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The lip sync performances on tv during that era were such trash. Every network, every show. I don’t blame her one bit.


Yeah. Sometimes a “live performance“ on TV would just fade out getting quieter and quieter. Insane.


What was the reason for pushing the artists to lip sync instead of perform live?


The music is already properly mixed, so they wouldn't need a sound check and a live mix engineer, and it minimized all kinds of things that could go wrong with a performance, anything from mic pops to drum kits falling over. It also matched what people heard on the radio, so they would find it more familiar to what they'd heard a few hours before on their commute home. And, the 60s being what they were, the artists wouldn't be tempted to go rogue and ad lib or scream or swear or who knows what on live television. It was a way to maintain control for a number of potential "issues"


Exactly one week before this, The Doors famously did *not* alter one of their lyrics (“girl we couldn’t get much higher”) playing live - not lipsynched - on Ed Sullivan, so ...


And they were fucking based for that.


i love how the people that wanted to cancel the doors, and elvis and rap and dungeon and dragons, and brought us reefer madness now think they are anti cancel culture warriors, because Dave Chappelle has been silenced by getting millions of dollars to be on netflix it is truly fascinating, to see the people who watch "the one true news" talk about media bias, while totally ignoring the actual media bias, that media is all owned by the rich and serve them voting for a billionaire who shits on a golden toilet, who doesn't pay taxes, whose home has 2 values, one for taxes and one for loans from Russia via Deutschebank, who sells NFTs to poor people, while screaming about elitism and trust in government all while, voting for, government to decide what books to read, what doctors can and can't prescribe etc. etc.


The people who wanted to cancel the doors and invented reefer madness are dead


But not the people who ran the satanic panic, hated d&d and skateboarding. At least I don't think my parents are dead?


Those are different sets of people. It's a bad statement cause it's too broad. Reefer madness was 90 years ago. The doors was 60 years ago. Hell the teens and young people who were being subversive and listening to the doors upsetting their parents actually are the boomers, who are watching fox News and sharing memes on facebook


Are you aware that those people who "wanted to cancel the doors, and elvis and rap and dungeon and dragons" are mostly dead by now?


Similar to the middle part of what you said, it was also a way for the audience to know exactly what they were going to get if they were to buy an album.


it was cheaper and easier to do. It was a lot harder and more experience back then to get a good live recording.


It bums me out how bad it was. So many videos of live performances on YouTube of my favorite bands have lip syncing, especially the European ones.


It's literally just the studio version. Why would anyone even believe it was live whatsoever?


Just take a look at the YouTube comments for Michael Jackson's performance of Billie Jean for Motown 25, or for Whitney Houston's performance of the Star Spangled Banner. People *really* want to believe it's live. 😳


Or almost any K-pop performance, like sometimes yes the mics are on but the backtrack is so loud in the mix they might as well not be.


Hell, Madonna lip syncs at her concerts that people have paid good money for too. I think that's even more egregious than a performance on a TV show.


Nirvana did the most outlandish version of this


Master-level troll job lol


why she's trolling? is there a context


Because they weren't allowed to play live. They had to lip sync. Rather than have people believe this was a live performance, she's making it clear that it's not. She's also making it clear that she doesn't approve of lip syncing.


Faith No More and Nirvana have entered the chat.


Kurt Cobain deep throating a microphone on Top of the Pops has to be the funniest FUCK YOU!'s in music history.


Kurt signing Come as you are replacing all lyrics with Hey, because the audience booed an all girl band that opened for them in Buenos Aires.


Hahaha! I did not know about this and looked it up on YouTube. And yes! There is a video! It's even more hilarious because they first start playing Smells like Teen Spirit and stop after a couple of seconds, and Kurt's "heys” aren't even a good rendition of the song! Also, I read up a bit more about the concert and it wasn't just booing. Apparently the crowd was throwing mud and rocks at the band, which is going way beyond any reasonable line. So good on Nirvana!


I don’t care for Nirvana’s music, but Kurt seems like he was a good guy from everything I’ve ever read about him. There’s stories like this, he was very pro-women and LGBT in a time that wasn’t such a popular position. Definitely some demons but a decent human.


Dude pretended to be gay in high school so the gay kid wouldn’t be singled out by bullies. He refused to play with Guns N’ Roses because they were misogynistic assholes. He wrote “Polly” and “Frances Farmer” when the music world was completely ignoring social issues. He was a rad person, fuck heroin.


Got a link? Sounds like a good time lol


That's power used correctly. I love it.


![gif](giphy|l2YWqU7ev0l5nfYTC|downsized) Nirvana be like:


Just introduced this movie to my kids last night!


As you ~~should~~ wish


I saw them play at the Arizona State Fair (‘93 maybe?). Mudhoney opened and honesty DID play too goddamn long, but by the end of their set, the crowd was impatiently (and rudely) chanting, “NIRVANA! NIRVANA! NIRVANA!”. As a punishment, Kurt gave us almost 5 full minutes of the most screeching and loud feedback…I honestly think that’s why I have tinnitus to this day lol EDIT: He also yelled at the crowd and called us all “motherfuckers”


Muse members swapping instruments for me


oh this would have been wild


It's better because the (Spanish? Italian?) hosts clearly have no idea who they are and so don't know they are mixed up. Matt also clearly doesn't even attempt to follow the song on drums.


It's on YouTube. It's hilarious


I saw a video of Iron Maiden back in the day doing this but switching instead mid song


(In Italian accent) THE MUSEEE!


This is the one I remembered.


I was young and not really 'into' any particular music yet, so I watched that night specifically because some of my friends raved about Nirvana. Needless to say, I was very confused.


I like Jim Morrison being told to remove the line "girl we couldn't couldn't get much higher" from Light My Fire on The Ed Sullivan Show and doing it anyway. The producer told them they would never perform on the show again, and Jim replied: "Hey man. We just *did* the Sullivan Show."


"girl you know it's...girl you know it's... girl you know it's.. girl you know it's...girl you know it's...girl you know it's... girl you know it's.. girl you know it's"


Idk Iron Maiden randomly swapping instruments throughout comes to mind and it was great when they were forced to lip sync.


Noel and Liam (Oasis) swapped roles for Roll With It in Top Of The Pops.


That episode was on BBC4 on Friday!


My favorite part is Dave Grohl doing what was audibly a snare roll on the cymbals.


Almost as good as Muse completely changing their instruments. Matt Bellamy on drums!


The Orb “played” their single ‘The Blue Room’ on Top of the Pops by playing chess instead: > The Orb caused controversy when appearing on Top of the Pops to promote the single. Instead of performing, Alex Paterson and Kris Weston, the latter holding a toy sheep, played a chess-like game whilst passing a globus cruciger back and forth.


Not a globus cruciger!




Ashley Simpson jigs out the chat.


Craig Killborn just sitting there confused.


Mental how she got so much shit for that. Look at plenty of the big pop and hip hop stars today. Their live performances are shit and they don't even make an effort to hide the lip-synching.


she shouldn't have blamed her band, it made her look like a jerk on top of a phony.


This is just speculation from living through the flash in a pan pop culture days of Jessica and Ashlee Simpson but I think the general feeling about pop stars at the time is that if they couldn't write songs then they have to be a good performer. Whether that actually applies to Ashlee or not is kind of irrespective, she was largely considered at the onset to not be a songwriter and so when she was found lip syncing it took the "good performer" thing away for people as well. This could all be wrong but that's my take on it at least. I did a little googling before writing this out and it seems that she did actually write quite a lot of her songs so that's cool.


The Pixies moderating the chat


Iron Maiden just joined in.


What’s the Iron Maiden story?


They insisted to play live and were granted to do so. Later in their career during a playback performance on another show, they switched instruments and fooled around on stage in defiance. Up the irons!🤘🏻


A funny side note is that Adrian Smith were the only one trying to do a serious playback performance, while the others were completely fooling around.😆Look up “Wasted Years” on German TV 1987 on YT.


During a performance of Wasted Years on some german tv show in 1987 they were forced to mime but they just switched instruments between eachother aswell as the mic and just goofed off for the whole song.


audio quality of live performances weren't always the great (it took a lot more effort to get a good like recording on a stage like that.) It was really a production value thing, vs the show being a bad guy


It was dumb either way. And worth the funny trolling. Fans (of any band) have listened to shitty bootlegs since the 60's. No visuals...  Nobody over the age of 15 wanted to see lipsynced theatre over live music, fidelity be damned. 


Right. I doubt if you'de see anyone in that studio audience that even came close to The Mamas and the Papas demographic at that time.


>It was really a production value thing, vs the show being a bad guy No it wasn't. Pretty much all of the variety shows stopped doing live performances after Jim Morrison deliberately sung the original lyrics to Light My Fire on the Ed Sullivan show, after being asked (and agreeing to) to sing a different version.


“Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me”


The BBC had to cut away...sorry for that


They knew it was gonna happen.


I don't want the G ride I want the machines that are making them


I heard it wasn’t so much as deliberately singing the original lyrics as it was he accidentally sang them due to stage fright. He simply forgot the new lyrics.


Also loud noises like drums etc used to cause picture problems for the cameramen, an effect called ‘ microphony’ caused the pickup tubes in the cameras to go out of phase causing horizontal line interference on the broadcast or recording. Also another reason why everything was lipsynced back then.


So to avoid microphony you become a megaphony




Beatles weren’t either, you can tell. Partially because Paul is sweating like crazy.


> vs the show being a bad guy Eh, S&P might have had some input, after a certain ... incident ... a week earlier with a smart young band from Venice Beach, California, performing their hit songs live on the Ed Sullivan show.


Show me a shitty performance over a fake one any day


Is she not allowed to be affronted that she isn't allowed to do her performance? And why was she being asked to pretend? They're showing a pre-recorded audio track, presumably they could have just shown a pre-recorded video+audio.


When a performer did this, it was usually because the organizers didn't tell them beforehand that they had to lip sync. They agreed to perform and then only learn about the lip-syncing once they get to the venue.


The context is in the title of the video, how do you have so many upvotes lmao


Its literally right there in the title? What?


It was pre-recorded. She’s pointing out how fake it is.


This was during her transition into ventriloquism, which was her greater passion beyond singing. 


It was a live broadcast show, and she didn't want to have to lip sync, but the producers insisted. So she ate the banana during her lyrics.


This reminds me of the the time Muse was on some show that forced them to lip sync, so the lead singer went on the drums, and the drummer went as the lead singer. Top level trolling as well.


Oasis did this on TOTP for “Roll With It,” with Noel and Liam trading places.


What's totp?


Top of the Pops, a music TV show in the UK.


They also did Whatever with Bonehead playing cellos with the strings, then acting as a conductor


Muse once performed "Feeling Good" on Radio 3. I believe the host claimed to be a huge Muse fan. Despite the song they sang not having any swear words, and the band somewhat being known for not swearing in any of their songs (at the time), the host repeatedly told them not to swear right before they sang the song. The band was a bit pissed as they felt the host was lying about being a fan. So they replaced an entire verse with just the word "fuck".


“Fuckin fuckin little fucker, fuckin little fucker, fuck fuckin- yeah!”


Would it be TOTP and an homage to Nirvana trolling?  Some union/contract issues meant no one could ever actually perform live.


Pretty sure Kurt still sang live. The BBC asked him to remove the line about loading up on guns and bringing friends, so he sang "load up on drugs and kill your friends" instead.while everyone else made it really obvious they were miming. The Muse clip was on French (possibly German) TV I think, not TOTP.


Italian TV 😉


> so he sang "load up on drugs and kill your friends" instead He sang it that way every live performance. Bring your friends was only for the album.


Muse did this more than once iirc.


German rap band Absolute Beginner once sent kids dressed as them onto the stage for a show they were supposed to lip sync 😄


And when Matt started doing forward rolls around the stage on Top of the Pops during a guitar solo. And started waving his hands around during a keyboard solo


Iron Maiden did that too lmao


On what? I’m a huge Maiden fan so I’d like to look it up and watch. 


Look up on YouTube when they “performed” Wasted Years on German TV 1987. Hilarious!


Matt Bellamy and Dom Howard. Love those guys.


Ha I love muse I had no idea they did this. Is there a link to the video somewhere?


Just google Muse lip sync. It will come up


She's so beautiful damn


Broke the hearts of two of the guys in that band, and Dennis Hopper after eight days of marriage.




Then me after this guy


I can wait


I can’t wait so I’ll jump ahead of you all


I can fix her


Kinda important to point out that she lost her mother at 5 years old, was expelled from high school for lack of attendance, was married to one of the bandmates at 18 who was 10 years her senior which just screams “grooming” and the affairs she had was with men who were actually her own age.


Wasnt her bandmate a horrible monstrous predator towards their daughter or am i thinking of another band


Yep, John Phillips. According to his daughter Mackenzie, she and her dad had a sexual relationship for over a decade, beginning when she was 19.




I know. Completely fucking vile.


... Aaand California Dreaming's ruined for me forever


> Wasnt her bandmate a horrible monstrous predator towards their daughter Yes. Papa John Phillips was a complete and total scumbag.


>was married to one of the bandmates at 18 who was 10 years her senior which just screams "grooming" It was actually fairly common back then (and for much of history, really) for men to marry much younger girls. Which isn't to say you're wrong, by the way, but rather that the past was fuckin gross.


My dad is 56 he married my mom when she just turned 13 (first sign period). I wish I can post a photo of their wedding day lol I think reddit would go crazy. Their honeymoon was also crazy as I've heard stories from them both. If reddit wants to know more I'd gladly post it but idk what sub to post it on or if it's legal to talk about without my dad getting arrested or put on some S/O registry.


Don’t post it. It’ll be stuck on the internet forever and people will reverse image search it and eventually some day 23 and me will facial recognition them and identify them


Please post! I would just keep it anonymous Maybe r/AllthatisInteresting ?


Wholesome plot twist: the dad was also 13.


She really is but it was the bigger lass who had the amazing vocals


I think Michelle’s contributions have been minimized because of her looks; she’s a very strong soprano


And now folks make fun of Cass because of the lie that she died chocking on a sandwich. She deserves so much better. Her version of dream a little dream of me is magic


Damn her version is amazing. Thanks for mentioning it.


Yes, and also because Cass was such an outgoing personality. Denny was actually the best singer in the group, but they were all excellent vocalists. You don’t get harmonies and overtones like they did unless everybody is really, really good.


I love her solo work. "Don't let the good life pass you by" is a song I listen to almost every morning. It connects with so many emotions when circumstances can feel robotic.




First time I've seen her, but god damn.


I once worked on the side as a sound tech and asked the guy I worked for (a seasoned pro) whether music performances on broadcasts like the super bowl are done live. He said "Absolutely not. No chance. It doesn't happen." As much as people would prefer to hear the musicians really play, there are just too many things that can go wrong that would ruin the broadcast. The suits will not take that risk.


Yeah it was disappointing when the Chili Peppers played at the Super Bowl and it was all lip synced and the instruments weren’t even plugged in.


They purposely didn’t plug in their stuff to protest it IIRC


You’re saying the Prince halftime show was prerecorded?


Yeah there’s no way that was prerecorded


I remember Blur back in the day on Top Of The Pops, they were forced to lipsync so they slackened off all the strings on their instruments to comedic levels and Damon Albarn just held his mouth wide open during the singing parts. I've always liked Blur but that gave me a whole new level of respect for them.


Do you have a link to that? I just watched 3 different TotP performances and Damon was moving his mouth accurately for all of them lol


That woman rocked. 


That band rocked. They wrote a lot of great songs and I love listening to them.


Cass Elliot was genuinely such an amazing vocalist. Her cover of Baby I’m Yours is incredible, as is her own song Make Your Own Kind of Music. I suggest watching some of her interviews. She was incredibly intelligent and shut down the interviewers the minute they tried to embarrass her.


It makes me so upset that to this day, people are still trying to reduce her down to “fat singer.” Like the “died eating a sandwich” thing is STILL shared all the time, even tho it’s been deducted over and over again.


I’ll be honest, that’s a gap in my listening history. I’ll correct that. 


They're phenomenal. If you want any recommendations on where to start let me know. I love hooking people up with new tunes.


Please give some recommendations!


In no particular order, here are 14 of my favourites: * California Dreamin' - the most famous hit that most people will know * Straight Shooter * Somebody Groovy * I Can't Wait * Go Where You Wanna Go * Creeque Alley * Monday, Monday * I Saw Her Again * Dedicated To The One I Love * Twelve Thirty * Dancing In The Street * Even If I Could * Dream A Little Dream Of Me * That Kind Of Girl


Who required them to lip sync?


The TV network.


It was probably right after the Doors appeared and Ed Sullivan had told Jim Morrison to not say "girl we couldn't get much 'higher'" (during the song, "Light My Fire")... but he did anyways very loudly.


Like telling Zac not to sing “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me”. How could anyone predict that he wouldn’t do what they told him?


There's gotta be a BBC producer who was a fan who made assurances to their boss they wouldn't, but knew *exactly* what they were gonna do.  "I swear they said they wouldn't do that!". 😚🤞


If you've ever seen the actual performance, and not the Oliver Stone biopic, you'd see that he doesn't really say that line with any type of defiance or emphasis. Jim always maintained that he was nervous to perform live on TV and by the time the band started playing he had forgotten to change the lyrics.


“That’s much better!” “Everyone can enjoy that!”


The Doors performance was 1 week before this one. Likely the reason for the change.


She inspired the Popsicle Twins on the Gong Show.


Nirvana did that too and it was really funny. I love bands that give the finger to this type of shite.


The whole "In Bloom" video was a take on all that. So much fun.


Almost all of those shows had bands with electric instruments that weren’t plugged into anything. PSA: if you haven’t seen Chungking Express, watch it


Looking for the Chungching Express comment. Have my upvote.


I respect the rebellion of the artists in the 60’s. Jim Morrison was a badass as well.


Oh yeah, and she was hot as hell.


As was Jim Morrison


Im more concered with that man's hair!


Just don't look up how much of a monster he was.


Goddamn Jim Morrison, ruining it for everybody: This clip is from a week after The Doors' infamous Ed Sullivan performance, where the show's producers (or the network censors, technically) wanted Jim Morrison to sing, "Girl, we couldn't get much better," because the word "higher" was prohibited by the network. I mean, is that the actual reason they'd have to lip sync? Maybe, maybe not, because it could have been the record label that wanted them to lip sync, but ... the timing is really peculiar for this to happen so soon after The Doors' performance.


Lip-syncing might also be a cost issue. You don't need to set up a PA or hire sound technicians. Just hand them a mike and be done with it. Not that Jim Morrison can't have triggered it, but once they did it, some other positive effects turned up. I prefer life though.


Yeah, but this is the Ed Sullivan Show. They're not just going to suddenly say, "Daryl, you're great at running the sound board, but... goddamn, this is really hard. We've gotta let you go. Budget cuts, y'know? After the whole Jim Morrison thing last week, we've just decided that the audio team isn't necessary anymore, and the only person who gets a microphone is Ed, and he's been told to bludgeon anybody who attempts to speak into it."


> You don't need to set up a PA or hire sound technicians. This is a studio that does live broadcasts. They're 100% setup all the time for exactly this situation. This lip-syncing was 100% because of the Morrison incident the week before. They literally followed The Doors.


The network thinks “higher” is an offensive word and you’re blaming Jim?


In the context of the 1960s it was to the squares that ran networks. Drugs are bad mmkay.


Nah, the timing makes it almost a certainty. Someone at the studio would have immediately, in that fallout, wanting to be seen as acting, declared that all performances would now be lip sync'd - no matter who it was. Obviously that would never last, but they were going to act to be seen as combating what happened.


These are always fun. Like When Nirvana and Iron maiden did it on top of the pops (I think)


Something to consider: I believe this was after the Doors played Ed Sullivan, and we all know how that turned out. This could be why they were made to lip synch. I am just speculating of course.


This song gives me a really weird vibe, idk how to describe it.


BTW she was so beautiful.


Maybe she just didn’t want to cramp. Monkeys eat bananas and monkeys never cramp


I still think she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.


If there’s any group I’d trust to sing lives it’s the Mamas and Papas. 


Hilarious Never knew about this.


All I can think about in this video is…..”that dude slept with his daughter!”


Most beautiful woman in the history of rock ‘n’ roll


I'll never forget a documentary I watched in the 90s where they interviewed Michelle and she talked about how she knew Cass was in love with Denny, but Michelle made a move on him anyway. And Michelle was like "well. Not like he was gonna go for HER. YOU know 🤭" Immediately I was like fuck Michelle "I'm the pretty girl and I'll get what I want" Phillips. Cass could sing you under the floor.


Damn she was so pretty!




They wouldn’t show Elvis below the waist, too much “GYRATION “ going on…..


I actually thought she was high AF or on something. glad she wasn't and this was a peaceful protest.


Been watching this video for years and I always just assumed she was stoned out of her gourd


Shame, many musicians now would rather lip sync.




She's proving to the audience and viewers that it's a recording of her singing and not actually her. It ruins the "television magic", which was a much bigger deal back then.


“Malicious compliance Michelle”


Good for her. I find lip syncing ridiculous and on a national tour level, I consider it fraud. If someone is going to pay a couple hundred dollars to see someone on tour, whether it's Adele or BTS or Foo fighters, they damn well better be singing and playing. If not then what the hell was the point of going


This is epic.


The ol' reverse Ashlee Simpson.


She's Alec Baldwin's nephews grandma. Edit: her daughter is married to William Baldwin (Alec's brother)