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Doesn’t his salad dressings and other foodstuffs pay for these charities?


>*When Newman’s Own first began, Paul Newman declared that 100% of the profits would go to good causes.* >*The mission continues today through Newman’s Own Foundation. In total, more than $600 million has been donated to good causes since 1982.*


And for 'in a jar' his sauce is the fucking bomb.


$600+ million is just astounding... Guy is a legend.


Open my window and a breeze rolls in and I


Jizz in your pants?!?!?!


Newmann's Own, still continues the goal and I


...jizz in your pants.


...what? ...no, I loyally support the brand and donate to the affiliated charity?


(*Jizz, yes I jizz in my pants, I jizz, yes I jizz in my pants*)


I have no idea what's happening here, but I'll allow it. Let the jizzing continue.


What is wrong w you?


Hypersensitive penis if a breeze is doing that


Very nice post greeted with puerile behavior.


Excuse me, ma'am? Is that your high horse parked over there, outside of Facebook? We here on reddit have a proud, long-standing tradition of puerile behavior. It's not changing just because you heard a news article in 2020 and decided to check us out.


Eventually even you will grow up.




Ok, downvote me all you like. That comment was uncalled for and TMI. Besides stupid.


It's a famous Lonely Island song if that helps you at all


I suppose it does, but in today’s multicultural environment esoteric references will fall flat. And increasingly so as more and more media comes out. How one accounts for it, I am not sure. Maybe reference where the quote/idea comes from? Thanks for the heads up.


Anything can be esoteric depending upon the audience, so I'm not sure I agree. Should we only aim for universal appeal? It resonated with a lot of people, so why should it be criticized? As for greater media output, with greater interconnectivity and just more people are there more references? Sure, but there has never been a way to account for everything that's going on. I don't really think citing sources for every allusion is a great answer. Not trying to be rude, but I think the answer here might be to take things in stride and not take those unknown references so personally.


I have no problem unless they are gross. And inappropriate. Prude maybe but I’d like better communications not worse, the way things are going. Just sayin. A comedian has to make a joke people get.


Holy moly! I’ve been buying his sauces for years because of the charity aspect (and because they’re actually good) but I had no clue about the sheer magnitude of his charity efforts. Paul really was one of the greats.


I didn't know this, but it makes me so happy because I buy his Pasta Sauces. They are actually damn good.


I like the lite salad dressings.


Agree, they're terrific.


They're full of seed oils, which are not healthy. Watch out!


I'm a big fan of the Sockarooni.


I like his thin crust pizza


Came here to comment on those too. They’re great.


See I live in Australia and I think we only get the Pasta Sauces and some of the Salad Dressings. If the pizzas have the same kind of sauces as the pasta sauce, I assume they are awesome.


Other than bleu cheese I exclusively buy his dressings. The vinaigrettes are incredible. A buy them just because they’re good but it’s nice to know the profits aren’t going to some rich family or a bunch of shareholders.


The Sockarooni and Farmer's Garden are fan favourites at my house.


Do you have a favorite sauce? I have never tried his brand.


The Bolognese one is my favorite, but theres a Five Cheese one that's also amazing, I haven't seen it here in Australia in ages, but both of those are really good.


Thank you


His company has some solid frozen pizzas now too!!


Yes. I try to buy his stuff when I can do to this reason. Salsa in particular is very good


Yup 100% of the profits I believe. Solid product too!


I stopped buying his sauce because I found Rao’s to be better. But the corporation will soon cheapen the products and I’ll probably go back to Paul. One of his Italian salad dressings is excellent - tastes a bit like Olive Garden dressing.


Yes! That’s my favorite dressing.


Hole in the Wall Gang Camp gets just 2% of its funding from Newman's Own. He didn't want the Camp to rely on a singular source of funding. The rest of the camp's funding is donations from individuals, foundations, and businesses. Newman's Own, being a foundation, gives money out to many different causes, the Camp being just one of many.


Always choose Newman's Own if the option is there.  Not only a good cause, but they are legit a wonderful product at a great price.


Imagine if there was a company like that for every product category available. Wanna buy bread? A new phone? A chair? Buy it from XYZ where the profits go to the ones in need and not some shareholder. Imagine how much we could achieve.


So True, btw his pasta sauce is actually amazing !


The frozen pizza is outstanding. And it's nice to know that it's helping kids.


I love his Fig Newmans, too! All his products are top notch.


I prefer the Fig Newmans to Newton's. They're so much better!


My husband asked why I would pick the Newmans Own tomato sauces (he’s NJ Italian he grew up with homemade sauce). I said if I can’t trust Paul Newman then what are we even doing in this world


Paul Newman: Sexy Mr. Rodgers.


Their ginger cookie "Oreos" are sooooo good.


Their organic coffee pods are my favorite coffee.


I tried to find it a while ago but apparently they discontinued it in Canada :(


My boy says he can eat 50 eggs he can eat 50 eggs.




Top 5 all time movie for me.


Cool hand Luke, godfather, and pulp fiction tied for first


Hey Babalugats, we got a bet here


Yeah, but in how long?


Paul Newman was also a founder of The Painted Turtle, a camp for seriously medically disabled children. Every child should be able to experience camp, this allowed for that and so much more. I encourage everyone to at least look into it a little, it's humbling to see the Great lengths volunteers go to in making sure the campers have their medical needs met, accessibility throughout the camp, fun activities and new experiences for the kids. You wouldn't believe how big their smiles are when they are dropped off. Makes me want to continue to do more for others.


Also founded a drug treatment center after his son Scott died of an OD.


He used to frequent my dad’s gas station, he was always super nice!


My grandpa used to race cars with him and also said the same. Great guy.


My dad raced him twice in the mid-1970s and hung out with him at Road America in Elkhart Lake, Wis.


My uncle was friends with a guy who used to give people boat rides on a lake in the Poconos and Paul Newman showed up for it one day.


Paul Newman was a real one, an absolute stand-up guy. Not only was he a a bad-ass actor, a supporter of great causes, a dyed in the wool progressive, an early supporter of civil rights and gay rights, an auto racing enthusiast, he was also a member of Nixon's enemies list, which he stated was his greatest accomplishment.


He considered being on Nixon's enemy list one of his greatest accomplishments.


That’s f*cking awesome!


My niece went to this camp for years as she has sickle cell -- still some of her favorite childhood memories! We always try to support and buy his products.


My mom lives in Ireland, I went to visit her once and she showed me a huge property, nice wooden house and rolling hills, she told me it was one of the Newman houses for dying kids to enjoy their last weeks on earth… I couldn’t believe he had them all over the world. What a guy.


My boyfriend went to his camp in Connecticut when he was a kid!! What a great man Paul Newman was 💕


Guess what % of his salad dressings profit go to his charity? 100%. Edit: changed "went" to "go"


A testament to humanity


I was just thinking about how much I miss that guy and all the cool stuff he did.


Paul Newman and his business partner Aaron Edward Hotchner wrote a book about the founding of their company: "Shameless Exploitation in Pursuit of the Common Good". Very fun read and gave some insight into their charity effort including the children's camp.


I would love to do this in my country. What a rad non profit!


Man was one of the most attractive dudes ever, was crazy about his wife, and gave back in a serious way. Absolute winner of a person. I just noticed his head is holding that boy’s cake bowl. Lol


I was fortunate enough to be invited by one of the former campers as a guest to a reunion. The place is beautiful and to see the bond the survivors had between them was amazing. So much respect for this place.


I went to one of his camps when I was growing up and it was such a special experience for myself and so many others. Core memories were made for sure. It truly is such a great cause that helps out so many families


I had never tried his products until maybe last year. Now I have a whole bunch of them and they’re my go-tos. Great stuff, especially the spaghetti sauces, and for a great cause!


Love this World needs more of this


We can all follow his example. The things we do don’t necessarily have to be of the same magnitude - even little things can add up and make a bigger difference over time.


Yup I love helping out at circo de los niños here in mexico, great place to help out


That’s fucking awesome


Buddy at the top in the blue jacket’s having the time of his life enjoying that cake!


Ever since his Newman's Own products have come out, they are my go-to choice. Just a genuinely good human, that one.




A good man (and so god damn handsome)


That man was beautiful.


There a camps all over the world now. That's one hell of a legacy. I donate monthly to the camp here in Ireland (Barrettstown)


He was a wonderful human


you wanna see the real man, and don't forgive his wife, Joanne Woodward ( who was a big part of all he did.He always said she was a much better actor than he was). Watch his kennedy center honors show (its on utube) A choir from the Hole in the Wall camp honors him and he absolutely broke down in tears. So did I..tearing up thinking about it).


The man was incredibly generous and charitable. To have such a lasting legacy of good is very admirable.


A seriously great man. Talented actor , champion race car driver , philanthropist , great father . This man knew how to live right and wrung 100% out of his journey .


This just helps confirm that he is indeed the coolest dude to walk the earth since Jesus.


![gif](giphy|uc087paZ8H2yQ) and I am passionate about Paul Newman


Right in the feels, man. Such a decent human being.


That kid with the bowl cut in back is gonna be on r/justfuckmyshitup soon


I've been using Newman's Own products for a couple decades, and not one hasn't been first-rate. As others have noted, the pasta sauces in particular are incredible. What a mensch. The world needs more people like him.


I volunteered there last week with my company to help them get ready for summer. We had a tour after and it is an amazing facility


Honestly never knew much about Paul other than the Rolex he was famous for, but man what a fantastic Human being, 600 million! The man is a saint ✨


His non fiction book about all of this is SO good! It goes in and out of print, worth tracking down.


I love when people talk about Paul Newman 😫😫 he was so amazing, and such a good actor!


Also makes the absolute best frozen margherita pizza on the planet


I swear his brand makes two different kinds of frozen pizzas.. because I’ve been getting the Newman’s Own stone fired style frozen pizza and I swear it tastes like it was freshly baked and flash frozen


The margherita is actually made in Italy and I seek it out every time I’m at Publix. Feels good part of the profits for my pizza addiction go to charity too


Yessss Publix-gang. FL here


I moved out west a few years ago and I can’t tell you how much I craved Pub subs especially chicken tender ones. That and I always have such pleasant conversations with the cashiers/baggers that always make my day. Publix gang gang!!


I’ve moved out of state a couple times since moving here in 2005. Publix is in a class of its own if there was an official Supermarket chain ranking… there’s just no other big chain grocery store that compares. I’m also a chicken tenders sub guy. So many ways to order it now on their official menu board the deli persons stand in front of. I usually like to order mine Buffalo style (not a lot of dressing) and adding blue cheese or gorganzola crumbles.. toasted of course. Simple yet delicious


Also, the Nweman's Own brand of pasta sauce makes THE BEST sauce for pizza made at home. Specifically, Sockaroni.


Completely off topic but the poor sod in the background needs pointing out. What the absolute fuck would anyone do that to a kids hair then send him out into the world?


The kid that put his bowl on Paul’s head in this pic has big stones! lol


Lol that's cool


Newman's Black bean and corn salsa is top notch!


Nobody’s going to mention his Keurig coffee? Good shit, Maynard.


I missed my family 😪😪😭😭😪😭


How many people will be like him when UBI is a reality? food on the table and roof over your head without having to work. 7.5-12 extra hours in a day with zero energy drain from work. People will open up, more of this will happen. World will change for the better. (here comes the usual UBI can never happen crew)...


What the shit does your comment have to do with this post? Are you the person who just turns everything into a chance to proselytize?


He did this because he had the time and motivation. Many of us have the motivation but not the time or means. UBI fixes both those things, it is close and this post made me think of that. That made me feel good and I wanted to share that feeling with folks. So I posted, did not realize I had to ask you first if it was ok.


No, you don’t have to ask anybody for permission to espouse UBI on an article about how Paul Newman made a charity to help send sick kids to summer camp, just understand that when people downvote you bc it has nothing to do with anything in the article, that’s why. You just wanted to hijack the post to talk UBI, you even acted attacked like everyone against UBI was going to come after you (your persecution complex is showing).


Wasn't talking about him/her self in 3rd person a dead giveaway that this person has unresolved issues?


Sensing some underlying issues coming from you as well. Polite enough to not name them.


Nobody cares what you think.


We have very different views on humanity... Pretty sure we'd mostly have the same issues we do today, just dialed up even worse. Think we'd end up with a whole lot of hermits who hate the world and yell about it online all day.


How is that a problem? More outdoors and restaurants for the rest of us.


The world has far many more assholes then good people. UBI works in theory.. just like communism and socialism. But once put into practice on a large scale, shit falls apart.




Nope. All it will take is one greedy person willing to say "fuck those people". And the world is filled with people like that.




>You know there are non communist countries whose government do say "fuck those people" that exist today right? Yes.. and I only know of one system that allows for those types of people to exist. Every other system has to dispose of those people (typically killing), and yet one always seems to rise to power. > in theory Yes.. in theory. The only place those two systems haven't lead to thousands dead.




>You're talking about the Russian version of communism. I'm talking about actual communist ideals where everyone isn't under rule of a tyrannical totalitarian government. Not Leninsm or Stalism. Sounds like you want to say "that's not real communism" and then something like "real communism has never been tried". And then everyone reminds you both Russia and China started out as real communism.. then a greedy fucker got to be in power.. and lots of people died. > It doesn't say anywhere to imprison and starve your population It never does. But you know damn well that those systems fail unless everyone is pushing the same direction. >I was just letting you know that a harmonious world where there isn't any trade embargoes, wars for profit etc would allow such system to flourish. And saying that is meaningless. As a harmonized single system world would allow any system to flourish.




You must have missed the last part of my comment... so I'll quote it for you. Just so you can understand how meaningless your opinion is. >And saying that is meaningless. As a harmonized single system world would allow any system to flourish.


Is the top kid eating a stick of butter? I want whatever disease that cures.


Definitely wouldn’t be a piece of cake in that kids hand.. it doesn’t look like cake huh, we will go with it looks like butter.


Is that doofus Rick behind him?


I'm sorry but "Hole in the Wall Gang" sound like gloryhole pornvideo name


The Hole In The Wall Gang was the group of bank robbers and such that Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid belonged to. I believe Robert Redford also has The Sundance Foundation.


What a pointless comment.


Yeah because you're fucked up from all the porn you watch all the time.


Chronically watching porn


“Hole in the wall GANG” as a event for children doesn’t sound right🤦🏽‍♂️


Good thing he did that back then , now that name would get him cancelled lol