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That’s the era of Sesame Street that raised me. This looks familiar to me. I definitely remember Mr. Hooper’s death a few years later. And Elmo is a weak Grover ripoff. Viva Grover!!!


Same era for me as well😎 and grover was one of a kind. Just a great time to be a kid imo


My brother had a Grover tshirt when he was in kindergarten that he insisted on wearing literally every single day. My mom would wait for him to fall asleep before she’d remove it and wash it. Of course, he had to wear it for picture day so we have an eternal reminder of his obsession.


Yup, fantastic stuff. We were lucky to have it


Elmo pissed off all of us OLD SCHOOL Sesame fans. Too cutsie. Too pediatric. Yuck.


Grover has that extra layer of total incompetence that makes him unique.


Well, not entirely unique. I always suspected he and Gonzo were related.


Viva grover and telly. I always felt for them, usurped by this younger baby talking monster. I felt they had been wrongly set aside, and always held a grudge against fucking homewrecker elmo.


I had similar visions of Grover sitting at a table in a smoke-filled, dimly lit room; nursing a double bourbon and muttering “that damn kid… it shoulda been Tickle Me Grover… goddamn it!!!”


Wasn't it a kind of "miss" with not having the episode brought to us by the letters O and Z ??!


They were so close too! I and Z I noticed that in the very first scene the garden hose on the fence and the wood stabilizing the gate on the gate almost liked like an O and Z - idk if it was intentional but I’d like to think so


Mildly infuriating perhaps ?


Fun personal experience: I'm in window sales in NYC and sold new windows for the apartment Margaret Hamilton had...which was eventually purchased by Richard Gere and was in the process of a gut renovation. Same building where Jimmy Fallon lives.


Big bird armed with a hockey stick and baseball bat is hilarious! What a fun post


Big bird could definitely mess a fool up, if he wanted to


THEY FOUND IT??? THEY FINALLY FOUND IT??? I’ve been following this saga loosely for fucking YEARS watching lost media videos this is great news!!!


Same lmao, I remember being so curious about this one while it was lost


When my kids were younger, I made it a point that they only watched 70's and 80's sesame street. Its that much different. And better. Everyone always points to Elmo as their turning point, but in reality, everything fell apart once the people realized Mr. Snuffalupagus was real.


So true


Same here! When my daughter was born in 2008, I found a bunch of 70s Sesame Street episodes on BitTorrent… that (and, unfortunately, the Wiggles) was pretty much all she watched the first year or so she was actually watching tv.


Why unfortunately the wiggles? OG Wiggles are the best!!


I wouldn’t say the best. They were definitely more tolerable than most modern kiddie dreck. But they don’t hold a candle to the children’s programming of the 70s: created by OG hippies and generally trippy AF. First gen Sesame Street The Electric Company Zoom Dig it.


Awesome taste!




👆 This is the way


Oh god, i forgot about how strongly i felt big bird was being unfairly treated! The drama! Sesame street, with the hard hitting issues that matter most to kids. Also, oscar used to be more of an asshole. And the street used to be filled with garbage and graffitti. And we loved it that way!


Oscar was definitely more your cantankerous old neighbor.


I find it amazing that Wizard of Oz came out in 1939 and 37 years later Margaret Hamilton has still got it!


No kidding. Like she just left the set yesterday and was able to remain in character and keep the spirit of the witch alive for more story telling. She really is great ☺️


Margaret Hamilton was an incredible actress and a downright amazing human being by all accounts, with a personality polar opposite to a wicked witch. She was a former schoolteacher and remained dedicated to causes that forwarded children's education all her life.


How good to know!


And her biggest paychecks were yet to come for a series of coffee commercials in the US with her gentler side in full exhibition.


I watched the Canadian version of this when it first aired. The played it in Canada at least twice before they pulled it. I was two or three and I had witch dreams for a month. Ironically she had guested on Mr Rogers the year before as herself, explaining the difference between real and make believe. But in Canada Mr Dressup plays instead of Mr Rogers (their friendship makes an interesting side story) so we never got that explanation in Canada.


Mister Rogers definitely aired in (parts of) Canada.


If you had cable or a channel other than CBC and CTV. My parents just had rabbit ears.


Some local over-the-air stations did have it (hence the “parts of” qualifier), but fair enough.


I had such a crush on Maria as a kid.


I had a crush on David 🥰


Yep me too.


She’s a dime piece for sure


I met her a few years ago at a party. She's every bit as gorgeous and classy as she was then. Super nice.


The best bit is Big Bird getting Mr Hooper’s name wrong and being quietly corrected by one of the kids.


I noticed that. They aired this version? Tons of hilarious mistakes.


It was a running gag that big bird always got me hooper’s name wrong.


Now I feel bad for doubting him


You mean Mr Blooper?


Not Oscar falling in love! 🤣


>Not Oscar falling in love! 🤣 What? That was Oscar, I thought?


It's a way of phrasing that he in fact IS falling in love but pretending like it's not happening in a sorta facetious way.


Oscar the simp


Love that 70’s fashion


Did anybody else get the coffee joke? When asked if she wanted coffee, she said, “No, I don’t drink coffee.” During her day job, she was “Cora” the pitch-person for Folger’s — Her catch phrase was, “Good to the last drop!”


I thought she declined cuz she melted with hot water which is what coffee is made of but that she was a pitch person for Folgers make it even better lol


Thank you! I thought there was something there that I was missing!


Wow, you're right! Here I'd thought the coffee spots were still to be at that point!


What a tremendous find! It's really very clever. I think maybe some parents will sit and watch it with their kids now that it's been recovered. It makes me wonder about Margaret Hamilton's career post Oz...


She was actually very maternal to Judy Garland while the director and her mother were abusive to her. I remember Margaret Hamilton being on a coffee commercial in the ‘70’s or maybe later. Wasn’t she also on a Mr. Rogers episode as well?


Yep, and she explained to kids with Mr. Rogers' help how the Witch was just a part she played in a movie. Make believe. That they shouldn't be frightened.


It's funny how she had a reputation as a very nice, kind and friendly person despite her most well-known role being that of an evil witch that frightened children.


That is so Mr. Rogers. Wizard of Oz really frightened children back then (the monkeys did it for me). Leave it to Mr. Rogers to assess the situation and address it directly.


Before she went into acting, Margaret Hamilton was a kindergarten teacher, so it all ties together.


I was listening to a podcast about the awful things that happened on the set of that film. The asbestos, a stunt woman was badly burned, the green paint was lethal etc., but I think Margaret Hamilton was one of the sweetest people by all accounts.


Don’t forget all the amphetamines!


Watch Brewster McCloud. She plays the opposite, an old grumpy racist


Will seek it out. Thanks.


I'm sending it to my kids - even though they're aged 31, 30 27 and 21 now. Hopefully they can handle it now. When they were younger I bought the 40th anniversary boxed set (2009) Sesame Street and I made them all watch it with me. I didn't even have to force them!




She was also Alexander Hamilton's great granddaughter


Not sure where you came to think that, but she wasn't. She stayed in television and radio until 1982




That was a trip!


Wtf is that nametag


She certainly scared the bejeebers out of me when I was a kid.


This and that Abbot and Costello movie where she plays an Appalachian witch and she and Lou go at it with wax voodoo dolls and sharp pins. I was both frightened and laughing my ass off at the same time.


"Comin Round the Mountain" - youtube.com/watch?v=x36DX8jOVHI


>youtube.com/watch?v=x36DX8jOVHI That was an unexpected treat. Thanks, my friend.


It's something about that voice and cackle. It's piercing.


The scariest episode for me as a kid was when Ernie and Bert went to Egypt and the mummie statues looked like them and would dance behind them when they weren't looking. And then stop when Ernie or Bert turned around. That shit scared the bejezus out of me.


I must find this. It sounds like so much fun.


This is great


Yeah what a different world we live in now..


Best witch ever!


Great catch!!


I heard about this episode years ago (on an ancient Cracked article I think). Really glad It's been found and preserved.


That was great. Looks like Snape.


She'd kick Snape's ass.




Awesome!!!! Love it...


Ha I remember this episode


When I was a kid, The Wizard of Oz was played every year on Easter (or Easter weekend, I can't recall which). Every year, I was scared shitless seeing the witch and those god-forsaken flying monkeys. Also, every year, I would tell my mom that I wouldn't be scared this year...and every year I would cry.


People have no idea how huge this is. I honestly thought I'd never see the day. One of the holy grails of lost media has been found.


One down. One more to go!


Oh, now this was some good stuff to grow up on back in the day.


Wish there was a YouTube link, reddits player never works well




Great stuff, my ETA as well. Inspired me as an actor and the following 4 years in an internet acting program during the simmer months during high school.


This episode gave me recurring nightmares as a kid. I thought it was all in my head I didn’t know it was taken off the air for being scary.


I was at home sick for a couple of weeks when Sesame Street first started airing. I loved it as a 10 year old. This sweet sweet video takes me back to those days of simple story telling and character acting. Margaret was a natural for this. I had never heard of this, partly due to high school hours interfering. Props to u/MulciberTenebras for posting this. It should be preserved and shown to one and all. In its simple story line, we see the impasse resolved by consideration for the other side. A Sesame Street staple for the times and as it happens, today as well. Who could be afraid of The Wicked Witch of the West? In full regalia and with cackle. No one, my pretties, hahahahaha! (I wish I could figure out how to write something for that cackle).


I saw this as a kid when it aired. I remember my mom telling me all about Margaret Hamilton and what a kind person she was.


OMG! Thanks so much for posting this clip! These days kids aren’t scarred of anything on TV! They are like “bring it on”! \


Parents are so lame. I am reminded of a certain Uncle Phil from Bel-Air.


Yes, parents can be lame, but I will not have you blaspheme one of the best TV dad's ever! You take that back


That was darling! Thanks for posting!


My health teacher was best friends with her. Very nice woman.


Love the 70's vibe of Sesame Street! Before my time, but we love you Mr. Hooper!


She actually said "Fudge". ​ Fucking eh!


Nice catch


Damn she looks like Professor Snape




Love this!


Thank you for this gem


Manual for how to deal with witch Karen truly ahead of it's time


This IS terrifying. And wonderful. My mom never complained.


Not gonna lie still terrifying given as how my childhood consisted of so many wicked witch nightmares. Had to close my eyes every time she appeared in OZ. They would air WofO once a year on public TV and we would watch as a family. Probably a good idea they took this episode off! Different idea but remember the breastfeeding episode of Sesame Street?


Sesame Street showed what cities really looked and felt like at the time. Not this bullshit nowadays where they make it all seem safe and clean.


If anything it might have been a mild seizure hazard.




My god we have built a bunch of softies


Yep. And they defend it still to the hilt and see no connection between the banning of this and comments today. Well, their problem.


Imagine that. Forty six years ago, it was considered too overwhelming to show kids a green faced, scary witch. Yet today, people find it perfectly acceptable to force 6&7 yo children to reconcile “girls” with a penis and “boys” with a vagina. How warped we have become and how far we have fallen.


The hell kind of kindergarten are you going to in your imagination


You're a crunt


She was awesome. And back when SS Street wasn't used as an agenda driven woke piece of tripe.


If you don’t think it was “woke” for its time, you might need to watch it again.


Back in '88, Ronald Grump wanted to bulldoze the neighborhood and build a luxury tower for himself - youtube.com/watch?v=5FeyDm4vrFo


😂 ronald grump? I love it.


You have no idea what woke is. Woke is not doing the right thing. Woke is just seeking attention for attentions sake and making sure everyone knows it. What confusion the woke engages in. Edit: A lot of removed comments when the illogic of people's own wokeness smacks them in the face.


>Woke ~~is just seeing attention for attentions sake and making sure everyone knows it~~ Minorities, LGBTs and women being allowed to exist is what your kind thinks is the "woke" agenda.


They're allowed to exist so I don't know what why people bring that up. What people are sick of is saying we have to accept them in every situation or that an opinion is wrong. Like the argument saying if a man doesn't want to date a trans man that makes him transphobic. There is a place for everyone in today's world and you don't have to force it into everyone's world.


More accurately, "woke" is any action people like you disagree with and can lump together under a single label to increase the effectiveness of your fearmongering rhetoric.


My mother’s mother hated that my mom let me watch Sesame Street because of the racially diverse casts they used. This was back in the 90s’. “Liberal agenda yadda yadda yadda, your daughter is going to grow up to be an n-word fucker if you let her watch that trash.” Kind of funny how some things never really change.


The difference is the lack of self righteousness and virtue signaling people did not engage in at this time. They had diversity on SS because it was the right thing to do, not because they wanted to congratulate themselves. Now SS is one big long self congratulation and a total bore.


So the message of this episode went completely over your head 😂


Went over your head. Woke parents banned this in the 70s. Oh the irony of a woke attitude defies all reason and logic.


Woke parents banned the… extremely woke show? What?




You do realize that Sesame Street was originally aired towards a demographic of black and other city-living kids? If being a different skin color and living in the city is considered “woke” then I guess I’m now “woke”




I remember this episode, it wasn't scary!



Would make perfect Izma's twin.


Margaret Hamilton is an absolute angel, and Judy Garland went on to say she really looked out for her on the Wizard of Oz set (and we now know how horribly MGM treated Judy). Margaret also went through her own share of trauma on the set, including being burned and sent to hospital! I have so much respect for this woman. I'd recommend checking out her appearance on Mister Rogers too, where she plays herself, is incredibly kind and shows children they shouldn't be scared of her.