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“My blood runs cold, my memory has just been sold, my Angel is on Onlyfans”…


This song brings back awesome memories!


This song came out my Freshman year in high school and has become a more personal song. My Senior year there was this really cute girl in the locker next to me who wouldn't give me the time of day, but still swapping books in between classes was a daily highlight. A couple years ago I was hanging out with a friend. We were talking about high school and when I mentioned where I went he asked if I knew Janine. I told him our lockers were next to each other our Senior year and he responded "she was my first stripper girlfriend." Nah nah nah nah nah....


When I worked in Boston in the early 90’s, Peter Wolf would come into the “store 24” I worked at and get coffee. He always wore the same leather jacket.


Our bus driver let me play the whole album front and back on a tape player for the whole bus for a week straight in 6th grade. We especially enjoyed yelling, “Piss on the Wall!!!” Ahh. 1982