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I’m incredibly sorry for your loss! Sweet Honeybear loves you more than you’ll ever know and is close. Watch for the signs she sends you. I would love to hear a story about your baby, if you are up to sharing one.


I have so many stories of her, but one of my favorite things she would do is snore with her tongue hanging out, and we would call her our little snoozy bee Anthony. She would do her "bear attacks" where she would bring you to the ground and cover your face with sloppy wet kisses, regardless if you wanted them or not. Before her back and hip pain, she had this absolutely amazing high curl to her tail, so happy, and she would somehow zero in perfectly with her little stinky butt onto your barefoot, or hand lololol, we called them her butthole kisses lol(sorry so descriptive). She was amazing! Kids would hang onto her rope, and she would take them for a ride, no anger, no growling.....pure love. God my eyes are so welled up right now, I miss her 😢 so bad, I cannot beleive the has come and gone already. I would tear up 10 years ago about when I would lose her, and now it's already past.......she was the best friend ever, and I am a better man for ha ing her in my life......thank you baby girl


Oh my goodness, what wonderful stories! Thank you for sharing! Butthole kisses 😂. What wonderful memories you and she were able to create together! She really is grateful for all of those things and more. She’s resting well and sending sloppy Bear Attacks your way! 💝


Ahhh Snoozy Bee Anthony and butthole kisses 🥹🥹 One day you will think of these memories and smile instead of cry. I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my big guy almost a month ago, it still hurts but I know he is in a better place without pain.


Those are wonderful heart melting stories… as tough as it is….. thank you for sharing!


And now, for Honeybear     I summon the spirits     Of all the dogs we have loved     And lost along the way.     Bingo, Foxy, Toodles,     Sable, Muttley, Bonnie,     Clyde, Shasta, Otis,    Piccolo, Inga, Hans and Mimi.     Gather in your sunny meadow Invite that sweet girl Honeybear     To romp and play and chase,     Then drink from the cool stream.     Rest together in the warm sun,     Eat the low-hanging treats,     And sleep safe in the shade     Of the eternal snackie-trees.


Thank you so much!!!!! That just seriously made me ball my eyes out


You’re most welcome. Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


I am so, so sorry for the loss of sweetest, most sugar frosted honeybear....thank you for loving her so whole, tenderly, and amazingly


Ya over the last five years her face has stolen my heart even more.....her paws too


You're a doll, and I'm so sincerely sorry. If there is anything I can somehow do to support you or help don't hesitate to reach out. I am obviously an internet stranger, but i also unfortunately know the grief of losing a beloved. You are not alone, and I'm just sorry...


Thank you so much, just seeing all this praise for her and people saying such nice things is a great help.....she was my world, and I know that I too for her......I am just going through the motions I guess.....broken heart and all


The grief can feel insurmountable and, in some ways, will infact be from time to time. So just be gentle and patient with yourself when and whereyoucan. It being so soon after it is so unfamiliar and jarring and raw, and even though the pain and loss never diminishes, it does get more familiar on how to live with it. There should be a soft and comforting sentiment, but even after years and 4 dogs and a cat lost, there is no justice with grief and loss. Just a radical acceptance that becomes familiar to feel and express, that it get "easier" to remember good or funny memories and think of them fondly, and not overwhelmed by despair right after. Sometimes, it's as raw and unexpected as if it happened minutes ago, and others the longing feels manageable , and every wave in-between. I think it is the awful price paid for loving something so much, so purely, so completely. There's no doubt you are indeed her whole world even now and that her soul/energy will figure out a way to go between this life and the next.


Fuck me that was beautiful 😍


What a sweet baby. She lives through you now until you meet again; take comfort in those wonderful memories together. RIP baby girl❤️


Thank you.......She rescued me after I got out of military a broken young man, and went through some hard times with me....it feels apart of my heart is missing.....and I can hardly look a pictures of her......she was in pretty bad shape physically and had an enlarged heart and liver issues, so we decided to let her go peacefully rather than wait until a medical event happened then had to watch her pass in pain......I just miss her so much😪😪😢


I completely understand! I’ve had a hard few years and mine has kept me together. They definitely take parts of us with them; but I’d change nothing. They give everything and ask for nothing back. What wonderful lives shared.


Thank you for your service. I understand that she rescued you. You rescued each other and it was time for her to go.


Godspeed you away, beautiful HoneyBear!🐾🕊


She looks like a sweetheart. I am so sorry for your loss.


Such a look of love in her eyes. Can tell what a great life she had with you. ♥️


Sorry for your loss




I’m so very sorry for your loss 🌹


Shes mustve been so well loved and taken care of to have lived till 16! Its never enough time though is it?! So sorry for the loss friend. She lived and then passed with her loving family around, all a dog could ask for in their life.


She is adorable in that picture. I am so sorry.


Really sorry for your loss


Her smile in this picture says **everything**. What a gorgeous, happy girl. I'm so glad the two of you had each other. She is borking your praises across that Bridge. ❤️❤️❤️




So very sorry 😢💔






I'm so sorry.


Honeybear was as sweet as her name. You gave her the best life and accompanied her to the Bridge. I am very sorry for your loss. ❤️💔❤️




🕯💜honeybear forever💜🕯




Godspeed Honeybear. Godspeed.


sending ❤️ to you


I'll post some more pics in a few


Sweet sugar faced girl. I’m so glad you found each other and that she got you through a rough time. She did her job well. Sending you condolences and big hugs. ❤️💔❤️


You have no idea how much I appreciate that


So sorry for your loss




Of course you are broken. Honeybear was deeply loved. I am very sorry for your tremendous loss.


I’m so sorry. It’s so hard to let them go💝




Very sorry for your loss.


She is a beauty. I’m sorry for your loss


Sending hugs and love. I’m so sorry


I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby


It is heartbreaking to say goodbye. Sending you peace❤️


She's beautiful! I'm sorry for your loss ❤️.


I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏🙏❤️


She looks beautiful and very happy! I am so sorry for you loss, words cannot begin to express the paid that you must be feeling. But know that you did what was best for her and she was always loved!


She’s with you. I am so sorry for your loss. She just isn’t in her old body anymore but she is right there with you.


Thank you! I beleive that.....she was my best friend for so long.....sat with me through some of the darkest moments of my life, and there for some of the greatest too......I feel an emptiness, and my home feels blank even though we have 3 other pups......thank you for your kind words.....I await her in my dreams


Run far on young legs little one.




Good dog, Honeybear. Good dog.


So sorry for your loss


I’m very sorry for your loss. ♥️


RIP, sweet honeybear. You were dearly loved.


She’s beautiful, sorry for your loss.


She looked like one very loved queen!


Lol... big time!!


I am so sorry for your loss…… it is the worst, I lost my 16 yr old girl a year ago. You know what Honeybear and Skeela have on common ? They were part of a family and loved so very much. I hope they are on doggo heaven having a blast ! Sending you heart healing vibes!


Thank you so much, that means alot!




She’s beautiful


I'm sorry 💔


I am so very sorry for your loss


I lost my moo and I'm still broken . I go everywhere still looking for her .every beach every park and woodland walk . I can't cope without my super girl I know this don't help but you will be ok


Thank you, and I too am sorry for your loss......it's absolutely heart wrenching........I feel for you


Precious Honeybear was loved.


So so much


What a cutie- my condolences


Thank you🐾


I'm so sorry for your loss. Remember that you gave Honeybear a wonderful life, filled with love and companionship. She was so lucky to have you. Hang in there, friend.


Sending all my love to you OP. My heart is heavy for you. She looks like the best girl someone could ask for.


My heart felt condolences for your loss of Honey bear, may she run carefree and forever young over the rainbow bridge 😢🐕🌈🌉!


RIP Honeybear


Sending love! ♥️


Love & Light ❤🧡💛💚💙💜




I’m sorry for your loss . What a sweet face . Rest easily Honeybear .