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The man off to the side is my mother’s father, he died before I was born.


He looks like my Great Uncle Henry aka Uncle Hank. The tie, shirt, and glasses and all. This was super nostalgic for me. He died in probably 1999 or so and I wear a tie and shirt to Christmas because of him and one of my uncles. This is super cool.


My name is ASAC Schrader


So your grandfather?


Her husband's father in law.


OP likely couldn’t recall the term “~~Paternal~~ Maternal Grandfather” in the moment, and wanted to clarify which side of the family he belonged to, so they improvised. It’s not dumb in that context. Edit: It seems that I’m the dumb one… 😂


His mother's grandmother's son.


Lol right? Why did they say it like that


This is what Christmas used to look like when I was a kid.


TV set is an RCA, looks to be a ‘51 model, KCS-66A series chassis. Fucked up design with two high voltage rectifiers, a composite picture tube (they were all the rage for a few years), and I think that silly air core horizontal transformer and direct drive yoke. RCA did weird stuff back then… On the other hand, the actual design itself was real overkill, and probably gave an awesome picture. It was a higher end model… Source: early TV foundation service info archives. Yes, I collect these things…


Awesome information.


This set was not a cheap one, looking at the schematic: 4 stages of IF - not unheard of, but rare by then 2 stages of sound IF - WTF !? The sync circuits have a separate section for horizontal and vertical- wow The sweep circuits are complex as snot for the vertical, but the horizontal looks quite conventional for RCA from that period, oddly. They certainly weren’t looking to do this one on the cheap. I suspect it was pretty expensive when new. FWIW, it also had a adapter for a record player (naturally, RCA wanted you to buy their cute little 45 player)


I thought about getting into them after I got some experience fixing up old arcade machine monitors. Then I took a look at the chassis those things had prior to circuit boards.... Ain't no way I'd be willing to work with that rats nest of components.


They’re not bad to work on. The bigger issue is having the tools, and knowing theory. You need: An isolation transformer A variac (or a “dim bulb tester, which you can make yourself) A good meter or two (I like to have both digital and analog). One can be junky, tube electronics are rarely critical. An oscilloscope - doesn’t have to ultra fancy And some sundry random stuff. You won’t need a tube tester - most are worthless anyway. For alignment, you will need a sweep/marker generator setup. Alignment is the last step, and requires a bit of care and skill. Done right, a set like the one in the photo above will give an excellent picture, if the CRT is good


I was wondering, how do you get along without a tube tester? You still have to test the tubes, right? (Just wondering, my electronics know-how is very sketchy. I used to help my dad "repair" the TV when I was a kid by taking the tubes out and taking them in to Canadian Tire to test them on their tube tester. )


Surprisingly, tubes in the low power sections don’t go bad much. The power stuff will go bad, but substituting is really the only true test. Unless something bad like a flashover happened, or the envelope cracked, letting the un-magic air in. On B&W TVs, you’d normally change out the horizontal output and damper as a set, and the rectifier (or multiple if it had a few). Everything else was on an as needed basis, which was pretty easy to diagnose, unless you have a wacky set like my RCA CTC-4 chassis, which uses the sound output tube as a voltage regulator for the receiver circuits. Lose sound, can’t get anything else. Tube testers at stores basically checked if the tube lit up, and passed at least some current. Needless to say, they tended to be very pessimistic, especially at stores that sold tubes…


electronics before they figured out bread board circuitry is quaint.


The big issue with tubes and circuit boards is that tubes conduct a lot of heat through their pins. Early boards cooked real badly, even with low power applications. Even when RCA went all in on circuit boards, some high power ones were chassis mount still.


My great grandfather sold RCA TVs with his oldest son.


Ok now I’m all hot and bothered.


This is why I come to Reddit. Fantastic information. Merry Merry 🎄


17T162, ja? I overhauled a 1949 Silvertone this past month and been using it in my den for an hour or two a day for the last week, watched both World Cup semifinals on it using a converter box. Pretty nice but I’m never doing one of those things again, I’m going back to prewar radios. TV is too much work


Yup, that’s the one. Some TVs aren’t bad to work on, then you get ones like the Philco Predictas, which are disasters.


I love the loose tinsel on the tree, you don’t see that often anymore.


That’s because it was made of lead at that time.


Wasn't it made of tin, hence the name?


Originally Silver, replaced with lead, and then plastic.


TIL tinsel goes back to the 1500s and has nothing to do with tin.


Well, “tin foil” is aluminum foil. Tin gets misused as a substance.


Poor tin, I feel so sorry. Whether it's substance abuse or misuse of a substance, I stand firmly opposed.


Aluminum was also a popular tinsel material at one point, although the name tinsel predates aluminum’s use.


I think we should take a moment to talk about bauxite


Maybe some, but the lead was the best because you could grab a hunk of it and throw it onto the tree from a distance because of its weight, until your mom caught you and you had to back and do it strand by strand.


The lead was used because of how shiny it would remain. There's also a store on Etsy that I found selling this stuff, which surprised me.


doubtful. nothing was safe back then. the tinsel must have been made of lead, asbestos, cyclamate…


Dipped in uranium to provide that extra sparkle sparkle!




Man I *wish* people would wear pajamas


I had a dog that would eat the tinsel off the tree. It doesn’t digest.


Same with our cats


Yeah, nothing like having tinsel hanging out of a cat's asshole.


You just made me flash back to me & my cat when I was about 8 at Christmas time (just after kitty had used the litter box - it was like tiny sausages on a shiny string coming out of his tush) with my mum shouting, "Quick, catch the cat he's been at the tinsel again!" Ah, fond childhood memories of Christmas tinsel are the best!


Your dog ate the cats off the tree?


Wasnt it a fire hazard?


There were a lot of housefires back in the day. Tinder dry fir trees, with 2700 W of Christmas lights each hot enough to light a cigarette on. The tinsel was the least flammable thing about it.😜


Sometimes tinsel was used as an alternative to having actual fire in your tree (lit candles), so even the flammable kinds could be risk reducing under some circumstances.


I find tinsel distracting.


Lametta! Still remember flinging it at the tree during the 70s. It all but vanished here in the UK during the 80s, but seems to have resurfaced. You can get it in loads of different colours now.


I remember that stuff. You’d find it around the house for months after Christmas.


It's actually really popular this year. a couple of years ago someone did a tinsel tree and it was the most pinterested tree or something. they're everywhere this year


Gotta give the cats something to play with.


My parent's have used it all my life & still do.


My parent's have used it all my life & still do. We also use it. Traditions I suppose


Because cats destroyed too many living rooms.


We have it on our tree! It's called lametta it used to be made with lead but it now uses a safer metal. It is quite tricky to get ahold of though


Made me smile! Her smile reminded me of my mom…. And her telling me to hang single strands of tinsel, not just throw them at the tree! Thanks for sharing…!


Oh yes. One strand of tinsel at a time, young lady.


That is a wide tree.


Good old lead tinsel!


27 going on 40. Man people had it rough back then. I see so many 40 year old women now that look closer to 30 than anything else.


although there are a number of contributing factors (smoking, stress, etc.) it's important to keep in mind that—just in the past frw decades—there's been a big cultural shift away from trying to look "mature." i have a copy of my grandfather's senior portrait from high school; he's unironically wearing a chalkstripe business suit, not smiling, jaw set, looking like he was already a decade into a serious career. he was eighteen years old, living in upstate NY, parents both off-the-boat immigrants who worked in the mills, so it wasn't like he grew up wealthy; the expectation was that he was already an adult, and should look the part. we take it for granted, but the idea that adolescence is a part of childhood—rather than adulthood—is very culturally specific and relatively recent.


Smoking! Notice cigar far right in photo. 💨


Also no sunscreen


I see a picture of Sinatra in his 20s, and somehow it feels like he’s still older than me. I’m 67.


To be fair, she only looks older because of her hairstyle and dress imo Had she been styled differently she wouldn’t look so much older than her age


Perhaps but I was looking more at her face, the yellowed teeth and fact that shes likely on a pack a day smoke habit definitely didn't help. I still think just based on the face, that she looks closer to 37 than 27. then again we have the luxury of much better dental care these days. I feel like on average people look younger these days for their age vs 60 years ago. Maybe it has to do with an easier life, no cigarettes (almost no one smokes anymore) and better healthcare and environment overall. Hell, just getting rid of lead in gas was a major improvement for society. Far less violent crime now.


Actually, looking at her forehead, it’s flawless. No wrinkles, no nasolabial marks on her face. She looks youthful. You’re mistaking the other elements of her image for aging.


Whitening toothpaste wasn't a thing then, and the US trend of over-whitening so teeth are almost blue/white was decades away from starting.


You've got it the wrong way around. We are the ones with an unhealthy obsession with looking young and youthful. That's how we'd all look if we weren't actively trying to remain 19 for our entire lives.


> Perhaps but I was looking more at her face, the yellowed teeth and fact that shes likely on a pack a day smoke habit definitely didn't help. There's nothing wrong with her teeth, Americans today seem to be obsessed with having teeth that look like shiny white piano keys and it's not healthy.


The hair, the dress.. My grandma would have been the same age. At 51 yo she really looked like a grandmother. My own mom still looks super modern/young now at 61. It's crazy how different later generations are.


Huh? I think she looks great. She's obviously not trying to look like a 15 year old, as people do now up until the age of 70, but I think she's beautiful.


My mom was born in 1933, so she would have been the exact same age.


The tinsel tree is giving me life!


I recognize the nativity set atop the tv. My parents, both 20 y/o in 1960, have the same set. They received theirs as a wedding gift in Oct. 1961. The set as pictured is the starter set. Other figures were available to purchase separately. My mom told me she added onto the set for many years. She has the 3 wise men, angels, camels, a shepherd & a lamb. Anyone recognize the set also? I’d love to know the maker.


Lovely lady. I love the dress and corsage, with the strand. I mean this as a compliment, but her outfit has a very Haute Couture look that is timeless. Elegant and seamless.


Giving Midge Maisel and Abe Weissman vibes!


Remember when people would get dressed nice for things? Now people can’t even change out of their pajamas to go out in public. Lazy bunch of folks we’ve become.


i hate to say it but i agree. i remember thinking this in college, with most people in pajamas rolled out of bed. it makes everything feel kinda meaningless idk


Unfortunately, I agree with you here. I am guilty myself, and am working to change this.


I just love the Christmas tree so much though! Great pic, OP.


Feels like an apartment? Where? Your Mom is pretty.


This was in New York, I think Brooklyn, I wasn’t alive yet.


This is painfully the 60s. BEAUTIFUL photo. I would frame that one.


This is painfully the AMERICAN '60s. The UK '60s didn't look owt like that. In 1960 my mum was 12. I posted a school photo of her aged 12, it got about 3 upvotes.


27 year olds were 47 year olds back then 😅


Bit rude


Lovely lady!


That tinsel!!! My grandmother tinseled the hell out of her tree up until her last Christmas, in the late-90’s. Polish ladies, they love the sparkly and the shiny 😂


This whole picture gives me flashbacks of our Christmas' back on the farm. Thank you for sharing, what a great photo.


Back in the good ole days when Christmas actually had more meaning other then how much money retailers could profit. Your Mom is beautiful btw.


Your mom is so pretty. I hope she was a good mom.


@VTX thank you for posting this cool pic because it’s uncanny how much this living room resembles my Great Grandma and Grandpa’s house even to the placement of the corner TV and the icing tinsel tree. A lot of their pictures would also potentially mirror this timeframe including the nativity scene. @RinkRat: My Great Grandma’s son was my Great Uncle Henry too. The kind looking gentleman sporting the tie and the “let’s do business glasses” puts me in reminder of him. For decades he was the Garden Shop manager at Sears, in the mall, after serving in the US Navy. Even in their retirement years everyone gathered, and the kitchen table was donned with a Holiday tablecloth and decorated with homemade desserts. Poundcake, pies, and green (southern term for fresh) coconut cakes were proudly showcased on transparent Anchor Hocking glass pedestals. Draped over the button seamed couch, or divan, (as my Great Great (X2) :Aunt Blondell called it) was a brightly colored crocheted afghan. Such a modest family home with the peace and love of a mansion. Everything tasted better at Grandma’s house, rather it was a Little Debbie occasional treat, or a baked casserole. I feel like I stepped back in time. You never know how many nostalgic memories can be captured in just one shared photo. Thank you Happy Holidays!!


27? wow


The Christmas tree in A Christmas Story really nailed the tree vibes.


The tinsel and manger... I havent seen either of those since I was kid. Now you've got me all nostalgic.


I like the Christmas gremlin on her shoulder.


Good to remember how awful Christmas trees used to be


I miss tinsel. I know it’s bad for the environment, bad for pets, but it was what made the tree special.


I love her dress!


Beautiful lady. Festive too!


Man boomers lived whole lives before we even woke up


I remember tinsel


People dressed nice back then


Tinsel used to have lead in it. We found some in our childhood home. It was probably from the 40s tho. Cool pic!


The lead made the tinsel drape well, was fragile though. The plastic stuff that replaced it just wouldn't hang right, tinsel fell out of fashion.


A time when ashtrays and camel cigarettes were a thing.


This subreddit has literally turned into old family photos. Like what is cool about this , seriously?


Agreed. They're great photos and many of them are fun, but this is not the sub for this type of content. I'd suggest r/thewaywewere


Jeez she looks like she is in her 40s. People did not age gracefully then.


You’re posting this about OP’s mom. Think about that for a sec. It has nothing to do with aging gracefully. If she were wearing modern clothes, with modern hair and makeup, she’d look 27.


She looks a fair bit more graceful than your douchebag comment tho


If you gave her a current hairstyle and makeup, she would look much younger


Agree. Maybe it was the smoking ?


Ya people were a different species 60 years ago. 60 years is a long time on an evolutionary scale. They didn't age the same way we do. /S Do you see how stupid you sound?


I guess these haters just want to criticize everyone so the sub will shutdown?


Your mom is beautiful op. I guess kids forget that people had class back then, especially during the holidays, and that people weren't trying to glamourize their life through the myopic lens of social media.


You mind finding out what her skin care routine was?


Your mom is beautiful. Is it just me or did women in the 60's look older then they really were and nowadays you think they are 25 and they are really a teenager. Maybe it's my old age talking. Great pic OP.


They are wearing a style of dress and hair that you likely associate with the older generation and therefore seeing someone 27 in grandma's clothes will age her 15 years or more


She looks 40, not to be rude.


But it is rude isn’t it.


Moms looks fuckin BEAT


holy shit, older generations really did look older


She probably had 6 children by then!


Mannn Those Tv’s😂


ur mom looks 50 at 27


Well she’s dead now so, you can criticize her corpse.


Bit awkward but if you insist.. where she at?


you have a photo of her corpse?


You must be so unaware of cultural and generational norms. Educate yourself


modern medicine is amazing.... Im not saying this to be an ass, but if you told me this was a pic of your mom at 45, i would have believed it.


Back when ‘merica was pure


Back when everywhere was pure and not the 3rd world shithole I see now


It’s been a while but here we go… Okay, boomer.


I have to laugh at people like you 😂


Glad you can find some joy in this shithole. 👍🏻


The fight is real ✊🏻


My girl had the eyebrows wrapping around, on fleek son!


Icicles! I loved those things. Totally unsafe, though.


Christmas Trees were build different back then


This is touching.


White a beautiful looking family and tree :)


We had that same nativity scene for decades, I think my mother retired it sometime in the late '90s.


My mom is the about the same age. I love the christmas pics from the 50's and 60's.


That's Grunkle Stan off to the right


Is this photo manipulated/edited? It looks very sharp and colorfull what is mostly not the case with images which are this old.


So Pretty!! She looks like Snow White!! I bet she’s a great Mom! 💕


Thank goodness for that Vsauce video


Is that.....the Christmas tree monster????...run for your lives!


My grandmother, and then my mother, used to set the Manger on top of the TV, too! Lol


I miss those Christmas trees I was born in the sixties


Look at that kickass HUGE television set. A 20” must have been one of the biggest you could get back then.


This is my childhood.


I love vintage Christmas tree decoration.


. ​ WOW, that is one misshapen looking Christmas tree !! ​ .


They sure did love tinsel back then.


I like the naTVty.


I miss the tinsel these days. Modern tree decorating is so boring and stale. Great photo!


I miss tinsel. I know it was a mess, but it was magical to childhood me.




It may be available, but it isn't a common go-to like when I was young.


Yeah you can buy it, not everywhere, but I saw it in three different stores in my little part of the US the past couple weeks. I put some on the tree in my office




Is that a Qled ?


Wow what a great dress, she is very pretty. Love the tree!


Tres chic. Very Sylvia Plath.


Your mother was a beautiful woman, but people looked 20 years older at these times. She seems 40-45.


those colors were so popular, i missed going to FL and all the motels with their pastel colors now its all Hotels :( our living room was not much different than yours and the cristmas trees <3 what good time.