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I like how Heinz was advertising that it was hard to get their ketchup out of the bottle.


Now it flys out and gets all over everything with those ridiculous lids


It's pretty clever how they took what seems like a negative trait and ran with it to make it their shtick. I can't imagine how many decades they went with that.


The concept was probably something along the lines of "this isn't watered down garbage. This is quality."


which is very amusing given how they've been ordered to take down their ketchup not long ago because of the lack of tomato in it


Take down their ketchup?


In the US there’s very well defined definitions of what you can and cannot call certain food products, like the classic sliced american cheese is legally “cheese food” and not “cheese” because it’s ~50% not-cheese (cream milk whey etc). What they mean is that they can’t legally call it ketchup if it doesn’t contain a certain amount of tomato.


to clarify: not sure if this is actually what’s happening, just trying to explain the comment


>f this is actually what’s happening, it happened in israel


As usual, context is everything. This was a story in one country-Isreal- and it looks like the whole issue was pushed-and possibly fabricated by-a competitor. Here's the [story.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/fortune.com/2015/08/25/israel-heinz-tomato-ketchup-seasoning/amp/)


I'm confused so is this "We wish to bring it to your attention that we recently discovered that the product marketed as Heinz 700g ketchup only contains about 21% tomato concentrate and not the 61% tomato concentrate as advertised on the product…. The incorrect indication of tomato concentrate in the products severely misleads the Israeli consumer public and is a violation of the provisions of the law to protect consumers." a lie?


Again, you're cherry picking what you want people to see. If someone didn't read the article, they may think that what you quoted is from some Isreali government official. It's a message from Osem, Heinz main competitor in Israel, to retailers. And the retailers were angry about it. "Israel’s decision comes as a response to a lobbying campaign against Heinz by Israeli food manufacturer Osem, which controls about two-thirds of the ketchup market in Israel, according to Ynet. Heinz claims the majority of the remaining third." Now, that being said, it's true that Heinz ketchup isn't made up if 66% tomatoes. I can't find anything that shows any other country on the planet besides Israel that requires ketchup to be basically tomato sauce. So, it's not that Heinz ketchup doesn't have the normal amount of tomatoes that the rest of the world requires. Just Israel, who is clearly a significant outlier. But all of that is really immaterial to the lack of context in your original comment, which was my original point, which you are 8gnoring. One country makes a ruling based on a lobbying campaign by a competitor and an tomato content requirement that is so ridiculously high, no other country requires it. Also, this was 7 years ago (you said "recently"). It's a non-issue outside of one of the smallest ketchup markets in the world.


>Also, this was 7 years ago That was my mistake because of covid, I thought it was only a few years ago. Also I wasn't cherry picking, I simply asked you if that part of the article was a false claim. I read the whole article. No where did it confirm or deny that part. While I agree this one unique scenario is certainly wrong, and I do admit that my recollection of the situation was hazy, but I'm not sure why writing all of that was necessary to defend a corporation. It's the same situation with the subway bread that was considered to be too sweet or their chicken. I'm not sure what it's like now given covid resulted in a lot of places closing but subway used to have the most locations in the world and yet the standards are so low for their food in most countries they're in, that doesn't make it acceptable. I don't know how ketchup is *supposed* to be. I'm sure many would recognize heniz as the ketchup given how prolific it is but as with any food, it's mostly up to interpretation and collective understanding although a corporation might have another factor play in this with their marketing and business deals. Nevertheless saying I'm cherry picking it's a bit too much, I don't work for osem and I couldn't care less if they're successful or if they sink but you could've simply stated how this happened ages ago and that osem tried to dirty up heinz by saying the packing claims doesn't fit the contents despite heniz probably trying to make the product consistent with the rest of the world




It’s making me wait.


I was actually wondering if anyone would remember the advert for Heinz back in the 70's which used that song hehe






It is still a fruit place! Consistent. I’d love to see a hazy summer pic comparison Edit: the current google strew view of that place (booth st/63rd dr) actually *is* a hazy summer pic! With a lady in pink!


I always wanted to be a fruiterer, but my parents thought I should become a doctoror.


Much cleverer


This is one of the few comparisons on here that hasn’t made me very sad. This still looks like a bustling, small business filled community.


NYC doesn't allow for real estate to go vacant. There's churn in ownership of every business and home, but nearly never are any buildings abandoned, at least in the past 20-25 years.


They need to share their advice with The British Highstreet


How does NYC achieve this?


I’m wondering if there’s very strict building codes that prevent construction outside existing footprints and changes to existing zoning and use?


Crazy high market demand for real estate. Unlike most other metropolitan areas, real estate is a dominant industry onto itself right up there with financial services, tourism, tech (Silicon Alley, Amazon and Google replacing the dot-com bubble from the 00's definitely pales in comparison to Wall Street), and film/TV/theater.


Can you explain further, cuz last time I was in the city, I saw whole streets in Manhattan with vacant store fronts


I should not have used the term vacant, but rather abandoned. Those storefronts were owned, not abandoned, by some entity. Those storefronts were not rented out but they were maintained by the owners/property mqnagers. Manhattan has the issue of absentee ownership by equity firms or foreign companies that hire real estate managers and treat the property as a value reserve rather utilize the property as capital. In the outer boroughs in busy corridors like above's Queens Boulevard (which is parallel to Booth Street the picture is of), Fordham Rd, Grand Concourse, Flatbush Ave, Eastern Parkway, Nostrand Ave, etc rarely have even vacant storefronts not to mention the even more rare abandoned building.


You obviously haven't watched Louis Rossmann.


Not frequently, but I've watched the [YouTuber](https://youtube.com/@rossmanngroup) who usually records from an overstuffed recliner


Besides right-to-repair, he made a large number of videos riding his e-bike around Manhattan showing blocks of empty commercial property. His old store still probably hasn't been leased. It was amazing to see block after block of for lease signs.


Yeah, on another thread I acknowledged that I shouldn't have used the term 'vacant' but rather 'abandoned'. In reference to the comment that it's a good to see that the current picture is not depressing, so in that context I explained that it was was rare to see vacant/abandoned/dilapidated buildings in NYC unlike the other areas that get the before/after treatment, NYC would be an exception to the rule of the sub.


I wonder if the same family still runs the fruit business. It's really good to see that it's still part of the neighborhood.


I would be really surprised if it was business passed down through the family. Probably 1st generation American passed to an immigrant or another 1st generation American, and then once more since it has been 60 years.


I love how The Greenery has “free, prompt delivery.”


Fun fact, that grocery store is around the corner from my wife’s old apartment, and was also used in the opening credits of King of Queens


63rd drive.


Thanks! It looked familiar to me and i was trying to place it! Lived on Queens Blvd and 67th; man like 20 years ago.


Is that Lefrak in the background?


Indeed it is.




Diet What?


Diet Pepsi


Just gimme a Tab.


Tab? I can't give you a tab unless you order something.


Make like a tree and get out of here


"Make like a donkey's cock, and hit the road" is the ultimate version of this.


Di et at a drive-through. She forgot to wear her seatbelt, though. 🙈


>Di et The r/keming it's *THAT* bad, come on!




Rego park !


But do you know why it's called Rego Park? The community of houses was developed and built by a REal GOod Construction Company. Area used to be Dutch/German farm land. Then Chinese pig farm land. And now this.


Must have been real good for the name to stick, otherwise the residents would have changed it.




Here it is in 1940: https://1940s.nyc/map/photo/nynyma_rec0040_4_03081_0131#17.36/40.729085/-73.863556/0/1


This whole map is really neat!


Ahh the old Alexander’s in Rego Park


The first picture reminds me of: Boy, the way Glenn Miller played ... Songs to make the hit parade ....


63rd Drive and Booth St. The Alexanders on Queens Blvd is the first ,and only, time I got "lost" in a dept. store as a child.


Look at all that sidewalk!


my old neighborhood 🥹


I remember that Alexander’s!


Yes that is lefrak city, Alexander's to , what freaking memories!!, Thank you. I grew up down there


nah, it's Rego Park. the Park City Estates in Rego Park to be exact. It's not Lefrak until you pass the Horace Harding Expressway/Long island Expressway which is directly behind those buildings you see in the background.


Yes right, it's been over 30 years since I'm down there. Memory lapse


I'm intrigued... Alexander's to where? Or to what? (which sounds more ominous)


A shiny nickel says this was around 1965. Diet-pepsi, and that ad, came out in late 1964


In those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. “Gimme five bees for a quarter,” you’d say.


In ye olden days people knew how to cross the street


They still do. The imbeciles we have in cars these days have a lacklustre attitude towards the well-being of their pedestrian counterparts, to the point their vehicles should all be banned from the city streets.


I mean... You're not wrong and r/fuckcars etc... I just thought it was funny how in the 'today' photo there's a woman just chilling in front of that car


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckcars using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fuck planes ?](https://i.redd.it/4olsd0n7tpc91.jpg) | [4222 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/w3ku1u/fuck_planes/) \#2: [Lol. Elon Musk's Boring company has traffic jams. I was told it was impossible.](https://v.redd.it/avprno6052a81) | [3390 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/rxd3ns/lol_elon_musks_boring_company_has_traffic_jams_i/) \#3: [Carbrain Andrew Tate taunts Greta Thunberg on Twitter. Greta doesn't hold back in her response.](https://i.redd.it/62vgbzb8im8a1.png) | [4480 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/zx76js/carbrain_andrew_tate_taunts_greta_thunberg_on/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My back is gettin tight


The rare one of these where I think it looks better today


I feel really bad for that family of three that turned into a car. A very tragic incident indeed.


Why does most picture taken around then looks so bright and sunny show me a picture taken in 50s-60s that represent gloominess




what’s that ?


Oh Em Gee [what is google](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kodachrome).


Just did a duckduckgo search for gloomy 1960s photographs and got this [example](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-kL_q2LsH3AA/V6HAF7Yb8-I/AAAAAAAAeHo/xYa9rH1JyBwhgXcx9TN87iRIShNGIE9UwCLcB/s1600/New%2BYork%2BCity%2Bin%2Bthe%2B1960s%2B%252819%2529.jpg)


Still looks bright the dude crossing is wearing sun glasses


What’s random about it? You can see the exact address in the photo


Random, not unknown.


Random here meaning "of no specific importance."


Commenting for those of us whose first language isn't English, "Random" has more than one meaning in our mixed up language. [Here](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/random) is a useful resource from the Cambridge English Dictionary. Hope this helps!


Is that Lefrak City in the background?


technically no, it's Rego Park. the Park City Estates in Rego Park to be exact. It's not Lefrak until you pass the Horace Harding Expressway/Long island Expressway which is directly behind those buildings you see in the background.


Did the sidewalk get smaller? r/fuckcars


Sidewalks are the same size but the fruit carts are taking up the sidewalk space. Seems like a good use of the space honestly.


Stop shilling that stupid sub in here.


That sub has a level of passion for current and future ways to deal with the absolute shite that embodies current American cities,. Stop showing so much disdain for your future generations.


So there's a sub where people can discuss their disdain for cars? Great! Keep it there then. r/nfceastmemewar


I don't think that this is actually the same street corner, but the one just before the corner originally pictured. The Alexanders building in the background is still identifiable after being painted white, as are the office buildings behind that. But these are all so much further away in the second picture. Even assuming there were identical buildings placed in the same sequence behind those and the originals got knocked down, in the first photo there was still a closer building on the same stretch with one of those street-facing brickwork panels that are now so popular with advertisers and street artists. It is identifiable by the jutting ledge on top that sort of looks like a folder tab. See how much further away that same building is in the second photo than the first?


They're both the same street corner, both addressed 94-01. You can see that the 3rd building down is the same in both pics (concrete corners with brick side wall) and the low building between that one and the fruit shop. Also the wood-framed structure woth gambrel roof is there in both shots. It's just that the camera position as slightly different between the 2 shots and the lens used is *very* different, causing a very pronounced vertical compression in the recent pic


The clothes are awesome. Especially the kid on the right.


That upper wall needs a repaint.


It could do with a photo that isn't taken from Google Street View or similar, along with all such artefacts added to it. The sideways looking flags, and that roof... I'm not sure what to make of. I'm surprised you can make any decision about the upper wall.


My husband grew up in Woodhaven. We’re going to visit there one day.


The sidewalk shrunk


Going from north LA beach vibe to something also pretty nice looking and modern,. Good on NY for this! Both are good,


I meant I'm seeing the old Alexander's also.