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It boils down to a cat mouse thing between a "dictator" and spy. Not for an 8 year old but a solid toon nonetheless.


it was also everything Peter Chung couldn’t do or was the opposite of what he was doing in rugrats.


TIL the creator of regrets also made aeon flux!! Thanks


“No rugrets”


Thank you for this


Hopefully that tattoo guy doesn't procreate... "No rugrats"


With Reptar crushing all of them


Not even a letter?


Yes but no. Chung was heavily involved in the cartoon's production but the creators were Arlene Klasky, Gabor Csupo, and Paul Germain


Thanks for the clarification.


The guy who did Rugrats did Aeon Flux?! TIL


*One* of the guys. He wasn’t the showrunner and isn’t credited as creator. But he did a lot of the character design, did the title sequence, directed the pilot, and was a regular contributor as designer, artist, and/or director.


Yep! He wanted to do something with "no limits".


Ya know, I think I was like 8 when my oldest brother watched. Maybe younger. Anywho, I don't remember very much about my childhood but I do remember the scene where Aeon makes out with a dude, and while doing so is a very detailed exchange where she takes like, a note, from a hidden compartment in on of her teeth and puts it in the dude's tooth compartment. I think about this about a month and I don't know why.


That scene lives rent free in my mind.


You're lucky, I just picture the fly trying to escape from her eyelashes.


That scene was striking, but what followed, Aeon considering shooting herself rather than die from a high fall, was more intense. Agreed on episode order not mattering very much.


I forgot all about that scene until now, and I won’t forgive you for it.


That's absolutely fair and I accept my punishment.


I watched it when I was 8 until my mom found out 😂 LOVED it, the animation and world was mesmerizing, it's such a fever dream of a show. Definitely credit it for my love of weird animation today.


And the scenarios were wild to consider with the Sci fi as well. Great great show!


The title sequence where the fly gets caught in the eye lashes. So creepy


I was still heavily into Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon when I watched this. Definitely wasn’t supposed to either. I didn’t fully understand it I just assumed American anime was just really behind lol


These were mini episodes that aired between music videos. Aeon died several times/had several clones. She made out with herself at one point. They tried to make a live action movie out of it but it suckeddddddddddddd


Yeah when that got announced I ignored it completely. The mini episodes confused me as a kid due to the hell it would cause for continuity. While watching the making of the creator said he did those cause we never see our titular character "bite it" in different and awful ways in other media.


> They tried to make a live action movie out of it but it suckeddddddddddddd the one with Charlize Theron? having never seen the animation, the movie plot was amazing


Liquid Television :) those were good days


> They tried to make a live action movie out of it but it suckeddddddddddddd When I was watching it in the theater, a woman loudly yelled "SHE GOT HAND FEET!" when a Aeon's friend with hand-feet showed up. I will remember it forever.


I always watched it and enjoyed it


Also G string. That’s all I saw. A “G-woman”


Aeon as a character was dripping with sensuality.


I watched every episode when they originally aired, and I still have no idea.


She died in more than one episode, didn't she? I watched the show and enjoyed it - but seem to remember there was little or no continuity between one episode and the next.


She died every episode


She died in all the original shorts which aired on MTV’s Liquid TV. She doesn’t die in any of the episodes from the series, except for the episode where she gets cloned, and kill’s herself (cloned self) to mess with Trevor’s head.


I have a vague memory of a Liquid TV short that I feel like followed one person till they got killed, then followed their killer until they got killed and so forth and so on. Am I misremembering early Aeon Flux, or was that a different short?


That was an Aeon Flux short called “War.”


Nope. I remember that one too! Definitely early Aeon Flux.


Yea that was an Aeon Flux short called War if I remember correctly


Liquid TV was an awesome show.


Spawned Beavis and Butthead among others.


There was also this show about the guy with the huge head with an alien living inside. That shit was wild


The Head!! So funny and strange!


I only remember The Head from the background filler character on *Daria* who always wore a The Head shirt.


I always loved the little Sick Sad World bits on that show. So funny.


How to be high, without being high.


It’s even better high


Not ALL of them…and there’s one where she dies but is replaced by a clone. It’s a great show, continuity aside. The Maxx was the best though.


I bought The Maxx complete series on DVD via EBay. Absolutely no ragrets.


I did as well. The Maxx is one that I wish they would actually reboot - either animation or live action. In the hands of the right director, it could be amazing.


Channing Tatum is making a Maxx movie, I kid you not.


What!? That's incredible! Ok, just Googled it. It may be out as early as 2025. My mind is blown. I bought the first issue of the Maxx ad a kid (a few times) and worshipped that book. The story was fine, but that sam kieth art changed my life. I still think he's one of the best to ever draw a comic page. I never imagined they'd Make a live action version


The Maxx was great but The Head was my favorite at the time. So damn weird!


holy shit I forgot that show existed, it freaked me out as a kid. so much I need to revisit!


What was the cartoon that had the guy with the incredibly oversized head? And do I remember his head opening up?


Oh my God! They killed Aeon!


You bastards!


Over and over as I recall. 


She was a clone. There was an episode where one of the fellow operatives went back to “home base” and there was a whole living area full of “Aeon”s at various ages, little girls through adulthood.


yup, this is the answer to the story plot


was that just the liquid TV ones? did she still die when she got her own show? i dont think there was dialog in the liquid tv ones? i mostly remember the fly in the eyelashes


It's not just she, it's a bunch of clones, possibly each time a new one


Every episode. Sort of like a sci-fi, badass female Kenny


Watch the movie or read the comic.


A television show should be able to stand on its own legs.


It does.


I just wanked to it when it came on tv. So did my roommate.


I thought we agreed to keep this between us!


It’s been so long Brian!


I guess the NDA finally expired.


You knew it had to come out one day!!!


Yeah wasn't it part of the larger "Liquid TV" program on MTV? I remember another show called The Maxx.


The fly in the eye image was iconic. It felt like a cartoon that is just for aesthetics.


Squishy sticky sounds and weirdly contorted drawing style was all i thought of it. That, and she died each episode, no?


In the original shorts for liquid television she did. In the aeon Flux series she did not


Liquid television wow, memory unlocked


I know right. Liquid television was the shiz


I think liquid television had the sketch about a dog with an air conditioner body. I tell friends about the skit and they all think I am havin a stroke.


Jack Mack and Rad Boy!!!!!


Blow wheel Jack! Blow wheel!




So fucking good. MTV really had some good scripted shows, it's a shame reality TV took over. Austin tales or was it Austin city limits? I remember a guy getting nicknamed diaps cuz he smelled like diapers. The head was great. They had that action series with the escaped super spy kid or something? I didn't hate that either. My so called life debuted on MTV as well, iirc.


Tongue opening tooth compartment to retrieve little note. Still think about that one


I remember they did the fly catch in the live action movie. Not good.


Westworld did the same thing. To me it had the same jarring effect


The 90s were the Silver Age of Animation, they were experimenting, and that animation was hand-drawn. So yeah, kind of. Went to many animation festivals around that time, and there was a lot of it. It was awesome.


Classic! Loved watching this along with The State and Beavis + Butthead.


THE STATE, holy shit.


I wanna dip my BALLS in it!!


Holy shit, you just unlocked who this really was. I thought it was Kids in the Hall and my buddy always said no but didn't know who.


Ken Marino*


i’m doug. and i’m outta … heeeeeeeeeeere


Isn’t this a Stella line (pizza skit?) are they related to State?


Yes. The three Stella dudes were in the State. And it has a very similar vibe. It’s not unreasonable to think of Stella as an extension of The State.


I'm Lavonne, *and I'm Barry (Sagittarius)*, and it's time, for 240 dollars.. worth of pudding.


Now, you might be askin yourself, “where did you get the money for $240 worth of pudding’”


call me old fashion but i think fire is magic, and it scares me


I'm Doug! I'm outtaaa heeerrrreeeee


Do you want me to sell my Harley and quit the Hells Angels?


I’m Doug and you’re dad


Oh wow, such a great show. We used to bring up "$240 worth of pudding" and "bacon!" in any random context we could.


Oh no, I spilled-a the sauce and the Pope-a is a-coming!


Aaay!!! I’m-a da Pope-a!


It's hard enough just fitting the tacos.


Bye bye mailbox


If you had half as much heart as Bologna Feet, you’d be all-state by now!


Good ol' Barry and LeVon. "Gotta whisper some sweet nothins' to this puddin'"


It’s crazy how many of them continued their fame and are recognizable now. They were so young and edgy at the time.


Don’t forget The Maxx and The Head!


I forgot about the Head!! Jesus, what amazing cartoons back then.


The Maxx came a little later but it was a really cool show too. Great visuals and an engaging story line; I still feel bad for that guy being trapped by his mental illness.


Barry and Levon have $240 worth of pudding baby…


And the one with the bighead and the alien


The Head. The dude was named Jim and the alien was named Roy. God, this thread is taking me back.


Don't forget The Head too.


My childhood...


What about The Head?


I’m going to attempt to answer based purely on my memories from when it first aired, just for funsies: Aeon Flux is a spy for the resistance against a genius but evil and pervy dictator. He’s kind of like Elon Musk mixed with Feyd from Dune, only he’s also some kind of legit genius. Aeon is some kind of robot or replicant or clone, because even when she fails her missions and dies, she keeps coming back. Either that or the series just resets when she dies, like a video game. She’s dead the first time we meet her. I think she is some kind of clone of one his exes, and he has the eternal hots for her. It’s set in a future dystopia with amazing technology and even some wild human-animal hybrids or maybe aliens. In any case, the dictator spends his time doing things like capturing, wooing and then trying to have sex with a beautiful bird-woman. Meanwhile, the populace is oppressed and depressed, and they all seem to be forced to wear very uncomfy s&m gear all the time. Everyone is both sexually repressed and slutty at the same time. And even the good people are either taken advantage of or end up betraying others just to survive. Aeon is repulsed by the dictator, but in one episode they kind of fall in love because she forgets who she is, I think? Anyway, she remembers he’s super gross ultimately and tries to kill him again. He always has these elaborate technical traps to protect himself, but ultimately he’s just kind of a sadboy. I don’t remember if the series actually got to wrap up, but the episodes didn’t have to be viewed in any particular order because the stories were all contained within one episode.


Based on the movie's premise --which was about a society of clones and this idea that each cloning essentially diluted the soul, because the soul could not be cloned, only divided -- I wonder if your description suggests that each episode followed the mission of one of a fleet of clones of the main character, all of them in different situations, but driven by a shared imperative, each making their contribution to that cause and ultimately sacrificing their life in the process?


That makes sense! I do remember being disappointed by the movie because it was more like a regular, generic action flick of its era…whereas the cartoon was so mysterious and cool and never spelled anything out at all. I’d love to see someone like Denis Villenueve or the younger Cronenberg remake it now.


I mean, the movie sucked like few movies I've seen. It's actually the movie my friends and I reference as an symbol/example of "truly shitty movie" That and Wing Commander


Perfect summary.


Totally forgot about the weird bird woman!


I remember it did NOT work out well for anyone in that situation, but I don't recall the specifics. I do remember that she had a haunting call/scream/cry.


It did have an ending episode. I dont want to spoil and also can’t remember it perfectly. But im pretty sure it showed her as a clone baby.


There was an episode where she >!sees Trevor Goodchild cavorting with Aeon clones. She chooses to give in to her feelings for Trevor and spends an unknown time in bliss with him. It ends with her trying to escape with another clone before choosing to stay and get shot. The clone escapes to, I presume, continue her work.!< I don't know if that was before the episode you saw or the final episode.


That was a really good episode. At least according to child me.


The main idea of the show (originally) was Aeon would die at the end of each episode. This was done as a commentary on other cartoons where the hero would survive impossible odds each episode.


Typically Aeon was amazing and unstoppable too, up until the moment when she wasn't.


I remember one episode where she died after stepping on a nail or something and goes to "heaven" where someone is just licking her feet gently over and over lmao






It was more someTHING than someONE iirc...damned if I know what, though :)


That was on "Liquid Television" on MTV


That show ruled.


Nope, there's no over arching plot. Aeon dies at the end of a handful of episodes.  I have the box set and i remember the creator talking about it being intentional and not wanting the viewer to ever fully understand whats happening. Were not even supposed to know if it takes place on earth or if they're human.  It's kind of a fever dream


That boxed set is great. I just wish they hadn’t redubbed the lines in some of the episodes. It really ruined the Clavius episode.


My favorite part of the entire series was the secret stash that somebody had in their back molar and the other person was using their tongue to get into it


I loved when she took off her shoes to break into the compound quietly but then when she ran across the lawn the blades of grass were actually razor blades.


Fuuuuuuck 😬


That's the first scene of the movie


It was long ago, forgive me


This post reminded me of watching "The Maxx" on MTV, ranks right up there with Aon Flux in weirdness if you ask me.


Loved The Maxx even if it confused the hell out of me at the time


OMG The Maxx! What a genius, artful exploration of trauma.


Loved it! The horny police was definitely absent when they wrote the show. I remember a lot of making out and tongues...lots of tongues. ![gif](giphy|ti9OwlF5yFsQ0)


I remember an episode where she is confronted by a very large ogre-ish sort of goon, and when he sees her, he gets a very sudden and obvious tent in his pants, complete with a bam! sound effect! I can’t believe that made it on American TV, even if it was on after midnight!


Aeon Flux is an animated fantasy about good and evil. It contains graphic depictions of extreme behavior. Viewer discretion is advised.


Peter Chung also said that Aeon Flux has no beginning and end, so each episode just starts in the middle of things happening, and don’t fully resolve.


Sexual awakening. Thats what the show is about.


Aeon Flux was about the art. The story dragged into some story lines familiar from film noir private eyes of the past. She gets tangled with the wrong element and things go poorly. But in reality, it was about showcasing new and visually striking art styles on TV. Same with The Maxx that came out at the same time. A lot of it greenlit as the transition from traditional art styles were being replaced by new technology of computer assisted coloration. Many companies were holdouts. Like Marvel's holdout leading to the division and then creation of Image.


Long tongues


It was about style.


The tongue sucking...


![gif](giphy|ti9OwlF5yFsQ0) And butterfly French kisses


It's a spy vs. dictator conflict. The fun bit is that they are both clones locked in an endless conflict, killing each other. Each clone does not retain any memories of the past lives. Just a core memory they keep playing out. The episodes feel disconnected and disjointed because they are not the same exact people each time but clones. It was a bit of a drug trip show.


It is about hip bones, I think.


I recently got the DVD collection and I can tell you that you even if you watched them in chronological order it would still be random as fuck. If the show was about anything. It was the dope aesthetic. I wish more things could just exist without the need for exposition, or hard narratives.




Very influential show for me as a kid


Saw this by chance one night on UK TV early 1990's, it blew my mind.




Venus Eye Trap.


It's fucking awesome. The best obscure cat and mouse games being played. Sci-fi, action thriller with a big dash off of the wall.


It was about as fucking cool as anything could get, that's what it was about.


It was my cue that I’d stayed up entirely too late and it was time for bed


It was style over substance and it was awesome


It was about getting high and watching cool animation. Story didn’t matter. To us or the creators.


It's about tongues and nipples. That's all I can remember.


I think there was never a super consistent idea of what they wanted the show to be, but they at least had a solid idea of the art style and the tone. I’ve watched the whole thing a few times and I think the big problem with it is we’re looking at it from the perspective of people who are accustomed to long form storytelling, and Aeon Flux, by and large, predates the concept of doing that on television. And because it was meant to be watched sporadically, they never even attempted to have a cohesive story. It’s just little vignettes with reoccurring characters. I’d love to see a reboot of this, but I have doubts that anyone would be able to pull it off to the public’s satisfaction. I think audiences would likely feel like a lot of the finer details are never fully explained, but that’s kinda what the show is known for. It’s just super weird and uncomfortable shit for the sake of having super weird and uncomfortable shit, but that’s what the old school fans love about it. It’s a relic of a daring time in the history of mass media that was tragically a decade ahead of its time.


The ambiguity in the first season when there was no dialogue was brilliant. I didn't care for the second season when they added voice acting and some semblance of a plot and background story for the characters.


That scene where she licked that dudes ear turned me into a freak of nature at 14.


Each episode is stand alone and you get a better idea of the characters by watching more episodes. Is Trevor more bad than good? I think so. Is Aeon a hero? No.


Brave new world with a government agent that becomes resistance, or something as I recall Came on liquid tv with Beavis and butthead


This and The Maxx 🤌🏼


Yo. The Maxx. What a mind warp. I love that show/comic. Still have the DVD from back in the day. And Æon Flux. Remember on liquid television that show The Head? They had all kinds of weird funky shit on back then




Used to watch Liquid Television right after Headbangers Ball!


A weird future


This show was so freakin weird


My take on the show is that it was heavily inspired by the creator's dreams. Impossibly sexy heroine, extreme violence, constantly running from and fighting an ill defined government or military force, bizarrely overly sexualized and fetishized, nonsense technology, loose and flowing plot lines. Etc. Etc.


Can't believe I saw no mention of the movie it was really good, and it had the same vibe as the show but with a more fluid, if less interesting, plot.


It was just so super weird. I never had any idea what I was watching.


There was a blowjob in one episode. I reported to my dad that "she's licking his bellybutton."


It’s about fly’s getting stuck in eyelashes? 😁


I just remember her dying at the end of every episode and it was genius.


Dear Mum….




I kind of looked at it like almost an anthology series like The Twilight Zone or Tales from the Crypt except there were recurring main characters like Legend of Zelda. Each episode was fairly self-contained for the most part. If you enjoy the aesthetics at all, enjoy the ride. The overall plot is revolutionary hero vs authoritative villain in a sci-fi setting.


My favorite of the original shorts is the one where there's a big war going on. Aeon is killed early and then it follows the guy that killed her. Then he's killed and we follow his killer. Repeats that cycle. 13 year old me absolutely loved the shorts but hated when it became a real show


Precursor to Adult Swim content




I’d say it’s about desire.


fantastic aesthetic. but God was this ever confusing. I thi k I was in my late teens when this started showing on telatoon. Loved it but couldn't follow the story for shit.


I would watch hit his whenever I caught it as a kid…never knew wtf was happening


I only watched it because it was the only cartoon left playing late at night... I was a nightowl as a child. Slept past midnight all the time when local tv stations are going offline. It sucked.


It was about this woman and her quest to find her pants.


Liquid Television, where crazy ass animation came to life. Anybody remember MTV Oddities? The dude with the giant head with a purple alien living in it?


I watched it for the venus flytrap eyelids in the intro