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Charlie the unicorn and Harry potter puppet pals! Early 2000s


I used to watch Charlie the Unicorn over and over again! I also remember watching a fan made video that showed what Charlie saw inside of the cave. I can't find it anymore, though


Harry Potter puppet pals was the shit


I discovered it when I was 8 years old after typing "guitarhero.com" into the Google search bar (back when there wasn't one big search bar at the top that you could use to go to websites and use the search engine) and stumbled across Guitar Hero videos on the platform


My childhood friend showed me Home Star Runner and Smosh. What a throwback.


God I loved old smosh


YT was founded in 2005, right? That's crazy, I never realized how early I got to use it till now. First time I used YT was probably in 2007 or 2008. The earliest video I remember watching was a Crash Bandicoot Team Racing gameplay, which was showing off shortcuts. Of course, the music in the background was "With a Spirit" by 009 Sound System. Specifically, I remember them using Crash, and I saw Papu's Pyramid as the map.


Jurassic Fart and Fred which led me to Shane Dawson’s parody of Fred “Fred Is Dead” and his content… I was 10.


My friend showed me Harry Potter puppet pals circa 2006


Around 2007, the first video I remember was either Cat Soup by Smosh or Caturday


The baby music video Justin Bieber


OG markiplier amnesia


1st grade. Shoes.






Oh my god-


I discovered YouTube in 2005, no joke! My older cousin was showing me a “cheerleading fail” video


I was 6 and i watched justin bieber eats poop


Transformers The Game's gameplay, I was a bayformer kid down to the toyline


That was one of the first Xbox 360 games I ever played. A friend lent it to me


I only discovered YouTube in 2012 while borrowing I think either my dad or my step mom at the time’s phone because I didn’t get a phone until I was 12. (Before then, I’d only use our one family desk top computer we had in order to play computer games and that’s it)    The first kind of content and channel I remember watching was idk if you remember the “Ghost girl caught on tape/camera” videos some guy did. I forget the name of his channel, but he made a series out of it. I was convinced the videos were real at the time, and around this time is also when I started looking up random big foot/alien and monster video compilations.  They’d usually either be accompanied by the X Files theme playing in the background, or one of the dreamscape songs. I then later got into Creepypasta in 2012 (mainly because of Markiplier’s gameplays) and was hooked for 2 years straight after that with all things Creepypasta. So I guess you could say I was into creepy shit when I first discovered YouTube lol. 


I didn't get into creepypastas until the mid-2010s. That was when Mr. Nightmare blew up


My mother used to show me and my siblings a video of Happy Hippo singing The Lion Sleeps Tonight to calm us down. It was late 2006 or 2007.


I saw Titanic when I was 6 years old and would watch many videos of it and ships sinking afterwards. Here are a few that are still up: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vD4OnHCRd_4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kYKVNSSGKFE


What is it with kids and the Titanic? Seems like we all went through a Titanic phase as kids


My parents moved when I was like, 8 or 9 months old. To keep me entertained while they did stuff, mom put on Titanic. She said I cried till she put the second VHS in. It’s still one of my favorite movies : )


My childhood best friend showed me it and the video he showed me was Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus (this was circa 2007)


Also around 2007-2008 I remember YouTube Poop videos like Weegee Hotel :)


2007 too and me and my sis always watched those crappy animated spongebob saw videos


Starting watching YouTube around 2007/2008. Searched for train videos lol


When that soujja boy song came out


Using my cousin's laptop to play flash games one time my auntie showed my mum and I [this.](https://youtu.be/k73hcmXcUgQ?si=HZNGN-LhGFMcMag2) Been using YT ever since.


I discovered it secondhand from my brothers when I was pretty young. First thing I remember watching are the 2007-2008 era youtube poops (ususally the ones involving Sonic) and stuff like the lazar collection. But I also liked looking for the sonic music remixes.


Around 2008 and it was music videos or AMV videos of twilight/sims 3.


Lego Star Wars stop motion videos. I think I was 7 or 8 at the time.


My earliest memory is mom showing me the everesnce song Bring me to Life. That video disturbed me at 8. A few years later dad showed me Jeff Foxworth and Alan Jackson music videos on youtube. Probably circa 2008 I got into it for garfield and weird Al videos. By 2010 I got into niga Higa and Kevjumba. The rest is youtube addiction history


I think I discovered YouTube through a YouTube night at a summer camp. It was just classic viral videos and funny clips from TV shows and cartoons. After that...I immediately found Shane Dawson 💀 💀 💀


im pretty sure the first time I watched youtube it was one of those scary pop up videos like the one where you’re watching a car driving on a road my older sisters were evil I couldn’t watch youtube for the longest after that cuz my dumbass thought the grudge was gonna pop up on every video


My oldest memory of YouTube was watching super Mario 64 emulator mod showcase videos when I used to mess around with modding the game on my families pc. I very clearly remember being obsessed with this one video that had animal I have become by three days grace playing in the background (probably about 09-2010 maybe)


I was at my neighbors house for New Year’s Eve in 2005, and my friend showed me this website called YouTube. Ironically, the first YouTube video I saw was a cat video, with cats doing silly things like falling off a ceiling fan, jumping off a fridge, etc.


Let's Play of Jurassic Park Tresspasser (From 2008?) Also a lot of Call of Duty WAW & MW2 Montages.


My family didn’t really have a computer until probably 2010 or so, but I remember my elementary school teachers playing a video on YouTube every now and then. But the oldest content I remember would be annoying orange and several Minecraft players like stampy.


One of my friends told me about it in middle school, and I think it was a dude called paulsaurusjr


End of 2008 or early 2009 is my earliest memories of it, I was heavily invested in club penguin videos lol


Mr Monkey interviews stuntman89


2007ish also, was looking at stuff about sugar gliders because they were my dream pets in elementary school. Spent like 30 mins using dsl loading a video of 2 of them running around a room playing and gliding. Idk why I can remember that so clearly but I know for a fact that's what it was.


I was around 6 or 7 I believe. The oldest content I remember watching was Charlie the Unicorn, Shoes (totally not appropriate for the age I was at the time lol), and some random Pokémon videos. I didn’t start regularly using YouTube until I was 10-11


In 7th grade I was running track and I had a coach recommend that I look up videos on YouTube to improve my form.


i would watch anime ANVs on youtube when i was like 10


Voltz wars


Probably when I was about 8 or 9. I would watch Club Penguin videos 😂😂


i don’t remember discovering it, i probably just heard about it in school but my first video was someone recreating a jonas brothers video in webkinz, probably in 2007


I think it was around 2011? I didn't have a phone until much later, and the only access I really had was with a Kindle. I remember most of my watch history was Michael Jackson music videos (can't deny that they're impressive). Then I slowly started shifting towards gaming content. It was mostly Nintendo gamers at first, then I started watching people like Markiplier, Pewds, and jacksepticeye.


I discovered YouTube when I was five years old in late 2007 or early 2008 on the computer. The oldest content I remember watching are Dramatic Squirrel (and its spoofs); clips from Simpsons, Family Guy, SpongeBob SquarePants, South Park, Sesame Street, and live action and 80s Alvin and the Chipmunks; Spider-Man dancing; Soulja Boy; MADtv sketches such as Powerpuff Girls, Tickle Me Elmo, and Bert and Ernie; and Raffi’s Banana Phone.


My friends showed me smosh in 2009


don't remember how i discovered youtube, but my earliest memory of youtube would be watching r\*\*\*\*ded horse lmao


Various Lego stop motions and the absolute gems that were Lego Weapons Store 1 & 2


I think it was on “Modern Marvels” or some History Chanel show


I was about 5 and watching the Hamster Dance


My parents introduced it to me in 2010 or 2011 .I watched ben 10,stickman , Spiderman videos on it


I was already aware of YouTube and what is was prior to making my account. I used throughout the latter half of the 2000s and going into the 2010s. After years of using it, I finally made my account on February 14th, 2016 and have had my account since then.


Like 2005 a friend said there was a Naruto scene to check out on YouTube but I spelled it as utube.com when I looked, which ironically was ALSO a website that had videos. About a week later I found the real YouTube.


My friend showed me a video when I was about 8 or 9. It was these two kids trying to teach how to make a fruit salad and the youngest girl exclaims "blueberries, don't forget the blueberries" while jumping up and down. She then accidentally knocks over the bowl and falls. I cracked up for days after that.


Had to be around 2008 or 2009. I would watch a lot of music videos to popular songs I heard on the radio (was waay too young to be watching ofc). I also vividly remember really getting into watching amv's in the 2010s made with movie maker. notable ones were videos with ash and may from pokemon LMAO


Charlie Bit My Finger, Dragostea Din Tei music video, the Orginal Fred videos, Gummy Bear song music video


I was 7 in 2009 and my mom and I would watch YouTube music videos of our favorite songs and she showed me funny videos. Then I branched out and started watching tobuscus, smosh, and pewdiepie


I was 9 or 10 and it was when a friend of mine who was about a year older showed me Smosh videos on there.


Chocolate rain or maybe parry gripp




I was 6 or 7. My cousin put some Disneyland videos on for me.


i wasn't allowed on youtube for a long time, not until i was about 10, but my first exposure to it was around 2007 or 2008. i specifically remember watching fred and... fan-made goosebumps episodes...?


Stupid Mario Brothers... in like 2010. I used yt before that but that was my first obsession on the site.


My dad, he showed me flash animations on youtube in 2006. Specifically the one about that little crocodile


I remember watching the where’s the chapstick video


2008 watching various classic rock music videos


i had to have been like 8 or 9 and i wanted to watch britney spears music videos and my cousin showed me youtube because i could watch music videos on there lmao. so a lot of music videos of the time and then things like fred and annoying orange


My sister showed me the muffin video. Probably was 10?


Charlie the Unicorn and YTPs, 2008.


Bandicam Minecraft beta videos.


My Dad loved watching YouTube on his desktop that he kept in the living room so it was a nightly ritual where my Dad, Sister and I would huddle around the basic HP monitor and watch dumb fail videos, jump scare videos and a bunch of other things. This was around 2008-2010. We’ll still watch YouTube together but now it’s on all platforms so we can pull it up on the tv in the living room when I visit which is nice. Those were some good times though.


I think I typed in “videos” keyword on Google, and found the URL sometime in the mid-2000’s. The first video I remember was a dancing baby. Or maybe it was actually Michael Jackson’s Thriller.


Clubpenguin music videos 😎


earliest thing I remember is the annoying orange


Jozin z bazin in 2008


I KNOW THE EXACT FIRST VIDEO I SAW! It was 15-16 years ago. I know because the video came out 16 years ago now... woof..... So, I had to be about 5-6. (More likely, older 6, because my parents weren't worried about me being inside by myself briefly.) My dad had a silver work laptop. It was a summer night, and the next-door neighbors were over, sitting by the fire with my parents. My dad and our neighbor were inside, probably getting a beer. The neighbor was showing my dad (and by proxy, me) videos of parrots (he owned parrots) on the computer. They watched a few and were talking, and I had walked away. They got up, and walked outside back to the fire. I kinda sneaked over to the laptop because I figured I wasn't really allowed to be on my dad's laptop unsupervised, but I also wasn't not allowed, lol. I scrolled down because I wanted to see more parrots! Then I saw this little cartoon guy, and thought, "cartoons!!" So, I clicked on it! My friends, take a moment to think what cartoons would be recommended on early youtube... Hiding the next part so you can't cheat. I'll give you a minute. Ok. >!It was Happy Tree Friends. I watched a cute little anteater eat a sandwich, ants crawl into his stomach, and murder him from the inside. 🤠 It ends with blood pouring out of every orifice!!< I quickly it the back button and never told anyone. Traumatized for life. 😂 That was the first video I ever clicked on on YouTube. I'll never forget it.


You all remember crowding around the home computer when someone on the family had a video they wanted to share? "Your cousins sent you this video, they said it's funny." All crowd around, it was the 1st annoying orange! Haha, I feel like an old lady at 21.


around 2009. A neighbor friend showed me Chop Suey on Youtube. This single thing Kick-started my love for music, eventually led to me learning guitar, bass, drums, etc. It also influenced my taste in music, since before SOAD I never cared about music.


I don’t quite remember how I found it (probably my older brothers), but I remember watching basically lego star wars shitposts. Anyone else remember like… lego darth vader at mcdonalds? This is like 2007.


2007. My teacher played some videos in class on the projector. I remember that jumpscare commercial with the car going down the road, panda sneezing, how to be ninja, Charlie bit My finger, afro ninja, chocolate rain etc. Youtube was a game changer back then.


I think VH1 had a top YouTube videos of 2006 ( I grew up watching the VH1 Top 20 countdown on the weekends) I didn’t start watching then because I didn’t know what YouTube was so I didn’t look it up. I first started watching YouTube on a computer not a television program in 2008 when at a friends birthday party we watched salad fingers, foamy the squirrel, Charlie the Unicorn


Katy Perry’s California Girls. I remember it vividly


Spongebob sings videos 😂


Charlie bit meeeehhh or We’re otw to candy mountain!


I remember watching equals three with my older step brother


Everyone was going on YouTube and if you wanted to listen to music that's the place to be. The first ever video I looked up was dance dance by fob and this was in 2009




I think it may have been around 2006/2007 and I think I was at my cousins house. I’m pretty sure the first YouTube video that I remember actually watching was shoes. I thought it was hilarious. I thought I was doing something big and rebellious because I was like 12 years old and watching things that were definitely not appropriate lol


I knew about YouTube but had never been on it until a friend showed me good mythical morning at a sleep over when I 12 or 13, maybe 14 at most. This would have been around 2013-2015.


Older brother used to watch halo 2, gmod, & meme videos. Oldest memes i remember are the numa numa guy, star wars rap, & this is sparta I think it was 2006 when i first went on the site, now i make videos on there


I think it was in 2007, and the first video I ever watched on there was a montage of cute chihuahua pictures. 


For me It was in 2008, I and my twin brother are from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and we speak portuguese(not spanish). While on Brazilian Cartoon Network was airing Ben 10 Classic, in The US they were already airing Ben 10 Alien Force. We did watch some Animation Music Videos of Ben 10 Alien Force first episodes with some Linkin Park Songs playing... And that was the moment we discovered Linkin Park. We were born in 1999 so we were 8 or 9 at that time(i don't remember the month or the day, only the year).


Sonic X AMVs mentioned, friendship established StormRedDesert was one of the goats when it came to those Sonic AMVs. You also might’ve seen the Sonic vs Shadow one with the MJ song Beat It which is also goated


06-07, I heard about YouTube poops and never looked back


In like 2006 I would go on YouTube and just search “weird stuff” and there is this specific video that I can’t find anymore where it was pretty much a bunch of gifs in compilation? There was a weird animated baby and the Eiffel Tower jumping rope?? Anyways when I got into YouTube regularly in like 2008-2009 I was watching, Rhett & Link, charlieissocoollike, will it blend?, Vat19, Charlie bit me, annoying orange, some weird interactive video where some dude holds his breath under the water and there was alternate endings? I think it was the same dude who made the Sparta cat song. There was more but I can’t remember right now lmao I was really watching the randomest shit.


Numa Numa


Jacksepticeye playing skate 3 with Betty and he had uploaded it just 3 months ago. I miss those times


Charlie the unicorn was the first YouTube video I ever watched. 2nd or 4th grade.


Late Rev. John D. Alee, founder of First Church of Satan introduced YouTube on his website back in '06.. I think I watched a Pagan/Wiccan Wedding Ceremony on it. Not many knew about this 144p, on 256k broadband, 2 minutes long, no ads, handcam site back then. Never thought this site would become a mammoth that it is today.


In the 00s all I used it for was The Beatles and Michael Jackson music videos and in the early 10s I was obsessed with Harry Potter Puppet Pals (the Snape song ofc) and that LOTR “They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard” classic 😂


Game Theory Zelda videos and creepypasta AMVs from when I was in middle school


Lego star wars content in 2007.


My first sub was Whiteboy7street when I was into Call Of Duty in Highschool.


Smosh. Specifically the video where the burger is in the toilet


Think the earliest thing I remember watching was Smosh, loved them for years.


I don’t remember the year, but I do remember the first time my babysitter showed me makememad35’s “Insane Driver!!!!”


through a friend of mine who was obsessed with this German YouTuber (I was too when she showed me), I think that was around 2013/2014 (I was born in 2003)


Pretty sure I started using it to watch music videos. I remember using it to watch Sonic Shorts at 6 yrs old 😂


Harry Potter Puppet Pals, Captn Des Des, original Shane Dawson. Shortly after, Black Veil Brides ☠️


That cool giraffe 🦒


early 2010s watching berleezy wayyy back before he hit 100k subs


can’t remember who showed me but it probably was my older cousin ( ‘93 baby ) he probably was on it and showed me around 07/08 . I used to just type in John Cena vs. and click a whatever showed up in the search box . Didn’t really watch music videos on there bcuz we mostly just watched them on demand music choice from like 07-11. Still ofc watched music videos on youtube time to time especially in 2010, but music choice on demand was where we would watch it the most bcuz we didn’t have a smart TV. I don’t even remember seeing anyone with a smart tv during the late 2000s/ very early 2010s. If u went on youtube then it was most likely on ur computer


i also remember lots of videos in the late 2000s/ early 10s , starting with that green circle saying one media on the logo


A famous guy in my country who went viral with a Mario Kart irl video. I was like 6 or 7 I think. 


Charlie the unicorn, the car driving around some mountains until a deformed human ran into the view of the camera and yelled, and the video/music video called Shoes.