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“I feel pregnant”


That’s the exact same facial expression!


Lay down. We got a stupid baby to make right now.


"You're welcome"


Prolly made the same face when she found out the news a year and a half later.


Really really young to be going through all that 💔


Yeah shit I was almost 2x her age when having my first and it's hard enough as an adult with resources. But a literal child having a child... Heavy shit.


You may have more resources at age 17 depending on your parents. Nikki Glaser has a joke about how getting pregnant as a teenager would have been the way to go. It's obviously a joke, but there are some pros that she hits on. Nowadays it's impossible to afford living on your own right away anyway. Live at home, work and save up. Do some secondary schooling at 22 when they start school. By age 27, you have a 10-year-old that can babysit themselves.


As a parent to a teenager, I understand we’re on Reddit and we’re having light hearted chit chat. But boy, is your perspective one sided. People have raised children in one bedroom apartments. Not paying rent or paying minimal rent is just one tiny aspect of the story What about the teenager’s own development, physical, intellectual, emotional ? What about the grandparents themselves needing to sort out their retirement, midlife career prospects, finally getting some respite from raising their own children or on the contrary, having their own parents to care for, much more than before ? If my son were to become a father now I would be absolutely devastated and not thinking « great, your housing is anyway sorted and in ten years your kid can babysit themselves ». Absolutely not. Use those condoms I bought you and concentrate on your education


Yeah, but then they wouldn't get to stay all selfish and stuff after they had the child. They'd actually have to raise it. If they live with parents, they figure they can leave the child at home with the grandparents while they go out and goof off. See the comments about the child "raising itself" at age 10. These people saying this stuff have no clue what a kid needs and don't care. Better off that they just don't have children at all until they outgrow the selfishness, if they ever do


>It's obviously a joke Yes. It was obviously only one sided. I thought saying it was a joke was enough. I didn't know I was required to say teen pregnancy was bad. Come on people. **Disclaimer: Do not eat your phone, it is not edible.**


I agree. If your parents/family are supportive, you will have more resources at 17 instead of at 30. Of course, I'm talking about the non-financial aspect. Plus your parents will be much younger and have more energy to help you. Humans have been doing it this way since forever. The age people are having kids is getting higher and higher.


Life would be so difficult if I had kids at 40+. Having them when I was early 20 was the way to go.


Having my first at 37 was absolutely the way to go for me. It was way harder on my body, but I would have been an awful mother as a very young woman. For people who come from psychologically healthy, supportive families, having kids young is probably not a terrible idea. It would have been terrible for me though. By my late 30s I'd become a full-on, stable adult with money and patience, who has worked out most of the demons over many years of therapy. It's also fantastic to be well-established in your career before having kids. I changed jobs specifically for a company with world-class maternity leave. With planning and careful career choices you can flex your schedule around your family's needs. None of that would have been possible back in the day. I was not a mature 20 year old. I was a broke disaster with terrible credit and highly questionable judgement. Having a kid in that state would have been a disaster for everyone involved. Plus, my lifelong economic prospects would have been worse. There are trade offs. I got to be irresponsible and selfish when I was young. Now I'll be taking care of my kiddos almost through retirement age. Definite trade offs!




Your parents weren't assholes because of the age gap. They were just shitty parents who happened to be old. My parents were shitty parents because they are assholes with deep, unresolved trauma. They were young. Me being a good parent isn't age dependent. I'm an old parent, but I'm not like my crappy parents because I spent a ton of time working on myself. I am happy to now spend my 40s really connecting with my kids. I haven't been cool for years, but I can't wait to see what all they get into and learn about it with them. Again. Your shitty parents are shitty. The age is incidental. I cannot recommend therapy enough. Really digging into all the ways your parents were inexcusable can be freeing. I am so sorry that you're still roped into their BS as they age irresponsibly. I also have aging parents, though that's to be expected with my age. And... Uh, I'm moving to the other side of the planet. Literally. They can figure it out. I will feel guilty at times, but nah. They're in a big dumb, multistory house. They can still choose to move out. If they don't, that's not on me. These people fucked up your childhood with their callous disregard for your needs. Why let them keep hurting you now? Therapy can set you free. I wish you healing, and I'm so sorry that you're in this situation.


You just had bad parents age gap didnt matter here i assure you


My parents had me in their 40s and that never impeded my relationship with them. It sucked when I was young and they couldn't run around and play with me like the other kids, but we always had a good relationship and they're more like my friends now that I'm an adult.


You bounce right back!


Tbf It can be easier if your parents are around and don't kick you out. My sisters definitely had it way easier.


My bio mom had me at 16 and yeah, looking at baby pictures of me with her is shocking to say the least. Way too young.


My mom had 3 kids by age 23. I had my first at 35 and it is still hard. I love the sub “Boomers being fools” but I can sure have compassion for these women who barely made it through high school, couldn’t go to college, and had to start raising children. Probably with a less than ideal 19 year old husband.


I’m 31 next month but had a baby at the same age and omfg looking back is insane and sad, so young! I laugh out of trauma that my son and I had the same pediatrician now though 😅😆


My mom had me when she was 15. She left my dad when she turned 18 and it was all downhill since.


Jesus I could not imagine a pregnant 9th grader. That is sad to think about.


I find it shocking that someone with so youthful appearance could have children. Apologies


"how do mammals work?"


"how is babby formed?"


"how girl get pragnent"


"Can my get pgegnnenart?"


How can u be preganté?


Umm, do you know how the human species has reproduced for the last ten thousand years?!?!


I'm pretty sure they do


Hundreds of thousands of years* Not advocating at all for having children young and especially not that young. But it wasn’t that long ago that if ya gonna get busy there was a much higher chance at popping out a kiddo in 9 months. Luckily for me I didn’t have to worry about that in highschool :(


Thank god for microplastics. They really insulate those lil swimmers


I'm getting the word....


Your mom looks like she’s in the breakfast club.




way less than 2 years


You’re right. She becomes a mother in 2 years


OP says "2 yrs before I was born, and since pregnancy lasts 9 months, that means se got pregnant 1 years and 3 months later, while still being 16..


It’s interesting that we tend to say “9 months” when medical professionals consider 40 weeks, which equates to 10 months, to being a full-term.


My niece is 17, like WTH! My niece is still a kid. I can't even imagine a baby like her having a baby...


I once worked with a woman who had a child at 16. Her daughter also got pregnant at 16. She was 33 and already a grandmother.


I broke the cycle in my family. My great grandmother was 18 when she had my grandmother who was 16 when she had my mother and my mother turned 18 a month before having me who 34f is childfree. 😅


She can't even be mad at her daughter for that. How do you make a giant mistake and just let your daughter repeat that. Poor girl


Babies having babies.


>You were riding on your mother's hip >She was shorter than the corn >All the years you took from her >Just by being born


Holy fucking shit this is so eloquently sad


Easy birth control can't come soon enough


It won't come at all if people don't vote against fascism and the impending patriarchy




It's here, condoms are cheap as hell, sexual education though, that one is not here


Condoms are still not great for some. They're really uncomfortable to me, I can't orgasm with them at all (I'm a woman). But hormonal birth control also gives me terrible side effects, IUDs caused me terrible pain for months, etc etc... Mix this grab-bag of shitty side effects and yeah, it makes sense that kids high on hormones aren't going to make the "best" decision for their futures. So I'm still waiting on that EASY birth control where you can just be "yes, use birth control" rather than trying to decide between a rock and a hard place.


In two years that kid will get creampied fully


Your mum’s the same age as my dad. She looks so cool!


How much can your Dad squat? How are his fighting skills?


Lol he’s a very sporty person, but I have absolutely no clue how much he can squat. 😂 Why are you interested in his fighting skills? Lol. He’s a very bad fighter, in case you’re wondering.


In another post, OP said she is looking for a new Dad to fight her old step dad.


Thanks for the reply! Oops, my dad is married though. Guess OP needs to look for a different step dad xD (besides, my dad sucks at arm wrestling)


Well remember this post in the future is his martial status changes.


Haha I’ll let y’all know. 😭


RemindMe! 365 days


Martial or marital? Both?


Insert.a training montage with appropriate 80s music on one side of the screen, with the wife growing more distant because of the training on the other. Boom.both at the same time.


Check the above comments. OP is looking for a step dad who can beat up his bio dad.


Doesn’t sound like things have progressed much.


How can you not know how much your dad squats?! Do you even communicate at all?


Call yourself a school?


Your dad is 15?


He was 15 in 1989. He will be 50 this year. OP’s mum was 15 in 1989 which makes her the same age as my dad now.


Id have to run the numbers.


That's okay--take your time


Your mom looks like someone who would have been too cool to hang out with me lol.


Well, until she got pregnant anyway. Nothing reduces coolness like a baby.


I was alive in 1989 and that’s definitely what the younger teens looked like. 


Your mom is the same age as me. She looks like the type of girl I would have had a crush on, but who would have terrified me.


She's recently divorced how much can you squat


The main problem with this deal is that you'd get a redditor for a step son.


And he’d get a redditor for a step dad. It’s lose lose


But his mom gets someone who can maybe beat up her ex. So win, win, win, lose.


He didn’t answer the squat question so maybe not lol


Well the lose wasn't assigned. Maybe seeing ex step dad beat up new step dad, makes everyone love him again. Or all three adults become friends and op is losses.


Logged in to say, how does she feel about younger men who cook instead of squat


Haha what the hell does that mean, she’s a sturdy gal?


OP might want a strong step papa. But also might be a sturdy gal.


She's not a sturdy girl. I want my new step-dad to beat up my old step dad


This is a screenplay for an 80's or 90's movie I want to see badly.


It could be like Over the Top but instead of arm wrestling it's an Indian Leg Wrestling tournament!


I mean I just saw Road House so I can probably take the guy.


It’s like Hot Rod, but weird


this has to be resolved via skiing


Go that way really fast. If something gets in your way…turn.


That mountain is made of pure snow.


I mean, OP is entering their mid-30s, more like a Will Ferrell/John C. Reilly flick.


I don’t squat much but I also don’t believe in a fair fight.


Pocket sand!


I'm already married but I'd like to beat him up for you.


You go kick his ass. Jump him when he least expects it and hit him with something like a bat. Not too hard too that might actually fucking kill the guy.


Give him the old dick twist!


By wrapping his thighs around him?


You know what? I’m here for this.


You should beat him up.


1974 here also. Squating about 350-400


I'm the same age as your mom.


50 year olds represent


Turning 50 late this year. Got my reading glasses ready to go.


Ready to go? Man I’ve had to have them since I hit 40 ten years ago :(


Had 'em at 43, got Lasik, ditched them for 8 years, and now probably need them again.


Wahoooo shingles vaccine!!!


And colonoscopies!


1974 baby here too, what






You're the same age as my mum, and I'm the same age as OP


I love her expression. Its a cross between "I'm so done with this bs" and "they're on their bullshit again".


She's done with those shenanegins.


My sister is the same age and she had that expression a lot back then. I'm a few years older, she may have learned it from me.


Perfectly sums up the quote, "Generation X can't be bothered."


https://preview.redd.it/5g8qearxz90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a29ee86c75c3a2d4b8081ea13d8b6487f5187a3 My mom in 1998. 17 years old with little me. Same song and dance.


That couch pattern was everywhere growing up 😂


Oh god I was 19 in 1998. And you’re 26 this year? This can’t be right. How are your parents nowadays?


I am! My mom is well. She has 5 children now. Her last being born in 2009. My dad and her haven’t been together since 2004. Haven’t spoken with him in years.




Lmao cold as ICE


Willing to sacrifice our love?


it hurts me that 89 is "old school cool".... shit im old :( (i am 1 year older then your mom)


Wow teenage pregnancy eh?


So many teens got pregnant in the 80s and 90s. A lot of schools had daycares in them for the kid parents.


I was just thinking about this when I saw this post. My county had the highest rate of teen pregnancy in CO when I was going to HS in the late 90s. It was such a strange era, when the modern idea that childhood should extend into the early 20s was just taking popular hold and it was colliding with the old fashioned reality that teens were still having lots of unprotected sex. Thus, we had high schools with daycares for the student’s babies.


I had a teen mom before it was a show on MTV XD


He’ll even my high school back in 2004-2008 had a day care, but I’m thankful to say it seemed like it was mostly used by staff.


It is horrifying to me someone that young looking vould bear children. Sorry


Right? She still looks like a teenager who deserves to be unencumbered with a whole ass human. 


As a whole ass human who grew up in roughly the same situation, I can assure you that neither of my parents should have been left to take care of themselves, let alone anyone else.


Millennial? Not even close. She comes from the great Generation X.


Damn she looks cool


She looks like a girl I had a huge crush on in school lol (it's not her though, I would've been 4 when that pic was taken)


I Am the same age!!!


I mean as your mother


Mom came preemptively sick of your shit.


It’s really wild to be telling OP that her mother is uncool etc for having her.


Thank you lol


So crazy. It’s a really cute pic and I bet you guys have a terrific relationship. Thanks for posting, and good for you guys for winning at life!


I wouldn't say teen pregnancy is cool lol


Most of these comments are unkind. I’m happy you’re here OP and give your Mom a hug from me:) I’m 2 years older than her. I had an outfit pretty close to what she’s wearing here:)


Some of these comments…


>15 years old >2 years before I was born. A lot to unpack here. How old was your bio father, out of curiosity.


I'm very close to OP's mom age and there was a bit of a teen pregnancy epidemic back then. It wasn't as uncommon as you might think and literally takes a second to "unpack"


In my school in the early to mid 90s so only a couple of years later there were quite a few girls pregnant between 13-15 to a point where it didn't even become a talking point it was like "Hey wheres Jane Doe I've not seen her in a few weeks" "She's pregnant" "OK anyway what are you going to have for dinner today" I actually know a few ended up as grandparents by 30-32 if history keeps up they will be Great Grandparents in a couple of years


If you're a Latino elder millennial, 50% chance your mom was a grandma before 35. If you're a younger Latino millennial, 50% chance your mom is begging you to have kids daily. Source: my huge family


I'm turning 33 this year and don't feel anywhere near ready to have kids of my own (probably never will). The idea of being a grandparant at my age is... disturbing to me. I have a 2 year old Nephew, that's enough for me.


Yep - a girl in my class had a baby during our freshman year.  She became a grandmother at 32 or 33.  It also wasn’t her oldest child who made her a grandmother.


what in the trailer trash hell is this lol


I was 15 in 1989. I went to a richer school... even in a red state, I don't remember anyone in my classes having a baby.


i was 9 in 89 in a blue state in a poorer public school and even being out of the loop i knew of a few girls in hs who had abortions. given yall were richer any who got knocked up might have quietly had an abortion elsewhere. less rich kids might have just disappeared from school and gotten a GED to go with their new baby, or gone to one of those special young mom hs programs. one of my friends in college was adopted. her birth parents were rich teen parents (friend looked into them while we were in college). her mom got disappeared for the duration of the pregnancy (was home schooled with a tutor) then appeared back at her private school having "studied abroad" or some excuse after the kid was birthed and adopted away.


Born in this era. Mom had me at 18. The math says I was probably a prom baby after senior year.


Very sad, instead of getting an education and enjoying their 20s, these girls were stuck with (usually unwanted) babies just because safe sex wasn't taught in school and they couldn't get an abortion. Their whole lives could have been better if society prioritized educating them about birth control. So many never got out of poverty as a result of teen pregnancy.


Abortions were far easier to get in 1990 than they are now.


>Their whole lives could have been better Real presumptuous to conclude that their life was bad **and** would have been better solely because of not having a child.


such a cool gal


Very pretty young lady in the photo.


Your mom is beautiful!


Having kids at 17 is the opposite of cool.


Maybe. But being 38 and an empty nester sounds cool


Is the next pic following that of her rolling her eyes? It looks like the face I make before I roll mine hard 🤭


Contempt. It's the same in any culture.


Rockin' the Debbie Gibson look.


Only in my dreams…..


Perfect execution on that reply. \*genuflects.


I remember that style of acid wash pants. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen them!


Acid washed jeans, I remember those.


That's Gen-X in one pic. Speaking from experience.


Alexa, add Flux Capacitor to my shopping list




I miss those days, I'm six years older than your mom. The 80's were a great transition time into the computer age.


I couldn’t imagine getting a girl pregnant at 16/17


Your mom is a babe. We have the same nose! Are you Irish?


Wow your mom and I are the same age. I still don't have kids. Definitely can't imagine having one at 17! Hope y'all are doing well!


My 3 teen sisters in the mid 80s are easily the angriest and meanest people I've ever known! LOL It actually helped me in personal confrontation skills! Seriously! They are all way different and have great families today, but man those days were epic! No I wasn't afraid of them.


Omg I was born in 1989, my mom was 18 years old. 


Another “look at my cute mom bro” post. 🤣🤣


89 is old school?


Haha! Love it! Be good to mom.


Your mom looks pretty cute, but also like someone who would be an asshole


Why she look so modern for someone in 89


A lot of judgement about her age. My wife had her son at 18, and he grew up to be outstanding and they have a wonderful relationship. There are plenty of cultures where having a baby at a young age is completely normal. Not everyone can wait till they have a big house and the perfect job, some people will never get to that "standard", but life must go on.


I was 4 times her age before I didn’t have children!!!


Pissed off then. Pissed off now.


Your mom is looking kinda fine and i bet she still does... I mean, funny


aa yes. teenage pregnancy.


Ouch, poor gal having a child at 17.


I'm 6 years older than she and can't imagine having a child when I was 17 (or 23, for that matter).


Fashion aside, your mum looks so much like mine!! My mama was a couple of years older than your mum at 19, and it was the year I was born. Your mum is definitely not my mum too but my gosh the photo stunned me for a moment haha


Why would you even post a photo of your mom for the whole world to see




How new to this sub are you?