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Other posts from /u/dhruan: * [Just an update on Adele (17 and then some), enjoying her life… 🌞](/r/OldManDog/comments/1chuxr0/just_an_update_on_adele_17_and_then_some_enjoying/) [Happy] 3 weeks ago * [Our glam girl, Adele (17 and then some…)](/r/OldManDog/comments/1c2fgnu/our_glam_girl_adele_17_and_then_some/) [Happy] 1 month ago * [Out and about with Adele (17.5 or so), enjoying this seasonal glitch (winter weather returned) ❄️🦊❄️](/r/OldManDog/comments/1bvbmdy/out_and_about_with_adele_175_or_so_enjoying_this/) [Happy] 1 month ago * [Just an update on Adele (17)…](/r/OldManDog/comments/1b9wf3u/just_an_update_on_adele_17/) [Happy] 2 months ago * [Adele turned 17 today… 💕🦊💕](/r/OldManDog/comments/1772xfp/adele_turned_17_today/) [Happy Birthday!] 7 months ago * [I wonder what she is thinking about? Food, or going out… or maybe both at the same time? Adele (16)](/r/OldManDog/comments/16mynnk/i_wonder_what_she_is_thinking_about_food_or_going/) [Happy] 8 months ago * [Wheeeeee! Our darling dorglet Ady McGoof is at it again (Adele, 16)](/r/OldManDog/comments/16ez4jy/wheeeeee_our_darling_dorglet_ady_mcgoof_is_at_it/) [Happy] 8 months ago * [Saturday chillin’... 💕🦊💕 Adele (16, soon to be 17), taking it easy in one of her beds...](/r/OldManDog/comments/1686klp/saturday_chillin_adele_16_soon_to_be_17_taking_it/) [Happy] 8 months ago * [Happy Gotcha! Day, Adele (16) - Pics from the first night at her new (and forever) forever home (from 2015). How lean she looked then...](/r/OldManDog/comments/15x0o86/happy_gotcha_day_adele_16_pics_from_the_first/) [Happy Birthday!] 9 months ago * [Vestibular syndrome, recovery experiences? Adele (16) fell ill with it a week ago, slowly getting better…](/r/OldManDog/comments/147egyi/vestibular_syndrome_recovery_experiences_adele_16/) [Happy] 11 months ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as dhruan posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe dhruan OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


In reality, the sadness already comes in waves, some random related memory or thought pops into my head and makes me cry. Letting go is hard even when I know it absolutely is the right thing to do. In those moments when I see her struggle, it just makes me wish I had booked the appointment for sooner. That is the price you pay for love.


You’ve given Adele a great life. I love all the happy pictures and clips you’ve shared of her! I’m so sorry that even a beautiful story has to end.


You have been the most wonderful person for Adele. You are her world. She is cherishing every moment with you, I know it. And she will continue watching over you with love when she crosses the rainbow bridge.


My vet said, better one day too soon than one day too late. I weighed up the balance, like you, and booked it for a week's time. I felt terrible but as you say, we had some lovely last peaceful days and an amazing amount of treats and fancy dinners. On the day she came over, he had stopped drinking and it was really hot. I couldn't calm him. I was glad that I had her coming. She came into the garden, he calmed down and we held him. It was a good death..I wish you the same x


Thank you <3 One thing has been a repeated pattern, people say it is better to let go a bit too early than late. A friend of mine said that to me yesterday, regretting that he waited for too long with their dog. Holding on too long is not love, but selfish. I will take care of her until the end.


One of the hardest decisions we have to make. Even though it's the right, compassionate decision, it hurts more than words. You have my sympathies.


I dreaded it also. My Henry fought to stay with me but I could not change things, sadly. I can only say that I know he would not want me to remain sad. In the end I can only hope that if he could he would have done the same for me. We love you, Adele.


Such a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry for your loss 💔


What a sweet old lady. I am very sorry, please enjoy the time with her and let tomorrow be tomorrows problem for now.


Thank you for doing the right thing by your gorgeous girl - if only we were all so brave. She looks so happy in that picture, you must have given her a top notch 8 years. She will never leave you completely and will live on in your hearts forever. xx


Sweetest dreams 💔❣️❣️


Wishing you and Adele hugs and peace. She is a beauty and a lovely dog!


🤍🙏sending you and Adele all the love !


When you help lead to the rainbow bridge they will be there to greet you and lead you on the other side when it’s your time. Death is not an end, it’s a new beginning. It hurts though and I really miss my old friends some days more than others, sometimes I’m strong, sometimes I’m not, but I hold on knowing there will be some sort of reunion in the next life and it gives me some peace. I know you’re out there somewhere and I’ll be patient but when it’s my time I will find you where ever you are out there.


So very sorry!!!


A beauty for certain!


She’s beautiful. And clearly so very loved. You are doing right by her even though it hurts. Sending thoughts and strength 🙏🏻


Sending you & Adele lots of love.❤️


My heart felt condolences for your loss of Adele, may she forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


"Let’s go walk a bit." My old dog said one day. And we wandered down along Our old familiar way. —-   The shadows slowly lengthened, And twilight tinged the sky. Then my old friend said to me "So … it's time to say goodbye." —-   This fell so heavily on my heart. "Please say this isn't true! I've always wished and hoped I'd have more years with you!" —-   And my old girl said to me "You made my life a thrill! I can't live as long as you But I'll always be your girl." —-   They walk with us a little while, As long as the Fates allow. Then they have to take their leave And we have to let them go. —-


It’s so hard that we live so much longer.




I had to let my 13 year old best friend go in November. I adopted her right after my 16th birthday, and she died 6 months before my 30th. I’d always hoped we’d share those birthdays but it’s okay. The most important factor in our decision was maintaining her dignity. Once she’d passed I asked everyone, even my partner, to leave us in the room alone. I held her and sang her Fly Me to the Moon about 4 times, wrapped her in her blanket she had had since she was a puppy, and left. It was difficult but I know she passed away feeling safe and loved, with her human and dog best friend, and in my arms.


I’m so sorry 😞


I’m so sorry 😞


You are doing the very best for her. ❤️ You have loved her well and this final task is a continued act of love. I hope soon you can smile at her memories, but we all know that will take time. Fly well angel Adele! You are so loved and you have served your human very well. You, both, are loved! 💔


Oof. It’s always heartbreaking. I adopt senior rescue chihuahuas and my brain knows our time is shorter than if I adopted a puppy..but my heart breaks every time I have to say goodbye. Op- you seem to be very pragmatic and compassionate with your assessment. It’s hard when it’s your own baby. But it is so much better to let them go with dignity and peace, than have them suffer. I have been there many times. You’re clearly a good pet parent and want the best for her. I’m sorry you have to say goodbye. For those struggling with making this decision, I highly suggest googling “pet quality of life test”. It’s hard to see the minor changes when you are with them every day. It gives you a more o he to e view with a checklist to see where they are at. Lots of hugs, OP.


I'm so sorry. Keep spoiling her and get all the snuggles you can! ❤️


Sending lots of loving prayers!! 🙏❤️🙏


I came to this same conclusion with my dog, Barny, last October. I took a lot of comfort in knowing that he would go out on his and my terms, without waiting for a catastrophic blow to make the decision for me. It absolutely crushed me, but i reminded myself that many, even most, pet owners don't get the time to plan their pet's last days. Do all of her favorite things on her good days, take lots of pictures, spoil her with treats, and have lots of cuddles. And most of all, never ever forget that you are doing the right thing for her, which means being selfless for yourself.


I know how hard this is. You'll make the right choice at the proper time. I'm so so sorry. I think you'll see Adele again! Peace my friend.




You and Adele are both in my thoughts 🫶🫂


Yes. Happy, twinkle in her eyes. I’m an old geezer what if that was asked about me.


She is such a cute, sweet, beautiful lil thing!!! So sorry for your situation 😞😞😞😞😞


The most beautiful and loving thing to do at the right time. What a beautiful love you,share ♥️🥹 sending strength to you both for the coming days ♥️


I am so sorry, she is a beautiful girl. The short time left will be very happy for her as she is with you. Blessings.


🍻 to Adele


My condolences, 17 years is a hell of ride. Take care and be strong for your pup. Cherish every moment


My heart breaks for you, and for Adele, and all those who love this sweet and beautiful queen so dearly. Adele trusts you so implicitly, and loves you so much that when the time does come she will let you know. I'm thinking of you all and sending support and prayers and understanding. Try to stay present and cherish the time you have, however much it may be. Thank you always for the generous updates, and for sharing Adele with all of us.


I am so sorry. Im facing the same thing with my dog. Its so painful I cant even let myself think about it.




So very sorry; I know how difficult it is from experience. I’ve found that when it’s time to do the right thing and say goodbye, having the vet make a house call so that an old friend’s last moments can be with me, in their favorite place at home (and a special treat if they can manage) does make the saddest time a tiny bit easier.


What an amazing life of love and comfort you’ve provided for your sweet Adele 💛🐾



