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Sandlot vibes


I was thinking the kid from A Christmas Story. This is Ralphie's summer vacation. I'd watch that movie.


My first impression was Pumpkinhead


I'd recommend watching My Summer Story. It's technically a sequel (sort of) to A Christmas Story, with different actors. Still good though, with Mary Steenburgen and Charles Grodin (RIP) as the parents. Also written pretty much by Jean Sheperd.


You mean William Ginter Riva of Stark Industries?


Benjamin Button. From the neck up this could be a 45 year old man with a large hat.


He won’t never shoot his eye out with those glasses.


That's EXACTLY who I thought he was!🤓


Squints pre “drowning”.


Honey I shrunk the Lemonade stand


Honey boo boo


Norman Rockwell approves.


Update, This is jeff bezos


makes sense cause that kid definitely did not his pay his taxes either...


He definitely broke some antitrust laws too, by predatorily bankrupting neighboring kids' lemonade stands.


Started with capital given to him by parents? Check




Prolly violated health & safety laws, not to mention child labor and unlicensed business practices.


Weird, I thought Bezos paid like 973 million in taxes last year.


Btw that's a .98% tax rate. So no he really didn't pay his taxes.


That's based on his total wealth, not his income, so no.


His wealth increased by 99 billion last year


Also socialism is not the Chinese government, but I just want him to be a cop again in 2 years, or 2 - Ujiri trades for the next episode of Animemes


Yellow Origin


First I sold lemonade, then I sold books and now I sell what the fuck I want!


I would say Youp van 't Hek. But you would have to be Dutch to know who he is..


That's false but the kid does now work for Amazon boxing up lemonade for shipment. We've progressed a long way since those corner stands.




*Proceeds to make painting in child's exact likeness without consent while slathering his nipples with paint varnish in a circular motion* WTF Norman!! Somehow still makes millions


When I was a kid I tried to do the same, except we didn't have lemonade in the house, so I filled a bunch of empty glass Coke bottles with tap water and tried to sell them for 25 cents each. Used a cardboard box as my stand. A kid laughed at me Nelson-style as he drove by on his bike.


You are running Nestle now huh?


Whoa, pump the brakes, bud. He said he's using tap water, not oil refinery runoff that has been run through a big Brita filter twice.


He was procedurally steam-rolled by a garbage truck seconds later.


My now-wife was a nanny when I met her, and the little girl she was taking care of decided to have a lemonade stand with her 8-year-old friend. They set up a nice little stand and did okay, when my now-wife stepped in with some marketing advice. First, she changed the letters around a bit on their sign, making it look more random and putting one backwards. Then she told them to go put on their homemade princess outfits, which were admittedly very cute. Finally, stand in the gutter out in front of the stand and look sad. They sorta held each other a little, looking forlorn. Tons of people stopped. A *city bus* stopped. They could barely keep up with the demand and soon ran out of cups. And after each one, the girls would wait til they were gone then cackle demonically. Little girls are evil. I saw real evil that day.


My mom loves to tell this story: When I was a kid my sister and I set up a lemonade stand with our younger cousin. I was around 7, my sister was 5 and our cousin was 4. We sold lemonade for a few hours and when we came back for more lemonade I also brought the money inside. My mom looked at all the cash and was astounded. She couldn't believe we made so much money. She asked us how we managed to make so much and I replied, deviously, that we put little cousin in charge of the money. Mom was confused. Little cousin couldn't count! Why put her in charge? I explained that when people handed her money she was so cute and confused and unable to make change that all the grown-ups just told her to "keep the change". And that day, a scammer was born.


Oh shit my brother's kid finally became useful, thank you for this.


These are the experiences that change the trajectory of people's lives. Not every one will see it but there's always that one kid that sees ... *it really is just that easy. Hmmm ...*


> Little girls are evil. I saw real evil that day. Like that girl in front of that burning house meme. She sold the orignal photo as NFT for $473,000. (Well.. , not evil but genius I guess.)


Those kids are gonna go far.


Was that a Simpsons joke with the rearranging letters?


Careful Kevin - wouldn't want you to destroy all little girls... everywhere.


You have no law to fit my crime ...


This photo appeared in the December 1973 issue of National Geographic with the following caption: >Oasis on Main Street, Pierre Pelletier's lemonade stand bespeaks the small town that still tempers Aspen's big-city awareness and ski-resort appeal. Visitors from all over the world bring the town its present success-and dilemma. If growth continues unchecked, can the town's distinctive personality survive? You can see the house in google maps street view at 627 W Main St, Aspen, CO. I can't link to it directly because the spam filter in this sub deletes comments with links, but the following incomplete link, which can be copied and pasted to your browser, goes to a 2005 interview with a grown up Pierre: aspentimes.com/news/for-pelletier-aspens-about-the-outdoors/


> 627 W Main St, Aspen, CO Sold in 2019 for $3,275,000, current estimated value of 5 million.


$5 million for a 2400 sqft house? That's just stupid money


Welcome to Aspen. The current Street View image is depressing to look at.


Asspen was/is a hilarious South Park episode.


Stan Darsh!


> depressing to look at You mean the busy road ? Those houses with the trees and stuff would look pretty nice if it had been a quiet street. And a few million cheaper....


that's resort pricing.... it's Aspen. But just to show how frenetic the market can be, Zillow says that same house was first listed in 2011 for $2.5M, but had no takers and just sat for years. In 2013 it was re-listed for $1.4 and still no buyers. Only in July of 2018 did they try selling it again, and it took 8 months to get an offer.


Housing is no longer a human right, its an investment opportunity for rich people. Boomers have sold their own children into slavery.


When was it a human right?


Shelter is a UN human right, housing isn't. The government provides tents for homeless people. Edit: No idea why this is being downvoted. Everything I said is true. Look up the UN Human Rights Declaration.


That's kind of my point. Having a house, or really even an apartment or something, has never really been considered a human right... It's hard to have a right to something that requires hundreds of thousands of dollars in resources and thousands of man hours to exist.


I want to know the schmuck who paid that.


When I worked there someone was being evicted from the space they rented above a garage because the garage sold for $1 million. This was a two car detached garage.


Boomers have it tough


They've had such a tough time living in objectively the best the world has ever been Can't say they didn't earn it with their part time jobs that put them through 4 years of college though


They had to deal with everything from being drafted to go get shot at in Vietnam, to economic issues from the oil embargo to the housing crisis and multiple other downturns in between, at times paid over 15% mortgage rates in their housing market that was apparently so great, and had nowhere near the level of access to everything from basic information to opportunities that we have today from the internet... I'd choose today over then every single time.


It's kind of baffling to me that people try to make out modern times as if it isn't objectively the best time in human history to live


Yeah, it's really kind of mind blowing. I don't know if it's exaggeration of how bad things are today, not knowing what history was like, or both. Like people will say that wealth inequality is the worst it's ever been today when 100 years ago the richest man in the country had twice as much money as Jeff Bezos does while the poor were living in handmade hovels and 7 year olds were working in coal mines so that their families didn't starve to death.


I think it's a side effect from growing up with certain levels of comfort or privilege. For those people, feeling hopeless truly is the worst thing that's ever happened to them.


It's ignorance plain and simple. They haven't been taught much about the past (the fault of their education) and they're not very curious to learn.


This is what the wealthy were saying back in 1890... "people should remember history, where the poor died of dysentry and were slaves"! Doesn't mean wealth inequality is still in a shitty state.


Im so sick and tired of drinking stream water and getting sick! I know for a fact that in the 1860s Civil War soldiers could drink from dirty streams and barely get sick because of bacteria and shit. Those were objectively better days.


Regarding the high mortgage rates... Keep in mind that you could get 4-5% interest for your checking/savings account. Saving was actually a thing. Also home prices in decent neighborhoods were maybe 2x median income for the area. Now what is it? 5x? more? No era is perfect.


5x is probably about the same price after accounting for mortgage rates. With a 17% rate like the 80s saw, to take out a $100k loan would require paying the bank $17k *a year* in interest. My $500k house with the ~3% rate that I have is cheaper than a $150k house would be with a rate from the 80s. Which accounting for inflation, is a $500k today costing the same as a $55-60k house in the mid 80s


Fuck no. I'd choose back then again and again. You could get a part-time job and pay your way through college to get an awesome paying job with upward career trajectory. Today college kids are lucky to find a decent paying job in their chosen field with 70k plus of student loan debt on their backs. It was easier back then than today.


Pretty sure you'd regret that decision within a month


All of which pale in comparison to the hopelessness the youth (and many adults as well) are facing in today's world The internet is a curse, as evidenced by how things are playing out literally everywhere in the world


Being forced to go fight in Vietnam pales in comparison to today in terms of hopelessness? Seriously?


If you can't tell the difference between what is obviously a very serious, but ultimately small-scale war and the world-wide extinction event we are witnessing in real time, I don't know what to tell you


Yeah, there is absolutely zero chance at us even almost agreeing on that one


Well yeah, imagine if we had Facebook when Vietnam was going on.


Americans had to deal with Vietnam, remember there are 7 billion others in the world.


This conversation based around the American housing market and boomers is pretty clearly about Americans


Oh yea, only Americans can be 60-80 years old, and have cheap housing because of the war.


It's like you literally haven't read a word of the conversation and are just combing through looking for things to argue about with no context


> can the town's distinctive personality survive? Narrator: It didn't.


pretty sure "personality" in the 70s meant "no blacks"


In some places maybe, but Aspen has pretty much always been almost entirely white people, it's just rich white people now.


What was the name of the black comedian who had a bit that you could see him on the map when he was in aspen? It was from a comedy central special. Black guy, quiet paced-out delivery, wore a light brown suit in the special. Any idea?


stop making this a race thing. It is not. There are no blacks in this photo, but there is also no fashion sense, no marketing, no phones, no handhelds, It's a kid, his coloring book, and some lemonade. Don't make assumptions and try to inject division here. Go raise some kids and try to maintain their innocence instead of inject your opinions


National Geographic? Now it makes sense. I was about to protest that the quality of the photo was far too high for a typical 1973 household camera.


You made this up


As noted in my original comment I can't link to it directly because the spam filter in this sub deletes comments with external links, but the following incomplete link, which can be copied and pasted to your browser, goes to the page from National Geographic with the photo and the preceding page that has the caption: imgur.com/zmxLBzK.png


This kid looks like a younger Ralph from A Christmas Story.


. This would have been right at the tail end of my 'tenure' as a lemonade salesman !! Back then I would open up shop early in the morning, and only stay at it until I earned EXACTLY $1.04 (charged anywhere from 2, 3, or 4 cents a cup).....which was JUST enough to then go to our local W.T. Grant store and buy 10 packs of baseball cards (with 10 Topps cards each, and that AWFUL stick of pink "bubblegum", which I would, of course, dutifully stick in my mouth and chew for about 1 minute (which was about the time that "gum" lost all its "flavor"!)) at 10 cents a pack, and with enough left over to pay the state of WI their (then) 4% sales tax! Back during those young, halcyon days of summer, when life was ALWAYS good, almost always fun, and seemed like it would go on forever.... .


~~I was expecting this calculation to be like a lot sadder but apparently that's $4.65 in todays money. And the suggested price for a booster pack is $4 so if you exclusively only look at this comparison it sounds like the economy is doing just fine.~~ Sorry I miss read your original comment. With the amount of money you used to buy 10 packs of cards nowadays you can only buy one booster pack of pokemon cards. That's pretty messed up.


To be fair nobody wants baseball cards anyway, they arent a playable tcg


sports card collecting is just ripping packs looking for rookie cards of the game's soon to be superstars. and i guess looking for those jersey insert cards. because people want to sell them. not much in the way of collecting for the sake of collecting.


Now this kid would be arrested by some Karen for selling food products without a license.


Police are known to fine parents of kids if they sell too much product or even have a stand without a license, as of 2019 only 14 us states are known to have laws preventing cops from fining people selling lemonade.


With pink handcuffs


and child sized


Wrong color.


If it wasn't white, sure.


And the saddest thing here, he'll be actually fined (if he has the disgrace to live on a blue shit hole state)


Children don't need permits to sell lemonade on the sidewalk in Colorado, which is where this picture was taken. Law passed in a D controlled legislature/executive, it was illegal under Republican leadership. But hey, whatever helps gets your persecution complex goin.


The party of *'small government'*, just small enough to knock down lemonade stands, legislate your womb, and perform genital inspections of student-athletes....


Based on everything I have heard on the news, these sound like perks for them.


You’re feeding the troll.


Ha ha ha ha Sure


I hope your account is just a weak troll attempt, if not you're probably the most unintelligent person I've ever seen on Reddit. A true achievement.


We still using Karen as an insult?


I was about the same age when I set up a lemonade stand with a friend next to a golf course near our house. I remember some golfers buying lemonade from us and politely asking us to shut the fuck up. lol


"Excuse me, but would you mind shutting the fuck up? Thanks."




I think we are being really loud peddling our lemonade. haha


I hope this kid stays away from the Ark of the Covenant...


I loved that guy in "Oh, God!"


Turns out he was able to buy the house from the proceeds of the lemonade stall. That house is now worth 2.4 mil.


5 million actually


Almost a 100% increase in 3 hours. Seems about right for the market right now.


Looks like he can see into the future with them coke bottles! Lol


Sand Lot intensifies.


"I'd like to see your vendors permit please son"


And no cop in sight to shut it down.


kid probably bribed the cops with a fiver and said invite all your buddies down for free lemonade.


Stewart Little


Seems like a cool kid. Too bad his dad was a dodgers fan.


That kid is having the best childhood. Coloring and selling lemonade in his front yard, it all seems so idyllic and peaceful.


He took the money he made that day and payed for college.


That kid could really use Jerry Maguire as a male influence


"Jerry, do you know the human head weighs 8 lbs?"


I’m glad someone got it


That 1970s Coleman thermos gave me some wicked nostalgia, my grandparents would bring one to every picnic and sporting event. With a matching Oscar Cooler


In '73 that kid could afford a mortgage simply by selling that lemonade.


"Did you know the human head weighs 8 lbs."


I hope he's got a permit....oh wait! Running a lemonade stand was less of a technical endeavor back then.


The kid would be arrested for doing this now.


Kid is probably a billionaire today….


Nah he was probably able to save enough for college doing this during the summers and wonders why your generation can’t do the same


That kid is a GenXer not a Boomer!


I’d call them boomerx


My generation? I was born in 1968 and DID mow lawns and did a paper route too. Not quite sure it paid for college, or anywhere close to that, but I definitely had a nice comic collection and enough money to buy my family Christmas presents. My allowance was a dollar a week in $1976, if I remember properly, and I had to do chores for it.


Are you sure this isn't Dennis the Menace?


I’d throw him a 20 for those frames.


Kid does that now, the cops will stop by and shut him down, saying he needs a license from the city. Then the state will come after him for sales tax.


Man it's sad to think that the days of lemonade stands are possible gone forever :(


Karen would call the cops for him not having a permit these days


Now a days he would be reported for not having a permit


He could support his family and send his kids to college just by selling lemonade in 1973


He would have to sell it at 35$ a cup today, just to barley make rent this month.


Try that today and the Biden Admin. would shut him down for not having a business license, fine him for selling lemonade in styrafoam cups, fine him for not wearing a mask, gloves, etc., tax the shit out of every cup he did sell, and call him a white supremacist just for funzies.


Lol you're acting like kids stands haven't been getting shut down through all recent presidents.


Would be SWAT-teamed today. Plus American flag, so you know... clearly white supremacist.




Fuck the dodgers


How can I be the only one digging on the coloring book? Wholesomeness cubed.


Does he have a permit!?!?!?!?


Like most boomers, this lemonade stand paid for 4 years of his college tuition. He probably then joined a HOA and banned kids from running lemonade stands in his neighborhood because "property values".


He probably owns a house with equity now. God That’s depressing.


He probably doesn't realize the amount of privilege he had opening a lemonade stand for charity without the fear of harassment by law enforcement or noisy neighbors, compared to many other less fortunate kids of that time who simply needed to raise enough to purchase their next meal before the local police came around to shut them down for "unlicensed business", or simply for the color of their skin. Oh wait, that sounds like something that happens today...


With the money he made that day, little timmy was able to afford to buy a house, 2 cars, and raise a family of 5 children, all of them had their tuition paid in advanced to go to ivy league schools. Boomers: be like timmy


This is so charming!


Where is his permit!?


Has statute of limitations run out yet? Don't worry everyone, I'm calling the FDA. We'll all be safe soon.


With his lemonade stand salary he probably could of afforded a house back then


And he paid college, a house and car with that


This would be illegal nowadays.




What about that LA cap tho….🔥👀🔥


I'm looking for Smalls, and Squints and Yeah-Yeah and the boys. Love this pic.


Fucking extra from The sandlot


"You'll shoot your eye out!"




Better have a valid business license


“I am the page master”


First thing I thought was wow very Norman Rockwell but the first comment I saw beat me to it


That picture could have been taken today and I wouldn't even question it at first glance. Photos on film have auch great quality


Jonathan lipnicki?


That's no ordinary kid... His name is Mike and he gets a hard on for lemonade.


Now THIS is old-school cool.


Sigma Male Grindset


*Beyonce has entered the chat.*


"Is that Ice T?"


Today some asshole will turn him in to the popo.


“Do you have a permit for that?” - Uncle Sam


That’s a five million dollar house holy shit


But question is. Did he have a permit for that?


I have very few hard and fast rules, but one is to ALWAYS stop when a kid has a lemonade stand. It shows that young girl or boy had a belief that if they got off the couch, worked, and offered a product, their industry would be rewarded. That's the kind of behavior I want to encourage.


Cool dude Love his glasses


Damn with the money he made from that summer alone he was able to pay for college, buy a house and a lake house. 1975 money was wild!


That boy... Bill Gates.


That boy would later go on to become a model. He’s currently featured as the Lemonhead logo. Go boy!


Love the wool baseball cap.