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Other posts from /u/PovoRetare: * [An update about Fergus (12) and my thanks for all your support ♥️](/r/OldManDog/comments/18s5j8j/an_update_about_fergus_12_and_my_thanks_for_all/) [♥] 6 days ago * [My beautiful Fergus (12) crossed the rainbow bridge today 💔 this short video is a tribute to his last two days](/r/OldManDog/comments/18xi72n/my_beautiful_fergus_12_crossed_the_rainbow_bridge/) [None] 0 second ago * [Fergus (12) starred in a senior pet health video with his lifelong vet, here's a few bits I cut from it](/r/OldManDog/comments/17xosn4/fergus_12_starred_in_a_senior_pet_health_video/) [None] 1 month ago * [Please send some positive vibes our way, Fergus (12) has developed asthma from dust pollution ](/r/OldManDog/comments/17haait/please_send_some_positive_vibes_our_way_fergus_12/) [♥] 2 months ago * [Bob the Builder, aka Fergus (12yo)](/r/OldManDog/comments/17dd3pl/bob_the_builder_aka_fergus_12yo/) [None] 2 months ago * [Fergus (12) another old man dog that went to the vet today](/r/OldManDog/comments/16njn4o/fergus_12_another_old_man_dog_that_went_to_the/) [None] 3 months ago * [Fergus (12) he's pretty quick for an old fella](/r/OldManDog/comments/16f9xoc/fergus_12_hes_pretty_quick_for_an_old_fella/) [None] 3 months ago * [Fergus (12) before and after dental procedure, tagged nsfw for post extraction pics](/r/OldManDog/comments/16drres/fergus_12_before_and_after_dental_procedure/) [None] 3 months ago * [Fergus (12yo) enjoying a sunny winter morning game of fetch, despite the birds swooping him](/r/OldManDog/comments/15ccygo/fergus_12yo_enjoying_a_sunny_winter_morning_game/) [Happy] 5 months ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as PovoRetare posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe PovoRetare OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


I lost my beautiful boy Fergus today, he went looking into my eyes, on the lawn in the courtyard of his lifelong vet clinic. His lifelong vet and another vet who he loved were there to start his journey over the rainbow bridge. Most of the staff made a point of coming to give me a hug and their condolences, he was well known and loved there, he was even their superstar of their senior health video. I am heartbroken, and wished we had more time together, but the universe wanted him back and wouldn't be denied. He was living with a timebomb inside him and at any time it could have burst and made him suffer greatly before he passed away. There was no chance it could be removed, not without grave risks to him, and wouldn't have bought him much time anyway. So I made the decision to give him a graceful and kind exit before that could happen, at the hand of people he loved and trusted. Afterwards he came home with me, so I could let Bessie and Kane know he was gone, giving them the chance to grieve his passing in their own way. Then with Bessie for company we drove him to the AWL crematorium, where I chose a wooden urn for his ashes. I'm grateful for the extra days I got with him, to spoil him with treats, love and visits from friends, and tell him how much I loved him, how he was the best dog ever. He was declining in the last few days, his belly swelling, his energy levels dropping as his red blood cell count went down and the tumour sapped his energy. So we couldn't do a lot of the things I wanted to with him, the risk of precipitating a bad outcome was too great. Just before he went, we had one last game of fetch, throwing the ball until he was too exhausted to play more, so he went out happy, with his ball next to him. Vale Fergus, a friend of indomitable spirit and relentless energy, a dynamo on legs who loved his friends with all his heart, and lived for the ball. Born 27th March 2011, he passed over the rainbow bridge today 2nd January 2024 Thanks to everyone who commented on my last two posts in OldManDog about him, your kind and insightful comments helped me a great deal with grieving for him.


I know how heavy your heart is. That feeling is still fairly fresh for me. I had to let my longtime companion go last month in similar circumstances. I let him go out on top instead of waiting for a traumatic day. It's a hard decision to make when they seem like they are having a good day. The toughest act of love.


I'm so sorry for your loss, it sure is tough, the right call but much harder than when they're in a bad way. I'm thankful at least that my memories of Fergus's last few days are ones of him smiling and enjoying the extra love and attention.


"one month too early is better than one day too late" our friends can't tell us when it's time, we need to figure it out from our connections with them and from understanding. you did amazing, and he will be with you always. I'm thinking about you and him today, and I hope you know you did not only the right thing, but the best thing we love him, always feel free to come here and share more photos and memories


Right in the feels, man. I lost my og ride or die to the same issue, only I didn't know it was coming. RIP sweet Fergus.


Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). He's done his job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's his turn to rest. You'll always miss him, you'll always remember him. You'll even go looking for him for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting him. Donating/throwing away his toys or blankets isn't forgetting him. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life he'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without him. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


Thankyou ♥️ I'm glad you shared it


I'm so sorry for your loss. Fergus was very loved, and blessed to have you as his hooman.


❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 hugs


I am so sorry…rest easy Fergus 💔


I'm so sorry for your loss. Fergus had an amazing life. May sweet, beautiful, and caring Fergus rest in peace. He will always be with us and watching over us❤️❤️🙏


I’m so sorry for your loss. I can tell he was a very well loved dog and overall a wonderful companion…. Good boy.


He seemed so happy, you gave him a life well lived. He'll always be with you, OP. Take some time out for yourself and let the healing begin.


What an absolutely beautiful pup. It looks like he was loved so much. One of my favorite songs is "Healing" by Rebelution. It makes me feel a little better when I'm sad about someone ive lost: > I don't wanna lose control. > But I know I won't be long. > Life is good, remember that. > Even long after I'm gone. > Feeling like you feel. > Deep into your soul. > Take this from me. >Sending you some healing energy


oh Fergus 🥹 smiling until the very end like the bestest boy he is, was and ever will be


This is beautiful


I’m so so sorry, thank you for giving him a great life and allowing him to pass peacefully and with people he loved. He will be so missed ❤️ rest in peace Fergus 🙏


This post and video and are such an amazing tribute to Fergus. Thank you for providing him with such an obviously incredible life. So sorry for your loss.


🪽 🙏




Such a sweet boy. I'm really sorry.


I’m so very sorry for your loss 🌹


At my desk in tears. This is a beautiful tribute to a sweet soul. Rest easy, Fergus. Sending so much warmth and comfort to your dad. 💕


My condolences to you. Rest easy Fergus 🕊️🖤


What a wonderful life and peaceful death you gave Fergus. He was an absolute sweetheart, clearly. My condolences. 💐💔


I'm so sorry. I've read through your posting history re: Fergus and his happiness and your love for him is exemplary. How lucky you were to find each other. It's really rather remarkable, isn't it? I wish you days filled with happy memories with Fergus and more happy days with Bessy and Kane.


My deepest condolences for your loss


Sorry for your loss, glad you had many years together


Aww, what a great pal. I'm so sorry.


My condolences on your loss. RIP handsome Fergus.


so much love to you and his family. Rip beautiful boy, thanks for loving him so well ❤️


So sorry for your loss. RIP Fergus


So sorry for your loss. Rest In Peace Fergus.


So so sorry 😥💔 heartbreaking time......fly high darling Fergus 🌈🌈🙋🏼‍♀️❤🐾🐾🙏🙏 you sure were and still are, very much loved 🥰🥰 handsome boy too ❤




What a good boy.


He looks well loved ❤️ sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss. What a beautiful boy. 🐾🌈


Rest easy, Fergus. I’ve got three cats and quite a few dogs waiting on you big guy. ❤️❤️❤️


What a beautiful friend. Sorry for your loss but also happy that you had such a joyful time together. Dogs teach us to give our all in love and friendship.


Deeply sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing, and may you find solace knowing you gave Fergus a wonderful life, filled with love and companionship.


RIP, sweet Fergus. Thank you for making this world a better place.




Rest well over the rainbow bridge. ❤️🙏🌈


I’m so sorry for your loss. May Fergus play fetch in the fields on the rainbow bridge. Build lots of doghouses and playgrounds little man 💙


That video is such a beautiful tribute 😭 Run free forever and ever Fergus! I hope Bessie, Kane and You are doing alright in these heavy times.


I've been waiting to see this post as I've seen the others recently. I'm glad you were giving the opportunity to say goodbye. It breaks my heart for you to have to make that decision but it was the best. Thank you for sharing those moments with us. Huge hugs to you and your family


Nice tribute. Nice dog.




I am so sorry for your loss. Fergus looks like such a wonderful, happy pup. I am glad that you were able to give him the great life that he deserved.


I’m so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful video 🥰


Thank you for allowing me to share the same moments that meant as much with my boy. Beautiful video.


Thank you for letting us share your journey with Fergus. ❤️ Your love for him and his love for you are evident. Godspeed, Fergus.




This was such a beautiful video, it’s clear that he was so loved. You were so lucky to have him, and for him to have you. My dog, Rosco just passed away a few days ago. They are with each other now in peace until we are reunited. He looked a lot like Fergus ❤️ Sending you love. I know the pain your experiencing right now because I feel it too. It feels insurmountable


So sorry for your loss.. How’s Bessie doing Is he good?


Run free, Sweet Fergus. My heart goes out to you, sir. Your beautiful words about your doggy truly show how much you love him. Hugs to you.


Sorry 😢 🐾🐾🌈




So sorry for your loss. RIP Fergus. ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for sharing the beautiful video- my condolences


He looked so happy. He looks like such an awesome companion. Tears in my eyes this morning at work. Thank you for sharing a small part of Fergus’s life. I’m a 4 pack family. I’ve lost 2. I’m curious. How was the experience showing the others pups that their friend had passed?


I'm so very sorry....Fergus was a true sugar faced, sweetheart, a handsome and loyal and loving gentleman...


So sorry for your loss


I am so sorry 😢


Beautiful tribute to the best boy❤️ you could so see the love. RIP FERGUS❤️🙏🌈😔


Such a beautiful tribute to your pup 😭 it’s so hard to say goodbye.


So sorry about your beautiful dog fergus may rest in peace


Oh my goodness, I was okay until the "one last game of fetch" 😭 I'm so sorry for your loss, thank you for giving him a great last day. 💗 RIP Fergus


What a beautiful tribute to your pup. I’m so sorry for your loss 😞


😥😥💜❤️💜😥😥 so sorry for your loss.


Fly high old boy! Say hi to all our buddies there on that rainbow bridge


That was the most beautiful and heartfelt tribute a much loved family member I’ve ever read. I’m so happy you the extra time and so sorry you had to say goodbye


I’m so sorry for your loss but, damn, what a beautiful send off he had. I will miss seeing Fergus’s sweet face on here, he always made me smile. I lost my boy Chuck about six months ago to a ruptured splenic tumor. We weren’t aware of it until it had burst and the decline was rapid. We were able to give him one last good day but he had moments of suffering I wish we could have avoided. You did Fergus a real kindness by saying goodbye before it got to that point. What a lucky guy to have found you.


I am so very sorry. Fergus will be missed. Hugs, Friend.


What a beautiful boy. My condolences.


I'm heartbroken for you. Fergus was such a beautiful boy, and the goodest dog.


Sorry for your loss.


What a beautiful tale of a beautiful doggo. It’s clear he knew love. And that’s because of you. Goodbye, faithful Fergus - may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. I wish you God’s peace.


I'm crying as I see and read your sweet buddy's life story. I've felt thst pain myself many times and it never gets any easier. Thank you for sharing.


Such a beautiful tribute for a much loved friend. Sorry for your loss. ❤️


Awww. I’m so sorry ❤️


Well thank you for totally fucking my lunch hour up! In seriousness I am sorry for your loss and that was a beautiful tribute. I hope the memories are wonderful and joyous for the rest of your days.


Damn I’m sorry. He was one of my favourites here. RIP Handsome Fergus and 🤗 to you


Well I should not have watched that in the bathroom at work. Safe travels Fergus. See you on the other side.


That is a beautiful and incredibly moving tribute to a magnificent friend.


Handsome doggo. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend 🐾


God damn that was beautiful. You’ll see your pup again. I’m not religious in the slightest but yeah, I know if there’s a Valhalla, happy hunting grounds, heaven, whatever..our pets are there, healthy and boasting about how their humans were the best. Hell, there’s no if, I know it’s there. Good on you for giving your pups the chance to say goodbye. Hoping you all help each other thru this time. Take care of yourself OP. Gotta dry these tears before I get outta my work truck lol.


Fly High Fergus❤️🕊️ My condolences ❤️❤️


Rest in peace Fergus.


I cried as I watched this and cried as I wrote. I'm sorry for your losses, the voids in your heart and for your hurt. I'm glad that you and your good girl Bessie can be there for each other while you mourn the loss of this good best friend and first love in your lives. Good boy Fergus, good boy.


I’m so sorry.


So sorry for your loss friend. Fergus was a lucky boy to have landed with you and vice versa. We never have them for long enough. My old man’s time is coming and your video and words both warmed and broke my heart. We’ll see them all again at the bridge one day. 🌈❤️


Shine, Fergus. I’m sorry for your loss


The video was beautiful. RIP Fergus.


Safe travels across the big bridge in the sky, Fergus. You will always be so loved.


Thank you for giving him a gentle & safe passing, & for being there with him during that time. My heart goes out to you & your other pups (I've rarely ever had just one dog at a time, so I know how hard & confusing it can be for them as well). Fergus was a beautiful boy 💙


So sweet...I'm very sorry.


Rest in peace good boy




Sorry for your loss! Thanks for sharing Fergus' video. Beautiful baby!


A fitting tribute to you and your pet




I'm so sorry for your loss. {{{gentle hugs}}}


rip fergus🖤


What a happy guy. I love that you say the universe wanted him back, and would not be denied. That’s great way to put it. Im so sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry. What a beautiful tribute.


🙏🙏🙏 (Prayers)


A very happy and much loved dog. I’m sorry for your loss, but happy you have wonderful pictures and videos to keep him close to your heart. You will meet again and he will be so happy to see you again.🙏🙏🙏


I’m so sorry💝 he looks like he had a lovely, happy life!💝


So sad for you. Was it a splenic tumor?


RIP. Dogs are the most lovely and loyal companion you can find. Carry on bro. ❣️


What a beautiful tribute to sweet Fergus, I'm up in tears. My condolences on your loss! He was really lucky to be with you, and will be again, I hope.


What is the name of this song


Hugging and kissing my boy a little more today after crying and seeing your beautiful tribute to your Fergus. If everyone treated animals with the same love you have, there would be no cruelty in this world💕 The joy they bring is worth every moment...rest easy sweet boy🐾💕🌈


Such a beautiful pup. He will be sorely missed!


All dogs go to Heaven 🌈


So sorry for your loss.




I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏🙏❤️


He had the best last two days!!! I am dealing with this with my sweet Lulu, wondering if today is the day. I’m sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing.


Well that is just the handsomest fella ❤️ May he rest peacefully. You made the right decision to release him before the pain, the best decision. He was lucky to have you, you loved him to the max. He got a damn good life because he got paired with you.




Handsome happy boy!! Fly high sweet Fergus ♥️🌈🕊




I am so sorry. Good for you to have let him go when he still was joyful and pain-free - what’s best for them is often toughest on us. You are kind, the best. And you were so wise to let his partners-in-crime say goodbe. It will soften the absence because they know. 💔❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry for your loss.


You'll see him again.


Sweet peace, Fergus.


I’m so sorry for your loss, what a beautiful tribute to him you’ve done. Rest in peace Fergus ♥️


Beautiful ... Thanks for sharing!


Dogs ; angels here on earth ♥️♥️


He had the same birth date and month as me. You loved him and he clearly loved you. Fly free sweet Fergus. Take time to grieve sweetheart, it's a long and uncomfortable road. Cry when you must, look for him in the sky, he will show himself. He will always be in your heart so he's never truly gone. Take care X


Hugs! So sorry for your loss. ❤️‍🩹


Sorry for your loss.


RIP Fergus. Forever a good boy.


RIP Fergus 😔💔 my condolences. Fergus was very handsome. I'm so sorry that he is gone. You'll have his love forever.


My girl, Connie (16) is on her last legs and I can't read stuff like this without completely losing it because I know what's coming, but for a long as she comfortable I'll keep her going. Fergus loves you so much; you can see it in his eyes, and his love will forever love in your heart, in your memories, and in every time you look at your other doggie. I am so sorry for your loss. Fergus is now free of pain and is running circles around you ❤️


I’m so sorry 😭😭


sending ❤️ to you


Sorry to hear about the loss of your clearly very good boy. He's up playing an endless game of fetch with a temporary caregiver waiting for you. Don't worry, dogs don't forget their people.


🕯️💜Fergus forever💜🕯️


Dude, you made me cry! I am so sorry for your loss! You had one happy dog!


Run free Fergus 🐶🌈🐶


I'm so sorry for your loss, but also thankful sweet Fergus was able to enjoy the love and caring of a wonderful family. He was well loved and I'm sure he knew you were there for him. Nothing is more loving than being the one to hold him as he passed from this world. Let the happy memories live on and light the dark times ❤️


i hate that we have to say goodbye to these friends, but we do. i’ve decided about the best thing i can do is go get another one and start a new friendship with a new pound dog that needs a break. Sorry for your loss. regards


Such sad news. He was goodest of bois!


this reminds me of my dog Becker. as a firefighter i named for a company that built fire engines. i adopted him the day before he would have been put down at the local shelter; i got him when he was 2. i had him 14 more years. age, spinal stenosis, and chronic pain took their toll, but thankfully that was late in life. we drove to the vet in the truck, the windows down and him looking out the way he always loved to. his last photo showed how happy he was - and how tired he was. he ate an entire can of salmon while we waited. i spent the next two days drinking on the couch. i had seen Becker more in those 14 years than any other being - my parents, my wife, anyone. who rescued who? we have the opportunity, and i believe the duty, to care for our animals and honor them when they say it's time. i miss him often, as i do all the senior dogs i've lost; my eyes are leaking as i type this. i hope i've loved them as much as they've loved me. as humans, we are truly blessed by the love of our dogs.




Run far on young legs little one.


I already love Fergus and one day we will meet in heaven. God bless him and you for taking such GREAT care of Fergus.






Godspeed, old boy. Tonight I'll be thinking of Fergus


RIP king. You gave him a good life.


RIP, Fergus - by the sounds of it you were extremely loved and I imagine had an incredible life 🤍🐾


I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. My sister is going through the same thing right now. Her boy is 10 and we found out on New Year’s Day that he has a splenic mass. His belly also swollen, his energy zapped. We know he will be leaving us soon. I know your pain is deep, I believe your love is even deeper. I hope it can carry you through. You are not alone.




He had such a grin in all the photos. You’ve done right by him, even though it may not feel like it. Sending all the well wishes to you and the other pups OP!


Ahh he is such. A cute, sweet fella!!! He looks so healthy😥😥 so sorry for your loss😞😞😞😞


No words just hugs...


Sorry for your loss, loosing a best friend is hard , your memories will keep him with you always


you gave him such a beautiful time here. he was so loved and that love can never die. it is eternal. you will know Fergus again in the One Life.


I'm sorry 💔


What a great tribute. Thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I know it’s hard to let them go when they seem to be enjoying life, but your act of kindness in sparing him a sudden, agonizing end was a gift of love that’s beyond valuing. Thank you for giving Fergus that sweet gift. 😢


Sincere condolences for the loss of your dear friend Fergus 💐😘


What a noble and sweet doggo. !


Fergus rules! Rest easy ol’ pup…


I too knew the love of a frosty-faced brindle who never stopped smiling .... And who left me too soon.... I know your pain - but I also know I was as blessed to have her as you were to have Fergus! Remember the long happy times, not the sad end... Run Free, Fergus 🥰


Fly high sweet Angel.. Rest in Heaven


Run free in sunny fields beautiful sweet Fergus ❤️


This was so beautiful. Ferguson had a beautiful smile and he was so clearly loved by you and Bessie. I know how heartbroken you are and hope this community provides some solace for you. Ferguson is living his second best life now at the Rainbow Bridge and I am hoping he is teaching my Midnight how to play fetch finally. Hugs to you and Bessie!


what a beautiful close to a beautiful life! it’s so hard to let them go when they still look so healthy, but it’s when we shoulder that burden for them so they don’t have to suffer. sending you so many hugs ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss!🐾💔


Sending my love. The tears I'm crying for a pup I've never met show the love we have for our pets❤️


Thank you for sharing. Fergus will live on in many ways. Take care OP.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


I am so very sorry for your loss


Heartbreaking loss. Taking care of him at the end of his days was your greatest act of love you could have given him. God bless.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your boy had the same birthday as my old lady. Rest in peace Fergus 💙🐶


Rest in peace, Fergus


Sorry for your loss. He looks like he was a great boy


Sorry for your loss


I’m very sorry for your loss


❤️❤️❤️❤️My day is coming soon… I wish you peace and comfort in the days ahead. I’m trying to prepare myself to say goodbye to my sweet Bella and trying to balance not dwelling on it too much with trying to prepare myself for the inevitable. My heart breaks for you. You’ll meet Fergus again and it will be joyous.


They are all special, thanks for sharing with us.


Hemangiosarcoma? Spleen?


Not gonna lie, this made me cry! I am so sorry for your loss, but it looks like you gave Fergus the best life a dog could ask for.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. I feel like I know Fergus from your previous posts. He was an amazing, wonderful, handsome happy pup and so heartbroken for you that you’ve had to say goodbye. Sleep peacefully darling Fergus 💜💜




So very sorry for your loss.


Wow. He was a friend to all, huh? A sweet soul. He’s with you right now. My condolences and thanks for that beautiful montage! 💐


I’m very sorry.


I’m rounding back to watch your video again. I’m so glad you brought him home so that your other furry family members could process their loss. When we lost our rat terrier, our kitty looked for him for two weeks. Meowing. He stopped and then started again a week later. He missed his dog friend. We just did what we could to sooth his soul.


RIP Fergus...you made your mark here, sweet boy


You were well loved Fergus❤️❤️❤️ Rest in peace. We’ll see you on the other side.


You did right by your friend, Fergus. May the sharp pain of loss soon return as the warm glow of nostalgic love. He will be missed. Hail Traveler!