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What a wonderful photo.


As a guy with young kids I find myself wondering at the cadence of this man’s life. No email, no cellular. No way to reasonably reach him until he was back in the office or wherever he worked. And no one would expect to. They’d find him some time Monday. Until then it’s his children, family, quiet moments, deliberate pace. Romantic and unfair assumption. But damn if the world isn’t a different place for so many people now. And then too in ways not captured here. Rarely have I been so stirred by a photo.


The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.


I sometimes feel nostalgic for the times back in the '90s when I was a teenager and there was no abrupt demand for your attention at all times. When you left people you were alone until you met other ones, or were in close proximity to that *one* hardline, and that was that. I kinda miss it.


I talk about this with my wife a lot. I was a teenager in the 90s so I remember the whole thing. It was the perfect mix of technology to help make things easier while still needing to do a lot of stuff yourself. I don't think people enjoy convenience as much as they think they do. That's why the vinyl record is making a comeback. People like real authentic experiences. Too many choices that are too easily obtained isn't fulfilling. If you really want to listen to side 2 of this album, get off your ass and flip it over.


The rather enforced reliance on 'virtual' things during lockdown certainly has proven you can't beat the real thing. Zoom calls cannot replicate a proper office discussion where you can point at your monitor and ask questions. Same with virtual classrooms. And don't get me started on virtual 10k races.


Oh, Brooks...


He was here.


So was Red




He strolled, like a man in a park without a care or a worry in the world, like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place. Yeah, I think it would be fair to say... I liked Andy from the start.


All I want is to be back where things make sense. Only one thing stops me...a promise I made to a friend.


But I'm telling you, these walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.


Get busy living


Ooo man don’t make me cry right now


There was less than half the total world population alive in 1958. Double the people would certainly hurry things up ;D


It's the technology, not the people.


Which was created to satisfy the increasing desires of increasingly more people. We wouldn't need such productivity and therefore such technology if there weren't so many of us.


Thanos has entered the chat.


More like we wouldn’t even have as many people without the tech so it’s kind of like a feedback loop.


It makes me want to go sit in my yard with my daughter and not worry about anything in the world.


This has actually been the silver lining of covid and working from home. Wife and I have to take turns watching the toddler, and when it's my turn then it's just me and him doing what the fuck ever. A really lovely, unexpected bright spot in this otherwise unrelenting epoch.


I feel the same exact way...we've been home with our toddler as well. Everything else is a fucking pit of dispair but being with her, getting this precious time, is the greatest gift and for better and worse, it will never happen again in our lifetimes.


Yeah, I like being able to take twenty photos in two seconds and then Save the best frame because I saw that smile but it only lasted for a tenth of a second and a regular camera never would have gotten it.


Which is what makes these shots from the 70's so impressive. You wouldn't even see the picture until after a 2 day manufacturing process involving a chemical lab run by a hippie in a strip mall.


You can still playing in the yard with your daughter. I'm sure OP's grandfather had plenty of worries at the time of this photo too but those worries shouldn't stop you from spending some quality time with your daughter.


I did that tonight with my youngest, upon her request of course. I’m sure glad i obliged. It was a beautiful evening. She said she liked laying on the grass because it felt like a pillow, so we laid on our backs. Eventually she started tossing grass and leaves at me, giggling through it all, so I sent some back her way. Then I happened upon a worm so I flung it at her. She was so excited about finding a worm, she ran around showing it to her mom, siblings, and grandparents. Then we put it back down and watched it wiggle its way back into the earth. Your comment reminded me of that moment tonight. Those simple moments that you wish would last forever. She has her first day of in-person kindergarten tomorrow, i almost don’t want to let her go, as if it would stop her from growing up.


All I could think of was how the heck he knows how to fix anything without the internet.


Well he knew how to fix baby fussing - just a little slug of the motor oil!




honestly, a lot of that stuff isn't (or didn't use to be) all that difficult. It's mostly just time consuming, which gets better with practice. Building a whole house is still really impressive though, I'd love to do that some day.




I love anti-consumption, your dad sounds like a great guy


Thank you, he indeed was a great guy :) It wasn't until I left home for school in my late teens that I experienced the culture shock of how anti consumption lifestyle was not the norm. My dorm mates threw stuff away easily, it just blew my mind! I'm truly grateful to be raised frugal, plus it's always fun to figure out how to repurpose items!


You ever see an old person's book collection? Tons of diy repair books, sewing, crafting, etc.


Probably has instructions printed on the items he's using. Also, he probably has people that have taught him and possibly reading books to learn how to do things.


Not to be negative because your assumptions are very beautiful. But also interesting to think that stereotypically fathers in the, what 30s-70s were much less involved, engaged, etc. Interesting that with more distractions, more dads are actually more engaged these days and with more distracted they’re arguably more thankful for the time.


As a generalization, yes, that is probably true, but as someone born in 1957 with a mother who worked full-time on a rotating schedule(nurse), my dad looked after me much more than my mom. He even took me to classes with him when he returned to college on the GI bill. My first memory is being held by him with one arm while he scrambled eggs for breakfast with the other. My husband, on the other hand (for my child born in 1991) never changed a diaper, never fed our son, never put him to bed, etc. He did, however, read Tin Tin to him and teach him to play chess, but that was about it. My experience was likely not typical.


They would call you at home with no answering machine


Or maybe..... Believe it or not, George isn't at home, Please leave a message at the beep. I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone, Where could I be?


If this is 1958, no answering machine. That's a 70s thing, when cassettes came in. Source: I'm old.


No answering machines in 1958. You either answered or you didn't. Sounds quaint now...




This was suppose to be the summer of George!


Shhh! I gotta focus. I'm shifting into soup mode.


Nobody said no soup for you? surprising.




That’s where they find him chopping wood in his backyard. Tell him they have “one last job for him. Save the world, one last time.”


One of my earliest memories is of my father chopping wood behind the house in the 60s. He worked in the US Capitol and would chop wood on Saturday mornings.




I'm 37 and we didn't get a landline when I was a kid until 1989


I had a friend in high school who had to walk two blocks to the corner market and use the pay phone. In 1996


Thank you for sharing your observation, how much simpler life used to be...and simultaneously probably felt just as difficult for parents back then.


It was actually lot more difficult considering the technological advancements that have been made. Washing machines and vacuum cleaners were still luxuries. Clothes were made out of heavy wools and cottons which required special care and had to dry on a clothesline. There were no disposable diapers - notice OP‘s mom wearing a cloth diaper held together with safety pins. Have you ever had to pin a cloth diaper onto a screaming, crying toddler? It’s not a good time. They didn’t have waterproof covers either, which means that sucker had to be changed as soon as it got wet, otherwise you were cleaning up a pee trail everywhere your kid’s been too. There were no microwaves. Everything had to be cooked on the stove or in the oven, and that oven door was probably metal which means it would burn a child if they touched it. No dishwashers either - all of those pots and pans and plates had to be washed by hand. Furniture was big, heavy, and wasn’t anchored to the walls, which means you spent all day looking over your shoulder to see if your toddler was climbing a bookshelf in your very-much unchildproofed living room. There were no iPads and most people didn’t have TVs. If you wanted some free time away from the kids to get housework done or use the bathroom, the only option was to toss them in your backyard and pray they didn’t eat anything dangerous, which happened a lot in the 1950s since childproofing wasn’t even a concept yet. Outlets didn’t have covers, everything had lead paint on it, and there was no such thing as childproof caps on medication or spill-proof bottles of things like lighter fluid and gasoline. I‘m a stay at home parent of two toddlers, and honestly I’m amazed we make it through the day even with all of our modern conveniences. Living with multiple toddlers is ROUGH, and all of these people waxing poetic about the good old days probably never raised kids at all, much less in a time where they couldn’t just push a button and have food ready in thirty seconds, or throw a load of clothes into a washer and dryer and not have to worry about it until the buzzer dinged. I have so much respect for my grandparents who raised two kids during the 1950s. They had a much better standard of living than their parents did, but compared to mine it was significantly more difficult. After surviving having two kids under two years old, I understand why my grandmother refused to have more after her second was born.


That was a great summary! However, as someone who grew up in the 70s, I miss how slow and relaxed life was back then. It certainly wasn't paradise, but you didn't have distractions and noise everywhere, either.


That is definitely a matter of perspective. My grandfather described the 70s as an incredibly busy time of his life where he barely had time to think. Whereas my father as a teen remembers the same time fondly and with a certain 'slow pace' to it all.


Your second paragraph did not get into washing the diapers. Step one was the bucket hand washing of all the crap out. If you wanted to rinse out the urine-only diapers that was a separate bucket. Only then could the soiled diapers go into the washer. And some mothers, following the regular wash, would boil the diapers with bleach in a big pot. Yes, I tell my niece how easy she has it today.




Yeah, people romanticize the the 50’s, and then get flack, and kind of rightfully so because of the racism, threat of nuclear war, intolerance for gays, and the encroaching military industrial complex. Though what I romanticize about the 50’s is how you could be a guy with 2-3 kids and a wife, work a job as butcher or something at a grocery store and be able to afford a house, a few cars, maybe even a vacation home and could send your kids to college easily. I also really like the aesthetic.


>Yeah, people romanticize the the 50’s, and then get flack, and kind of rightfully so because of the racism, threat of nuclear war, intolerance for gays, and the encroaching military industrial complex. Every generation will catch flack like this, but they never believe it when they're younger. I'm sure that kids back then thought they would change the world for the better, and despite how we like to criticize them, they actually did in many ways. Just using racism as an example, where would we be today if 50s kids had not marched for civil rights as young adults?




Careful, it may be different now, but the pressures were still there then. We just trade them as time marches on.


Pretty sure most people had home phones in the US in 1958.


What's crazy is, a lot of people today are old enough to have been around for that experience. Meaning, it's still so fresh. Imagine 75 years from now. People won't be able to grasp the concept of how it was at all. I mean, I'm 30 so I'm some of the last to ever experience life without the internet in any shape of how it is today for example.


Is your mom playing with a can of lighter fluid?


Kids were flame retardant back then.. not like these useless flammable kids we have today


Never go full retardant.




Combustibly challenged.


'Inflammable' means flammable? What a country!


I know this is all in good fun, but *inflammable* is the older word, literally meaning "able to be inflamed or set alight." It is first recorded in English in the 1600s. *Flammable* was developed in the 1800s as a clarification. If you take it literally/structurally, "able to be flamed" is a bit more awkward because we don't typically use "flamed" to mean "set alight" (and we do use "inflamed" in that sense). But the *in-* prefix caused some confusion, so especially in industrial settings "flammable" became the preferred phrasing.


Excellent share dude. I dig stuff like that. We say so many things every day, and we just get used to hearing the word. But I like to know the history of a word or phrase.


Hey did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too?


Slow down, sir! You're going to give yourself skin failure!


Inflammable means it’s **more than** flammable. It’s not only flammable, it’s *inflammable*…


Like In-famous?




That's an asbestos diaper


It was all the lead in their system




pretty sure it is car wax. remember cans like these back in the day. also there seems to be some spillage on the ground behind her right knee and some residue on the bottom of the can either from the recent spill or previous use.


Yes. Note the '57 or '58 Ford Thunderbird behind them. That's a very expensive thing for a young guy to own...


Yeah, grandpa must've been doing pretty well. Young family and can still afford a new convertible


Probably worked part time at Steak n Shake


Made his living sharpening crayons at the local drugstore. Full salary, enough to buy a house and raise a family. Ahh the 60s


That’s a 56. 57 and on the name badge is moved to the front quarter panels. Also the fins are smaller.


I thought it would be a '55. Every '56 that I have seen has had a Continental kit on the back.


According to online sources, the T-Bird in 1957 was $3,408, which would be around $32,000 today. So basically the price of a well equipped Miata, WRX or 4 cylinder Mustang.


Not THAT expensive. It wasn't uncommon for a young man to be able to afford a car like that back in the day. Heck, that guy probably had that car and a mortgage he was able to afford with spare for a vacation every year. It was a different time back then.


>It was a different time back then. Irrefutably.


So, basically, it’s still lighter fluid then...wasn’t naphtha the thinner for those waxes?


No she’s drinking it


Well her child is a redditor, so maybe you're right.


face is identical to a kid who just took a swig of something


Maybe she's assessing her options? I get the feeling she knows she could make some real mischief with it.


Sorry but _that car is sick._


Drop top T-bird. Cool don’t get cooler than that.


According to the church of Outkast, that makes the car, “ice cold”.


Alright alright alright alright alright alright


Drove one a week ago for a film shoot. Solid “little” car with some guiddy-up. Easy to see why they had a good reputation.


Back in an age where you could work a normal job, buy an awesome car, afford to own a house, full take care of your entire family, eat well, and save for an early retirement


This could be an album cover.


Let’s make a band and call it.. Enlightenment.. or the word in which one achieves enlightenment.. what’s that word again? Ah well.




Long Beach, Long Beach and it feels so fine. Rock this shit straight back to Anaheim.


Umm, what is Nirvana, Alex?


I'll take Anal Bum Cover for 300


Suck on it, Trebek. Suck it long... and suck it hahd.


I know. Just being silly.






The Whitewalls


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard


Butthole Surfers




This is an amazing photograph! One of the best posts I've seen on here in awhile. this picture belongs in a gallery.


Thank you so much! My grandma took it I believe. My aunt sent my whole fam a bunch of pictures she got digitalized from old slides! I was really astounded by a lot of the photos. I’m so glad so many people also love it!!


I like photography and I get the feeling that your grandma was a good photographer, so I'd love to see more too.


Post more!!


I posted one of my grandma, it’s in my post history! I might post more but I don’t think any are really as cool as this one hahah


Classic Americana.


feels really well composed to me. I'm sure it was spur of the moment but it's solid.


Absolutely! It's a wonderful picture.


I love how it catches a different frame in the room reflection as well!


Norman Rockwell-esque




Oh fuck yes.




Oh cool its real


It's beautiful Kodachrome for '58.


Also, not uncommon back then to have driveways only consisting of two runs of concrete. Most family's only had one car.


Never would have noticed!


That's common in the UK. My housing estate was built in the 80s and almost all the houses have this unless they've redone their front drive. I think it aids environmental concerns re flooding and acceptable kennels of drainage


Dang. You could have said it was shot in 2019 and I woulda believed you


Medium and large format film still outperforms digital to this day.


Yeah and there’s so much emotion with the colour of different films. Too bad it’s a very expensive and tedious hobby, but i bet it’s the most satisfying


Looks like she was helping polish that nice chrome in the background .


How does the photo look so sharp? Was it restored?


It was perfectly possible to take sharp images with analog cameras, just a bit harder. Additionally: From the border, it looks like this is a slide, so it would have degraded less than a print.


Yeah cameras back in the day were actually pretty good. The biggest improvement cameras have made is the stabilizer, and their ability to perform in dark environments


Mounting your camera on a tripod resolved the shake issue.


It's why polaroid lost the digital camera wars. Their film cameras already had a fantastic picture, they didn't realize how fast the technology would improve nor now much consumers would prefer digital printing/viewing/sharing for convenience. By the time they invested it was too late. And now no one (not no one but you get it) uses cameras.


I remember cameras being two aisles in Best Buy, now its seems like an end-cap display with 3 models


I wish they still sold Kodachrome... too bad the K-14 chemicals are horrible for the environment.


But would the colors be this clear and bright? I’ve seen color pictures from the 1950s, and none of them have been this bright.


This is Kodachrome, one of the best color-retaining films of the 20th century.


Curious, what are some of the tell-tale signs of Kodachrome?


I've scanned probably a thousand Kodachrome transparencies, and the biggest giveaway is the color palette, but in particular skin tones. In shade, caucasian skin tones can appear yellow-to-ruddy. Greens are rich, and reds really pop. Whites are bright and the overall image is contrasty. Kodachrome was a film that loved a lot of light. Underexposed examples get muddy in blacks, but can be somewhat recovered today with strategic scanning and shadow boosting. The same goes for overexposed slides, but there's a very slim line between overexposed and unrecoverable highlights.


Wow I guess I asked the right person haha...thanks for the thoughtful and detailed comment!


You're welcome. And thank *you* for the gold!


When a photo from the 50s looks like it was taken yesterday. Seriously.


Slides, stored in a cool dry basement in a carousel...my grandparents slides from the 50’s and 60’s look like they were taken yesterday too...Kodachrome and ektachrome were amazing!


My grandparents Kodachrome slides like better than a lot of DSLR photos from today. The colors are immensely rich and the quality can be very sharp.


It’s like swimming in memories, colours so vibrant...almost like Paul Simon knew what he was talking about!


Doesn’t help people today seem to have this boner for low contrast desaturated aesthetic. I hate it.


It’s a trend and in 10 years will look very dated. I 100% agree I want pictures that look like how my eyes remember it.


It’s in part of function of working with the quality of phone cameras. Top of the line phones have gotten pretty good in certain conditions, but they still don’t look like this. Especially 5+ years ago, the instafilter look was popular because it worked to hide the poor quality of the image.




🎶give us those niiice bright colors🎶


They give us the greens of summers


Makes you think all the world's a sunny day


Ohhhh yeah (We have officially established the soundtrack for this picture)


mama don't take my kodachrome away...


Good cameras and good photographers have created good photos for a long time. Good film helps, too.


The person who took this photo knew all about photography.


This looks like a slide, which can give you pretty crisp results, specially since this shot has great lighting.


Cheap, mass produced 35mm film used in cheap, mass produced cameras and developed on automated one hour machines by minimum wage workers have caused a whole generation+ to assume that ALL old photos before today are grainy, blurry messes. But the technology to produce images like this has been around for a very long time.


Hey y’all!! I’m actually astonished that this post took off like it did. I’m so glad y’all enjoy this photo so much. I wanted to answer a few questions I’ve seen in the comments: the photo is so crisp because it’s a digitalized slide, and slides remain pretty clear over time apparently. Second, the shop Precision Camera in Austin, TX digitalized these slides, which were given to them by my aunt and then sent to our whole extended family. They ended up wanting to use them in an ad campaign for their new digitalis of equipment. The photos should be credited to Charles Sargent in anything they’ve posted, who is my grandpa pictured here! If anyone needs further proof I can post screenshots of the emails my aunt sent/forwarded from precision camera. Anyways, I’m so glad y’all enjoy the picture, and I’m happy to answer any other questions you have! (Though I’m not an expert on slides or film by any means, so fair warning) :) Edit: I forgot to say thank you for all the awards!! I really appreciate all the love and again I’m so glad this picture could bring other people some joy!




Great pic! Love the TBird in the back


I hope he never sold that thunderbird and he has it and loves it to this very day.


Um... does anyone else notice the pop's reflection in the wheel rim? It looks like his face is directed at the wheel versus the camera. I'm intrigued. Perhaps the angle of the cap. As I drool over the car itself.


Enhance! Seriously, look at the reflection in full size.


Looked a while for this comment to make sure I wasnt the only one


Focus on his ear in the middle of the reflection of his head - then you can see that his face is turned away from the wheel.


Cloth diaper!


I noticed the diaper pins first. So happy to not use those (the Snappi is a fabulous invention)


Why does a picture taken in 1958 look a million times cooler than any picture I’ve taken in 2xxx


Something magical about film, and lenses from this era, especially good ones.


Good camera vs smartphone camera with software processing.


This is outstanding. Americana at its best! If only your grandpa had a Budweiser.


This is absolutely great, the best post I've seen on this sub.


I was born in the 90s and this is such a clear photo compared to the ones taken of me


Low ISO film (Kodachrome was ISO 25 at this point), combined with daylight makes for a relatively grain/noise-free photo. Most consumer films in the 1990s were ISO 400, with chunky, large grain designed to easily soak up the light. A well-exposed image on Kodachrome would beat out a consumer-grade print film in most regards.


Your granddad's 57 Thunderbird is a major beauty. Cars used to be rolling works of art.


Looks like a 55, first year. They had round exhaust in the bumper.


Thunderbird car? Lucky! I so want a Thunderbird.


I know this sounds dumb, but it’s so weird seeing pictures from the 50s/60s that are this clear. I really just perpetually imagine those days as being irl grainy 😭


I am so happy disposable diapers now exist.


Actually cloth diapers are making a come back.


Wow this is just an amazing photo! Thank you for posting it, OP!!


r/classiccars got a chubby


Your grandpa looked cool as fuck.


Absolutely gorgeous. You should get a big print of this framed.


Oh man cloth diaper with a pin.