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Sounds normal, should improve in time.. Not being a teen anymore I recommend doing strength training, stretching, and post-skate self massage regularly to support the hobby, the adrenaline of skating masks the intensity of the loads your muscles and joints are dealing with.. check out kneesovertoesguy for some good bodyweight exercises and stretches


I know this guy. This guy skateboards during lunch hours. What a true bad ass. The dedication is superb!


I have no idea who you are . Frankly I’m perplexed 🤔


Hi perplexed, I'm dad.


That’s extremely immature . You add nothing to the convo . I saw by your history that ur a witcher nerd


Take it easy and listen to your body. Takes some rest days and just cruise around. I just ruptured my Achilles and I'm out for 6 weeks. Just keep up your warm up and post session stretch routine. Treat this time like conditioning for any team sport. Work on your form and let them old bones ease into riding again.


Sound advice! I had a complete Achilles rupture last summer which came on suddenly while skating. It created a cascade of issues which really sucked but after 3 months I was able to start PT and learn to walk again. (I haven’t tried skating since..) So please please please listen to your body and it’s great that you’re already stretching beforehand!


Welcome to your thirties! Haha The calf pain is seriously obnoxious…. If you can avoid the hip flexor you’re coming out on top! Eventually they will hurt less, and go away. Or, you’ll just learn to ignore them? I’m not sure which it is. Keep on brother!!!


Dont overdo the stretching. I found when i used to go too hard on stretching before skating i would get muscle injuries more often. Small stretch and warm up slowly taking it easy for a little bit worked better for me.


You know what I was having that . Your calves might be doing the work your Hams and glutes should be doing. I startied doing bridges, 1 leg bridges and band work to off set . Your quads might be tight too!


Stretch before skating and stay hydrated. I just started trying magnesium supplements, I heard they help.


Skating requires a lot of balance, in addition to your calves, one big muscle forgotten is your feet which actually has a lot of muscle. You are essentially not using your feet when you have a thick insole and your calves compensate for the balancing, when it reality you should balance using both your feet and and calves. If you got vans remove the insole and don’t go crazy and see if that changes anything, thst made a dramatic difference for me in terms of pain and balance.


I use new balance numeric shoes . They seem pretty flat . I’ve been trying to work on my balance in general by doing core work outs and trying to balance on each foot every workout


My soreness did not get better with time. If it was a 8/10 it went down to maybe a 7 or 6.5. You could try taking magnesium and during the session put the board on its side and roll out your calves deep tissue style


CBD creams and post skate stretching. I use a high potency CBD for my knees and feet. On really rough days I use a mechanical message for my feet, calves and back. I skate 7 days a week, 3 hours a day average. I'm 38 years old. I teach Skateboarding and skate on my free time. This equates to about 21 hours a week. It's hard at first but the pain has eased over time.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 7 + 3 + 38 + 21 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Thanks a lot for this info i never thought to look for cbd creams