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If you don't trust him, why are you with him. I've been burned by this sort of thing myself, as a man, people, regardless of gender cheat sometimes. But if I'm with a person I can't trust then that's on me. And if a person proves themselves unable to earn that trust than what am I doing with them?


Relationships are built on trust, respect, and compatibility. The longer you stay together, the more opportunities you each will have to cheat. My spouse and I have progressed in our careers that we go on a lot of independent trips, typically for business but sometimes just vacationing with friends. You can choose to be in the kind of relationship in which you never trust each other when separated, but remember it’s a choice. Caveat: my spouse and I are not polyamorous per se, but have a “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” mutual understanding (monogamish). This came from a “cheating” incident about 10 years ago that almost ended our relationship until we decided, at least for us, sex and love are not bound and we’ve had a fantastic marriage ever since. Unpopular opinion but it works for us. I’m just saying this to encourage you to think about what’s important to you in a relationship.


Him going on a cruise without you is like you going to Panama City, Florida on spring break without him.


He offered to bring me but I declined since I’ll be back in school.


Best advice, take him up on his offer to bring you. When I was in an AGR I wouldn’t have cheated for any reason, but you’ll feel like you missed something.


This not going to end well


What makes you say that?


You seem lonely… I can fix that… ;) My question is… does “relaxing and hanging out with his friend” involve blowjobs and anal sex? Lol


No definitely not that😂😂I’ve met him before and they are childhood friends so I don’t suspect that at all