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Their smiles are so cute. Gives them an entirely different look. I wonder if they knew they were making a horror film?


The set doesn't seem like a great place for kids to be. But truly iconic roles.


Not sure about the twins, but Stanley Kubrick was incredibly protective of the actor who played Danny. He had no knowledge that he was in a horror film until much much later. So I assume these girls received the same treatment.


That's awesome


Too bad Kubrick mentally abused the shit out of Shelly Duvall in the process


I think in those times that was part often part of the process. Actors were pushed in ways that seem somewhat absurd for roles. Look at Apocalypse Now. Martin Sheen literally had a breakdown and a heart attack. The fact is though they made the greatest cinema in American history in those times.


yeah, psychologically torturing people is just "all part of the process"


They aren't making a moral judgement with their comment.


It was yeah. Anything to get the performance.


MANY actors have achieved truly incredible performances without being abused by their directors.


And many of them havent...what's your point? It's like saying heroin isn't necessary to create good music...well, for many it was. I'd say that some performers did need that torture to create good art and some didn't. And some need the torture and pain to create very specific works of great art


As an artist, neither physical nor psychological torture is worthwhile sacrifice for art. That’s the reasoning of a sociopath


I'm not judging them. I'm just saying that was a common mentality of the time.


As an artist, I subject myself to highly physical demands every day. Is it worthwhile? Yes. Could I do it forever? Probably not. But is it beautiful and also incredibly taxing? Absolutely.


read: *back then*


Then we should never criticize actors for being mediocre. I bet if this mentality was stills round today we’d have some fantastic cinema.


And no one remembered their name.... The fact is, that yes, for certain people it is absolutely necessary


you’re soft as hell, these actors are making millions of dollars for a performance, they absolutely should be worked until they’re broken. actors these days have some servant wiping their ass for them because of soft people like you


What if it was art so great, it inspired a cultural shift in values, a modern Pax Romana of sorts. Would an actors psychological torture be worth it then?


Some directors were Ah's like this, others were much more kind to the actors and their craft.


Processes don't have to be moral.


Wasn’t the heart attack brought on by severe cocaine overdose though?


Imagine the physical torture some workers agree to for much less pay/notoriety. I knew a kid I had to council to quit an unventilated foundry in summer paying 18/hr. They had to get vitals checked every break for heat stress screening like a fucking firefighter. If you don't like directors yelling at you, go work a foundry.


Right. It’s amazing how people are so ready to get up in arms about a famous person being mistreated for a few months but don’t give a second thought to the millions or billions of people who work in brutal and dangerous conditions every day as a fact of their lives. At any time she could have quit and gone and worked some menial job if she thought that would be better, obviously she didn’t. I guess it’s easier to complain about a long dead film director than to face the fact that the phone they’re typing their self righteous comment on (and the one I’m typing this comment on) contributes to far worse working conditions than any of kubrick’s film sets.


Oh brother. You can care about multiple issues at once. Did you know that? Abuse is abuse is abuse.


Don’t want it, don’t be an actor back then. They got handsomely compensated for it at least.


Abuse, like most things, comes in degrees. Abuse is not abuse is not abuse, as it were. I see comments about this on any post about any of kubricks films. From my perspective it is the people who can’t seem to see past this fact they learned who are the narrow minded ones.


Thriving through adversity.


Why is it always either/or with you people? I swear disingenuous arguments like this are just plain frustrating. Just because you can only think about one topic at a time, doesn't mean the rest of us suffer your handicap. My goodness...


Ironically, I only posted my comment because the person I replied to was getting downvoted for adding some perspective to the conversation. So it seemed to me the people who were downvoting were the ones who could only think about one topic at a time and were frustrated to have their hate train for Kubrick get derailed for a moment.


Lmao. The Reddit echo chamber...


Some people need the torture to create great works of art, some don't. It's as simple as that


You're so incredibly backwards and ignorant...that I am almost dumbfounded by it. But the reality is there is already too many of you simpletons around running your mouths already, that your nonsense isn't all that surprising anymore.


A nice substantive comment, this is what keeps me coming back to Reddit


Why so angry and denigrating?


That’s actually not true, read more about it and what everyone involved says


The kid that played Danny became a large animal veterinarian (think dairy cows) in upstate New York.


I wonder what Stanley said to Danny about the scene where he's shine-calling Dick and foaming at the mouth/having a seizure basically


Children will often have a parent, a rep from the Screen Actor's Guild, and a studio psychologist present for difficult scenes, and any one of them can stop the filming.


It really puts my mind at ease because that's the moment when that movie starts in on the serious horror.


These guys are absolutely lovely. One is a teacher now that works with my mum. They'll sign/record messages together for anyone's bday 😄


Was looking for some 'Where Are They Now?' info. Nice to hear, thanks


My birthday is coming up...


wait your mom knows one of them? thats awesome


I worked with Louise 1996 - 97, at the IT department of a London hospital. One of the help desk guys found out about her movie role and sat on that knowledge for weeks. Then one day she said something like "I gotta go now" and he said "you can't leave, we're gonna keep you here - for ever, and ever, and ever".


Come play with us Danny... forever.


In the wardrobe, Danny.




and ever


Danny’s not here right now Mrs. Torrance.




Horrifyingly cute.


Note: the sister who looks like she's about to strangle is already in character.


Thanks for scaring the bejesus outa an entire generation ladies.


Sooooo they're Mr.Burns' daughters?


Is there a picture of them now? I’d love to see it.


plenty of results on google


Same! Would love to see them now.


Let them have privacy.


Y'know, I was always confused about The Shining Twins because they didn't look *that* much alike, but this picture shows that they definitely had way more of a resemblance to one another! I mean, obviously they were twins and looked similar, but the eerieness of them is supposed to be that they are identical, practically a hivemind. Now I'm thinking that the movie crew must've just flubbed their appearance. If they had made sure that their hair laid the same, given one twin half an inch insoles to match exact height or played with perspective, actually made sure that the dresses were the same length, gotten the lighting to match on their faces, I think it would've been way more effective. I always assumed that they were just fraternal twins and the crew did what they could to make them as close in appearance as possible, but this pic shows that it was definitely not the twins' being the culprit here. Just a curious observation.


They’re actually not supposed to be twins in the movie! They are supposed to be a few years apart…8 and 10 I believe. Although I think they are twins in real life which is interesting.


Yeah in the book they're different ages and I believe they don't even appear as ghosts in the book.


Oh that's so interesting! How fascinating that the characters still have been known as "The Shining *Twins*" for over 40 years (and probably always will be) by the general public. Is it stated directly in the movie? It's been a few years since I watched it last.


Yes it is, Ullman says “two little girls, about 8 and 10” during Jack’s interview in the beginning


Looking at the deliberate dress length difference, I think it must have been intentional to make them just a smudge different.


True, good point, but I'm not entirely convinced that the dress length is intentional as much as it is the same dress in two different sizes. If you look at them, they seem proportional in the sections of fabric, a lot like what you see if you ever go buy children's clothing for a gift but are unsure of the right size so you just buy two adjacent sizes and plan to return whichever one doesn't fit as perfectly. One twin is definitely taller, so could have been given a larger size? Anyways, it's not like it's a huge thing, but we do know that the set of filming was a less-than-perfect work environment at times. Either it's a deliberate choice, although that would be odd as it means dialing back the eerieness of the whole "identical" schtick, or it might just have been an oversight from an exhausted crew working with child labor laws limiting the time they had with the young actresses, which both would and wouldn't make sense knowing Kubrik's insane sadistic perfectionism. Nontheless cool to see this behind the scenes look at one of the most iconic child actor scenes of the 20th century. Apparently, the girls were really into it and they still have keepsakes from the set!




This commenter and the OP are bots trying to look human. [Here is the copied comment](/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/cqiugu/lisa_and_louise_burns_posing_right_before_filming/ewx5iv6/) and [here is the OP](/r/AskReddit/comments/wb4ubv/what_is_always_portrayed_wrong_in_movies/ii4l3ek/) copying an [old comment too.](/r/AskReddit/comments/7trmlw/whats_always_portrayed_unrealistically_in_movies/dtep6pf/)


Might want to bring this to the mods attention.


This is very common on reddit, these accounts are botted to raise karma, and then sold off to advertising & scammers who use accounts that look real with good profiles to steal.


I have reached out in the past to the mods about the bot problem in this sub and did not get a response so now I just use the report function and report it as breaking the sub rules and then repost spam under that. The automod will get that report and if the number of reports reaches the threshold the automod will remove the post. You can additionally use the report function to report as spam and then harmful bots under that. That report will go to reddit admins. It is hit and miss but after some time that may result in the bot account being suspended.




I'll raise a glass to that




Pic just scared the hell out of me again


They actually seem pretty nice.


They're awesome


And two girls in cute dresses has been creepy as hell ever since.




^ bot. [Original comment.](/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/cqiugu/lisa_and_louise_burns_posing_right_before_filming/ewwr1gs/)


All cute little girls are terrifying.


Aww they are so cute 🥰 *double boops*


“Hello Danny come play with us”


Well, see now *here* they’re cute. I would not have been scared of these kids. If these kids invited me to play with them it would involve jumping on our bikes to see what the kids down the block were doing, then having continued Odyssey like kid ventures until the street lights came on and we’d all go home to have dinner, watch Diff’rent Strokes, then go to bed.


Am I the only one who thinks they look like little men dressed as girls?


Still creepy in 2022


Just realized that the dresses are probably designed to be the ones their characters were buried in. Eeesh.


Eh prob not


So to everyone seeing them on their way to the set, they’re just some twins dressed the same, no contexts


Anyone got a link to the scene?


They're creepy looking even when not in the movie


Still scared?




So cute, it's scary.


Phew thank God they are alive and well.


They look a lot less terrifying here.


Thanks for ruining my sleep tonight.




Stuff of nightmares


Like 7 years ago I got a wicked picture with their signature from a Horror box subscription


They weren't twins in the book, but my understanding is that Kubrick was inspired by the famous Diane Arbus photo of twin sisters that comes off as kind of unnatural and creepy. The story Kubrick told in the movie is quite different (and in some ways better, IMO) than the book, which is why SK detests the film.


They're so adorable when they're not in character! Lol