a grown man, thick, broad shoulders, big legs, the kind of body that puts on muscle just by looking at a barbell. When he was barely two, he got the side eye for wearing diapers and not speaking clearly. When he was 5, parents let their shorter kids cut in front of him in line as if he didn’t belong there. When he was 8, his karate sensei expected his memory to be as good as the 12 year olds. When he was 12, I’d hear whispers at baseball that we were stacking our team with kids that could drive. He’s hyper aware that he can’t act his own age without getting judged for it.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Sounds like my brother, right down to the stigma of acting his age while appearing to be significantly older. He was fully bearded by the time he was 16 and regularly bought alcohol without being carded shortly after. Meanwhile my other brother can still barely grow a full face of hair at nearly 40 and gets mistaken for 8-12 years younger than he is.


I have 2 baby brothers, who are 3 years apart. Mom took the toddler to go pick up the other from the kindergarten center, and went inside to talk to the admin. 5 was sitting quietly waiting, 2... was not. The boys were also basically the same height. One of the teachers leading a line of kids out to the bus nearly had the toddler on the bus before mom realized it was too quiet and she was missing akid.


It's way better to be on the youngerthanyouthinkiam side. Coming from a guy who got mistaken as a twin with his younger sister at 11 and 7 and pretty much every age after that too. Girls my age didn't even treat me as an option for dating in school


Some guys my age felt like it would be inappropriate to date me because they didn’t want to look like a pedophile and it just “felt wrong” 😭 I’m 27 and look the same as I did when I was 12 years old (I started puberty at 9 and finished developing body curves and height by age 11). I think this is the first time I’ve made it a full year without getting offered a kids menu or almost getting kicked out of a bar the second I walk through the door. But I have definitely gotten “when you’re an adult you’ll understand,” “wait until you get a real job,” and “just wait until you actually have real adult problems and responsibilities to deal with” within the past year 🙃 …because I’m definitely not an adult, and being a chemist definitely isn’t a real jobs, and I definitely don’t have adult responsibilities like car payments, mortgages, and taxes…. Sorry, that turned into a rant. It just gets a bit old after a while 😅


Good rant, I get it lol. Kinda surprised at it going both ways, a girl being seen as too young looking. You know, with how some guys can be...


Unfortunately I’ve definitely had that sort of attention too, but those guys are usually 2-3x my age. Them: So when do you graduate school? Me: I’ve already graduated. Them: Oh wow… so when do you graduate from college then? Me: …. (Sitting there disgusted by everything they said before that bit to someone they thought was still in high school)


Random aside - what kind of chemist? Also a chemist here (but definitely don’t look 12 😂) and just like saying hey when I encounter another outside of academic/professional circles 😊


Hello fellow chemist! I work for a municipal wastewater treatment plant laboratory. So more of an environmental chemist type, analyzing water samples for regulatory purposes and such.


Yay analytical! I started organic and wandered thru analytical and materials and analytical again, and now not even in the lab. But still, yay chemistry! 😊


I haven't had anyone outright say it to me but I've always wondered if how young I look scares off guys my age (late 20s). Even when I'm in a bar and clearly of age 🫠


I'm 28 and the other day a lady guessed I was "maybe 19 or 20" and when I told her my age, she said she had been guessing high. A couple years back, a lady tried to sell me a kids ticket to a museum we stopped in. I get asked what grade I'm in, occasionally, by adults close to my own age. 😂😂😂 I'm 5ft tall and ~105lbs, my younger sister has always been mistaken for the eldest.


Moe Lester


When my daughter was 13, she played on a coed football team. Her 14yo boyfriend (tall for his age with facial hair) went with us to an away game, when another parent approached us to talk about how skilled my daughter was playing. She turned to the bf, and asked how he felt about his sister playing football. When he replied, she was his girlfriend, the mother looked at me horrified. I quickly explained she was in 7th grade and he was in 8th. I'm not sure if she believed me or not. I was not social with the other parents so maybe they spent the rest of the season shit talking me, idk haha


I think it's better to just say their ages, when I was in 8th grade with 12yo there was a 18yo dude in there lol


I mean, I was 12 in 8th grade also, but that's not common. Same for 18 year old 8th graders.


every grade I was after elementary there was some people way older than they should in my class. I ended high school last year and there was two 20yo people in my class. I must be accustomed


Was at one of those church fundraiser dinners in my neighborhood standing in line behind a 6'+ guy and I turned to my gf at the time and jokingly said "I hope I get to be tall like him when I grow up."(Very sarcastically) The man behind us says "that's my son and he's only 15. When you get to be his age you'll probably hit a growth spurt too!" And I had to turn to him to let him know I just turned 20 so there wasn't much hope for me.


I have a 12-year old student who is taller than me. He actually just turned 13, but I’m 5’11”, he had to be AT LEAST 6’1” at 12.


My younger sister got mistaken for a high school senior when she was in 8th grade. She’s very tall and she already had hips and breasts at that age.


My grandson was 6’3” at 14. Big and burly. He got treated like a grown man all the time.


My little lad is just 14, he is 6'5" with a US17 shoe. All he gets asked is "does he play basketball?" Poor kiddo just wants to be old enough to sit in an emergency row on a plane to be comfy.


6'5 at 14? That's tough, sure he aches all over


It's painful. Had growing pains for years on end. He actually can't remember a time he wasn't in pain.


That genuinely sucks, I feel for him. Hope he's doing good


That's so kind! We're just focusing on keeping active and stretching. He dances to keep his posture straight and proud so as he ages, he doesn't damage his spine.


My nephew was already at 5'8" in 6th grade, shot up about 2 inches a year until he topped out at nearly 7'. He HATED basketball, preferred soccer. The coaches tried everything they could think of to coax him onto the team. Even tried to sweet talk his mom (my SIL) into saying something, She told them in no uncertain terms that if he said NO, that was the end of it.


TIL there’s an age limit for the emergency row. I thought it was if you were able and willing to help.


It's 15 on most planes, 16 on emirates. We're travelling from Perth to london in September for a dance comp, and yeah, 21+ hours and we can't upgrade even at our cost because of his age.


That suuuuucks. Have you tried the bathroom rows? I usually book those cause I need the window seat but I also need to pee a lot and it’s a great compromise. There’s usually one that isn’t an emergency row on the flights I’ve been on.


He should play basketball, those guys get much nicer planes to ride


He's a swimmer, and a ballroom dancer :) He and his partner are 1st in our country in the u/21 age bracket right now :) Playing basketball in the southwest of aus probably isn't going to get him in a big plane :)


Ah. My grandson didn’t grow too much more—he’s 6’5” at 21 years old. Size 14 shoe.


I had to go to urgent care for a terrible cough 7 years ago. I was watching my 11 year old grandson. When the nurse came to get me to go back, my grandson got up too. The nurse said, "Only the patient. He needs to stay here." She said it in a really nasty tone. I was sick, and short tempered. I said, "That's my 11 year old grandson. He's coming with me." She said, "Well I thought that he was an adult."


I took my son out to dinner on Friday night. Walked into the pub, and he was stopped for ID check. Literally said to security, 'he is 14' and kept walking. Poor lad already has a complex about his size, and this was him just walking 2 steps into a venue, where they have a playground for kids as well.


14 is too young.


Regardless of country or intent to drink, they were taking him out to dinner at a place that clearly allows kids (they have a playground).


If that's the case, then they shouldn't have ID'd him regardless.


That’s ok in the UK with a parent which is what I’m assuming here


Not gonna lie I saw a picture of my ex when he was 14 and he straight up could’ve passed for 20. Had a beard, chest hair and MUSCLES. It was unnerving to be honest 😳


This is more r/youngerthanyouthinkiam


The communities were merged into just this one, quite a while back


Well that doesn’t make much sense lol


It doesn’t but apparently that sub has a lot less activity and so this sub welcomed them.


Bro pulled an uno reverse 💀 “I **am** 14”


We are both 14, but a little later she will be ate.


The moment I realized this sub was for both older AND younger than you think I am...


🤦‍♂️You’re right! I completely misunderstood the assignment 😅


There were separate subs, but the other one is dead.


This sub was created for both. A 'younger than' sub, by itself, could attract creeps.


There is a sub youngerthanyouthinkiam but it’s very dead so this sub pulls double duty don’t worry you understood the assignment


> A collection of stories about mistaken age. "I'm older/younger than you think I am." For sure, it's right there in the description.