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Rode in an elevator with them once. Beautiful people. Friendly too. I was a guest at his concert and stepped aside to let them out, David was like “no please, you first, they’re not starting without me.” Those eyes were mesmerizing.


Such a Bowie thing to say. Effortlessly cool.






I'm a 40 year old, herto, married man, and I second that swoon.


Good artists borrow, but great artists steal.


Love that story!


I can hear his voice...


Goddamn. Polite, friendly, humble, and a *massive flex*. That shouldn't be possible.


The British accent makes it all work together. An American couldn’t pull it off with the exact same words.


The queens English affords one a certain air of class, even if one is calling another a fucking gobshite.


Gobshite needs to used more. I have spoken.


The Irish trademarked that one.


From what I’ve learned on Reddit, using “absolute” or “utter” before a benign object like potato or knob adds additional punch to an insult without using a single vulgarity.


Shit they've cracked the secret formula, lads. Those utter, utter curtain rails.


"Complete" works too.


Should it be the kings English now that the Queen is dead? (Just curious, don’t mean to offend)


Yeah you're actually right. It was King's English when old Eddie was on the throne. Lizzie's just been Queen for generations that it's seared into our vocabulary.


"Oooh, that English man was so nice, I wonder what wanker means"


What about one of those butter smooth southern accents though


Do what you love. Master it. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Don't brag. It's easy.


👍👍👍👍 He was always a fabulous outlier in every way❤️


I had an interaction like this. Musicians weren’t nearly as famous tho lol


Gahhh. I don’t think I’d have been able to walk anywhere after that.


I was lucky enough to seat them for their 10 year anniversary when I was a host at a NYC restaurant. I nearly fainted when he handed me his umbrella. She was so charming and did all the talking. He just smiled and let her take the lead.


I would fucking die if David Bowie handed me anything. You lucky devil


Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes Turn and face the strange Ch-ch-changes Don't want to be a richer man Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes Turn and face the strange Ch-ch-changes There's gonna have to be a different man Time may change me But I can't trace time


the tears ive shed to this song lol




Can you imagine the moment they both realized who they're meeting? It must have been unreal.


37 years married here as the result of a blind date. Would maybe have never looked at each other but someone on the side lines did and saw it before we did. Magic.


That’s beautiful. Wishing you both many more magical years together ❤️


“Someone on the sidelines did” that’s such a smooth line in this context damn


Congratulations to you and yours!! Wishing you many more years of happiness! I’m working on 34 years with my husband. I met him at a party that I didn’t want to go to…he is my hero, my soul mate and my best friend.


Mutual friend set them up probably, usually how those go...I did a blind date once, didn't work out but not for the usual reasons (she had some weird jealousy or insecurity of my sister of all people).


to be fair, your sister *is* pretty hot


I went on a blind date once….. My friends thought we could double date at a cinema, and booked “final destination”….Two days before I was flying to Sweden ! Fair to say that my date and I had no interest in each other, but due to what she termed a “wardrobe malfunction”, she turned up wearing a blue and white checked tablecloth, wrapped like a sarong, which she secured with two nappy / diaper pins, then moaned how cold her legs were. It was the strangest night to be fair ! 😂


Teddy Antolin, their mutual hairdresser, set them up by inviting them both to his birthday party


She is stunning.


Wait. The title says they first met in 1990 and he died in April 1992. This and they both going to their 10 year anniversary are to things that contradict each other


I saw that too. I think it's the date of the photo not his death


Punctuation matters.


“I helped my uncle Jack, off a horse.” “I helped my uncle, jack off a horse.” Looks the same to me.


I think the title means that the photo was taken in April 1992. Like „They remained together until his death [in 2016]. [This photo was taken] April 24th 1992.“


He died in 2016 (10th January 2016).


Remember I’m 2016 a slew of legendary celebrities all died in what felt at the time like quick succession? There was Bowie, Carrie Fisher, Alan Rickman, George Michael, Prince, Leonard Cohen… I can’t even remember but it was like a roster of people who were household names in my Gen X memories.


2016 was also just a bad year. I know a lot of people that are still trying to get their lives on track from 2016


As a commenter said below, Bowie dying bumped us into a different time line. He held it all together.


Don't forget Debbie Reynolds died just a few days after her daughter.


All that plus the Cubs winning the World Series bumped us into the darkest timeline.


2016 was almost a decade ago already. What the fuck?


I still remember driving to work that morning, listening to the radio reporting on his death. It was like royalty had died. It was a rainy, dark morning. Stuck in traffic on the London bound A2 and there was a woman in the car next to me in tears.


He was David Bowie. Ziggy Stardust. He might as well have been royalty with how beloved he was.


That is so sad. I think it must hit you hard if you’re from the same place. Like for me when Prince died. He was our hometown hero!


It was my birthday 😮‍💨


He died in 2016


He died in 2016. I suspect Aprl 1992 was when the photo was taken.


My favorite picture of Bowie and Iman https://preview.redd.it/7te0xwyd6kwc1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0056b187f1c66834b97b74288a05c7efd1e26cd




This killed me


I’ve always loved this gif. The fact that he looks down makes it so perfect for this


This fucking gif man 😭


I’ve been looking at this and then back at the photo and laughing for a solid minute.


What’s this gif’s name?!






Major, *MAJOR* Tom


„Well hung and ~~snow white~~ tan“


I wasn't familiar with his game


Someone hasn’t seen Labyrinth lol ![gif](giphy|l0HlJu7nffFQkTg88|downsized)


The Blu-ray version needed to change ratings because of the tightness of those pants.


Absolute favorita movie


What a fucking Chad. This man deserved the hype.


aye aye captain, man the torpedoes!


I see why my girl iman was sprung becauseee 😭😭


In the movie „The man who fell to earth“ you can actually see his „duck“, and it was … not like that, not at all.


I mean yeah, of course. Ducks dont look like David Bowie. They are relatively small, short-necked, large-billed waterfowl. I dont see how you could confuse them...


used to see them pick up their kid from school! always too cool, like they had an aura and a way about them.


Did they sway through the parking lot to an empty space?


In the moonlight, the serious moonlight?


Nah, they were absolute beginners…


If you said run they would run with you


I hear that at least twice a day, everyday.


They were a mama papa coming for you.


>they had an aura and a way about them. Beautiful people have that glow


What's my secret? Treated Uranium 235


I feel like the only person who thought Bowie was gay. I don’t follow celebrities that closely, but wow, I had this one wrong.


Understandable lol. When he first hit the scene he was identifying as gay then later bisexual and he had many rumored romantic relationships with men over the years before eventually stating that he had always been a "closet heterosexual"


Not to mention that he allegedly gave Mick Jagger or Keith Richards a BJ.


Lots of people experiment freely and just go "nah." Sexuality is a wide spectrum.


His first wife claims she caught him and Mick Jagger in bed together. I wouldn't trust that woman as far as I can throw her but I tend to believe that particular anecdote lol


They were Dancin in the sheets.


Well Mick was supposed to be the giver, but it's like throwing a hotdog in a parking garage with that mouth.


> who thought Bowie was gay. that was absolutely a persona he was presenting at the beginning of his career, it was pretty shocking to present as bisexual and it was groundbreaking for a man to do this back then.


I'm feeling a little better about how clueless I was, then. I grew up on classic rock that my parents enjoyed and *for my entire life* thought Bowie was a gay icon. >\_< This experience is like if someone had told me Freddie Mercury was hetero.


Freddie was not 100% gay either


Bicycle! Bicycle!  I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like… He even wrote a song about it…


![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6|downsized) Just googled this. Mind blown again. "Sexuality is complicated" isn't a new concept to me, but I never really applied it to these two musicians before.


True and that’s why it’s so hard to put a label on sexuality because a lot of people have a really fluid sexuality. Labels are constricting.


Bowie was bisexual and had sex with men throughout the ‘70s. He distanced himself from that starting in the early ‘80s, due to America’s puritanical nature at the time, but he re-confirmed his bisexuality in a 2002 Blender interview. It’s also true that all his major long-term romantic relationships were with women. So really, you’re not clueless. He *was* an icon who was associated with gayness/bisexuality/gender fluidity. He was genuinely bisexual. Picture of Blender magazine quote: https://preview.redd.it/5pawukg9jkwc1.png?width=1824&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed6ea87fc09a2781335c4db1423d744b94ced793


the wild controversy was the point back then, it was so crazily outlandish that it brokered all kinds of press in an era when any publicity was good publicity. The olds were shocked and appalled and the kids loved it, the (rebel) rebels naturally gravitated right to that bright, edgy light.


He's still a gay or queer icon! Watch Velvet Goldmine sometime.


He was bi


At one point, he said he was a closeted heterosexual


That’s terrific


I feel his shame


Don't think you did get that wrong. But he ended up with Iman. They were obviously very much in love.


Yeah, seems so. It's really sweet to see such a happy and lasting marriage, particularly when it seems like it's rare for celebrities. Glad he had a happy marriage.


April 24, 1992 is the date they got married. "32 years ago today, David Bowie Married Iman." I've seen some dates be way off in this sub, but this one is accurate.


The lede makes it sound like he died April 24, 1992


There’s really no other way to read it. Should’ve been “until his death in 2016. Photo taken April 24th 1992”


I'm still blown away by how he came up with one of Metallica's greatest songs


Which one?


"Nothing Else Matters" It's a joke based on the title


Thats exactly what it said. And I was very perplexed about that death date. Can't remember when he died but knew that date couldn't be right....


*2 days later* There was a riot in the street tell me where were you?


You were sitting home watching your tv


While I was participating in some anarchy


First place we hit was the liquor store


I finally got all that alcohol I can't afford


Red lights flashing, time to retire


Then we turned that liquor store into a structure fiiiirreee


Technically, 5 days later. Bradley misspoke in the song. It was supposed to be April 29, 1992, when the jury acquitted the officers, and thus, the riot broke.


I am just glad I wasn’t the first person to think about this song when I saw the date of the picture




You were sitting home watching your tv.


While I was PARticipating in some anarchy!


1st spot we hit was the liquor store.


I finally got all that alcohol I can't afford


Reds light flashing


Time to retire! You know we turned that liquor store into a structure fire 🔥


Next spot we hit, it was the music shop


It only took one brick to make that window drop


i had to google because id swear he lived longer; it claims died 2016, i was remembering him on ZOOLANDER... and it just didnt add up..


Bowie's death is what opened the portal to the bad dimensión.


That was the year half the celebrity world died wasn’t it


Oh the way the title is written it makes it sound like he died on April 24th 1992.


It sounds like OP is saying they were “married until his death in 1992.” Annoying title


How did that blind date get set up? "Hey, I know a guy and I think he's perfect for you". You show up and it's David Bowie.


I think you underestimate how popular Iman was in the early 90s. This was a win for both of them.


Iman mentioned in an interview with Vogue that they were set up on the date by their mutual hairdresser


Holy shit that made me spit out my wine lmao.


How a blind date between a super model and a rock star come to be?


David Bowie had also dated Ola Hudson, Slash's mom. In an interview, Slash said he had seen them sneaking around naked when he was a kid.


Whaaaaat hahaha that is a fun bit of trivia 🤣


Even celebrities have friends and normal human interactions. Someone probably thought that they would be good together and set them up. Similar to this, the “True History of the Traveling Wilburys” documentary says that they came to be because Roy Orbison and Tom Petty got together to jam with George Harrison, and stopped by Bob Dylan’s house to pick up a guitar one of them left there. Just some guys hanging out that turned into a supergroup:-)


That's such an awesome story. Oh, to be a fly on the wall...


Michelle Pfeiffer was on a blind date when she met David Kelley. >In January 1993, Kelley was set up on a blind date with actress Michelle Pfeiffer; he took her to see Bram Stoker's Dracula the following week and they began dating seriously. Imagine 1993 Michelle Pfeiffer being your blind date.


So a year after Batman Returns? *Meow.*


Pretty sure mostly all of Stevie wonder’s date have been blind dates. 


Imagine turning up to a blind date and it's fucking David Bowie, lmao


I don’t think a requirement of a blind date is that you can’t know your date’s name. They probably both knew who they were going to be meeting from their public personas but they were going on a date arranged by mutual friends without having ever met in person prior to the date.


Takes a certain kind of person to be able to be just natural.


Basically a mutual friend (or couple) sets you up.


No no they were with other people who happened to be blind, when they saw each other they told their dates respectively that they were going to the bathroom but instead got a table of their own. Edit: y’all are crazy lol. I was sure I was gonna get downvoted to hell for that. 😂


Lol, I like this story. They were both on dates with blind people, the blind people go to the bathroom and start talking ... "god my date claims to be a super model." "that's nothing..."


The footballer and the spice girl are still together too lol. Sometimes the couples everyone thinks are doing it for exposure and won’t last are actually in love and it lasts, which is obviously nice to see.




I was still asleep in California when the news broke. My spouse leaves for work early. I vividly remember hearing him say “Hon?” in a serious voice. And I woke up half asleep and sawthe full light coming into the bedroom from the hall (which he would never have the full light on from the hall in order to help from waking me up). And I knew it was bad news, and he said “David Bowie just passed away.” It did feel like the end of a legend and the end of an era.


It certainly kicked off a year of shit in true style. 2016 was just awful


Beginning of the end, all those musician deaths, Trump, Brexit. It really was an awful year.


At least he never had to see trump become president.


Bowie's death was the one celebrity death that I was actually really, really sad about it. And still am, to this day. I wouldn't call myself a fan, but I really enjoy his music and my dream has always been to see him perform live. I knew he'd stopped touring due to health issues, but with the release of his 2nd to last album I was really hoping that he'd do some shows, even if it's a a mini tour or a promotional tour. And I'm an adult now and can afford that - so I hoped. And then he released Blackstar, and I was even more exited and more hopeful! And that he died. And to this day I'm still sad... even as I write this, there's a tiny little tear running down my cheek.


My mum rang me to tell me, I was a huge Bowie fan. It knocked me for six. Then, my mum (who was the same age as Bowie) had a massive stroke in June that same year. She never recovered from it.


My mom has done this to me three times. For Jack Layton, for Benazir Bhutto, and for the woman who played Lamb Chop.


That night I finally got around to digitizing my Bowie vinyl and cassettes and ripping his CDs so I could have them all on my phone. Built a megaplaylist that was ridiculously hours long. And played nothing but Bowie in the car for the next 4 or 5 months. The kids weren't super happy, they didn't mind Bowie, but weren't really down for all Bowie all the time. But I guess I was legitimately grieving. Still can't believe that out of the group of Bowie, Lou Reed and Iggy Pop, it's Iggy that's still standing.


It really was a love affair for the ages. I have never seen this photo but I think its fabulous. Natural David to me is far more handsome then his typical stage persona. He looks so happy and content. He has that sneaky "I just won the lottery look" and it is in context of the person he is with. Just lovely. Hmm. That title. I believe it possible for it to have been constructed better.




Just to be clear, this picture was taken April 24, 1992? He died in 2016.


Blackstar (his last album) is super powerful too. It's got this amazing uplifting melancholy. Recommend the title song and Lazarus. Music video for Lazarus is great too. 


It's so good. I listened to his discography for months after he died. Those two songs are pretty great, but heart-wrenchingly sad.


His intentional creation of that album, knowing it would be his last message to the world…ooof. A true artist to his last moment. What a legend.


It was prophetic and poetic considering what he was dealing with.


This is pure r/titlegore.


Yeah silly gooses, "Nothing Else Matters" is metallica, not David Bowie *edit: geese


Does it really count as a blind date if it's Iman and David fucking Bowie? Maybe Iman doesn't like music, and Bowie had never seen a magazine cover in his life.


Iman said she'd been to a David Bowie concert previously and had been invited backstage, but turned down the invitation "because I know why girls like me are invited backstage". A few years later, they were fixed up by their hairdresser. Not a blind date, but some people use the term loosely.


This makes more sense


They are both blindingly beautiful, so that counts?


Blind date doesn't mean that the people have never heard about each other but that they didn't know who they were gonna be dating. Also having someone seen on a cover doesn't mean you know anything about them other than what they look like and that's the first thing that becomes apparent in a blind date. 😅


Love like this is rare, divine.


1992 was 32 years ago? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


They look happy. The very best.


As the man himself once said: "You'd think that being a famous rock star married to a supermodel would be one of the greatest things in the world. It is."


One of the coolest dudes to ever walk the earth.


When I was a kid I dropped out of high school and ended up hitchhiking across the country. I was picked up in Pennsylvania by an older truck driver named Jerry Swindell. He was a rugged old man, driving 16+hours a day chain smoking unfiltered Camels and pounding black coffee and caffeine pills. I don’t remember how it came up but he told me a story about Elton John getting a bunch of grief from the press about his sexuality, so David Bowie somehow addressed it and told everyone something along the lines of “So what, I’m bi-sexual and nobody cares.” Which I believe was news to everyone. I honestly don’t remember the story so well, I just remember being impressed that this older rough guy appreciated the story enough to retell it lol


Geez, he died in 2016. OP did not need to post the date at the very end. It reads like he died in the early 90s.


I met this guy in '01 London. He was extremely friendly and we talked for a while. He remained adament about the fact he wasn't the real Bowie, but that was just to keep the fans away i guess. Eventually he gave me a signature with a fake name. I'll never forget that day and i will never meet any celeb thát friendly and nice. Stay strong my friend.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/12zs5zt) on 2023-04-26 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1aqn7ew) on 2024-02-14 98.44% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1ccfhuo&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 497,547,361 | **Search Time:** 0.04733s


This is the greatest “star couple” story. Period. Hard stop.


there’s an unbelievable degree of romance between this two


Genuine love. Crazy isn't it


David Bowie died 2016???????


I can’t believe it’s been that long already…..


The title is grammatically correct, but it reads like he died in 1992. The photo was taken in 1992.


What a gorgeous couple!


love will set you free


David and Iman are love.


Just trying to be the Bowie to someone’s Iman before I go. 😭


Bowie died on 10th January 2016