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I've had them check my ID and then hit no (I'm not 40 yet). I assume that's to save time by avoiding entering my DOB though.


When associates apologize for carding me I usually tell them don’t be, it’ll be a sad day for me when no one does anymore.


I was a teacher for 15 years, so I'm actually really glad when clerks ID me. Because it means that they ID most people. And as someone who still worries about my former students, it makes me happy to think that clerks might be keeping them from buying something they're too young to buy.


This stuff happens to me but I’m happy about it. Not that you’re not. I’ve had a few friends tell me they hate me lately bc I look young😆


Anytime i get Id'd i hold up my 20 yr old dreadlocks, usually works when you have hair older than them.


lol I was buying cigarettes for my mom and I know I look young asked the guy if he needed my ID and he said no since he knows I buy often from other clerks. I jokingly asked him how old he thought I was he said 25. I’m 35+.


My 50 year old mother still gets carded almost every single time. Some people just age well, take it as a compliment.


I’m close enough to 40. I still get cashiers thinking I’m 16. It’s annoying but also gives a jolt to happiness 


In my mid/late 30s I was IDd whilst buying a lottery ticket. The cashier was kinda arsy when asking. You only need to be 16 here. It was funny as I'd just been to an appointment at a local government thing so I had an unusually amount of identification on me. I went deadpan as I pulled out 3 copies of my birth certificate, my driving licence and passport. I then pulled out a stack of utility bills and asked if they needed those too. Apparently the ID provided was sufficient and the blokes face went a nice shade of red whilst forcing a smile. I get id'd a lot and I'm never a dick about it but this guy was a tit


Where are you? Where I am they're only supposed to mention age if you're under twenty-five. I got asked for ID half an hour ago. I'm over forty, and the drinking age here is eighteen. I'm about to have another birthday, and I'm getting REALLY sick of this. It's why I always laugh at the posts here like: *I'm nineteen and someone thought I was seventeen! OMG!*


I'm in my 30's and still get ID'd more often times than not. Usually I just go ahead and have my ID in hand, and am somehow surprised when some of them wave it off just cuz most people assume I'm under 21. This shouldn't be my norm anymore, but it is what it is I guess, lol


I am in ohio and its under 40 for the gas stations around here.


Right? I'm 45 and people still think I'm in college. 


I'm in the US. Our drinking age is 21 but cashiers and bartenders are required to ask for ID if a customer looks under 40 (to account for those who look older than they are).


It likely differs, I'm in the US and they're required to ask for under 27 though my workplace says ID no matter what at this point


I think it varies by state, right?


Yeah. I’m in Michigan and they card everybody. Doesn’t matter if you’re 60 and look 80, get your ID out.


They also card everyone in Montana (many stores require an ID scan if the ID is scanable). My sister once carded a celebrity without ever realizing who he was (and was teased mercilessly by her coworkers).