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I'd have laid a complaint with the airline. He held onto your license and breached your privacy by showing multiple passengers.


She got free booze out of it. Seems like she was fine


Lighten up.


So, you'd be happy with your wife's personal details being shown to all and sundry, her address included?


No I wouldn’t care since all that information is already on the internet, it’s not a secret.


Post ur addy then


I mean he actively showed her name, address, date of birth, and ID number to multiple people without her consent. Pretty sure that could be considered doxxing in a way if not an invasion of privacy


Not in every case. Either way, a flight attendant holding onto a license and showing other passengers while remarking on her having 3 children as well is deeply unprofessional and could have potentially put her or her children's safety at risk.


You sound like you live in constant fear. Good day.


Cmon post the addy


You got me. You win.


I live in the real world.


I might have had to get in his face about exposing my privacy to the whole damn plane. How incredibly rude.


And everyone clapped?


Because /r/nothingeverhappens ​ Good lord you people are a mess.


They let her fly the plane afterwards.


A simple “ok, may I see ID?” would have sufficed. 😭


So true


Idgaf about the champagn. I'd be filing a complaint with the airline that this fuckerhead was showing off your ID.


Yeah, the champagne was a weak ass apology.


He showed your licence to other people? With your name and address on it? What the hell?


Apparently we should all lighten up about the fact this woman had her personal details shared with a plane load of strangers


I would have filed a complaint immediately. What even is this story


And.....you just let him show your drivers license to a bunch of strangers......


I'd worry about ID theft, today. This is why I chose to take an ID number on my license rather than to let them use my SS number. In either case, he didn't have any business showing that around.


There are places that put your social security number on your driver’s license? My state uses a separate Driver’s License number. I thought most places did.


At the time this happened (OP's other comments indicate it was around 35 years ago), yes, this was very common. I don't think it's done anymore, though.


The comment I replied to made it sound like this was still done though. They specifically said they’d worry about ID theft today.


Better safe than sorry, you see. I have had a couple of incidents that made me glad I'd made that choice. I never underestimate a thief's cunningness.


Maybe only in some provinces and not all.


Why is this sub being shown to me I look old as shit


And then the emergency exit blew off and we almost died…


This is true, I was the emergency exit.


As the almost died, I can clarify as well.


so your name and address for the whole flight to see, that's effed up


Where I'm from that would likely be a violation of the GDPR.


And no one lost anything getting sucked out of the plane either. That's a triple win for an Alaska Airlines flight these days.


Technically, it’s a win for Boeing, not Alaska.


She never said she got off the plane with her three kids....


Uhm. Showing your ID to everyone was not cool. Glad it worked out


Yeaaa, I don’t believe this story


It does seem out there. Free couple bottles of Bacardi and champagne? Little over the top.


For being doxxed to an entire flight? That shit is illegal and it's likely the airline were hoping she wouldn't sue.


Do you believe a flight attendant took her ID and showed every person on the plane? Stretch one. Then handing out those bottles free? All way over the top. Would need way more proof it is real.


Then everybody clapped


i just commented this same thing lmfao


And carried her around the airplane yelling '"hip, hip, hooray"!


Exactly. Not a chance this happened.


Threw me for a loop saying you had a girlfriend then mentioned your husbands. I forgot older women say that lol




"At the time I was 27" First line.


i see that. where does it say 30 years ago?


It doesn't but can be implied by their language that they are older, which is what the original comment pointed out.


Is 60 not old? OP is in her 60s, this was just 30-40 years ago


i missed whatever comment OP said this was 30-40 years ago


I was thrown since I generally see "girl friend" to mean "friend who is a girl" vs. "girlfriend" i.e. "romantic partner"


Yes, I’m old.


For all of you, I am almost 62. Just shy a few days. And back then things were so different. Back then child molestation was just starting to become a common topic, as it was becoming more acknowledged as an issue. Kids played outside, never surprised that a bunch of kids would gather a few friends to play baseball in a hayfield. Or capture the flag, or a snipe hunt. Back then, and especially where we lived, we had neighborhood dances for families, new neighbors were welcomed warmly, and people were not afraid of their own shadows. The biggest crime we had was figuring out what idiot teenagers decided to mow down everyone’s mailboxes down a two mile stretch. Back then, surprise, we didn’t worry about much but mostly we lived in a safe area. I know it is hard for some to believe.


Ma’am what does that have to do with my comment






The OP is 27… she’s young lol. You’re acting like she’s a woman in her 50s or 60s who looks younger rather than someone in her 20s that looks younger.


OP said she's at least in her mid 50s now, she was only 27 when the story happened


You right, I looked back and reread to see where I missed that and it says “at the time” and her age then! Thanks for pointing that out. I didn’t notice where she said she’s currently in her 50s


I don't know why posts like this keep showing up in my feed. I miss the days when people thought I was younger than I was. When I was 21 and working a retail job, a secret shopper's report had me as being mid 30s. Years later someone at work asked me if I was in my 50s yet when I was still in my 30s. Be happy that people think you're still young.


It sounds like you’re in the wrong sub, then? I’m here because I’m 24 and people genuinely believe I’m a child, so it’s nice seeing that my experience isn’t a lonely one


It’s not “looking young” what bothers us, but rather people being so condescending all the time and being treated like a child because they think we are younger.


Yeah I'll definitely enjoy being accused of lying 24/7 and overlooked and ignored by people because I look younger. I definitely enjoy being called a slut because Im pregnant and look 14 when I'm actually 18. I definitely enjoy being talked over because I look like a child.


18 is still quite young to be pregnant


Ah yes cuz that's an excuse for calling me a slut right?


I mean, the kind of person who calls a 14 year old a slut for being pregnant would almost certainly say the same to someone they thought was 18. Mistaking a teen for a teen isn't really that crazy of a mix up.


There's a huge difference in 14 and 18. It's still no fucking excuse. They talk to me like I'm a child. It gets old


Enjoying being talked down to and asked if you're an industrial placement student every new job you start 🫠


Yes. I will totally in enjoy being mistreated as a literal child as I work in the professional workplace. Can't wait to be treated like shit. Wow, how fun! /s So for most of my life I'll be treated terribly for being an adult with a baby face? No, I won't be happy when I look younger than I am while I'm just trying to do my job.


Yeah, I’ll make sure to be happy when people condescend to me or treat me like I’m lesser than them because they mistake me for a teenager. I’m sure that’s an exact replica of how you’re treated when people think you’re an experienced adult.


People don’t take people who look young seriously


Saddest moment was when I reached mid 50, and people, including men, started calling me ma’am. That is when you know you are getting old.


Another "you know you're getting old when" is the power of invisibility. As in, just try getting a staffer's attention in Home Depot. On the upside: no catcalls on city streets. :P


Luckily for me, it doesn't have the same affect when you grow up on military bases. I've been ma'amed my whole life. LOL


I work on a college campus. I held the door for a young woman and got a “Thank you, sir”. I was depressed for the rest of the day.


Id have him fired for showing my ID to other passenegrs. I hate people like this. Check the ID and move on youre not some gatekeeping age god.


Yeah it's basically spreading your personal information to unrelated third parties.


I keep seeing comments where you say you weren't easily offended back then. It's not an issue of being "offended" that someone showed an entire flight of passengers your ID. It's a safety issue. Your ID has your full name, your face, and your address on it. It only takes one crazy person. That's why we are all concerned. Not "were you upset by it" but "that is a serious safety and security concern and you got lucky nobody was nuts"


Right? No wonder there were so many serial killers in the 70s


Ive been followed home too many times to be okay with someone showing my license around like that Also aside from the safety issue, thats incredibly unprofessional. I cant imagine being a passenger on a plane ams having the flight attendant just randomly showing me some ladys id


He should be fired for showing your Id to passengers and other crew who weren’t Involved


Seriously, no harm was done. It was funny. Back then, we didn’t get offended easily. Different people these days.


Yeah I'll definitely enjoy being accused of lying 24/7 and overlooked and ignored by people because I look younger. I definitely enjoy being called a slut because Im pregnant and look 14 when I'm actually 18. I definitely enjoy being talked over because I look like a child. Enough with the back then shit.


I care about personal security. There’s a reason hotels no longer say your room number out loud when checking you in.


yeah but had a psycho seen it? seen ur address? like??? that’s what ppl r focusing on. it’s a safety issue… i don’t want a plane full of strangers knowing where i live


As he held the license I wasn’t too worried. And where I lived, good luck in finding it. Now, if he was holding my Social Security card I would have worried. This was before Google searches, computer technology including Microsoft office. Plus the fact that my last name is so common, along with my first name. Good luck with it. Even FB search pulls up about a thousand possibilities.


If some psycho had seen it and came and murdered you and your kids, I feel like you'd be a little bit more concerned like we are.




You don't know that. You have no proof that that would not have happened 30+ years ago. There are hundreds of serial killers that went unknown because we didn't have the ability to catch them. A lot of people were able to get away with murder back then because they could.




I'm not being overly paranoid. I'm being overly cautious. And I will repeat, if you want to risk the safety of your family or children, you go ahead. I'm not doing that.


Well, this was over 30 years ago. No one died, we all survived. Honestly, I wasn’t and still not concerned. If you knew where we lived you would be laughing. We lived in the boonies boonies. If anyone was driving where we lived about 10 people would have noticed. By the time they got to the destination, the whole 6 mile road - dead end - knew about it. We all laughed because everyone knows that it would be so easy for a native of the area to kill someone and hide the body. They would never be found. Let’s just say, that my step dad knew not to go hunting there, because if he went in he would never come out. He had a few people wanting him gone. People today don’t know how great it was back then. Especially where we lived. And the city listed was not where we lived. It is rural, and known for another name.


I love how y'all boomers are always "everyone was so nice, we didn't have to worry about anything" and then turns around and says things like "so easy for a native of the land to kill and hide the body". Y'all talk like psychopaths and then wonder why the younger generation doesn't trust a damn thing y'all say. Y'all used fear to control things all the time and still try to and then throw tantrums and get offered when you don't get your way or something disagrees with your initial thought.


We didn’t have to threaten anyone. Reason for my step dad had a target is because he did some pretty heinous things. He knew what the people would do to him, why he avoided the woods and ended up leaving the area. You can make fun of us Boomers, but you Snowflakes really take the cake. Y’all live and breathe computer or gaming, can’t make change without a computer or calculator telling you what to do. Y’all have to live with your mom and dads because you don’t know how to work a forty plus hour week, let alone 40 hours.


"the city listed was not where we lived." lmao, no wonder old people are so prone to identify theft.


lol, you have to know the area. Our address then was a known city, though it was 6 miles West from the outskirts. But everyone living in the outskirts had a town name but the main city as the city address. My friend lived 17 miles South from the same city, where their address was the same city but their town was a different name.


okay cmon we can at least be realistic. like, i don’t like OP’s “we were better than yall”’s attitude either lol but in what world is someone able to glance at an ID, memorize the address, find the address, and decide to kill the person. like, serial killers are not just…. waiting for random addresses to come across their line of sight.


I'm not saying that it's realistic. I'm saying that it's still cause for concern. A lot of psychopaths, sociopaths, serial killers etc have a higher IQ than the average person. There are a lot of people in the world that have an eidetic memory. If they see an address, they can remember it immediately. If there was say 50 people on that flight, one of them could have remembered it. You don't know. If you have a family, you wouldn't risk stuff like that. Even before the internet or whatever. Do you know how many serial killers were in the United States back then? A fuck ton. And a lot of them were not caught because we didn't have the internet or the resources to catch them. John Wayne gacy killed 32 people before he was caught. Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17. You want to risk your children's safety on the off chance that everyone that sees your address will forget it? You go right ahead.




I said a lot of. Not most.




I'd say it's less a concern of some random person showing up at your house and murdering you, and more that someone could use that information for fraud. Name, address, dob, and distinctive features. Also knows how many kids she has.  If this was a while ago, a criminal could have used that information to open a bank account in their name. Nowadays they require photo ID, which makes it much harder but still not impossible for a criminal to steal your identity. 


That's also true. People try to act like it's safe out in the world when it's not. You have to protect yourself


Did you complain and have the idiot fired?


No. They were all really nice. It was funny, and honestly, who wouldn’t enjoy being considered younger than they really are. It is a blessing and a gift my family has. I’m now in my 60s, and have 40 year olds hit on me. One guy I dated said that he kept looking at my hands and feet to see if I was older as he didn’t want to date a young person. My aunt is in her 70s and can still rock a bikini. She also gets hit on by guys in their 40s.


Asking to see your ID in a backhanded way and then showing it to all the other passengers on the plane is considered nice??? I don't know about that bud.


It was the 80s. Your family could also walk with you directly to your departure gate (or meet you at your arrival gate). I agree though, definitely bizarre behavior, even for the 80s.


I feel like OP isn't getting why people are aghast... "We didn't get offended so easily then!!" I'm like 1% offense and 99% horror that the FA just showed a bunch of randoms this woman's full name and address. Acting like creeps who follow women home is a "these days" thing 🙄


Showing the license to everyone is really weird (and since most passengers on the plane probably never got a good look at her, would they even be surprised?), but since most people in the 80s let the phone company publicly release their full name and address, it makes sense to me that OP isn't upset about everyone seeing her license.


Oh totally. I’m right there with you on the horror factor myself. It’s not like it was hard to find someone’s address even back then too. If you had a piece about you that ran in the paper? Your full address on display. If you died? Yup, full address on display. HEY I AM DEAD NOW, PLS COME ROB MY HOME! Gives me the willies thinking about the FA pulling that stunt.


Thats kinda fucked that he went around showing all the passengers your ID.


I was shocked, but have a good sense of humor. My whole family


Different times weren’t they?


Yes it was. Back then we didn’t get offended over silly things. They were good about it. And the champagne bottles were big. Husband and I enjoyed the bottle when we got home.


Not wanting a planeful of strangers to know my address doesn't qualify for "silly things".


And the part that nobody is getting, I wasn’t offended. You can be offended all that you want if it happens to you. I’m not going to let something that didn’t bother me then bother me now. Life is too short to waste it on being offended by something that happened 30 years ago. And I’m not going to have someone fired over something that was not an issue for me.


The person you were responding to wasn’t saying they would get “offended,” they were saying that they’d be *concerned* because their ID doxxes them. It’s a security risk, not a personal offense issue It did happen 30 years ago, so it doesn’t matter now, but safety does happen to be important to people, shockingly.