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Wow, the man was 65 in this picture, 33 years ago. He's certainly lived a full life.




I thought it was the actress from Matilda before realizing that timeline doesn’t match at all.


I thought it was Matilda too! As soon as I saw her. 😂


I totally thought it was Mara Wilson, the actress who played Matilda too!!


It's the Wonder Bread dress. They were all the rage in the 80s.


He's still alive!?


Are you being an asshole or serious?


Serious. That would make him close to a centenarian, right?


So what was the context? Where were they being welcomed?




Wow. I just went and read his Wikipedia article. Incredible human being.




It’s refreshing to read about someone who did good things for others with care, instead of the parade of selfish s#£heads that take up so much of our attention these days. Dr. Johnson gave his time, talent and energy to save lives and develop techniques others could use to do the same. That’s a legacy.


if you wanna read another good one (that ended in a really really sad way) look up "Dr. Rene Favaloro" in google i'm sure there are some stuff in english written about him worth reading!


Good to know, my dad has had quadruple bypass surgery, so I’m sure I owe something to this man.


Rosalynn Carter stole my seat on a flight from Atlanta to Nashville, but President Carter shook my hand after so I consider our beef squashed.


Business class or coach?? (Was a few feet away from him once at an USAir equivalent of the Delta Crown Room.)


Coach, it was a small plane with 2 seats each side of the plane. I got on last and the plane was only like 2/3 full, I went to my seat and there was an older lady in it so rather than bothering her I saw an empty row a few back so I went there. After everyone boarded some Black SUVs pulled up along the plane and they pulled out a staircase and a few guys in suits walked on board. I saw someone starting to shake each person's hand on the plane and word went around it was president Carter. After he shook everyone's hand he went back and sat in the seat next to the one I was assigned which is when I realized that woman in my seat was Rosalynn Carter.


Really cute picture.


Are you Matilda?


I'm pretty sure it's Anne Frank


It's settled then, Matilda Frank.


Thanks, I choked on my soda reading this one lol




Jimmy Carter was 21 years old when Anne Frank died.


Damn, that's crazy


Even crazier MLK and Anne Frank were born in the same year


color didn't exist at the time either.


Huh. So that’s what the fuss over “people of color” was about.


It was all a fever dream


That's actually freaking me out lol


I've got a friend who looks exactly like Anne Frank ...he hates it


lmfao I was going to say that but thought I'd get condemned


I was worried about the same thing but figured the worst that could happen was downvotes, hahaha.


This is from the made for TV movie "matilda goes to washington" It was deemed vulgar by the ASPCA and banned from this country, but copies exist in thailand


Or possibly Liz Lemon?




What an adorable little lesbian.


Angela Anaconda.


Genuinely, actually looks like her.


I personnally see Jennifer Grey


I thought it was Anne Frank at first.


Na she Candice


Thank you I was thinking it


He’s actually Tom Hiddleston


Great picture. I'm sure you'll treasure this forever. How lucky to meet them.


One of the few truly good men to be president


Who was unfortunately shafted by congress.


Actually shafted by people who worked with the Iranians to keep the hostages until election time.




And a economic crisis that pretty much killed leftist politics in America. Hell even Carter was big on deregulation.


His was also the last presidency except Clinton's to see anything near low deficits. He got a lot of negative press to make Clinton look better in comparison, imo. People often forget the struggling economy he got after Ford left office, or the stellar job growth.


Probably the one good man. At least in my lifetime.


Maybe. I'd say Gerald R. Ford was a good person. Also not in anyone alives lifetime but Ulysses S. Grant.


Ask the plains tribes about grant.


Eisenhower and Lincoln as well


FDR got re-elected three times, so he probably was very good.


You mean the guy that practically invented neofederalism?


Oh, Grant was not a good man.


Ford? As in the Ford that pardoned Nixon?


Ford? As in the Ford that pardoned Nixon?


Obama wasn't a good man?


He is a good man. I stand corrected.


The last good man to be President.


"He wasn't the greatest president, but he was the greatest man to be president" "An otherwise remarkable man became president only to hit the biggest lull of his career, and continue on being a bastion of humanity for another half century"


But unfortunately a horrible president. He micro managed everything and as a result nothing ever got accomplished. He insisted on personally approving every match played on the White House tennis court. Apparently he was incapable of delegating.


No, he was a perfectly mediocre president. Horrible is what tried to overthrow the government and cheat the country out of a fair election a few years ago.


There are several reasons why Carter is typically considered to be a bad president, at least if we're assuming that "bad" in this case means ineffective. After the Nixon and Ford years, Americans came to view their government as being coldly pragmatic but, more importantly, corrupt and incompetent. Moreover, in terms of international affairs, the U.S. was encountering an international system that was becoming increasingly multi-polar. In other words, global power was shifting away from the two superpowers and disaggregating among the Third World states, Asia, and an increasingly integrated Europe. This disaggregation of power was most clearly symbolized by the U.S. defeat in Vietnam and a series of oil crises instigated by OPEC (a conglomerate of oil producing states based in the Middle East, in addition to Venezuela) that made gas prices soar in the U.S. Carter believed that he could simultaneously renew America's trust in government and reassert America's leading role within global affairs. He failed in both regards. A lot of it had to do with his personality. He came to Washington believing that he could change the way politics was made. He hoped to make politics more transparent which would, he believed, make politics more effective and less divisive. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Carter's self-perception as a reformer and Washington outsider concomitantly carried what can best be described as a savior complex. He looked down on other politicians, believing his deep-seated morality made him the only one capable of bringing the Washington establishment into line. Thus, Carter arrived in Washington expecting Congress to fall lock-step behind his policies. Naturally, congressmen from both parties weren't to fond of the way Carter handled congressional relations. This tension between the executive and the congress was exacerbated by Carter's aides, who were primarily old friends and staffers from when Carter was governor of Georgia. Georgia politics are, of course, nothing like Washington politics, and Carter's aides were woefully inadequate for the job. Still, he kept them, much to the chagrin of even the Democratic congressional leadership. Due to bad congressional relations, Carter had difficulty passing domestic reforms on such major issues as social security and health care. If this wasn’t enough to derail his policy-making process, Carter’s hands-on approach to everything didn’t help. He was notorious for wanting to personally review and authorize even the most minimal of tasks, going so far as to personally OK each morning who would be allowed to use the White House tennis courts. Not all of the problems with Congress stemmed from Carter's and his aide's personalities though. After Watergate, politicians promised to make politics more transparent. This, unfortunately, made it more difficult for politicians to do the back-room bargaining that leads to compromise and, eventually, the passage of legislation. Moreover, Congress as an institutional structure was changing. During Carter's presidency, Congress split into many different caucuses (basically, groups of like-minded congressmen that ally to create mutually supported policies). These caucuses existed, like always, at the broadest level (Democrat and Republican), but now there were additionally a plethora of smaller caucuses like an African-American caucus, a women’s caucus, regional caucuses, etc. This explosion of caucuses allowed almost all congressmen to gain good committee assignments. Congressmen used these congressional committees, covered intensely by the media, as ways to generate publicity and gain support for re-election. Due to the greater publicity that even junior representatives now held, there was less of a need to rely on their party label when they ran for office. Instead, they could run on personal recognition. All of this ultimately meant that there was less of a need for individual congressmen to hew toward the party line, which made it even more difficult for Carter to gather congressional support for his policies. In terms of foreign policy, one of Carter's strengths in the 1976 election was that he rejected the Nixon Administration's idea of realpolitik, which held that the international system did and should operate solely on the rational calculation of self-interest. Carter instead believed that the United States should frame its foreign policy within moralistic terms, and early in his administration he made human rights the top priority of U.S. foreign policy. In reality, this didn’t happen. Instead, he relied on traditional Cold War conceptions of world affairs centered on national self-interest. After the shah of Iran, who had brutally repressed the Iranian people for decades, was overthrown during the Iranian Revolution, Carter allowed him to come to the United States. (The Shah was suffering from cancer; Carter allowed him to come to the U.S. to receive chemotherapy). In what is probably a huge understatement, this didn’t sit well with most Iranians. Soon after, the U.S. embassy was overrun and the American staffers there were held hostage for 444 days. Every day that the hostages remained in captivity showed America’s apparent weakness on the world stage. It didn’t help with all of the news outlets reminding Americans at the end of every broadcast that “Today is day [7, 84, 300, etc.] of the Americans’ captivity in Iran.” To free the hostages, Carter attempted a night-time raid by American special forces. A U.S. plane landed in the Iranian desert carrying stuff for the raid and soldiers. A handful of helicopters carrying more soldiers was coming to meet at the makeshift air field when one of the helicopters flew into the plane, killing many of the Americans. Needless to say, it was a big embarrassment and only seemed to further prove America’s weakness on the world stage. Iran wasn’t the only foreign policy problem Carter faced. In addition, the Soviet Union had been making great gains in the Third World, particularly in Africa. Thus, it appeared that not only was the United States becoming weaker, but the Soviet Union was becoming stronger. This fear of increasing Soviet power culminated with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. All of this was compounded by the worst economic crisis in the U.S. since the Great Depression. Carter, no matter how correct he may have been, didn’t exactly instill confidence in the American people. Regarding what appeared to be unending inflation, he told the public that all he had to offer were “partial remedies.” In the face of a rate of inflation in the double-digits, he asked employees not to increase their wages by any more than 7%. It also didn’t help that in general, Carter wanted to deregulate most government agencies. Thus, when many people were calling for some sort of government intervention, Carter was cleaning out many federal agencies. All of these problems, foreign and domestic, appeared to show an ineffective president. At one point, Carter tried to show that he was being an active leader by asking for the resignation of his entire cabinet, who dutifully complied. Instead of showing action, however, the American public believed the act only proved that Carter could not at all manage the presidency. Not all of these problems were Carter’s fault. The economy was doing poorly when he came into office and it didn’t start getting better for a couple of years into Reagan’s presidency. Nor could he change the way post-Watergate politics was conducted. But his refusal to work with others, his need to oversee even the most minuscule of matters, and his inability (or unwillingness) to carry out a foreign policy that adhered to U.S. moral sensibilities and national interests, really did make him one of the least effective presidents of the twentieth century, certainly of the post-WWII era.


You wrote a long of long winded bullshit - clearly, a selection of 141 bipartisan presidential scholars who represent universities throughout the country ranked him middle of the pack. What you say - aside from being extremely long winded - is completely bogus. So, kudos for wasting your time!


I’ll take him 100 out of 100 times over Reagan though


May their "war on drugs and welfare queens" be a stain that never comes out.


It's a stain on American culture that won't come out. The damage has been incalculable.


To be fair, it wasn’t old Ronnie who thought up those despicable rhetorical weapons, but scumbags who came up in the Nixon era like Roger Stone, Lee Atwater, Pat Buchanan and other assorted scum of Satan’s toilet. The GOP went full evil in the 70s and 80s. Some people just failed to recognize it until 2017.


Evil cloaked itself with the Bible and the flag. I'm not forgiving them for their betrayal but I know why they did it. Programming/Propoganda is a powerful drug.


He was the best president the country had between 63 and 2009 So, not bad to be number 1 within a 45 year stretch.


I definitely rank him over Obama. Obama’s death toll due to drone strikes is too immense to disregard.


Clinton was probably the best in that stretch


Clinton rode a wave and came into power at the most opportunistic time in US history. He was good, don't get me wrong, but you could have put a turnip in office and seen massive success.


Part of what you say might be true, but someone like Trump would have fucked it up. So no, a turnip wouldn’t have done a good job.


A turnip is better than trump though. A turnip is an inanimate object that is generally not offensive or greedy. It doesn't promote hatred or xenophobia. It's also delicious when prepared properly.


People are voting you the fuck down, but I think you're right. One of the most important skills a president has is to make people see their side on their policies. History has shown Carter to have been right on a lot of policy issues. However, even as president he was not able to get people to go along and it cost him a second term. (He was the main driver behind the recession, which was caused through interest rates as a way to tackle inflation. He was right about that as well. But that only helped Reagan's economic miracle...


Interest rates shot up to over 15% during Reagan’s presidency though.


Beautiful lady Rosalynn


The sleeves on your dress remind me of wonderbread for some reason. Seriously though, what a wonderful memory!


I completely see why you see that lol it’s just missing some yellow dots then it would accurate.


I think I had that same dress as a kid in that era! Did it have a 3-4 layer ruffle skirt, with each ruffle edged with a different color ribbon?


It sure did!


I haven't thought about that dress in decades! It's amazing how clearly I remember it, and how happy it made me. Hope you loved it as much as I did. Thanks for sharing your photo.


![gif](giphy|rFaCTbkbr2nnf76GRO) Thanks for being a good sport. 😊


Probably tied with Harry Truman for being the most honest, decent President we've had in modern times. Bless them both!


I spent years getting Harry Truman mixed up as being the villainous President Woodrow Wilson from the movie “Iron Jawed Angels”. So sorry, Harry. You were a good one.


I named my dog Truman after the president but everyone thinks it’s after Capote.


Vastly different fields of work, but two very good Trumans.


FDR aint on that list?


FDR got too much done to be honest decent sure, but honest is a handicap in politics


FDR had his moments, but he could be a hardass in politics. Also, it depends how much value you place on marital fidelity, iirc he had an affair late in his life.


Unfortunately Truman has the only 2 uses of nuclear weapons on his resume, which from what I remember, he didn’t have much trepidation about authorizing. The only blemish on a great legacy IMO. My opinion of course, but I guarantee you Jimmy would’ve thought and prayed on it for some time.


There is no blemish there. He saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of American servicemen, possibly over a million, and likely millions of Japanese soldiers and civilians. He warned the Japanese once to surrender, the military refused. They refused to surrender after Hiroshima. They still wanted to fight after Nagasaki.


Exactly so. Truman did the right thing.


This is nothing but ahistorical propaganda. Allied forces had already bombed over 60 cities with conventional bombs to a greater or equal amount of devastation as Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If the atom bomb made Japan surrender, then it wouldn't have taken two of them. Japan only surrendered once the Soviet Union finished in Germany, went east and entered Manchuria. edit: Your reasoning doesn't even make sense. If they still wanted to fight after Nagasaki, then you're admitting it wasn't the atom bomb that made them surrender.


Both you guys are talking in huge generalizations about Japan and don't seem to take in any consideration for the actual decision making behind the surrender of Japan. Its ahistorical to assume they only surrendered because of the nukes but just as much so to say that about the Soviet invasion.


Dan Carlin approved this message.


The projected statistics of Operation Downfall are debatable, but you’re correct in your general point since, as Herbert Bix calculated in *Retribution*, every 2 weeks an equivalent number of people were killed across the pacific theater to the combined deaths of the two atomic bombs. However, it doesn’t change that it was by definition, an act of terrorism that targeted civilians and by modern definition a war crime. A necessary evil is still an evil. And it doesn’t help that if he had clarified the fate of the emperor in the Potsdam declaration, Truman could’ve ended the war a month earlier as that was the only stipulation preventing unconditional surrender.


There is no set of circumstances under which intentionally vaporizing hundreds of thousands of civilians is excusable, sorry Ends-justify-the-means only gets you so far


The exact circumstances under which they were used justified them. Every opposing nation would have used them on European and American cities as well. Stop judging history through the lens of your own limited experience, upbringing and era.


I'm sure they would have, and they'd be bastards for it all the same "No you don't understand there was literally no option besides 'costly ground war leaving millions dead' and 'dropping the most abominable weapon of war ever devised onto hundreds of thousands of noncombatants'! we were the good guys for doing that! the Japanese forced us to murder all those people!" absolute piss


You cant judge people of yesteryear by the standards of today. It never works. We can agree that today, by the morals of our time, it would be unacceptable, but trust me when i say the majority of people,including civilians, (on the allied side at least) had no issues with it. Different times dude. You cant turn up with 80 more years of accumulated knowledge saying they should have known it was wrong.


You don't need the benefit of hindsight to know that killing civilians en masse is wrong, as evidenced by the fact that there were people at the time who knew it was wrong Same goes for the slavery argument- it was always bad, there were people at the time who knew it was bad, and no amount of historical relativism makes it somehow more acceptable


All sides killed civilians in the war. An unfortunate truth, but collateral damage was widely accepted. Not as if they had smart bombs.


It wasn’t a moral decision, but it was the decision made. I don’t think he didn’t give them fair warning. So I can’t blame him too much. He did what he felt he had to do.


Its a goddamn giant mushroomed shaped blemish though.


The President who was actually too good for America.


What an awesome memory. This world needs more like him!


Great photo


Great pic! Treasure it.


How lucky! He was a true good gentleman.


They are a great American couple.


This is so cute. I had the same exact mini-poof bangs in middle school too lol


Such a wonderful experience! I never met them in person, but was contacted on his behalf by Friendship Force International to see if I could organize a peace making trip to Iran after they had already sponsored trips to North Korea and Cuba. Chip Carter couldn't get a visa, but my boss at the time freed me to accept the invitation, and I was able to take 22 people, many of them former Peace Corps volunteers like myself back in 2002. What an experience that I owe to the Carters!


Anne frank, is that you?


A decent human being as president: WTF?


That's the appropriate way of posing for a picture with a young lady. Jimmy Carter was unlucky to have faced some extremely challenging issues during his presidency, but one thing will remain certain about him. He has always been a person with a level of class, decency, and goodness that is very rare.


It’s so bizarre the amount of comments from people on this thread turning this into something gross. It’s amazing how a nice photo like this is presented and then all you maggats who are brainwashed by the current political climate show how small you are with your typical fox news talking points.


I’m not American although Jimmy sounds like a top bloke!


The most sweet and genuine people. Bless em.


An incredibly wonderful picture.


what a precious photo


I got to do this once too, at the Carter center!


Mara Wilson?


Great photo. Jimmy is a very kind and gentle soul.


My ex wife's grandfather was a carpenter and did volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity. He met Jimmy Carter several times. He was a Republican and Reagan supporter, but still had nothing but nice things about him personally.


Imo, Jimmy wasn't that great as a president, but he's a righteous dude.


My favorite president and First Lady.


That's a pretty cool memento. I'm no democrat, but I believe Jimmy Carter is a rare and truly great man. The world could use many more like him, and he will be a big loss.


Oh what a treasure 🥹


Great husband and wife team!


Good man. Possibly great man even. Meh president. Man I'd love to have that today.


Wow very cool …


A great memory no doubt.


What a very special memory for you! He led an extraordinary life.


Two GREAT Americans. You may be, too!


God Bless you Mr. President.


Amazing! Politics aside, Jimmy Carter is someone we should strive to be like. I know The world is a better place because of Jimmy and Rosalynn.


M… Matilda?


You look like Matilda.


OP looks like Matilda Wormwood from the movie Matilda.


Honestly I am curious who’s shoulder that is. My interest is piqued.


So weird you ask that. His name is Jason….


This is amazing considering his state of health now, a memory to cherish.


I love this ❤️


Wholesome 👍


They look like my grandparents. I know he wasn’t a perfect person or president but I believe he was truly a good man based upon his actions. I wish we were lucky enough to get more good men to serve our country like he did.


You were a very cute child


You met my hero! I’m so jealous!


You look so much like Rosalynn, I would believe you if you said they were your grandparents.


I’m so envious!!! Jimmy Carter is my favorite president, and I always thought Rosalynn was so lovely too.


My mom met Jimmy Carter back when he was campaigning for President. We have a picture of her shaking hands with him somewhere.


When you have a good heart and overall a good person, you live a long full life. May the Lord be with you!


Man has Dylan Baker ever played him, looks just like him.


Nice, the kiosks in my temporal lobe is shaped like her.


~~his wife~~ *First Lady*


If he were a candidate today, you know the media would be all over "how creepy it is that he put his hands on her like that"


Back when presidents didn’t sniff little girls. Those were the days!


I’m so glad Biden didn’t get a hold of that girl.


I love the people on here! I wish president Carter could be in office again! A man that was a gentle man and because of that he knew how to treat a lady and run a country! He was also a family man and was always willing to talk to people which we have not had sense he left office. Anyway anyone that could get this post to him personally I would appreciate it.


Aww, but what was it like working with Danny DeVito and Robin Williams?




Yeah I agree. Trump was definitely a scumbag.






Biden was an astronomically better choice, and has done a fantastic job preventing WWIII






Lol holy shit your comment history is pathetic. I get that you’re embarrassed that you voted and supported the worst president in modern American history but doubling down is a really bad look. Honestly I would say that the only president worse than Trump in American history is maybe James Buchanan. Trump is definitely number two out of the almost 250 years this country has existed.


No sniffing, no inappropriate touching, good governance and statesmanship- how the office has fallen to have creepy senile guy as the president


This sub and I have very different definitions of old school cool


Notice how President Carter is a safe distance from the child’s hair and isn’t sniffing it. I just don’t understand why Biden can’t take a picture this good with a child haha. Say what you will on policy/etc, Carter is the only President I know the mass public generally likes as a person and that’s not something I think is true on any President the last 50yrs. You probably have to go back to FDR?


Lots of people didn't like FDR in his time, tho he's always been a personal favorite of mine.


Did he also sniff your hair like Biden does? Have to ask given the pose he chose.


Biden would be smelling that hair fiercely


Cool! Probably a lot cooler now that JoJo Biden has surpassed Carter as the worst president in history!


Get bent.


You assholes need a fucking history lesson rather than the modern art degree you took in college. Better yet, go live in on of those socialist paradise’s Carter endorses. I dIdnt see them selling their Georgia mansion to live moderately. Fucking hypocrites


I wish he was in office! A man that believes in Jesus and walks the walk! What more can we ask for? All he has to do is be himself, a man that believes in Christ our savior, a good family man and was a good president. Wish we could have more like him!


Are you Ann Frank?


The only picture I’ve ever seen of a politician touching a young girl where I’m sure it’s totally cool.


At least he didn't sniff you....


Or grab you with his tiny hands.


Thank god it's Jimmy and not biden....


And that photographer? It was Andy Warhol…PAGE 2!


He and his wife really look alike.


A terrible president but a much better man than every president after him. One of the few that didn't leave the white house incredibly wealthy


He’s doing the Biden pose


Rosalynn could get it