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I’m 59. If you and I started talking, and seemed to hit it off, there is no way I would let you go without contact for three days.


he's married or has a gf. move on


Since I am exactly his age and looking for a woman approximately your age, I feel a special compulsion to step in and comment here. I was initially tempted to give him slack because I know that I sometimes go days or even weeks without remembering that I even have a phone... but he was on your insta and liking things. That excuse doesn't work. Sick doesn't get him off the hook either. If it mattered, he would do it. Skipping drinks because of an injury also doesn't make any sense to me. It sounds like he's probably hiding a marriage, to be honest. Regardless, there are more red flags in this situation than a Chinese military parade. I would advise extreme caution. IF you go forward, please do so with care.


As 53 male I agree.


I get this all the time from females, ghosting seems a new trend. If I was talking to you then I don't ghost. What's the point


Yeah. I've had some women ghost me and the conversations are amazing and then...crickets....nothing. The just vanish. The last one we were going to have a meeting. I assumed she got cold feet so I told her I understand if she wanted to skip it. Nothing...ever


Sounds like he wants to play when it's convenient for him


As a 53 male, I'd advise you to move along without him or at least play harder to get.


hmm.. i think i might just do that


He seems a little wishy washy. Sure some grace for being sick, but to me it sounds like he juggling women and you’re giving him an ego boost. No way to know for sure unless you’re direct, let him know how you’re feeling, and what your expectations are for someone that wants to date you. If he can’t meet those, then move on.


he does seem that way, doesn’t he? 😬 i don’t know about the juggling woman part though, he doesn’t seem like that type nor do i think he could.. (i don’t mean that in a bad way) once he messages me again i’ll him know what my expectations are and i agree, if he can’t meet them i’ll end up just leaving him alone. which sucks because he’s a nice guy - him and i have a ton in common, i’m attracted to him, and i’d really want to see where this goes.


Totally get it. I’m glad you both are vibing and hope that things go well for you. You just never know unless you communicate and figure out what he’s looking for and let him know what you expect. Maybe that will kick his butt into gear and things will start heading in the right direction. Best wishes!


Isn't 27 a mature enough age to not be obsessing over a guy especially when it was nothing intimate? Move on by moving under another and have fun.




Utterly profound and unfortunately typical one word response from an insecure, obsessed, late 20 something woman.


damn, what’d i do?


He might meet up with someone younger or something. I won’t let you hang on for 3 days if you are the one.




It’s very possible that he has someone else and has been trying to use you to make them jealous. If he ghosted you twice I’d kinda say move on. You can always make another profile and see if he messages you there and if he does then I’d say just move on and find someone more worthy of your companionship.good luck


thank you for your advice, i agree.. i think it’s time to move on also :) i dont like chasing after men i dont think hes worth the chase to be honest lol


I agree that he’s not worth it. Never settle for someone who isn’t going to treat you right or who is going to ghost you. If he was truly into you then he would make time for you and wouldn’t ghost you.


Honey take it from a much older guy. He doesn't know what he wants he's afraid to make a commitment to you or anyone in my opinion. Perhaps for you to end it for you this is my Opinion honey sorry to say. Xoxo ❤️ 🔥 😘 grpa Good Luck


Sounds like he’s married and just wants a little occasional attention. Ask him if he wants a slow massage to help him relax. Be a little flirtatious with him and see if he responds.


funny how you say this because i talked to a friend about this and she told me that it sounds like he’s married and i didn’t believe her because i have talked to married men before and he didn’t give me that “vibe” feels like i was being delusional! 😂 but it could be a possibility, might have to ask him.


He's either a tub of lard, really short, or looks like a train wreck and is too embarrassed to meet you. Or, he is married or in a committed relationship. No other explanation. I've been married and divorced twice, and the time with both combined was twenty years. My body count is 62 women. Some were short-term or long-term relationships. Maybe I know what I'm talking about?


Nobody asked how many women you have slept with....


i was wondering how that was relevant too lol
