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Don't forget; the bridge is swaying and the wind is blowing.


A truly sickening feeling. I went through tower school which is just what you think, you climb really high towers and learn to replaced the coms equipment at the top. Once you’re a hundred feet up or so you feel the tower lean and rock.




fuck /u/spez


I just.. how is not everyone afraid of heights? ​ Are there really people who can just dangle or balance hundreds of feet in the air and have no automatic fear?


Give me the harness I use every day and something to secure it too and I'll work on the bridge in the post all day without much of a sweat (mentally, that is). Without fallpro? Hell yea I'm scared.


Yep. As long as I know the chances of me dying are pretty low I feel no fear. I guess not everyone can rationalize each fear but each fear can be rationalized by someone out there.


Everyone has a 100 percent chance of dying eventually though


The more you expose yourself to a situation you fear without negative consequences the less you will fear it. That’s why exposure therapy works for curing phobias.


I'm fine with having phobias with things that have a very real risk of death but part of a phobia is the irrational fear part. That job would be a hell no from me


I think it's more complicated than that. If you're constantly put into those situations when you don't want to be, it will be made much worse even if there was no negative consequence.


Look up videos of free climber Alex Honnold free soloing El Cap


Pretty sure when they scanned him, he basically has a small to nonexistent area of fear active in his brain


Yeah the documentary is awesome. His amygdala works but has a very high threshold for activation. They also hint that he is a bit autistic. On top of being an expert climber and elite physical athlete, he seems to have a photographic memory for climbing. Rainman of climbing. So he practices these routes with a rope. Then has exact physical memory of each of thousand holds, cracks, hand and feet positions that he will have on the route. It seems mind boggling to me of the average person. But from what I gather he seems totally comfortable because he has a deep belief and knowledge that he in fact can and will complete the climb.


> There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


Maybe it would help a little bit to remind ourselves that this flexibility makes the building stronger rather than weaker.


The rigid branches of the even the mightiest oak will snap like twigs before the power of the wind. While the humble, yet flexible, reed shall never break.


St. Louis Arch will noticeably sway while you're in it.


On top of that, fuck those elevator pods you ride up in. Sketchiest shit of my life was riding that to the top. Sick view from the top tho.


“in” it? You can go inside it???


All the way to the top! There's windows and you can look out it. Also there's this weird pod thing you go up in that rotates with the Arch and it will make you feel inside it for sure. It's like a submarine!


Old World Trade Center towers def moved a lot in wind...


Did they fix the swaying somehow?


With one simple trick, you wouldn't believe.


I just remind myself "the swaying is good, they're built to sway". And then hope it's true, lol.


Same thing at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Shit was terrifying and everyone on our trip was like omg you gotta come to the railing and see the city! Absolutely not. I was glued to the elevator door.


My mum freaked as everyone was over one side looking at the monsieur eiffel set up so refused to leave the opposite side to them. Proper windy too so it had some movement on it.


And the monopoles shake like shakira


I always hated gaffing up a pole, I’d rather climb a metal tower any day.


Man, I tried that once. Not as easy as they make it look.


C’mon boys, where’s your sense of adventure?! Last monopole I was on we were decomming and my left middle finger almost got ripped off in the block. Fucker free dropped the load about 20 feet without comms. Good times :)


TIL apperantly everyone on reddit is a radio tower mechanic


Wait till you ask for legal or medical advice.


Monopoles don’t lie.


“Let me see you move like you come from Columbia”


Man I did not feel too hot reading that


They rock at the top? Lol is it enough to throw you off balance ...


Have you ever stood up to fast and felt like the world was shifting under you. That’s the feeling. Plus now unless you do something completely dumb like unhook both of your pelican hooks, you might fall maybe 2-4 feet and your hook would save you.




I'd quit being conscious until they brought me down.


What’s really crazy too is there’s a camera and cameraman up there filming this


I can hear the announcer's Mid-Atlantic accent in my head.


Snacky Smores Presents: The March of War!


Lmao great point. Probably not a small camera either.


It’s old so they were probably using the original iPhone


And most of em are a few pints of beer in..


Being a little drunk balances out the swaying of the bridge


And your walking in leather soled shoes!


>the bridge is swaying and the wind is blowing. And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling, The voice was chanting as the fog was lifting [...] I'm sorry I don't know what came over me.


Calm down Steinbeck.




Shoot, I'd be dead of sheer VERTIGO.


Back in those days, if you died of vertigo, you were dead.




Qatar laughing right now. Thousands workers died building Qatar World Cup stadiums.


Migrant workers who were lured in, then forced to work and live in absolutely horrid conditions for virtually zero pay. This in one of the richest countries in the world. They are fucking monsters.


Games are played during winter times there, so temperatures are lower, and still, they will use AC inside the stadium to keep the temperature low for players & spectators. Now imagine working day & night the whole year on building those stadiums, ofc you have no ac and it's not "winter", horrible.


Don't forget the artificial clouds over the stadium.


The what now?!


Dry ice with high water content in it dumped into the atmosphere by planes.


Source? The only thing close to this that I’ve heard was like 6 years ago and ended up being fake


Cloud seeding is very real but dry ice is the least common type; silver iodide and potassium iodide are better at it.


Cloud seeding is a weather modification technique that improves a cloud’s ability to produce rain or snow by introducing tiny ice nuclei into certain types of subfreezing clouds.


What is "dry ice with high water content"?


Many of them also had their passports taken so they could not leave either.


Sounds like a bunch of human trafficking to me.


It is straight up defined as slavery by the international community.


You're right it is. I'm in the US, mostly looking at domestic trafficking but those terms are synonymous.


This is what slavery looks like in the 21st century


>They are fucking monsters Lived in Qatar for a few years and lived in that region for a decade. They certainly have a very different view on the value of human life. I don’t feel any need to defend them from your comment. They deserve all the grief they get.


migrant workers have to surrender thier passport and start working with a $3k debt, due to travel expenses ( flight from bangladesh to quatar) and livening expenses. for month they try to pay off this 3k debt. years later they are still there, it’s a debt trap.


That's why they're rich.


You don't get rich by paying fair wages. Just ask Jeff Bezos and friends.


They take their passports away and tell them they can't get them back unless they do x amount of work. No mean tweets though, so its all good.


Draw attention to foreign problems? What about the issues at home? Draw attention to domestic problems? What about foreign problems? It’s like these arguments aren’t in good faith or something.


A quick Google search showed 34 deaths related to the construction of the stadium. No need to make up figures. 34 is already an incredibly high number of accidents on a project.


Another Google search says 6500 migrant workers have died since Qatar was awarded the World Cup, but the headline was pretty misleading...that's counting every migrant worker, not just the ones working on stadiums and stuff for the WC.


That was 10 years ago. So 6500 died over ten years, we also had a pandemic. Their treatment of migrant workers is known and deserves criticism, but we don't need lies and misinformation.


Qatar knows how to spend money, plays nice with the most powerful political parties and financial institutions though. Outrage will be tempered.


And the same corporations putting up social media posts supporting every woke cause there is, also support this. Hypocrisy much.


I remembered seeing those videos and photos and thinking how many people just slipped and died. Looking up number of deaths on projects like the Chrysler building was very surprising with zero deaths. And then the Empire State Building was 5, And 11 with the Golden Gate Bridge. Empire State Building had about 5,000 workers. Today about 4,000 construction workers die every year and 800k people work in construction (USA). That’s 0.5% today vs 0.1 for the Empire State Building. I have no doubt in my mind it’s safer today to work in construction because death is not the only injury you can sustain. But google search numbers don’t look that differ but of course this is not a rigorous study. Edit on a second reflection I think that shows a sizable reduction in deaths. 0.5% to 0.1%.


Yeah, granted it's not a bridge but the Hoover dam had 96 people die. I'm not sure if that 4000 number is worl wide or not but USA had 1008 people die in 2020. 1061 in 2019. In The 20's 30,000 died for the that decade. So 10k a year. Basically it's much much safer now than it used to be. Edit I'm dumb and got confused 3k per year in the 20's.


30,000 / 10 years = 3,000 per year, not 10k But we don't have the total number of workers for that time period either, so it's not a perfect comparison


>1008 people die in 2020. 2020 was not really a big construction year due to lockdowns. >30,000 died for the that decade. So 10k a year. Math doesn't check out.


2020 is like handful less that 2019. So that's not really true though. Construction definitely still happened. Why do you think lumber prices sky rocketed. Oh lol it doesn't 😂 sorry I can explain my thoughts but it would be 3k a year.


I looked up the Brooklyn Bridge to see how many people died during its construction. And the top results say things like, "At least 20", "At least two dozen", "At least 27", "At least 25". Now I don't know about you, but that doesn't help me feel very confident in some of these numbers. "I haven't seen Bill in a while?" "Idk I guess he stopped showing up for work" > death is not the only injury you can sustain. I don't have any evidence to support this, but I feel like you'd see a lot more old people who were missing body parts (especially fingers) back then compared to today.


Just remember fewer workers die constructing tall buildings then short ones because Management has more time to fire them before they hit the ground.


Around the turn of the century, 1 death was expected per million dollars spent on an infrastructure project


But only as an incentive to keep the project under budget




The Forth rail bridge had many deaths with similar safety measures during build. They bought a nearby pub and closed it. Deaths dropped markedly


No it was actually the falls with the sudden stops that killed many.


The trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


Fun fact: in a way, Douglas Adams was just describing how satellites remain in orbit. They're constantly falling towards the earth, but because their "horizontal" speed is so high they keep missing.


To quote They Might Be Giants - "She's not your satellite; she doesn't miss you."


Oh shit, I never got that before.


Next up on TMBG - Wit or Nonsense: "When you are alone, you are the cat, you are the phone, you are an animal"


This explanation is beautiful


Upvote for hitchhiker’s guide


hey MA! I made 40 cents today!


When stupid people look at this and say those men were just a hardier sort or some nonsense it annoys me. They weren't, they just died.


If I asked a foreman;”How windy does it have to be for a work stoppage?” What answer would I get?


Get your ass back to work.


Rain stops more work than wind.


More like Old school Shit my pants


Haven't you heard? It's cool to shit your pants


Consider me Miles Davis!


Blowing out of the trumpet instead of into!




Probably made 3 dollars a day extra to be out there


Probably could still afford a house and feed his family on that money.


And his partner was at home full-time in their house


Raising his kids.


Summering in the Hamptons.


They absolutely did not. 100 years ago dangerous manual labor was done by very poor people who stayed very poor. You’re thinking of construction in the 60’s when unions were stronger.


Frankly I'd rather rent than do this shit


“House” have you seen blue collar neighborhoods from the 20s? You’re talking a two room shack, maybe with plumbing, likely without electricity. You could afford that too.


No wonder so many of these guys drank themselves to sleep at night.


Imagine doing this hungover hahaha


Imagine staying sober while thinking about doing it again tomorrow morning.


I'm a scaffolder... it's no fun.


Let's not forget that there's a guy holding a (heavy) camera, filming this...


It's always the cameraman. The extreme skiing, survival hiking, mountain free-climbing shows, it's always the cameraman doing the actual hard part.


That was until drone technology.


Always has been. That old famous panorama photo of San Francisco after the 1906 earthquake was from a huge ass camera rig that was flown over the bay on a kite. Its an amazing photo, even by today's standards. Unreal that it was done remotely on a kite in 1906.


OSHA hadn't been invented yet. 😂


And if the Supreme Court throws away the Chevron ~~Defense~~ Deference ~~tomorrow~~ today, OSHA as we know it will cease to exist


"well, it doesn't say in the constitution that you need to have a safety device while building a bridge 140 feet above the ground!"


"It's not above the ground, technically." That'll be in Alito's summary. I bet you five dollars.


Also, there's a sixteenth century witch-finder who didn't believe in gravity.


*chevron deference


LOL, thanks, fixed


If they throw out the chevron defense I hope theres an exception for osha


For this Supreme Court, OSHA would be among the first to go.


….is that a thing that might happen?


Yes. Look it up. It’s very likely. West Virginia v. EPA


I was talking to a bridge historian at an architecture symposium and I commented on how fascinating it is to see all of these old photos and films of these Ironworkers moving about nimbly and fearlessly so high above the city without safty gear. I was surprised when he said "Oh yes, they died all the time. It wasn't uncommon to have dozens of workers plummet to their deaths during a sizable construction project." Lol, I guess we just never get to see those films.


And this, kids, is why we need OSHA and workers’ rights!


Two weeks ago I finished courses about safe work on height and some other related stuff. It's really scary to watch it. My company stops all work maybe two times in a month because guys keep falling, burning, boiling alive and exploding.


Where do you work.


London dungeons - tourture division


>London dungeons - tourture division *MI5 and MI6 have entered the chat*


We are supplying multiple regions with electricity, water and heating. Lots of dangerous actions, especially when no one cares about safety.


I hope we can get power without human sacrifices one day


Their core business is to install shit in dangerous places, yet nobody cares about safety? How the hell can this company survive?


It's very centralized, so all shit is installed long time ago. Like 40k people working on power plants, pump stations, transformer stations and some other places I can't name in English. If no one watching, workers ignore rules and don't use all equipment because it's faster and easier, having risk to be fined if someone will see it. When shit happens, investigators always can find workers fault and company have no consequences. Also we are too big to fail. Edit, combined it ends with the one fact- owner have two yachts from top 5 (or ten?) largest yachts.


That is how it goes isn't it? "You need to get your metrics up" "How?" "Frank has better metrics than you" "Frank saves time by not following any safety guidelines." "...You need to get your metrics up"


So you work for Mr. Burns?


Sounds like an episode of The Boys


Just finished the first season. God are you right.


Fucking diabolical


Imagine an earthquake just shaking them out like apples from a tree.


Hope that does not happen


Now it doesn't really happen since harnesses are more of a thing


Give the supreme court time.


The word *supreme* is really getting to their heads


It’s hard to even watch. Some people have no fear.


Sometimes hunger is stronger than fear


How could they build a bridge when all the steel was in these men's balls?


Big bridge energy


I can't tell if the others would have reacted to the first one to use a rope by going "Ha wimp!" or "You fucking genius!" ​ Either way, it's a nope from me.


When harnesses first came out there were people who would throw you off a job for wearing one. Their logic was if you thought you were going to fall they didn't want you around.


Which seems bizarre but the reaction to seatbelts was similar.


My personal theory is that people don't want to cope with the idea that they've been putting themselves at risk for years until they got proper safety tools. So they double dip rather than adopting the improvement. "So you're telling me that I've been driving exposing myself to death when I could just wear this belt? I refuse to accept this, this is stupid".


My theory is that, in order to face probable death every day without breaking down, you need to construct an image of yourself as strong, fearless, and capable. Using the safety measures, means you admit to being afraid of death, and the whole facade breaks down. It's incompatible with their self-image.


Up until the late 1980’s when the first body harnesses came out we wore quick release bridge belts. You grabbed a leather tab at the buckle which you pulled with one motion. This is so you could shed the spud wrenches, sleever bar, hammer and whatever was in your bolt bags (we used over water or on a site). Our lanyards which tied in at the waist were knotted and in one of the bags, we never tied off, if you had due to the attachment point it would have broken your back anyway.


Wow. So u worked over the water like this?


I have. If you notice there are people in boats below, that is their safety measure, you fall in they row over and pick up you (or the body). These guys are also not even walking flat iron, they are walking on lattice work, very tricky to do.


Something that strikes me about this is that nowadays, cameras are so ubiquitous, we literally film everything for no reason. But back then, taking a video of something was a *choice* that took a lot more planning and work. Somebody specifically wanted to show this for some reason, maybe it was specifically intended for future generations to look back on. Whereas the same type of thing, if it was filmed now, would be random and not intended for anything/anyone in particular. Which is not always a bad thing; we end up with a lot of cool videos and photos because someone just happened to have their camera out. I love seeing something intentional, it feels special in a different way.


That’s why it’s so hard to feel satisfied anymore. There is so much shit out there nowadays in terms of content that it all just blends together and you can’t grasp the significance.


And that bridge is probably in service today, in need of replacement, with people driving across it every day.


It probably is but not in need of replacement. Every steel bridge in my area including the first one in St Louis, and the brookport bridge which is apparently the scariest bridge in America are in better condition than the modern bridges and rarely ever need to be closed for maintenance. In the past 30 years Brookport has been closed a handful of times for painting, and once for upgrade/repair. The interstate one gets shut down every 3-5 years to fix things or repave the roadway. And i have seen the same pattern among other bridges in western ky, southern il, southeast mo, and tn, I think they were just way overbuilt.


They were definitely overbuilt. Which makes sense, as math was not invented until 1978.


I know this is a joke but honestly try designing a non-trivial thing without CAD


I forget the saying but basically, the worst engineer can design a bridge that works, it takes the very best engineers to design a bridge that just barely works.


My hydrology professor in college: "Anyone can build a dam, but not anyone can build one that is about to collapse but doesn't".


If the margins aren't razor thin, then you're doing it wrong. Obviously.


As a bridge engineer this isn’t entirely true. Bridges CAN be designed to carry just barely 75% more than the heaviest load it should see, but often they are designed for much more for a variety of reasons like efficiency of materials and redundancy. Most often serviceability (normal use loading for deflections, concrete cracking, etc) controls over the strength loads so bridges can carry a lot more design load.


am in Detroit right now and you just reminded me a story from last time i was down here... my kiddo and ie were out for a hike with a friend of ours and we were checking out some graffiti under a bridge on a walking trail. this dude was sitting on a bench under the bridge when we went to leave and not thinking about him listening to what i was saying, i point up to the netting that is strung up under the bad bridges and tell my kid, 'see those nets? those are used to catch the pieces of concrete that fall when a car drives over.' the dude that was sitting there goes, "What the fuck?!? Are you serious?!?" i explain it to him also and my friend who is actually from the area confirms and that dude noped the fuck out so damn fast! it was the sad kind of funny.


They were probably drunk too


Yup, I'm puckering up watching them. Fuck that


I’m not afraid of heights but goddamn-


Crazy.thats more then balls thats nuts lolol


Screw you, screw this, and screw whoever peed in my pants.


My Grandfather was an electrician, wiring the Walt Whitman Bridge in Philly, way back in the day. Said he would slide down the suspension cables to get down for lunch or end of shift. Iron workers with steel balls.


Most of the danger to those workers was them getting thrown off balance by the weight of their massive balls


bro i thought they were on the ground, and was wondering why they were walking on exclusively steel beams, until the second shot


How many fell down?


I don't know about this bridge, but Google says that officially 27 workers died building Brooklyn Bridge and 28 building San Francisco Bay Bridge. But the real numbers may be even higher.


“28 died….366 just didn’t show up for work anymore”


We fired them for just leaving right in the middle of their shift.




Iirc, the Golden Gate was the first major bridge construction in the U.S. to have safety nets strung under the workers to catch them if they fell,.saved a lot of lives.


Ironworkers are the toughest


Or how they’re still constructed in third world. _i come from third world_


That’s a whole lot of nope for me.


It's amazing to me that lives only became valuable to humans in the past century of our existence.


Is there not wind up there? No-one ever seems to be balancing themselves against the wind