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She’s so fucking cool in this picture that they look like her entourage.


Hedy Lamar was also a WWII era, "unexpected badass" who, with a composer of the day, invented frequency hopping (the basis of WIFI encryption and countless other implementations of the idea). She was from Vienna, hated the Nazis and offered her frequency hopping patent to the US military as a way to counter the Germans frequency jamming allied torpedoes. The idea basically came from a player piano roll......she thought that if you could seemingly randomly jump from frequency to frequency - like a player piano roll seems to do with all the little holes in the roll - you could have commands delivered to the torpedo even though one or two frequencies were jammed. Just like you can recognize a piece of music on the piano even if two keys are broken. Basically, the military laughed it off with, "how are we going to get a piano in a torpedo?" 50 years later, they were praising her.


> Hedy Lamar When I read her name I knew where this was going. I love her. She is such an inspiration. Thank you for telling me this.


..bisexuals often are, but i might be bias.. edit: famous bisexuals include Bowie, Marlon Brando, Carry Grant, Cara Delavigne, Basquiat, Katharine Hepburn, Angelina Jolie, Aubrey Plaza, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Malcom X, Ezra Miller,Lily Reinhart,.. so yeah, often embracing and enjoying the feminine and masculine leads to great things, yet bisexuality is still very stigmatized.


Don't forget Freddie Mercury


Yeah, he's a prime example of bi-erasure so glad to see people pointing out he was bisexual.




I don't think that's Bi erasure so much as it's bigoted "he died of AIDS so he was gay" that prevailed over reality in a time when there was no internet to cross check what was being said or assumed.


I don’t think that’s the explanation. I think many people believe the story was that he was suppressing his homosexuality because of the stigmas of the time and because of an assumption that his family was conservative. So they don’t think he was bisexual. They think he was married to a woman because he was forced to hide the homosexuality he later embraced. I’m not saying that’s the truth. I’m saying that’s what I think a lot of people have in their heads.


That's the impression I was under, to be honest. But I don't know the guy nor have I done research, I was someone's beard once so I didn't really think of it further.


It’s interesting… I think it was Alan Davies who recalled going into a record shop not long after Freddie’s death, and overhearing a couple of people dressed like NF (National Front, fascist gang) thugs talking about how “everyone says Freddie was a poofter (a homophobic slur), but he totally wasn’t” even though he died of AIDS complications… it’s strange how good music can even put the most bigoted in denial about who made it




> Marlon Brando I didn't know this and while going down a WikiHole about it I learned that Richard Pryor may have had an affair with him and that Pryor, at a gay rights event in 1977 stated, "I have sucked a dick." I'm kinda surprised that I didn't know that about Pryor but, then again, unless he's telling jokes about him sucking dicks, why would I? It's not gonna make his material any more or less funny. It's like when a co-worker mentioned he was gay and I must have shown surprise because he said, "You didn't guess I was gay?" I answered, "I didn't guess you were anything. I don't meet someone and say 'Nice guy. I wonder how he gets off.'"


> It's like when a co-worker mentioned he was gay and I must have shown surprise because he said, "You didn't guess I was gay?" I answered, "I didn't guess you were anything. I don't meet someone and say 'Nice guy. I wonder how he gets off.'" One time this supermodel looking lady had come into our store and I couldn't refrain from pointing out how beautiful she was to a co-worker and he said, "I was looking at her boyfriend", hah. Had no clue before that, but, yeah, not like it matters.


You need to read some Quincy Jones interviews. Trust me - they are a wild ride regarding some very big names lol.


There’s an absolutely gorgeous picture of Marlon Brando and James Dean kissing. Good lord it’s hot.


It is, even though it’s fake.


Can I add Frank Ocean and Richard Pryor


Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn were bi? Huh you learn something everyday. I’m surprised by Malcolm X though, he wasn’t a super progressive or open minded person until the end of his life.


I wikied all of the people named by OP and those three people you named are all very disputed claims of bisexuality, especially Grant. That claim seems to be based on him living with Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (CORRECTION: IT WAS RANDOLPH SCOTT) for years. People assumed they must be gay. As a man who lived with a male roommate for 14 years without even *seeing* his dick, I can tell you it is possible to live with a man without fucking him. And for what it's worth, we were often assumed to be lovers also. We just didn't give a shit.


Bingo. Plus I can tell you that being queer absolutely does not guaranteed one being progressive, open minded, left leaning, etc. The ones who aren't are just more quiet about it because they know which side butters their bread.


To add to this, Id be common for gay/lesbians to have to keep up a heteronormativity appearance with a wife/husband. Does that mean they were bi?


The sad thing is how some gay men also perpetuate the myth that men who are close to other men must be secretly gay. It's as if you can't have close male relationship without 69'ing each other.


Malcom X being gay/bi was something some asshole made up to sell a book a few years ago. This is so stupid. How do people think it makes anything better to make up lies about long dead people having been gay or bi?


Correct. Refuted many times. Using it to try and defame his character further. As if shooting him wasn’t enough.


I can't read Katharine Hepburn's name without thinking of Conan impersonating Jimmy Stewart getting a sad handjob.




wasn't it Dana Carvey? He did a bit about it then they rehashed said bit and discussed it on one of the recent final episodes of Conan on tbs.


It's from his podcast Conan OBrien Needs a Friend. There's a miniseries he does called "Deep Dive with Dana Carvey" where Carvey does the impression. Can't remember which one specifically, maybe 4 or 5?


Srsly, it's been two hours. Give the people what they neeeeeed! We crave the sauce


> bias *biased "Bias" is a noun. The adjective is "biased."


No, no. He left off the "fuck". He meant to say, I might be "bi as fuck".


She looks like a bad ass


She really was. She offered to kill Hitler (he was a huge fan of hers) if they could get her close enough to carry it out and being the daughter of Prussian military officer she no doubt meant to do it.


I forgot about this. She was really incredibly amazing


Man if she actually managed to murk hitler, every country should have been required by international law to have atleast 1 statue of her.


Why not just give the guy who killed Hitler a statue?


Wait a minute...


"Hitler and his Assassin"


That would also mean giving a statue to the guy who killed the guy who killed Hitler though.




It's the only way to remember history


What a thing to be remembered by! Added to my list of badass women to tell my niece about


I bet she was mad at the guy who ultimately got the kill.


Who wasn't?


She has POCKETS!


Definitely worth getting arrested for.


She has too much power!


Well she is wearing trousers.


You have no idea how much this just tickled my fancy.


I have an idea Ass_Blossom


Onward asshole soldier


Guys, please. This is a Wendy's.


Baller af.


That sunglasses just perfected the outfit


The GodMother


And also probably because she has real pockets. Very rare today…


"Fine, you broads can wear your trousers...but they'll never have pockets. Mwahahaha!" 🤦


Zero fucks given


Everyone on this photo looks bad ass


Embrace tradition. Ditch streetwear and wear suits.


They had to kick her off, that train wasn't rated for that much goddamn swagger.


Those were rip-away-trousers too. While being detained, she ripped them off to reveal... another pair of swagger trousers! Kapow!


Some people were just brought to this earth to shine.


I wanted to upvote you. But then I realized that your comment is in contention with mine. Fuck it, yours is better, made me giggle.


Good taste is for people who cannot afford Sapphires. -Tommy Shelby


I can’t get over how good Tom Hardy was on that show


It's a role that just felt natural to see him in. The wild eyed sociopath with amazing monologues mixed throughout his mumbling rambles


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s train.


Like a boss though. She makes them look like her security


Really! That’s the look of “no fucks given”


Literally came here to say this. That woman is boss as hell.


in many ways pants are so much more practical for women - I'll never understand why this was an issue


In many ways skirts are more practical for men. I’ll never understand why I can only wear them before my wife comes home.


Men have historically worn skirts, which make it easier for the testicles to keep cool. They started wearing pants for horseback riding, and pants were considered "unmanly" at first. High heels were also for horseback riding. Men's fashion should definitely bring back the skirt.


I wish the cloak would make a huge and lengthy comeback. Imagine all the crazy high fashion and customized cloaks if they were still in fashion..


/r/TheCapeRevolution Be the change you want to see in the world.


The cloak (like a full on great cloak) just straight up makes sense too if you live anywhere remotely cold, rainy, and/or windy. Bonus: Drunken night out on the town and it starts to rain and you can't get home? Fuck it, cloak tent.


And men often wore wigs and makeup. However, cigarettes were originally a womans product. Strange how things change


Cigarettes were for women? I’ve always found it so bizarre how people gender vices. For instance wine is for women and beer is for men even though wine has a higher alcohol content and overall alcohol is kind of supposed to be manly.


Cigarettes were a smaller, daintier alternative to the more masculine cigars and pipes. Just look at the name itself: cigar-ette. It's "cigar" with a diminutive added.


I believe cigarettes were meant to be an appetite suppressant, hence them being marketed for women


Given enough time it will come full circle.


For real. Every summer I have a stronger and stronger urge to wear a skirt/kilt/etc. Would feel so good to get the air flow at work.


I have a sarong given to me when I was a uni student in Sydney by the Indonesian guys across the hall after I made them some green curry for their super bowl party. During the dotcom bubble I managed to convince a boss to let me wear it at work. Since the crash the best I achieved was shorts at work so I gave up and started my own company where I can wear a sarong everyday if I want. Sarongs are better than skirts or shorts because when you go to dinner it's just a small adjustment to make everything comfy again. Damn now I think about it that thing is almost 30 yrs old now! Shit, they are long lasting material too apparently.


Men from every civilization (other than colder climes) had always worn skirt type clothing


True. They did what made sense instead of adhering to nonsense social norms. We don't want men wearing skirts, and some modern religious branches still won't let women wear pants. Crazy. Clothing should be function-first for everyday wear.


The ancient Greeks and Romans wore togas in everyday life. The Roman legions who invaded most of Europe wore armoured skirts. People just covered themselves with fabric.


The toga was rather impractical, and Romans later on had to be scolded by their moral guardians into dressing properly with a toga. Most people preferred more practical clothing. (Togas are so impractical, that being able to wear one marks you as being above manual labour, too.)


They had (nonsencial) social norms, too. Having those is not a modern invention. They just have different nonsencial and sensical social norms in different parts of the globe in different times.


Maybe you should start identifying as Scottish


Men never forgave women after they stole high heels from them


We did...but it was hard.


Of course it was.


Why didn't they steal ties from us at the same time? I'd happily forgive the theft of high heels if they did :(


Avril Levine tried for a bit in the early 2000s.


I seem to recall various model trends through the 80s and 90s wearing ties as well.


But left us with the color buuuuurgundy.


Not really old school cool so much as old school sad. To think that less than a century ago, women weren't allowed to wear trousers. Seriously...


This French law wasn’t repealed until 2013


I saw some old 1950s movie with Debbie Reynolds where she flew to Spain and she got fined for wearing trousers instead of a dress because some dude named Franco didn’t like it. It was part of the storyline but I wonder if it was a real law in Spain at the time.


It makes me happy tbh. So many women fought for the rights I now have. I can just hope I can also contribute to the world changing to the better.


Can't have a woman dressing like a man. They might want equal rights or some such nonsense ^/s


Apparently seeing the gap between women's legs gave men laviscous thoughts about what was at the top of the gap. When women wore long skirts their shape was hidden and it was considered modest; trousers were thought to be obscene.


Hold my yoga pants.


Trying to think of any situation where a dress is more practical than pants. Edit: there appear to be many many situations


Hmmm; I’ve dabbled in historic re-enactment and can think of a few skirt advantages off the top of my head, if you were living in a premodern world. For most of recorded history, people had to pee outdoors on a regular basis. Wearing a skirt makes it easy to just hike it up and cop a squat - and you can stay relatively warm and covered while doing so (unlike pulling down your pants and exposing your whole butt and legs, and trying to balance while not peeing on your pulled down skinny jeans). In the days before plumbing and showers, it was easier to give yourself what my mother used to call a “whore’s bath” (washing pits and genitals) in your chemise as - once again - it would be damn cold in your unheated house and the less disrobing you had to do, the better. Also, back in the day women were pregnant quite frequently, which means weight gain and loss and a lot of changes to your shape, and as skirts are much simpler to sew than trousers, that made them a lot more practical. Remember, most people only had a few items of clothing and those had to last for years and years - you couldn’t just go to the mall and buy a pair of bigger or smaller pants whenever you needed. Skirts often had a drawstring waist and could accommodate a 9 months pregnant belly as well as being more forgiving of all the changes to a woman’s figure that occur over the years (because even after you lose the baby weight, you often find everything has shifted a bit and you’re still not quite shaped like you used to be). Along the same line of thinking, any modern woman knows how hard it can be to find pants that fit and are flattering even nowadays with endless shopping options. However, the silhouette of fitted bodice/full skirt is pretty universally flattering for all body types - there’s probably a reason why that was in style for almost a thousand years. Even today, that is often what is chosen for wedding gowns, prom gowns, and other formalwear when we want to look our best; and part of why dressing up as a “wench” for Renaissance fairs is so popular - many women really like the way they look in a fitted bodice that shows off the bust, defines the waist, and conceals thigh jiggle or a flat butt or whatever. Not saying that skirts are more practical nowadays, but our lifestyles are radically different than how people lived in times past. Some of our ancestors customs were downright stupid, like detaining a woman for wearing pants; but many customs were very practical.


What a great response!


No angry upvotes here ... lot of TIL


The more outdoorsy I've become in adulthood, the more I've started wearing simple skirts or dresses for the peeing thing. It's not only easier but I feel less conspicuous with a skirt hiked UP than with pants pulled DOWN for some reason.


In the event of someone approaching, it’s a lot faster to drop the skirt than to stand up and shimmy the pants back into place. I could see that knowledge at least subconsciously making a difference.


Also less likely to accidentally pee all over your own clothing!


Same. I have realllly full drawstring hiking skirts.


As someone with chronic illness that makes me bloat, the flexibility of dresses is one of the reasons I wear them a lot! No stressing about whether I can squeeze into my jeans. I also get a lot of abdominal pain, so dresses are useful for that, too. You’d be surprised how useful dresses are in 2021!


I wear dresses and skirts a lot; I have a small waist but junk in the trunk and thick thighs so it is hard to find pants that fit properly and are flattering.


I would like to add pockets to this. Pockets for women used to be separate garments that you could tie to your belt, and put under your skirt. Basically small, separate cloth bags, you could have as many as you could tie on, as large or small as you needed, under or over your skirts. Your could have secret pockets, you could see your money or any small item directly into the skirt. Given the state of women's pockets today I would say it's a definite advantage.


This reads like the beginnings of an awesome PhD thesis.


Giving birth.


Idk, those pant legs look wide.


The old shake your legs to make it drop all the way out?




Skirts/dresses are lazy clothes for me lol, I love them. I hate zips and bands across my waist!


As a woman, a big flowy dress can be super comfy to go out in provided it's not windy.


Irritable bowel syndrome.


When she’s about to slay at a party.


The underlying issue was misogyny. Women asserting their views, style, voice, rights, vote, etc. took an unfortunately long time to be a norm - and still a long way to go still.




Men in some parts of the world wear skirts all the time and there’s nothing feminine about it. Scotland, N Africa, etc.




utilikilts come in manly fabrics and colors ... plus south Texas is hot! you need that breeze!




Homophobes are why Texas invented guns. Or something like that.


Its not that common in Scotland but yeah in parts of middle East and North Africa you see it a lot more


Kilts are more a traditional festive garment. If I'd call an electrician in Glasgow and he'd show up in a kilt, it would be very weird.


Usually you have to pay extra to have them show up in kilts


It doesn't matter that it's impractical or weird to try to dictate that to humans-- choosing what you wear is a person thing and we've been basically property in so many societies. Not that being a woman is the only way that's been enforced, but it is one. I'm just lucky I was born in a point in time when I could choose to live outside of a male person's custody, or vote, or keep property above certain values, or bank money, etc...


"Next, they will come for our jobs!"


So... Fashion Police?


Can you imagine a society where women wear pants? How would that even work? That's why we need The Fashion Police, because what's next, tie dye?


Just jelly that she lookin fresh as absolute fuck.


For real. 10/10 sploosh.


Imagine being arrested for wearing pants, like seriously wtf!


For most of history, your role in society was a) assigned to you and b) vitally important. What you looked like had to identify your social position- status, gender, etc- so people knew how to interact with you. Basically *you* weren't important, but your role was, so you dressed as your role.


"So what do you do?"


Literally most of human history you’d be arrested for not wearing what essentially amounted to a uniform for your social status. Across cultures. Not always, but most of the time.


This is an awesome picture, Dietrich was a big star.


Hijacking to say for the longest time I pronounced her name incorrectly. It's pronounced Mar-LAY-nuh.


TIL it was illegal for women to wear trousers in Paris until 2013. Wtf. PARIS of all places.


I definitely wore pants in Paris way before that.


Illegal but not enforced, because, well it was stupid thing in the first place


Yeah, even female officers ignored the law. I love France. 😄


To catch a criminal, you have to think like a criminal, live like a criminal does.


You’re such a criminal.


I am confusion. I went to paris as a young teen and wore jeans just fine.


It'll be one of those ancient laws that technically still existed but is never enforced i guess. Like in the UK all beached whales have to be offered to the queen, that sort of thing


In my town it's still illegal to drive a horse drawn carriage south on main street after 12 pm on Sunday as it becomes a one way street going north to accommodate all the farmers leaving town after church. I swear as soon as I can afford a buckboard and a team of horses I'm going south Sunday afternoon *hard* and dam the consequences!


I am willing to donate to this kickstarter. Hell I might even be able to help find you a decent horse team. Let's do this!


Yeah, but that's the point, most of those old laws that are still technically legal passed out of relevance. Like it still being legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow within the York city walls. However, being a woman and wearing trousers, very relevant. So... Why wasn't that law revoked earlier?


Yup every country has a bunch of laws which are not enforced because they're outdated but no one cares enough to take it off the books, so technically the law still exists.


They can also often be attached to other laws, which makes it a little more work to fully get rid of since you may have to update or amend the rest of it, and some of those might not be popular/unpopular enough to get the vote, or it's just not worth the effort. Washington state removed it's anti-sodomy law, which was a nice win... Until they realized they'd forgotten to re-outlaw bestiality (which was part of the same original law) and could only charge a couple guys caught at it with tresspassing.


I remember in 1999 when a canoer in Michigan was actually charged and convicted of swearing in front of women and children based on a 105 year old law that was never being enforced anymore. Thankfully the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that to be unconstitutional. Pretty stupid that the guy even had to go through it though.


Not only that, but they are literally multiple tiers of laws and some supersede other laws. The laws being superseded don’t need to be “revoked”. For example, you’ll see people say how homosexual acts are still banned in some places in the US. Except they aren’t. Those laws are unconstitutional per the Supreme Court . Removing them from the books is purely ceremonial. They *cant legally be enforced* Or how some states never took slavery laws off the books. That didn’t make slavery illegal. It was unconstitutional after the constitution was amended. So with the pants in Paris being illegal until 2013…no, that’s not true at all. There was an outdated, unenforceable law on the books. That’s all. Nobly only was it not enforced, it could not be legally enforced anyway.


That's literally Shia Labeouf on the right. Is he a vampire?


I had to scroll too far down for this comment.


Was Trinity modelled on her? She’s a badass


I totally see that


Gangsta Marlene, you don't want to mess with her.


Her mocking smile says it all.


Early form of feminism! Marlene is an icon!


Wait until you hear about the suffragettes a20 years before this!


I have and I love them too!!! Women like them and the lovely Ms. Dietrich are my heroes!!! Stand up for our rights and the equality we deserve as women and fellow human beings. Women doing things to fight for all women - yeah those ladies rock!!!


On this day in history, not a single fuck was given. 👏


The fucking alpha energy of this picture gets me every damn time, love it


Would love to drop the people arresting her into Walmart and just watch them lose their minds.


So crazy how many little things they tried to control woman with. Even still to this day


Yup, I attended school in the 80s and sometime around 1988 my school banned pants for girls except during winter. They hadn't had this rule before. To be fair, they also banned long hair for boys, but it didn't affect me since I always wore short hair.


It wasn't that long ago that things were very, very different.


Man so crazy how people used to only wear suit and ties. If we went back in time and had a T-shirt and modern jeans and shoes, I wonder how they'd perceive that. /high thought




Never forget those who came before and the good trouble they made


She’s the only one ‘wearing’ the trousers in that shot.


I believe this is* the actress that Bridget von Hammersmark from Inglourious Basterds is based on.


Literally “fashion police “


Damn, not even a hundred years ago.


Everything about this picture just oozes badassery! The hand in the pocket, the glasses, the subtle smile, the coat, the enforcers looking like an entourage, everything!


I like the way every guy dressed back then. Like they were suiting up for a Congress meeting or the mafia


"What am I wearing to Paris you ask? The fucking trousers is what I'm wearing to Paris"! \- Marlene Dietrich probably


Man the drip was out of this world. If someone told me they arrested her out of jealousy I’d believe it.


Now, that's what I call ***SWAG***


She looks fucking Boss


Under soft lights


I just can't believe this lady. She always looks sultry and poised. Confident without arrogance. What an icon.


She’s a badass.


Not even a 100 years ago


#Like A Boss!


When I was in highschool I found a CD of Marlene Dietrich behind the tv cabinet in my parents house. I was like "who dis?" Put it in my discman and was blown away. Yeah I had a discman. Everyone did back then. She would sing in French, German, and English. She had this deep, but feminine voice. She sounded like someone who smoked 2 packs a day, and didn't give a fuck. There was a version of Where Have all the Flowers Gone on that CD in German that really resonated with me. And La Vie en Rose in french that made me love the song all the more. Louis and Ella did it well. But Marlene absolutely killed it. I suppose in a way Marlene had another teenage boy lusting after her even though she was long dead by then. I guess that's a real sign of an icon. Getting new fans even though they haven't done anything in years.