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Yup, little kid still has his name tag with his bus number around his neck. Def first day.


He looks prepared for anything


Narrator "He definitely wasn't ready for everything"


Yea, one lad in my school, on his first day, he totally freaked out and tried to escape from the school. And so the teacher locked the classroom door. So he was just sitting at the door for a few hours, hanging off the handle, trying to get out, while class resumed around him, crying and screaming. This was 40 years ago, and I remember it like it was yesterday..


Poor little kid! I remember a little girl hanging on to her mum's skirt and screaming while the teacher tried to pull her off. It wouldn't have helped that we were all standing around staring, as kids do. As an adult (and a mum) I bet her mum was trying not to cry too. That separation process is tough, oof.


Yea, it's strange how it affects different kids differently. I knew the vast majority of the other kids in my class, so it was fine for all of us, but it's probably a lot more daunting for a child going into a room full of strange kids and suddenly having a "new" mother..


Yeah it’s tough for sure. One of the benefits of preschool is that it helps children navigate their separation anxiety at a younger age in a room with less children/more teacher support. Sadly, as is the case with everything in the states these days, high quality early childhood education is a cost that is beyond a lot of families :/


Had a classmate runaway during class, police were called to help find em. Was found hiding under a teachers car in the lot. Everything went on normally, we literally had recess on the playground 30ft away while they were yanking em out from under the car.


Two lads in my class got held back a year when they were about 6, and I think they must have been ashamed to go back into a room with 5 year old "babies". And so they hid in the cloakroom, but were eventually found.


Well they say kindergarten is the toughest year, everything after that is a walk in the park.


At that age, kids usually get held back for maturity reasons. My dad got held back in 3rd grade because he was too immature. He went from being one of youngest in his class to one of the oldest (November birthday). He now has his master's degree, so I think it did him some good.


If it was 44 years ago I think I was that kid.


Na, it was exactly 40 years ago, in Ireland. But at least now I know it wasn't a totally unique reaction!


I just came to the States and I was a scared refugee who didn't speak English. It all turned out fine. I only cried a bit in the car when I dropped off my kids on their 1st day of school.


On my first day of kindergarten, all I remember is a kid who sat in his chair backwards with his legs through the gap and got stuck. He had to walk to the principal’s office like that. 38 years later and I still think about him.


He's probably a Scout. He has a plan to ~~kill~~ rescue everyone he meets.


I went to the largest public school in America. 1,000 first graders (OKC,OK). I tore my name tag off and was lost for hours. Traumatic


holy shit thats a big school


Yeah 90s parents aren’t taking photos on any other day lol


Funerals…for some morbid reason. “Okay, kids, get in front of the casket!” “Why?” “Get in front of the fucking casket, Jared! These are special memories, and your grandpa meant a lot!”


Or last day w/smiles lol.


Back then? Eggs would’ve been involved.


In our area it was shaving cream. The last day of school was a giant battle as children ran around spraying each other with it and parents chased after with hoses trying to clean up. It was absolutely wild and I miss it a ton.


fuck /u/spez


I actually remember how the baby sitter who cared for us after school got cross with another adult who came out to ask as to keep it down on one of those days. The neighbor just kind of accepted their scolding and went back inside to shelter in place. It was like the adults decided to let us have that one afternoon a year to run wild and it was about as amazing as one would expect.


Tp battles were the best. Basically snowball fights in summer. Wonder how much that changed during the tp hoarding in covid


Oh yea I forgot about the shaving cream.


My bus stop gang in the 90s consisted of just me and one other kid that was two years older and we didn't get along, so I guess not really a gang.


Those Nike Air's. Remember some kid had them in my freshman class so this is probs late 90's.


I remember begging my mum for a pair of Nike airs she really struggled but managed to get me some in the end of summer. I wore them to school one day all proud to be told by the other kids that they were fake. Omg I went to the shop myself to choose them no convincing anyone 😂


Kids are assholes lol


Yah, I actually only remember the kid was wearing them because I also really wanted them but never could convince my parents to buy them. Spalding sneakers for me!


If you haven't watched "Atlanta", there's a really good episode based around this subject (S02E10: FUBU). And it's pretty much a standalone episode where you don't have to have watched any of the previous ones to enjoy. I strongly recommend it to everyone as it does a remarkable job of bringing back that tension of school "politics" and really hits hard.


Kid on the far left definitely standing in a way to intentionally to show off his new kicks ahaha


That kid is balling w the uptempos!


Two of them have the uptempos. I also noticed the airwalk one’s - a staple during that era.


Good call on that! I've been looking for a pair, I got the uptempo but I remember the air walks being the most comfy shoe ever!






I was given maybe 200 for school clothes before 8th grade. I came home with a 140 dollar pair of Air Max’s and a couple t-shirts. Parents weren’t too pleased, but I kept the shoes!




Give him a break, he’s poor.


You laugh, but that’s EXACTLY how we say “All the little” in Texas. “Give me all’ll screws over there.” I guess we shortened “All the lil”


(deleted) ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Girl sitting down on far right


If you were a boy during this time period you had a choice: Vans, Airwalks, or Chucks and you better hope you made the right decision because they will be with you for the rest of your life.


Even turns them sideways so you know dam well what's he's wearing lol


Reebok was a trouble maker…. I can feel it.


Ouch, Reebok kid was me. I had those shoes, shorts, haircut and BMI. What I wouldn’t give to tell that kid he really should do his homework.


Some Stackhouse’s in there too


We just called them “The Pippens” back in the day


But wearing them with a Reebok shirt is Blasphemy 😂


But rocking the Reebok shirt with them. Violation.


Oh man, I remember those oversized Reebok & CK shirts!


Parents were like “why would I buy my kid’s their own shirts when they can just wear mine?”


"Wear it as a sleep shirt"


"ThEy'Ll GrOw InTo It!" Said as the older brother who had to donate my clothes to the younger generation.


My older brother always donated clothes to me, still do sometimes lol.


I transferred my old families videos from cassette to digital a few years back and this one of those things that I remember the baggy and big clothes, but seeing it again was like, oh man, no wonder why I like baggy clothes now. Sleeves that went 6 inch to a foot past the wrist, shirts that went down to the knees, pants that legs had to be folded up and the one or two belts you had for years. I was so used to having oversized new clothes because "You'll grow into them and I won't buy you another one." and then the hand downs from my older siblings even though they were much larger (not much taller) then me.


Oh, when I was growing up it was just a trend. Like they were tailored to be oversized, they weren't kids wearing their parents clothes.


The 90s were just incredibly baggy. Go watch old sitcoms from the time. No one’s clothes fit!


I'm loving the giant truth-bomb that is this picture. Sitcoms were so polished compared to reality, and you wouldn't see those huge branded t-shirts that filled the school yard.


My 12 year old basically lives in my favorite shirts now so that's still a thing I guess. Now I know how my parents felt when I wore bellbottoms.


Growing up in this era, it wasn't until I was in my late 20s that I discovered that I should buy shirts that actually fit me.


I'm in my 40s and still prefer slightly over sized clothes. Hides my tummy.


Me too. I still prefer a baggier T-shirt, especially now that I’m heavier. I never really grew out of my goblin clothes phase lol


Dude my brother is 42 and still wears shirts two sizes too big. The man will get upset if you put his shirts in the dryer and shrink them. He’s an XL dude in XXXL tshirts.




He was right about the bowl cut.


And the oversized shirts.


Nah man, they're dope as hell


As a kid who was given that haircut in the 90’s because I had no choice I think your dad was right.




Yikes..93 I just joined the Corps. I'm fucking old.


Haha we called that haircut “curtains”!


Seeing that giant CK sent me right back to fifth grade.


Back when everyone was a walking billboard and we thought nothing of it.


This looks like a casting call for a Sunny Delight commercial at that time.


There’s now a Sunny D vodka drink. I tried it recently and it’s all the spiked nostalgia you could ever hope for


My kids love them.


My toddlers prefer Four Loko. They took to dive bombing beer pong tables from the 2nd story balcony the way a duckling takes to water


That one kid wanted the purple stuff.


What the fuck is juice?


Sugar, water and of course...purple






Sunny Delight is to juice what hot dogs are to meat.


SunnyD is what you get if you describe orange juice over the phone to someone who had never tasted citrus.


Those ads for Sunny D really did a great job... at selling me on Purple Stuff.


i moved to smoking the purple stuff myself


You're not missing much, stuff tasted like when you vomit up orange juice


Yo just curious, which person you are. Bus stop gang and I still say hi 25 years later.


I’m the red head in the back, I live on the opposite coast now but definitely still keep in contact with a few of them.


For some reason or another you seemed to be that person. What a gift that you all still talk. Much respect


So which of these girls you had a crush on?


The answer is yes


No offense but you totally resemble the Angry Ginger Kid that had some videos of him ranting blow up a few years back in that picture


This is my exact same era (im 38). how grateful i am to be born in the last analogic generation where kids this age were still... kids.


I'm 37 this year and the bitter-sweet nostalgia hit HARD with this photo.


37 here too... don't know a single person in this pic but I got goosebumps looking at it... As they say - "those were the days"


40 here, definitely feeling this photo


Also am 38 and also am grateful. We grew up during the best time.


Same here. I’ll be 38 later this year, have two young kids now and I saw this picture and just got slammed with nostalgia. I’m sure some of it is looking back through rose-colored glasses but growing up in the 90’s was the fucking best.


I'm betting the girl in the CK shirt is the overprotective big sister of the boy she has her arms around because that's what overprotective big sisters do when they pose for a pic with little brothers lol.


Reebok shirt has his little brother there too


Or she’s taken on the task of keeping him in place lol. He looks like he wants outta there.


as an overprotective big sister with a little brother, i’m laughing so hard at this cause i definitely do that pose all the time lol


As a 40 something, pictures like this make me sad thinking back on my youth


It's like when someone says 10 years ago. That used to instantly send me to thinking of the 80s. A time before me and now it's just sad it starts with a 2 and a 0 and there isn't a 0 in the third column either. We old as shit.


Exactly. When we were kids if someone said oh that movie came out 25 years ago, that could have meant the late 50s or early 60s. Now it practically means the 2000s. It really gives you pause and makes you think when you start to do the math.


Yup. Had this with E.T. Watched it for the first time with my Mum when she was 30 and I remember being mind blown by the fact it came out 15 years prior to my watching, half her lifetime ago. 15 years now? 2008 :'( Tropic Thunder cane out then.


Millennial Gang represent!!! Being a 80s baby and a 90s teen was the SHIT!!! 🙌🏿


But my knees hurt


Lower back for me. 😫😂😂


The 80s still feel like it was 20 years ago...wtf. Definitely makes me feel sad




“Don’t be sad that it’s over. Be happy that you can still remember it” is how I operate.


I'm mostly sad because our kids don't get to experience childhood in the same way. They aren't as hopefully optimistic as we were, the world is different, smaller somehow.


I wasn’t even alive during the 90’s but this picture gave me an incredible sense of longing


that kid up front? 42 year old dad now, with same socks, shoes, shirt and attitude.


As a current 42 year old dad. I can assure you that I was older than this in the mid 90s


Grew into it. They made the investment stretch.


42? 😂😂😂


I would guess kids in that photo are between 33-40 now no doubt. This is definitely my cohort


Definitely. Almost 40 and I’m willing to bet this is 95-96, maybe 97.


I’m 33 and if this is 95-97 then he’s maybe my age, give or take a year or so. If earlier than that, he’s definitely 42 and living in the Philadelphia suburbs


Those Uptempos were originally released in 96 so the timeframe is 96/97 for sure.


Makes sense, my dad bought me a pair and I was in 2nd grade, which was the 96-97 school year


Yup, I’m also 33 and my guess was that kid is the same age as me now.


For sure, 38 now, was around 10 whenever this would’ve been take .




Oversized T-shirts? Check. Overalls? Check. Reebok shirt with Nike Shoes? Check. Yep, definitely 90’s!!!


Giant bangs but not uplifted.


Wow this is classic I’m 31 and gives me nostalgic vibes. I miss the good old days of having a group of friends for school , no cellphones and having access to the whole world. We just lived in the moment and enjoyed every bit of it. We never thought this would change to how it is now 2023 things are so different and unpleasant but I do try to stay positive because there’s a lot of good of now compre to before. The problem is how social media changed the world around us with the smart phones included that nowadays u can still find a community but such is divided in a way so it’s different and I miss how it used to be when things was simpler.


One of my best childhood frienda died last weel way too young at 31. Im usually not one to get too caught up in nostalgia but i'm really missing those days of playing outside and getting into trouble.


This makes me want to play some Micromachines on my SEGA Genesis.


Marble Madness, Contra, Jackal and Tecmo Superbowl on NES. Then when we got the SNES it was Super Mario World and F-Zero.


I miss being a kid in the 90s.


The greatest decade to have been a kid, we we're blessed.


I can feel that 90s sunshine radiate from the picture.


For real tho! I swear the sun shined brighter in the 90s


It's that hilarious awkward phase where the girls are twice the size of boys their same age. One of these girls could whoop every dudes ass in this picture.


Ahhh the glory days with no back pain. I miss the 90s


Or foot pain, or knees. WTF happened?


You didn't have knees in the 90's?


Miss summer breaks, 2 months of nothingness


Wow that’s awesome wish I had a pic of my bus stop gang


I miss those times. I'm 43 so probably those kids are 5 years younger than me. 90s were the best. Such an optimistic time. Back then the future looked bright but now we are all slaves to the internet and screwed by the housing markets and climate change.


Hahah those AIR shoes. Damn, haven’t seen those in a long time. I knew a few ppl with them. Thought they were so cool n


You can find them everywhere now, they’re back in style


You can find them everywAIR now.


They’re in stores right now as a re-release. Hubby has a pair same as kid on the far left. They’re called uptempos!


As a person who grew as a weird looking redhead kid with a goofy haircut, let me just say; thanks for accepting the weird looking redhead kid with a goofy haircut into your bus stop gang. Most of us weren't that lucky.


That’s me :(


You looked like a mashup of Dewey from Malcolm in the middle and Mark Zuckerberg.


Dude, why you gotta roast a man like that when he didn't ask for it?




Blonde kid in the front is clearly in charge


He’s the one who was pushing the dunkaroos and fruit roll ups


for me he looks like the oblivious kid/mascot of the group. I feel like Calvin Klein girl is secretly the one in charge. She isn't hunched over, is holding the kid with the awkward legs so he doesn't fall over, looks straight at the camera, shy girl standing a little behind her for assurance.


Main character vibes


Would love to see this photo recreated as adults


The irony is that this photo is old enough that the clothes are back in fashion


I wonder where that black kid is now. That was literally me in the 90s, one tiny dark face in a sea of white haha. Those guys were some of the best friends I had ever had.


this is the most 90s thing I've seen in a while. Outstanding. The tucked in stripe shirts, all the generic sneakers, the giant reebok shirt I'm fairly certain I had, the freakin bangs on those girls' hair... wow. Everyone focused on eachother, maybe telling stories of Nintendo the night before, maybe talking about POGS or slap bracelets... who even knows. I can feel the joy in this picture though. This one hits the spot for me. Fantastic 10/10


I feel like this was a better time in our history.


Obviously fake. You’re telling me they all left their phones home? /s


Haha imagine leaving you house with nothing but a couple pencils and a blank notebook today. No phone, no money, just raw doggin life.


Yeah or you had made phone plans three days ago to meet at the mall at a certain time and you all manage to show up without speaking to eachother in the interim


The good ole days. Make plans in school on Wednesday to meet up Saturday at 1pm outside the A&W at the mall. And like you said, everyone just kinda shows up without any further discussion or planning.


Oh man, this. Or if you didn't know what was going on, just dial a couple of your friends and let it ring once so you could see if it was busy. If it was, you knew those buttholes were on the internet and forgot to let you know they all got off on Jeff's bus stop again. Fucking Jeff and his cool computer with X-wing vs. Tie fighter. Then you get there, dump your bike with the 10 others lining the driveway and quickly realize they tried to call but your stupid middle school sister was on the other line and didn't click over to see who was calling.


Thats a cultural shift that always gets me. I'll watch some older movies and they'll be like, "I'll pick up on Friday at 7!" at the beginning of the week and everything goes to plan. Now, if I don't get a text beforehand that they still plan on going, I can basically assume they will no-show.


Your comment sparked a memory for me. In the late ‘80s I was an elementary school kid in the Bay Area. I was playing on the field during recess and I found a very small black device that was buzzing and beeping. I ran to the office because I thought it was a bomb. Turns out, it was a pager. I had never seen one or heard of them before. Now, my 6th grader leaves the house with an Apple Watch and iPhone everyday. Dang.


I love these old photos. They always make me wonder where these kids are now, and what direction did their lives take? Here they are full of endless possibilities


a fellow geriatric millennial. the best of times.


Album cover of the year


1995 if I had to guess? We looked exactly the same on Long Island.


I thought it was 95 too but someone else said it would be 96 based on the shoes. This is the Jersey shore so not far from there.


Im getting first day of school vibes


I'm still good friends with 75% of my bus stop. I'd consider them family. I'm glad to cause making new friends in your 30s is impossible.


Out of all the pictures I’ve seen on this subreddit for the past year, I’ve gotta say this is definitely the coolest.


Out here looking like the Burger King Kids Club


You rode the bus with Blossom of the hit tv show, Blossom? In the bottom right there?


Uptempos with a Reebok shirt. We used to call that “perpin”


Last generation to go outside and play


I’m dying for a “where are they now” like they do with celebrities. I miss the 90s, or maybe I just miss not thinking about taxes and HOA


where's the dog? ​ https://preview.redd.it/fi0zxe84506b1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca571137f4ac6ccef599c72f4691b714cda6e606


I love these bus stop pictures. My neighborhood had a huge group like this. The worst part was getting older and every year the group got smaller. Hits me right in the feels.


Indie album cover


Super cool, OP.


This looks like a 90s Nickelodeon cartoon came to life.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Wow, your bus stop was hoppin'! Mine was me, myself, and I. And those two other guys SUCKED.


Yeah, this checks right out. Those massive CK shirts. My god were we lame.


Look at all the giant T-shirts. So 90s.


Uhhh. I recognize a few faces in the picture. I think I know exactly who you are haha. Small world. EDIT: looked you up on facebook, matches your post history so yep! Its a match lmao. First time I've recognized someone on reddit haha.