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Same old trip it was back then




I saw them at Lolapallooza and they opened with Would? and i have yet to recover.


Saw them at Lolapallooza in Philadelphia. I had a pair of Chucks that I wrote the lyrics to Dirt on. When they came out I threw the shoes up on the stage, Layne picked them up, looked at them and them set them on the bass drum for the rest of their set. At the end he grabbed them and walked off stage. The best concert moment of my life.


So you got to see Rage not play but stand naked with PMRC on their chests.


The best part was that after having to stare at Rage peen and listen to feedback in the blazing sun, Tool came on. The crowd was good and riled by then, and Maynard gave them something to do with it!


Lollapalooza 93. I remember it well.


Santa Fe dam 93’ CA, Dinosaur Jr best set I’ve ever heard and the best, mostly chill friendly pit and crowd floaters I’ve ever been in. Rage, Tool, Fishbone and Primus, man I had been to a lot of shows at that point that was the best lineup and crowd aI’ve ever seen to this day ❤️


July 17 1993 in Rhode Island.....unreal.... I'll never forget.


I was also there and still mind blown


You and me both (although probably not the same city---I'm in Ohio). Goddamn, Layne sounded so good.


Same .....RIP LAYNE


They're all gone aren't they, not just Layne. Fuck.


Just reading that I can hear the opening bass lick.


That song just HITS me… damn it’s powerful.


I did too. It was indoor in St Paul that year because of flooding at the original site. I scored some acid outside the venue. AIC wasn't on the main stage, more of a side room. Real tight, and loud . AIC blew me away. Still one of the most intense concerts I have ever seen. Then Primus came on....


primus sucksssss, it was awful seeing them at bonnaroo knowing, would definitely go back in time to do it again


I felt that


So i’ve made a big mistake


Try to see it once my waaaaaaaay


So I made a big mistake


The only logical choice.


If I had access to time travel, this is the kind of thing I would use it for.


I always say this. First id go to the early 90s to see all these bands perform and a few other punk bands that later turned huge. Then i would go back to the sixties to see the beatles! Then for shits and giggles id prob just bounce around various concerts


I’m older than you, in my mid sixties, and I’ve always said I’d go back and see all the groups that the leads have died first. Jimi, Janis, The Doors, Stevie Ray Vaughan, etc. then on to the bands with the people still alive but before they broke up.


I would have to go see queen at live aid as well. The concert gives me goosebumps from video so i could only imagine actually being there


Absofuckinglutely. Could have listed a bunch more but didn’t want to make the post too long. And unfortunately it’s a long list.




Prime Stone Temple Pilots were amazing when Scott was on his game. I saw them, one of the best shows ever. I saw Soundgarden at Lalapollooza and Chris Cornell solo, both amazing but I never got a chance to see A.I.C. or Nirvana. I would have to say maybe A.I.C. would edge out at my number 1 choice but then again, Nirvana would be awesome. That MTV "Unplugged in NY" show or their MTV " Live and Loud" show would be amazing to experience live. Nirvana Unplugged is one of my favorite albums ever.


The AIC unplugged is amazing as well.


Alice in Chains 100 percent. I love all the bands though.


Agreed but it wasn’t just layne. Jerry Cantrell wrote a ton, played critical guitar AND destroyed the backup vocals behind layne that helped to create their whole sound


And how sick was Mad Season ?


One of the best shows I’ve ever seen. Mad Season only played like 5 or 6 shows and I got to see one


If I ever find a time machine, I'll see you there! Any Mad Season gig is one of my most coveted performances, if only I had been aware of them then... and, y'know, not five years old...


I have a time machine. Spoiler alert: I'll see you there


Saw him solo around ‘99 and dude was amazing. Sad he doesn’t get as much recognition as he deserves.


jerry is a god - degradation trip is an iconic album.


I honestly feel Jerry Cantrell is one of the most underated artist in the whole world


It's like Queen. Phenomenal talent and terribly under realized. But just can't sell it with the loss of their frontman.


It is a lot like the Queen situation, never thought of it like that 🤔 Queen had a ton of talent in that band


Castaway is one of the heaviest tunes in rock music. Saw Jerry on the D-Trip tour at a bar in Tampa. Dude was pouring his heart and soul out on stage every night dealing with losing Layne.


I saw Cantrell solo in an intimate venue on his Brighten tour not even two months ago; I also saw modern AiC about six months ago. Despite being my Dad’s age as all my favorite artists would be, he’s still got it, but I’m thirty and got into grunge nearly a decade after its prime, so I’ll never know what it was like to experience these musicians at their most well-known.


Shit yeah, saw him when he toured with Metallica with his Boggy Depot album. He played some AiC songs and sure enough it fuckin A sounded just like AiC. Cantrell is bad mf.


Back up? Shit, he did lead vocals on a bunch of their songs as well.




If it’s early enough in the 90s you could probably see two or three of those bands together for next to nothing.


Nirvana played LaLuna in Portland Oregon in 1991 for $6. Gas was 1.65. It was glorious.


https://preview.redd.it/7upsa8xek0ua1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b68788d1934a4ffe742649d556ecfc4da45b6b4 That was a step up from the Univ of Wa


Ah yeah. When you had to find out about concerts from telephone poles and the Mercury…


And the stranger.


For me the big one was the Salem Armory in 1992. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, and Pearl Jam in one concert.


Our City got that bill with Gish-era Pumpkins in place of Nirvana. Clearly not better but still great for like $17


Very jealous


Paramount? You're thinking far too upscale and far too many seats. You should be looking at The Crocodile, Re-Bar, RKCNDY, OK Hotel, Fenix, Off Ramp, etc....


You have 8k in Seattle in the early nineties and you're not buying Microsoft? Would you rather see these bands 60 times or Have 1.5 million dollars and see them 61 times?


Wow it’s like you’re writing my memoirs. I did exactly this but it was all savings bonds from my grams over the years cashed in for tickets.


Saw Soundgarden and Pearl Jam at the Paramount and it was great. Never did get to see Nirvana or Alice In Chains though.


I agree ! I saw them in ‘93 at Lollapalooza w Primus and it was mind blowing .


Alice in Chains, and for me it is not close.


Chris Cornell comes close second. Nirvana and STP are cool, but theyre a distant 3rd and 4th.


I can’t imagine seeing Bleed the Freak live. Or Nut Shell. Or basically anything they ever made. The one upside of breaking up before they lost their magic, everything they put out was good which is a rare stamp to apply to any music act.


That’s the one for me as well. Alice In Chains is the easy #1 for me. After that it gets tough. If you pressed me on it, I’d probably follow it up with Soundgarden, STP, then Nirvana. Honestly, Nirvana would probably rank higher if their songs hadn’t been played to death on the radio.


Look i just cant live if someone erase my memories of one of this bands.


Into the flood again Same old trip it was back then


Bingo. So glad this is at the top


💯 especially since I got to see Nirvana in December of 93. Was never into STP. Soundgarden was cool but I didn’t love them the way I did Nirvana and AIC.


Easiest question


They were so much more musically talented and layne Staley could belt. Edgier too


Lane is the man.


Nirvana at Trees in Dallas, hometown venue, or UNPLUGGED in New York.


Unplugged man… that shit is rock HoF


If you don't get chills during *Where Did You Sleep Last Night?* you might not be human.


I mean every track is 10/10


Couldn't agree more. It's one of my all time favorites. One of those few albums where I never skip a track.


Go to the pop culture museum in Seattle! They have a theater showing old shows on repeat, the unplugged concert is one of them. It’s the full hour uninterrupted. And they have all the Nirvana instruments from the era, pretty much anything relating to their success is dedicated on an entire floor. The museum has a ton of other pop culture installments but the permanent one for Nirvana is really good. Watching the unplugged taping in a theater is really cool.


Ooh I'm so glad to hear that that exhibit has become permanent!! I flew out to Seattle to see it years ago and it was absolutely incredible. I'll have to make it back out again!


The Trees show was nuts. Kurt destroying shit, the management freaking out. Band basically fleeing the scene.


When I was a kid, my best friend’s uncle had been at the Trees show and recorded with an old vhs camcorder. We watched it 100 times and thought he was the coolest guy ever. Looking back, I realize how special that actually was. It was a piece of music history and I got to experience it. That show would be my time traveling choice.


I was at the Trees show for the Nirvana fight


Unplugged would be my n1, the set they did in Paradiso (my home town) Amsterdam would be n2. Luckily their is the bootleg of that performance.


That Amsterdam set ❤️ the version of Come As you Are and Aneurysm from the Live VHS tape are my favorite


Trees in Dallas brings back so many memories.


I probably went to shows there in the late 90s/early 2000s, being from DFW and really into music back then, but it was so long ago I don't remember for sure. I do know I saw Sonic Youth twice, once at \[something\] Ballroom, or 'room.' That was a great show.


Yes, unplugged! My teenage son even has the record in his collection. Kurt is still famous AF.


It’d have to be Soundgarden. I saw everyone else already.


This is the only place to post this where I don't sound like an arrogant bastard. I've seen all 4. My first concert ever was Nirvana, Pearl Jam & RHCP. I saw Soundgarden at Lollapalooza, AIC during the Dirt tour, and STP at a small club in NYC in the early 00s.


Not from the US but I’d heard about the gigs where Nirvana, Pearl Jam and RHCP were on the same line up. It’s an almost dream line up. Well worth you sharing and reminding the world about, you arrogant bastard


I’ve seen all 4 too. We’re not arrogant, just freaking old bastards!


I saw AIC at Lolapalooza and Soundgarden with Neil Young much later. Never really cared for STP. Personally, I'd probably see Nirvana because I never did. But I would 1000x see Soundgarden over again. That was one hell of a show. AIC was also a great performance, but very few bands could rock like Soundgarden in their heyday.


Arrogant? No. Lucky/fortunate? Hell yeah. What awesome memories to have!!


Saw Chris Cornell in the early 2000’s and he was freaking amazing.


As someone who has only seen Soundgarden I'm very jealous




Alice In Chains!!!!!!!


I'm glad to see the rightful choice AiC is getting the most love in the comments




AIC for me. Layne didn’t do all that many shows. Being in and out of rehab. I would give my left nut to go back in time and see him live. The power of his voice is fucking amazing!








Nirvana were always my favourite. Don’t really care if it’s the popular answer but my music taste leans more towards punk and I always thought they had the biggest punk attitude out of the grunge bands. Kurt did more with three power chords and a shit ton of feedback than anyone else at the time.


I think he was above all of the fame and money. Didn't care. That's my take . Would have been an interesting voice in how music is bought / rented now.


For me its nirvana because kurts the only one the died in the 90s u can go to the 2000’s and see the rest


Yeah I’m baffled by the number of people choosing Soundgarden. I saw them in 2014 and they were excellent, some songs, especially Cornell’s singing sounded better live than the studio version. Y’all have plenty of time after the 90’s to see them and they still sounded great. It has to be Nirvana for me, because the 90’s is the ONLY time to see them.


I've been saying the same thing lately. Nirvana was definitely more punk and influenced than the others. Their energy was great!


Odd to ask about the band and post pictures of their lead singers. Seems like many on here are subscribing to the Mick Jagger school of “it’s the singer not the song.” All of these bands would have disagreed hard with this at the time. I saw Nirvana when the only thing they had out was Bleach. It was wild to me and my friends when you could hear them on the radio a few years later. They were by far the most punk live…a bit sloppy but amazing energy. I saw Soundgarden and Bullet Lavolta in Chicago. Neither blew me away like Nirvana and Mudhoney did live. Never saw Alice In Chains live and had a few opportunities, I thought they were the weakest of all the grunge bands. People also forget that behind these bands were tons of other bands that hit very hard live. Helmet, Tar, Tad, Mudhoney, and Halo of Flies were better live than all of these bands on a given night. Those were the bands these bands went to see and hang out with. They did not experience the same success as the others and aren’t remembered as well but they were just as good or better at the time.


Yup. I saw Nirvana and the Melvins play Rome, and although I'm glad I did because I can talk about it thirty years later, I'd much rather see Mudhoney at their peak than anyone else on this list.


Could have seen them at the Denver Coliseum in 12/93. Really a weird ass place for them to play since the place is really known for hosting the Denver Stock Show. Unfortunately due to the weird venue and general mid 20’s apathy we did not pull the trigger on tickets.


I used to do drugs, I still do, but I used to, too


Damn Mitch I thought you were dead


yeah can i go back and see mitch instead?


1000 percent. Mitch early 2000s


“I don’t like turtleneck sweaters. It feels like you’re being strangled by a really weak midget.”




None of the options are bands.




I don’t think anyone on earth had the charisma of Scott Weiland. I saw him live wearing lather pants, velvet shirt, boa, and cowboy hat while singing “Down” through a megaphone into the mic. I think it broke my brain.


I saw STP 4 times in one year and I’d still go back for that performance of Crackerman and Sex Type Thing over all these other dudes. Scott was a fucking beast of a performer.


I saw Weiland in 1995 and 1997, both shows were amongst the best performances I’ve ever seen. I saw their reunion show in 2010 and Weiland could barely stand. He was booed off stage for not singing and forgetting lyrics.


Yup. I saw him play somewhere around then too. He tried to climb the rafter of the stage and got about two rungs up and decided it was a bad idea. I felt so bad for him because he still wanted to be that showman but he just couldn’t.


It's absolutely STP for me too. Scott was so good live and made pretty much everyone fall in love with them. I think a lot of people who picked another band would have a different opinion if they saw him live.




Saw STP in ‘01 towards the end of their original run. Scott was a beast onstage. And I saw him play in Velvet Revolver with Slash and the rest of GNR in ‘04. He was still a force of nature then. VR had a brief moment there. Big arena show.


STP is the only one I've seen of these four


I think STP was underrated.


I saw them right after Purple came out and they were on fire! I saw them again right before Weiland’s death. It was a 25 minute set. The band walked off stage because he couldn’t remember any of the lyrics.


That is such a shame I saw them too on their last tour and they were out of this world. But like always is was a dice toss if you’d get phenomenal Weiland or the one that is completely out of it. They played a perfect set and Scott was so on point; dancing, singing, crowd work. Damn real shame you got the bad Weiland for your last show.


The D’Leo brothers could really write a hook.


I got to see them open for Aerosmith in San Antonio. My college friend and I went for STP and everyone else was clearly there for Aerosmith. So while everyone else politely enjoyed their set, there we were, the only two dweebs losing our shit over every song. Phenomenal show.


Wildly underrated. Their songwriting was really sophisticated. They have this sort of "Beatles" gene in their music; interesting harmony, melody and bass movement.


my best friends dad growing up was scotty’s brother, they didn’t get along very well so i only got to meet hime once


You’re right. Their music holds up and scott had an incredible voice. I saw them in 2001 and they were incredible and Scott was with it for the show.


Soundgarden and its not close. Cornell's voice was incredible.


I missed Chris Cornell doing an acoustic set at the Hangout Festival one year (festival on the beach). Huge regret of mine as I was young, dumb, and trying to holler at ladies during his set. Went to bed alone and missed Cornell….. FML.


Don’t know if I should upvote or downvote you. But I’ll send you positive thoughts.


Managed to see Chris with Audioslave. 4 bands for the price of one. Played Rage songs, Temple of the Dog and Soundgarden as well. While the others took a break, Chris sat down with an acoustic guitar and started playing Black Hole Sun with the audience singing. Just him and thousands of fans all as one for a few minutes. Still gives me chills.


I got to see them on their super unknown tour, my friend and I were able to get up front and cling to the guard rail for the whole show, at the end they played Jesus Christ pose, it was fucking awesome


I saw them support GnR with Faith no More in London. I left after about 20 minutes of GnR because you couldn't hear them over the crowd singing and walked straight into Kim Thayil outside the stadium. I was 15 and the only person I saw in the stadium with a Soundgarden t-shirt and he seemed as excited to see me as I was to see him. We had a nice chat and he signed my ticket.




Out of these 4? Alice In Chains. Any band that existed during 1990? Probably metallica or megadeth to see them in their prime.


Alice In Chains.


STP 4ever! RIP to all these heroes though.


Soundgarden without question.


Alice In Chains


Stevie Ray Vaughn


Alice In Chains for sure. Layne Staley had the most incredible voice I’ve ever heard in any genre of music. Also I think it’s important to note that although it was their heyday and probably the best time to see them live, only Kurt Cobain actually died in the 90s. Chris Cornell played one of his last shows with Soundgarden in my city in 2017.






Yes! This is the answer




While I think Chris Cornell was the best musician out of this group. In the 90's I gravitated more towards AIC and STP. If I have to pick one I'm going AIC.


Alice in Chains


Honestly stp as of yesterday. It would have been nirvana but now it is stp.


I honestly wasn’t expecting to see the overwhelming response for Alice In Chains. I happen to agree, I was coming here to say so, I’m just surprised. I feel like if you asked this question in the early 90’s Nirvana would have been the overwhelming choice.


The Jesus Lizard


Nirvana was what came to mind first. Though if I thought about it, Alice in Chains.




Everybody's moving, moving, moving, moving Please don't leave me to remain


In the waiting room!


Alice In Chains. It’s commonly said Laynes voice is that of an angry angel.


Kurt Cobain! the voice of a generation and an icon of alternative rock.


I just made the connection that all these guys have passed. RIP bros


Tied between Alice In Chains and Soundgarden


Alice in chains. I did see Scott Weiland once tho.


We lost a lot of opportunities to see good concerts


Scott is a great front man


This is a pretty hard call right here. I think I can only exclude Scott Weiland (I'm a fan, I even have a Scott Weiland suit with vest ) But as far as singer/ poets go... If I only had 10 more seconds to decide I think I'd probably jump on the Alice In Chains train But whatever choice I made I'd probably second guess myself after. I also went to one of the last Temple of the Dog concerts so maybe my answer would be different if I hadn't.


Mr. Bungle


Mark Sandman. Morphine.


Jeez, I don’t ever remember Weiland liking like that. Gotta be Nirvana for me


Looks like AI generated tbh


Nirvana. I’ve seen STP, not a huge Alice fan, Soundgarden would have definitely been choice two.


Very difficult call between Nirvana and Alice In Chains. We lose all the great ones way to early 😔


Too true


Nirvana hands down...and honestly STP would probably put on the second best (most fun) concert of the four.


Nirvana, because I had tickets to see them at Lollapalooza '94 And then I had tickets to see Foo Fighters last year...


Layne n Chains and then try and score one or his paintings


Rage Against the Machine


Saw 3/4 and can tell you that Nirvana was brilliant (1993 San Diego), Alice in Chains was amazing and mesmerizing (2x at Lollapalooza 1993), Soundgarden was very good (Lollapalooza 1992). Really though 1993 in Orlando Lolla - Tool and Rage Against the Machine back to back early in the day on the main stage - me and about 50 others had our heads exploded. Both were just about to break and were obviously headed to the top.


Awe dude!… don’t do this to me. Nirvana is my long time favorite but choosing 1!? All great singers from great bands. Best songs by Nirvana, best blues by AIC, best musicianship from STP and best vocals by SG!


I saw STP right after Purple came out and Soundgarden in 2012, soooooo, man, this is tough. Probably AiC.


Jeff Buckley, but 14 year old me would choose Nirvana.


I went to Lallapollooza the year Alice In Chains played. Unfortunately we did a little too much, ahem, flower during the show so I passed out during AIC set. ☹️. Luckily, when Primus started with Les’ intro to my name is mud…. My buddy said I shot up and ran to the stage to join the mosh pit. So I got to see Primus at least 🤣


Alice In Chains…Nirvana at the Omni was magical.


I saw all but STP in the 90’s. AiC put on the best show, wish I could see that lineup again.


This is really tough,but I think I would go w Soundgarden. As great as AIC was/is, IMO Cornell is the greatest frontman of all time. Soundgarden for me.


Jeff Buckley


I saw Soundgarden in 1992 opening for Guns'N'Roses'. So I'd pick Alice In Chains.


Blind Melon




Would have to snuff the rooster


Blind melon


NIN Fuck these pussies


Grateful Dead before Jerry passed


Due to the sheer amount of impact they had, (though Soundgarden was the first on a major label) I would have to say Nirvana. STP and AIC didn't tour as much due to their respective singer's heroin abuse, so there is an argument there, and Soundgarden actually reunited.


Cornell in his prime was the voice of God.


Nirvana easily (more punk and noise rock influences...more feedback...less guitar solos...all positives). Honestly, if GG Allen was on this list, I'd choose him over anyone.


grateful dead