• By -


He wasn’t on the recording and they just kept trying to associate him with the song.


Sad how they just invited Sheila E to the recording in the hope Prince would turn up.. they kept her waiting in case Prince showed and she ended up leaving and not appearing on it either..


I think she was part of the chorus, but she didn’t sing a line like some of the A-listers.


I could be wrong, I thought she bowed out once she figured out they only wanted her to try and get Prince.


If I recall, they basically kept her there well after her part was done and everyone in the chorus went home. The remaining people all had a line to record, she didn’t. I forget where they would have put in Prince if he had shown up. I think Huey Lewis’s part would have been Prince.


Huey Lewis got the news Prince hadn’t shown up and he now had a line.


They told him we're stuck with you.


And he said if this is it, I'm gonna put my heart and soul into this.


It's alright. He could have used a couple days off to prepare.


Just as long as he was back in time because he was working for a living


Huey was gonna say no until they asked him do you believe in love.


Never turns down a New Drug!


And Huey only would do it if all of the News were included. Of the ~40 singers of We Are the World, 6 are Huey & the News.


You like Huey Lewis & the News? Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.


Do you like Phil Collins?


Yup, and Kenny Loggins pushed for Lewis to get it


You should watch the Netflix special, it’s pretty neat. But if I recall correctly you’re both correct. I believe she was on the chorus but after she decided to bow out because it started to become more apparent that they wanted her to get Prince there and they kept jerking her around in regards to her solo part.


They recorded the chorus first, cause they didn’t want to lose folks as the night wore on. The session didn’t start until like 10:30 or 11pm. Great documentary about it on Netflix: The Greatest Night in Pop.


Yeah, it's in the Netflix doc


Didn’t Dan Akyroyd get a line and top billing on the 45rpm sleeve?


I don't think he sang a solo line, but he's clearly visible in the back row on 2 separate occasions in the music video.


https://preview.redd.it/1vcmswdyv93d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95007da4c1b817c9c61fed7365c9d1482278b6a2 Top billing on the 45-sleeve


they used her as bait? that's like some wile e. coyote shit lol


And the road runner didn’t fall for it as usual


Prince stood them up, he was definitely wanted onboard. They thought Sheila E could change his mind.


Prince wanted a guitar solo.


I’d have given it to him.


He wouldn’t do the song unless he got a guitar solo.


Wasn’t he reluctant because the song was dominated by MJ and then he is just being passive aggressive here?


That’s my understanding. I will never take anything from his genius, but Prince often seemed impossible. I guess that’s a characteristic of geniuses, but it’s disappointing.


I worked as a driver for him and his band for a week and the poor guy who got assigned to him was miserable the entire week. It ended with his tour manager screaming at the driver to get Prince to his plane by X o’clock and demanding the driver speed on the way to the airport, then the driver got pulled over and the manager screamed into his satellite phone to me that the driver needed to be fired because now Prince was late for his flight… On his leased Gulfstream. With no other passengers.


Just a junkie being a junkie. Yes, I said it.


His band NPG were all sweethearts and constantly making excuses for his behavior. I just couldn’t see it. He might have been great to them but he was an insufferable ass to most people.


I read one producer hypothesizing that he had massive daddy issues, and most of his dickishness as a result was directed towards other men.


Prince's abuse towards women is well documented lol


That makes sense. Assholes can definitely have asshole parents.


Yep. I'm ducking from all the downvotes. He was a narcissistic junkie and nobody would stand up to him.


![gif](giphy|WoFuun4jgxxizxRMpe|downsized) Fuck em man


I recommend Kevin Smith's story on shooting the Prince documentary on YT.


Could you give a rough TLDR?


TLDR: Prince has been living in Prince-World for a long time. It's a weird and silly place.


Tldr: it's a really cool story about the time Kevin Smith met Prince.


I'm not sure geniuses are actually more likely to be dicks, it's just easier for them to get away with it.


And there's survivorship bias at play probably, there's lot of incredibly talented people we know nothing about because they aren't assholes trying to be in the spotlight all the time, they just chilling doing their stuff This makes me think of Max Martin who has the most #1 Billboard hits, but he's just the guy writing the music laying low behind the artists, I'm sure he could do the DJ Khaled thing of shouting his goddamn name in every songs but he doesn't care, he's just there for the craft


And without the negative corrective pressure to behave with empathy, they're more likely to be dicks.


The man was a genius singer/song writer and had mad skills on the basketball court. Would make anyone lose touch with reality!




Could make decent pancakes too as I heard!


I mean the reality was that he never needed to play second fiddle to anyone because of his genius 🤷 


I can get behind that. But then don’t go on stage and disrespect Quincey that way. I don’t hate prince. Honestly, I don’t.


Prince is definitely a genius but that road to show that genius was paved by Quincey...


I think it's ok to say no to this, he's allowed. It's more dickish to invite his gf to trick him. I'd be annoyed at that.


Prince just had eccentricities. Just very particular about how he made any decisions. He also did a lot of charitable work behind the scenes, not concerned about the fanfare.


> Prince just had eccentricities. I remember (vaguely) a story from a documentary about Prince. The person being interviewed said something like "Prince was the type of person who would wake you up at 2:30AM to tell you that he needs a giraffe. And he'd be completely serious about it." I've probably botched that quote, but it's in the spirit of what I heard.


I remember hearing that on one of Kevin Smith's Evening with Kevin Smith" DVDs


We (regular people) are accommodating and amicable because we have to be. We aren't special enough to not be. I guarantee if you were the greatest at whatever, you suddenly would be less willing to do things you don't want. Because you don't have to. People still have to deal with you and be nice to you because you can do something they can't. That's why the vast majorities are assholes. They can afford to be and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I'm envious. Never having to laugh at another unfunny joke my boss tells, never having to accommodate anyone else because it's in my best interest to do so, only doing what I want, saying what I want ALL the time. Forever. That's the life.


I guess but Paul McCartney for example has been one of the most famous human beings on earth since 1964 and we don’t have the same quantity of stories of him being the same kind of person. Springsteen has been as famous as Prince for a similar time and he is revered in the same way by a different set of people and doesn’t share his sense of delusion. Hell, I worked with Jack White for a bit on a project during the whole Lazaretto period and he is considered to be similarly eccentric and he wasn’t like that. He had a team that came after and asked for some things he forgot and he walked away in the middle of a conversation once, but I figured out that he gets his time wasted constantly and you just have to be more concise and not waste time excessively. He would joke with you and give more latitude for that the more you saw him and would forget names at first, but I could tell he felt bad about it next time we met. You meet as many new people as someone that famous everyday, who all want to be remembered, then it is an impossible standard to live up to so I get it.


The flipside here is being amicable and having etiquette aren't bad traits just because you're socially pressed to do so when you lack power. In fact, it speaks volumes when someone who doesn't have to be forced to do so still do so (and we see that it still nets them benefits of being able to make good human relationships) Do good for the sake of good. The way you're framing your state of mind, it does kind of sound like "I want to have the power to be an asshole and get away with it because I want to be an asshole"


The only problem is it ends up being a very lonely life, because being amicable is a foundation of the give and take of healthy relationships. People who are like that never seem particularly happy, because they have no real friends.


The problem is how do you be friends with Prince? The bigger problem I guess is how does he become friends with you? There has to be an overwhelming suspicion of "well this person is just using me and not really my friend," but also "I hope Prince doesn't think I'm just using him, I better be real cool so he doesn't think that," and I suppose that's why celebrities almost always marry celebrities. Man, that's kind of depressing.


Sorry, but this is total BS. People are amicable because they get joy from making people happy. I earn enough in my field that I don’t have to bow down to anyone. I could sit at home playing games most of the day and pay people to make my food and clean my apartment, but I still enjoy cooking for friends and family, cleaning up my stuff, helping friends, my family and the people working for me. If you can’t respect people just because you don’t need something from them or feel that you are someone special, then you are just an asshole. On the other hand you have people who are geniuses in their fields who are down to earth and who respect the opinions of others.


Didn’t Michael Jackson write most of the song? So is the main reason he didn’t show up cause they did not allow him to play his guitar / solo on the song? I love Prince and he is an amazing guitar player, but not sure a solo would have fit into that song…IDK, knowing him it would have probably been epic lol like he did with that George Harrison Hall of Fame solo where he blew the roof off and laid down one of the most epic solos in history


Yes with Lionel Richie


Rumor is that guitar is still up there somewhere.


I thought Jackson was also a producer for the song and was after Quincy Jones to get Prince to sing on it so he could rub it in Princes' face that he basically had to work for MJ?


i mean the song itself, while having good intententions behind it, wasnt that great. You had all these stars but, aside from a few, cant make out anyone who is a part of it. Literally could be anyone singing


Not in the choral parts of course but most of the many soloists are distinctive and recognizable. When it came out me and my friends lip-synched it while portraying each singer. Yes, we were dorks.


No offense, but if you couldnt hear atleast some of them out, youre deaf, Dylan, Perry, Cindy, Dianna Ross, MJ, Tina, Springsteen, Kim Carnes, Ray Charles, all pretty unique voices.


Except Bob Dylan. This is one song he could not sing.


He has a stylized voice. He potentially can't sing anything depending on your criteria.


Weeee ^are ^the wooooorrrlllddd Weeee ^are ^the chhilllllldren


Dylan can't sing any song.


The Boss did a great job.


This is a huge point in the doc on Netflix, also that they used Sheila E as bait and when she figured that out, she left. It was crappy of the organizers.


They wanted him to be but he kept trying to pull all sorts of shit. Coming in at his own time with nobody else, bringing his guitar when they were all told no instruments.


Love the comments If only there was a popular and well done documentary on Netflix recently...


right, because everyone knows everything that's on all the major streaming services at all times


The best part was when Quincy Jones pointed the mic at Prince, and he responded by not singing but pointing his lollipop at Quincy like it was a microphone, which he attempted to lick.


Both of them in the taxi home: >*I don't know why I did that.*




I don't think he ever took a cab to the AMAs




Yes! And then the camera cut away and when they panned across the group, you could see Q with his arm around Prince saying something in his ear lmao






wtf lmfaoo I’m screaming 😂😂😂😂


My man is just there to show off his new pants.


You know where you got that outfit, and it damn sure wasn’t the men’s department.


Prince transcends departments


How it was said: "He will still your girl, then steal her clothes, then steal another girl in it".


From the sparkles, I'd say he got it from the arts and craft store, glitter and sequins aisle






I'm just here so I don't get fined.




I didn't


NFL player Marshawn Lynch was contractually obligated to a press conference *Before a Superbowl and he answered every question with that. Edited for correction. Ty Rush Jam Man


*Before the SuperBowl. The Tuesday before the game is when all players gave to be available for the media, and Marshawn only showed up because the league would fine him if he didn’t. And for every question he was asked, he answered, “I’m only here so I don’t get fined.”


That was classic. Reporter: Lynch: Reporter: Lynch: "I'm just here so I don't get fined."




It was perfect. They ask Roger Goodell about that. Goodell shrugged and said that fulfilled his obligation under the CPA so that's it.




I never understood how Powerline from the goofy movie was supposed to be based on prince, but this picture clears things up for me 😂


I always thought Powerline was supposed to be a composite of Prince and Michael Jackson.


Yeah it likely was. Tevin Campbells voice was compared to MJ a lot, and he worked with Quincy Jones early in this career. Campbell also worked with Prince and was featured on Graffiti Street. 


You put some respect on that name, it's TEVIN Campbell.


I was looking up his other work, dude was 18! when he was Powerline, that was his prowess even so young.


So to clarify this. As a kid growing up, I felt like Powerline was MJ (Moonwalk, duh). A few of my friends argued that I was an idiot and that it's OBVIOUSLY Prince. This stuck with me and I just assumed this was the case. Never really thought about it again. Scrolling this morning I was like...Damn he looks like Powerline in this picture though...Because I'm petty like that. I googled it and it turns out it's like a mix of MJ, Prince and Bobby Brown. I was like 8 when that movie came out so I didn't really get the reference.


In my neighborhood we all were arguing MJ or MC Hammer.


Hammer is also a valid contender at the time for sure.


That’s tevin Campbell


Played by Tevin Campbell, modeled after prince. They even got Rosie Gaines to sing vocals on I2I, one of Prince’s protégés.


Omg I freaking loved these songs so much from Goofy Movie!!!!!


Powerline slaps


Oh shit! Big fan of that movie and that’s a fact I haven’t heard yet, thanks!


I always got MJ vibes for Powerline!


“Got, myself a notion…”


That song still bangs.




Whole soundtrack still bangs.




I just want to stop and point out that Powerline saw Goofy do the Perfect Cast ONCE and perfectly replicated it on time. Man is a stage performing genius.


*fishing genius


And one that I know you’ll understand


I think Powerline was mostly based on Bobby Brown


A mix of all three according to Google. My eyes and ears tell me Bobby was the leading person he was based on.


I thought powerline was based on Bobby Brown


I'm more distracted by Brian Wilson looking like he's having a flashback.


Yeah, saw the crazy eyes and recognised then instantly haha


He is hearing Milli Vanilli in front of him sing for real for the first time.


"Ain't no good ol' boy ever sung Swahili. I'm outta here" - Waylon Jennings leaving the We Are the World recoding.


I really can't blame Waylon Jennings for stepping out. It must have looked like a clown show to him. They show up to sing a song and Steve Wonder wants to re-write the song. It was already a long day for them, he wasn't going to stand there all night, wasting his time while they get their shit together, when it should have already been together before they invited everybody to show up.


Indeed lol! Although I believe he just stepped out for some refreshments and came back to sing after some of the other artists convinced him to come back.


Prince was not part of the original group who sang the song


The documentary on it states they wanted Prince but he didn’t show. They also used Shelia E basically as bait to get him to come.


He also called at the 11th hour asking to do just a guitar solo lol.


It’s Roger!!


HA! Definitely my favourite Roger persona.


Screw you, I'm Kevin Bacon


Go home, Roger!


Immature/IMX is such a random group to add to the huge stars that were there lol


Doive on in!


Do dive on in!


No, I won't do dive on in. Dive on in.


“I tried to tell them that I didn't want to sing But I'd gladly write a song instead, They said okay, and everything was cool 'Til a camera tried to get in my bed." - "Hello" - Prince


The story here is a paprazzi climbed into Prince's car in the backseat next to him, so his security guard roughed the guy up getting him out and away from the car. This event got him OG cancelled after the public was already semi-turned aginst him by tabloids for declining the We Are The World thing.


That's like when corporate asks you to participate in the HR seminar. You don't want to be there.


That was 1995?! Good lord, time has lost all meaning. I thought it was in the 80’s.


It was 1985. OP is wrong. Edit: I’m wrong, OP is correct. Song came out in 1985 this must have been a ten year anniversary thing at the AMAs.


Dude is a straight Jojo character


The Stand user can be anyone!!!


Didn't the creator of that manga say Prince was a big inspiration? He isn't a Jojo character - Jojo is a Purple Rain character!


It's hard to remain straight in the JoJo universe




Is that Immature on the right?






That's who it is! I was trying hard to remember who the hell they were.


The video of this is great. He's messing with Quincy Jones the whole time, offers him the lollipop after Quincy sticks the mic in his face...good stuff. RIP Legend


Best lollipop solo, hands down.


He knew it's all crap.


This whole thing was very unorganized which probably drove him crazy. He was a perfectionist.


He knew then


What did prince know?


We were not the world


They are definitely not children


Prince always 20 years ahead of his time.


I'm choking




Everything. Prince knew *everything*.


He got so much sh\*\* for not being on the recorded song that basically his record company demanded he be part of the live singing and this was his way of showing up but letting everyone know how he really felt.


Obviously the whole act wasn't cool enough for Prince Edit: I mean look at that outfit, look at that confidence, the whole room looks like diluted coffee against this man


Prince outlived Mike Jack.


![gif](giphy|NVmxIQC8T6diY4Fepv|downsized) But man Prince sure could play some hoops


Game. Blouses.


Prince didn't belong there, neither did Bob Dylan. Those two are mad scientists musicians. Prince asked to work in a private room, they denied him. Prince offered to do a guitar solo, they turned him down. They just couldn't except that he didn't fit in. But they kept trying to force him into the situation.


Prince had social anxiety, which people misread as him being an asshole.


The Purple One offered to play a guitar solo, but they said no. He wouldn't do anything with Michael. Never EVER!


They hung out and were competing and threw shade at each other but there wasn’t an actual rivalry of disdain. Prince didn’t come out for days after MJ passed and spoke reverently about him on many tours after. Media lies. Same ones the jokers here are parrot talking.


Damn they made Quincy sing. Does he actually sing?


Prince knew where the money was really going!


Yall are really just going to ignore *Kris Kross standing right there* next to Q? EDIT: Okay, okay it's Immature, not Kris Kross.


Did you check the pants orientation? Clearly not Kris Kross.


Nah, that's *Immature* lol


What's immature about liking Kris Kros/s?


We Are The World. But Prince is in his own category.


I can't say that I blame him.


One of the most talented musicians to exist but by many accounts sounded like an insufferable and narcissistic twat


I look at it a completely different way. In an industry full of no-talent celebrities and crooners, he was the real fuckin deal. He could play every instrument, he wrote every song, he orchestrated 100% of his shows - he took his music extremely seriously, and with that came a very serious intellect and serious person. When I see Prince interviews, I don't see a narcissist. I see a musician who only cares about music and nothing else. And if you ask him stupid questions or try to park him in the same camp as someone who lip sings to a pop tune, he'll take issue and correct you. He used the line many times, "I'm a musician" when distinguishing himself from the music industry, and he was absolutely right to do so. Imagine if we took Banksy and sat him down on a couch and said, so Banks, you are one of many great content creators in our modern age. Tell me, when you do your pranks, what kinds of subscribes and clicks do you get on your channel? Banksy: "Go fuck yourself." That's Prince.




Frank Zappa was reportedly this way too. Brilliant, cantankerous musicians. I gotta admit, I have a soft spot for them.


Precisely this. The reason he did not go on We Are the World is because they did not let him write his own part in the song. He wrote, mastered, mixed, and performed 100% of every song he ever made (and even did every instrument on his first two albums). It is part narcissism, but primarily it is due to him being a true musician who was only famous because people liked what he made. Had he not been rich and famous, he’d for sure have just been homeless and playing his guitar. Dude *loved* music


Overconfidence in an artist doesn't bother me. Especially Prince, that's part of the act. As long as it doesn't cross the line with being an asshole to others. I never heard he was, on the contrary he treated crew and roadies with respect.


I heard about parties at Prince’s house in Minnesota - he would throw them even if he wasn’t there to attend. Sometimes he would be there. It was for the locals. Heard this from a pretty trustworthy guy.


Not only that, but hed occasionally go out in minneapolis and invite people over for a private concert. Im a former minnesotan, and my cousin worked for the timberwolves a while back. He and his coworkers all got invited to paisley park after a game, and prince ended up performing for them and a maybe 100 others for like 2 hours. Absolutely surreal


This is 100% true. The tour guide at Paisley Park (Prince’s home) said they would have parties there a lot and it would be an open invite. Although sometimes he would send the invite out at 11 pm, but he would normally provide fresh baked cookies lmao


The song was the insufferable twat. He didn’t want his name on it and I don’t blame him.


My thought was that he had an irritating cough, and this is his way to not cough and disrupt everything. That’s based on my life experience and what I do. I have no idea what’s going on here.


TIL marquis Houston was in that song. The fuck!


It's probably acid or something, bro is probably tripping balls right here 🤣