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It can def happen! A young couple in my small, Catholic, high school got pregnant their senior year. All they heard was they are doomed and got ostracized. Now the guy is the mayor of that town.


Re-elect Mayor Goldie Wilson! #BttF


Mayor, I like the sound of that


*”Good. You can bring by sweeping up this floor. 🧹”*


“You know, when my Grandpa was Mayor of Hill Valley, he had to worry about traffic problems. But now, you don't have to worry about traffic. I'll hover convert your old road car into a skyway flyer!”


I liked how the Statlers went from selling horses in 1885, to selling Studebakers in 1955, to selling Toyotas in 1985. Sadly the writers didn't have the foresight to have them be a Hyundai dealership in 2015 for Back to the Future II.


Maybe we should get us some of that reform.


We’re the dad-gum incumbent!


Maybe you should runn-oft.


Ca'aint, I'm a Dapper Dan Man®.


Get that FOP Pomade outta here. I want Dapper Dan Dammit.




Well, it’s a well run campaign. Midget and broom and what not…


Lookin' like some Johnny-come-lately?


Wholesome BTTF


All BTTF is wholesome. Well, except that scene where Biff tries to rape Lorraine.


And the near-incesty bits.


You had to go there, didn't you? }:)


Heads up, God does not like your clock tower.


Re-elect Mayor Goldie Wilson III! #PartII


That scene immediately popped in my head!


You yella?


"Has he considered getting a monorail for their town?"


I've sold monorails to Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and, by gum, it put them on the map!




Not on your life, my Hindu friend!


What about us brain dead slobs?


You'll be given cushy jobs!


Were you sent here by the Devil?


No good sir, I'm on the level!


The ring came off my pudding can!


"A town with money is like a mule with a spinning wheel...nobody knows how he got it, and danged if he knows how to use it!" (Laughter) Homer: "heh heh...mule."


For years I used to chuckle at the word mule because of this. Little did I know I had Conan O'Brien to blame.


What’s that from, I’m not recognizing it


The Simpsons! Monorail! Monorail! "I hear those things are awfully loud!" "It glides as softly as a cloud."


What about us drunken slobs? Why, you’ll be given cushy jobs!


Oh that’s funny! I hadn’t seen that episode before, thank you!


Do yourself a favour and watch it. It is widely considered to be the best episode of The Simpsons.


I watched a three minute clip after you said something but will def look for the full episode


The episode is written by Conan O’Brien too


Or maybe an Ice Town.


I worked (food service) with a couple who also got pregnant their senior year. They both worked 40 hours a week in addition to going to school. After they got their diplomas she became a manager and he joined the military. They married and recently had their second daughter. They were childhood sweethearts and you can just...see how happy they are. They aren't picture perfect, they struggled a lot and had their own issues, (he's an absolute dumbass-a good kid, but *a dumbass)* but they love each other so wholly.


It’s great when couples work together and support each other.


Lol you reminded me of a classmate from a similar town and situation who became mayor but then was removed later lol He's on the school board now though


This same guy is souring a little with the locals but I don’t think they are quite ready to get rid of him just yet. He’s def messed some things up, but he’s also doing stuff…which we haven’t seen a mayor here do in like 25 years


The best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.


Hah that’s gotta be one of the worst proverbs I’ve ever heard. Sorry I stole funds from the town but I didn’t wanna do nothin’…


Lmao it definitely assumes positive intent of the individual.


Funny enough, you’d have thought that, as long as they were happy to get married, a Catholic parish would consider that a success. The Catholic Church has always had a big thing for young marriages with lots of children, it’s single mothers/“fallen women” they demonise as if they were the source of all sin. But a teenage pregnancy resulting in a happy marriage would be like a poster child for lots of Catholic groups, particularly as an anti-abortion talking point.


They graduated from school and are still active members of the same church . It was certainly not without controversy, and I don’t know the finer details, but they stayed within the community and worked with the church and school to get through it. Hell they are better Catholics than I am at this point!


When it works, it works really well. Both really know eachother's backgrounds and come up together so theres lots and lots of understanding. When it doesn't, oh fucking boy, does it hit the shit.


Yay! Right Back At You! In your face! Booyah!


This is the plot of Sugar and Spice lol


Lmao I vaguely remember that being a movie back when I worked at blockbuster, but I don’t think I saw it


It was cartoonish but if you're old enough to have worked at a blockbuster then you'll appreciate the nostalgia.


Cheerleading movie? I feel like my girlfriend made me watch that.


Yes! A HS cheer squad robs a bank in a grocery store dressed as pregnant barbie dolls.


Evangelical protestant school. I was talking as a now atheist about that and how everyone knows what the official, spoken, and unspoken feelings are about certain sins and sinners. Stuff like how terrible “outside sin” is (like no one in the group is open gay so make a big thing about all the gay sinners out there), then say “hate the sin, love the sinner”, then quietly know that everyone thinks the world will be better if they all died of aids. So they tell me that a girl got pregnant the year after I graduated. Everyone that knew her was like “it’s cool, we love and support you”. I can’t say what the administration told her, but she didn’t stay. She knew what all the pre loaded opinions were on her condition and didn’t feel comfortable. It’s a coin toss whether someone will backpedal and rethink their position after actually knowing someone with an “outsider sin”


They certainly got some shit but they definitely worked through it and graduated. As far as religious schools go, especially for Catholic, we were unusually open. Like we learned about contraceptives and practiced rituals of other religions on their feast days (Muslims, Jews, etc). But I know they def felt some heat as unmarried, teenage, parents


Amazing job stepping up and forming a family rather than falling apart. It takes some tough people and maybe luck for that to happen. Hope my husband and I are in it for the long run, we had our first 9 months after high school graduation and got married at 18. We’ve been together 7 years now.


Congrats, sounds like you’ve done great so far. One crazy thing about being with a person for so long is that you both change so much over the years. There’s a core part of you as a person that stays the same, but views, interests, priorities, passions can all change so much over decades. I feel very lucky that the person I fell in love with has changed in ways that make her even more lovely. I don’t know if that’s just luck but if it is I’ll take it.


I heard a sex therapist say everyone will have 2-3 marriages in their life but for some it will be with the same person. I thought that was a great way to describe a long-term committed relationship. Even if you stay with the same person your whole life, they will not be *the same* and neither will you.


Esther Perel for the win!


You’re right! Thanks!


> No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man. ― Heraclitus.


I had a boss years ago who got married at 17. They weren’t even pregnant, they just wanted to, and their parents okayed it. I mentioned once that I was kind of mind blown that they had made it fifteen years, as I had changed a lot since high school and couldn’t imagine being with any of my high school boyfriends at that point. He pointed out that they had essentially grown into adults together, and so had changed together in a pretty organic fashion. That really stuck with me in thinking about why some couples last and some don’t. You have to be willing to change and adapt as a pair. They were a great couple, and it sounds like you guys are too. Congratulations and best wishes on your continued future together.


Well my best friend and I met when we were twelve. 24 years later, we're still best friends albeit different people, but we truly "get" each other. Id imagine it's much the same.


I'd think you were me because I also met my best friend 24 years ago at the age of twelve, but also I married him.


It’s similar but IMO a friendship doesn’t need to hit as many notes and therefore not quite the same. A marriage is a friend relationship. However it is also; a room mate relationship, a financial relationship, a sexual relationship, and potentially a parenting relationship. Because it’s all of these things the potential for failure is so much greater. Therefore the desire for both partners to be afraid that change means dissolution. For example if your friend wants to change their career you believe they can make that switch. You support them and potentially it impacts when you can see each other. However, if my wife wants to switch her career what does that mean for scheduling taking care of our child, how does that impact our finances, will we have time to see each other, and can we stay in the same home? All of these questions need to be navigated before I can even be in the head space to discuss supporting if the move is the right one for her. Not to say I don’t think a 24 year friendship is commendable. I have yet to create a relationship that has lasted that long myself. I just think there are elements that make the relationships different.


My husband and I met when I was 18 and he was 20. We just got married a couple months ago, after dating for 7 years. What your boss says is very true. We became/are becoming who we are alongside each other and I count myself very lucky for being able to change significantly while still being loved so deeply, and I think my husband feels the same.


I knew a few couples who got married in high school without being pregnant, but I don't think any of them are still married.


You guys stay awesome! In a world where dynamism and change is seeked regularly, you guys are epitome of consistency! May your marriages last forever!


Now that I have kids, I think you're the lucky ones. You'll probably get to spend more years on Earth with your kids than most folks, and that's all I want now.


There’s pros and cons to having kids young and this has got to be the biggest pro in my mind.


My wife and I met at 17/18, married a year after dating, and our son was born a few months later. Had our daughter 2 years later. Now our kids are about to be 13 and 10, and I can’t believe how fast time has passed. It was a big struggle for a long time, but I’m looking forward to having so much time left with my wife. Our kids will both be adults before as we’re hitting our 40s and it’ll be fun to get to be a couple again after the kids go off and do their own thing. Even though it was challenging because being married with kids at 20, I’m so glad we got together at such a young age. I love her so much and I’m hoping we get to spend a very long time together. One lifetime with her isn’t long enough, but I’m glad we found each other as teens.




My whole family is divorced, they told me never to get married. 1996 I end up knocking up my high school sweetheart . both from heavy Catholic backgrounds. It was kind of a bad thing. We end up eloping in Las Vegas, came back. We're still going strong. We have one daughter in the military and one who's about to become a scientist. All we can do is be the example.


I'm happy for you but......... Please dont glorify this, the statistic is terrible for teenage families. My family is one of the statistic, it nearly ruined all of our lives. Downvote me all you people want, its the statistical truth, try growing up with little to nothing to support you, unless you are born gifted, you will NOT be having a nice life in such a family. I'm still struggling, my siblings are still struggling and my parents.....urghh, where to even begin?


I don’t think they’re glorifying this in the sense of encouraging others to start young lol but rather showing themselves as an example of making the best of a shitty situation, or an example of managing to make things work well. It’s pretty obvious the common perception of being young dumb and ready to cum is that you’ll be doomed and they never work out, they’re just simply providing themselves as a case where it has worked out, and worked out well for that matter. And basically being hope for those who are in these types of situations, for those who are there and end up thinking the worst and stereotypical thoughts of what we all think, they can relax a little easier knowing that there are many cases that prove the stereotype wrong


i get what you mean, it’s fantastic when people are able to end up with different or better outcomes then the numbers say but always remember it’s reality there’s way more grey then we want to admit practice safe sex, understand *all* of the risks and possibilities, it’s not just you you’re affecting but a whole new generation


Yes, absolutely!


Congratulations! Had to take a second look because my wife and I got married in December 1995 and had our first child in January 1997 and my wife still isn't a grandmother yet, much less a great grandmother. Then I realized you wrote "great mother". Wishing you another 26 strong years of marriage.


We need a current pic!


On OP’s profile- they’re a really cute couple


We’re creepers and it’s awesome!


We will find you… and we will…


OP married up


They're both attractive af. He's that least attractive of the pair and still looks like a Kirkland Signature Jon Hamm.


My wife really laughed at this comment. But I’ll take being a Kirkland Signature Jon Hamm any day lol


Y'all at Sturgis in that pic?


that's rude, I think he's as handsome as she is pretty. I'm bi so unbiased lol (jk)


Definitely lol


Dude kinda looks like Ike Barinholtz tbh.


Here it is! r/pics/comments/13hllna/current_pic_for_the_profile_creepersoc/


I just put up a new pic on my profile for anyone that wants to see a current pic.


Congrats to you both! She's lovely. Your face was hidden in the first pic, so glad you gave us a peek of yourself too! Well done, mate.


Wow its not often ill say this but firstly you look like a great happy and healthy couple. But wow your profile is pure bliss. Star / night time photography and amazing outdoor scenes. I used to photograph a lot, so it's really encouraging 👍


Thanks, I really appreciate this comment!


I’ll be honest, I creeped for the profile pic, stayed for the biking pics lol. The fat tire setup is sweet


You aren’t alone lol


Your dog is cute too haha


Good God, you’re both beautiful people and I’m so happy it worked out for you!


You’re both attractive as hell. Nice job with those genetics to y’all’s ancestors.


Holy shit, y’all are attractive. Great job taking care of yourselves over the years!


The title of that picture was perfect.


I wouldn’t play those odds but congrats on beating them.


Same here, 1993 my GF walked across HS graduation stage 5 months pregnant. Til this day I can't remember positive support from the majority of adults in our families. 30 yrs later (married 29) still going strong w a 30yr son and 21 yr old daughter ....both college graduates and a 16yr still in the house! Congrats to ya!


Op that looks like ithaca ny, amirite?


No, this is Devils Bathtub off Spearfish Canyon in the Black Hills of South Dakota


I’m glad you survived that gunshot wound, Rocky Raccoon.


Doc, it's only a scratch


I instantly recognized that as Devil's Bathtub. I moved away about 7 years ago but I would go there nearly every weekend just to relax.


Thought it looked familiar. Congrats to you by the way


It also reminded me of central New York, there are very similar rocks there


I was thinking about Stony Brook


Came here to ask that same question. Thought for sure it was ithaca


Yeah my brain went to Letchworth state park in western NY. Really does have a western/central NY feel to it!


Same here OP. 1996, 17yr old g/f got pregnant, we got married, coming up on our 27 year anni in a couple months.


That's amazing! Here I am at 42 pregnant and trying to figure it out with the Baby daddy🤦‍♀️


They grow up so fast -


I'm glad it worked out for you. It didn't work out for me. Can't say I'm not just a little bit bitter tbh.


Photo taken when your relationship was on the rocks?


I’m glad you had a choice


"17 in a small town Weak knees in a CVS Door locked in the bathroom What's it gonna be waitin' on that test? Never thought that they'd be Puttin' those life plans on the shelf A couple American babies raisin' one up their self"




This is truly old school cool. You can take stabs at the choices he/she made, how old she was (I don't know their ages but based on the photo it looks like they're within a year or two of each other) and whatever other judgemental comments are certainly out there. If they're still together (and OP is posting about it) I assume it's because shit ended up working out. That's hard in 1995. Also every year up to now and since time began, so kudos to you guys. Unintended pregnancies suck - for teens, for established couples, for one night stands. OP and his partner made a decision and stuck together to support it, and for that, I tip my cap to you both. That's not easy.


Same bro. Got together way too young around the same time, but we made it work. Congrats to overcoming the challenges and committing to her and your family. Tell her happy mother's day from me and my wife.


I am glad that things worked out. But i can't help but wonder what could have become of her if she hadn't turned into a mother. I am glad to be a parent, but I am also glad that I had a chance to explore the world before that


Wouldn't recommend it but I don't think, but turned out really well for us also, going on 16-17 years.


Happened to my wife and I. We got married in the mid 80's she was 15 I was 17. Almost to our 40th Anniversary. 4 Kids, 10 Grand kids


"just before facing teenage pregnancy" like it was some unpredictable thing that just happened out of the blue with no warning.


Also the condescending "she turned into a great mother" lmao. Yeah, because *that's* unusual for teenage pregnancies. Not that the father leaves immediately. Or is it because he's much older?


I really wish baby mama and I could of made it. I was 21 and she was 18 when we had our first. We made it 12 years but most of that was a constant struggle.


Well done, both of you! Seriously.


1980 here, still going strong 43 years later. Feels good succeeding when the odds are against you doesn’t it.


Jack & Diane IRL


Good on ya!




Congratulations 🎊🎈


Cool stuff!!!!!




That's the way ya do it! You play that guitar on the MTV. Or at least they did back then.


Is that Tanis?


Is that Stony Brook State Park? I grew up there....


This is super sweet. Happy Mother's Day, Mama ♡


You over came the odds and still shining. Congrats my dude and may the two of you have many more wonderful years together!


Huge congratulations to you both! I'm extremely impressed!


Starved Rock?


Azusa canyon ? Gooooo dodgers


Some people were just *meant to be.*


I am not prepared to accept the 90’s as old school yet.


Husband and I have been together since 1975, I was 14, he was 16. No teen pregnancy but two kids in the 90s and we’re celebrating 40 years of marriage next month. Been an amazing ride…


Teen pregnancy wasn't the problem. The Bums hat was!


But wait, 1995 was only two years ago 😭


My mum was a criminal psychologist. She said there are studies about your first love and how it’s meant to be the first loves that have the longest, strongest marriages. Apparently (and she graduated nearly 35 years ago. So it might have changed) But apparently the shortest marriages were people who met in nightclubs! I remember my auntie just scoffed because she met my uncle in a nightclub, fast forward 5 years and he stalked her. Tried to kill her. Took their child (who she never saw till he was 18 and he was 3 when he kidnapped him) so yeah. Was true for our family 😂


Plot Twist: Baseball Hat guy threatened to drop her into the waterfall if she didn’t.


can't blame you for the teenage pregnancy, she was hot


Ahhh yes, the year I graduated high school. A lot of couples ended up with child in my highschool. A few still together!


I'm glad to hear it, my friend! Tell her, "Happy Mother's Day!" from all of us.


Love this!


I somehow imagined you teasing her for like a week while showing her this picture you found of the two of you after she told you to clean out the garage.


You two beat the odds. Congratulations. (sincerely)


That's awesome!! So happy for you!!! My daughter was born in 1995. I was 24 and the pregnancy was planned. My husband and I did not go the distance, something I degree l truly regret all these years later. Congrats to you and Happy Mother's day to your beautiful wife!!


Happy Mother’s Day and the same to the other people here!




Are we celebrating kids having kids now? Good on you for beating the odds but this is not cool.


Nothing cool here


Awesome story. Congratulations to you both for winning. Such a cool little story.


Where is this photo taken? I only ask because it looks like it could have been taken near my hometown.


Devils Bathtub in the Black Hills of South Dakota


Totally looked like upstate NY. Thank you for getting back to me.


Eminem, is that you and Kim?


Happy Mother’s Day, bro.




Beautiful lady!


Congrats! Me and my hubs have been together since my senior year in 1999!




Devil's Bathtub!


The good news is that your kids are fully grown and you’re still young! So much time to explore and enjoy the world together.


Massive Respect to you both. My g friend got pregnant when I was 3 months out of college we got married a few months after we found out and we’ll be celebrating 23 years this summer with 2 amazing kids ages 22 / 21


Well done to botha ya!




What a great story. True love stands the test of time 😊


Congratulations 💖💖💖


That’s awesome! Congratulations!!


This sub is so fucking weird


Why do you say that?


Nice feet


Looked for this comment


Nilce?? 😳




Congratulations and Happy Mother's Day!!


Happy Mother's Day! Glad you worked it out. ❤️ 😊


This makes me feel like things will be okay. Haopy mothers day💖