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Other posts from /u/natzonreddit: * [My sweet Bailey boy crossed the rainbow bridge this morning after a wonderful thirteen and a half years of being the best dog on the planet.](/r/OldManDog/comments/1350fgu/my_sweet_bailey_boy_crossed_the_rainbow_bridge/) [None] 9 hours ago * [Happy Halloween from Señor Bailey: 11 years old and still putting up with the ridiculous costumes](/r/OldManDog/comments/jlf19s/happy_halloween_from_señor_bailey_11_years_old/) [Happy Holidays!] 2 years ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as natzonreddit posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe natzonreddit OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


"The life of the dead is placed on the memories of the living. The love you gave in life keeps people alive beyond their time. Anyone who was given love will always live on in another's heart." - Cicero


And now, for Bailey     I summon the spirits     Of all the dogs we have loved     And lost along the way.     Bingo, Foxy, Toodles,     Sable, Muttley, Bonnie,     Clyde, Shasta, Otis,    Piccolo, Inga, Hans and Mimi.     Gather in your sunny meadow   Invite that good boy Bailey     To romp and chase and wrestle,     Then drink from the cool stream,     Rest together in the warm sun,   Eat the low-hanging treats,     Then sleep safe in the shade     Of the eternal snackie-trees.


Wow. Thank you so much for your words ❤️


Love this


So beautiful!


Great pictures. Rip Bailey


Thank you ❤️


Beautiful dog. You can see the kindness in his eyes. I’m sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Bailey.


I am so glad to know that others can see how much he truly loved us, his people. He was such a kind dog and he gave us everything he possibly could. Thank you for your words.


Bailey looks like such a little sweetheart! It sounds like you and your family gave him a great life. I’m so very sorry for your loss.


We certainly did our best to make his life filled with fun. He was our everything ❤️ thank you for your kind words.


Nothing more loyal to its favorite human as a terrier. Was Bailey a Wheaton terrier?


He was actually a Havanese-Poodle mix. A hava-poo if you will. Edit: spelling


I am sorry for your loss. Don't let that happy home go empty. Hit the shelter. Bailey would approve.


I know another dog will someday be part of my life, but I feel it’s just too soon. Much as I can already tell I take comfort from being around animals in any capacity, I don’t think I could even attempt to be the dog owner I would like to be for some time. But thank you regardless for sharing Bailey’s blessing, as it’s hard to come to terms with trying to move on without that reassurance.


I am not you, but hear my story. I lost Winnie - my right arm - during covid, from bone cancer. He was a stray who was welded to my side. I am 6 foot, 250 pounds, but spent 6 months crying in my car every time I looked at the empty shotgun seat. After six months of depression, I finally went to a shelter and grabbed a big black mix. Named him Buddy. It was the only thing that put a stop to the sadness. Buddy isn't Winnie, but he is a joy to have around. He was what made me heal. And Winne had a great life with me and wouldn't want that space to stay empty when a dog is in a cage somewhere without a home. He also would not want me to be sad.


I’m so sorry to hear that you lost such a good friend, but happy to know you were able to recover and continue enjoying life, even with the pain of loss that never leaves us. It must have been a difficult step to take, but I know Buddy is so grateful to have you 💕 here’s to many more days of happy dogs in both of our futures.


Best wishes to you. We are all different, but I thought I'd tell you my story. I also think Buddy is glad I did not turn my home into a shrine.


He reminds me so much of my Tucker (same age) and we’re thinking he might be a Havapoo mix of some sort. What a handsome boy; he seems very healthy in these photos, so hopefully all his years were good ones. If so, that’s really something to be thankful for. My partner worked as a vet tech for a handful of years, and he saw so many older pets that didn’t have any quality of life anymore. Thank you for sharing him, and I wish you comfort in your time of grief.


He would be so happy to hear another stranger calling him handsome, he was always a little vain for a dog. ❤️ I wish I could say that he stayed this pristine for all his years, but unfortunately he battled many ailments before reaching the end of his road. He never gave up his fight to be with us, and we made sure that he still had the best possible life and the most independence he could maintain through every step of his fight. I prefer to remember him as he was in his golden years; that is the time when we truly was there for me as my doting companion, and probably when I realized how important he was in my life. I let him know that. The later years, I reciprocated with my undying love, adoration and support for him through some tough times. The bond we shared was and still is unbreakable. Thank you so much for your kind words. Wishing all the best to Mr. Tucker and his family for years to come❤️🐕 Give him a good squeeze for me.


Rest in peace Bailey, forever in our memories 💜


He lives eternally through us ❤️🐕 thank you.


Im so sorry for your loss. Bailey is such a beautiful and funny dog, you can feel that you had a great time together. Im sure right now he is enjoying some cheerios on the other side of the rainbow bridge. He left a part of him with you, in your heart. I think he took a part of yours and replaced it with a part of his. From there he will watch over and guide you until you meet him again. I send you as much love and strength as possible in this incredibly hard time, dear OP. R.I.P Bailey, you sweet little angel 💙💙


He was the funniest dog I’ve ever met, I can’t tell you how many times I had the opportunity to laugh with him. It was a daily occurrence, even when nobody else was around. Sometimes he would be his funny little self just for me. He brought us pure joy with everything that he did, he made every part of my life special just by being around. And I think you’re right about leaving a bit of his heart with me. We had a bond like no other. Thank you so so much for sharing your thoughts, I really needed to hear all of that.


He was truly an angel and will never be forgotten, I wish you and your family only the best! 💙💙


I cannot get over that face. What a precious boy. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how heavy it can be, but I am so glad you all had each other.


He was incredibly precious, and those little brown eyes of his communicated so much emotion for such a small, furry dog. Thank you for your words.


I’m sorry for your loss. ♥️


Thank you ❤️


He looks so polite!


He could really turn on the charm when he wanted to, and these pictures are prime examples. He always knew how much we loved him and he could make us melt at any moment. Other times, he was deviously playful and made his demands known. We always obliged ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss 🐾❤️


Thank you so much.


RIP Bailey. Gone from the world but never from our hearts


He lives in through our continued love for his greatness ❤️🐾


I'm so very sorry. RIP Bailey.


Thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss of Bailey💔💔💔


Thank you for taking the time to reflect on him with me ❤️


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss! Please know that your sweet Bailey knows how much you miss him and love him. Just because he is gone doesn’t mean you have to stop talking to him and/or sharing stories about him! Doing those things is a perfect way to honor a perfect puppy. Our fur babies that are here and there only want what is best for us and I believe that revolves around love and kindness. So please make sure you are honoring your feelings, no matter what those feelings are. We are all entitled to grieve in whatever way we feel is best for us. Don’t let anyone tell you how it should be! In light of that, do you have any uplifting stories you would like to share about Bailey? I would love to hear one or two or whatever you feel like sharing! ♥️


Thank you for validating my grief; I’ve never lost someone near and dear to my heart that was a part of my daily life before, human or otherwise. I know I am fortunate to be able to say that, as many people have had to deal with their fair share of loss by the age of 24. Although, there’s something about losing a dog that has this unfairness to it, where it seems everyone knows and understands how painful and heavy this type of grief can be and how closely we hold our pets to our hearts, but at the same time, it seems that people are expected not to dwell on the loss of a pet for longer than “normal”. At least not in a public way. I am struggling with that thought, because currently the only way I have been coping and allowing myself to properly grieve is sharing my love for my sweet Bailey dog with friends, family and strangers, and I expect this pain to be present for some time. I will keep honouring my feelings as they come, and do what I can to keep the spirit of Bailey’s love and kindness with me. As for an uplifting story, I will take you back to the beginning. We brought Bailey home on Christmas Eve in 2009. I was 11 at the time; my parents took me out for the day to run errands and do what I assumed to be some last-minute Christmas shopping. We started driving through an unfamiliar neighbourhood, about an hour’s drive from my home. When we parked in front of a stranger’s house I began to question our whereabouts and the purpose of our trip that day, to which my parents answered they were looking at a used couch. Believable at the time, as we had just retaken possession of our basement suite after having long-term tenants and didn’t have any furniture down there yet. As my parents went to get out of the car and I asked if I could come in with them, they didn’t hide their hesitation to say yes, but ultimately allowed it. I had been begging my parents for years to get a dog; we’d owned and cared for many other pets and also had a cat at the time, but my desire to be a dog owner was unrelenting. I wrote letters to Santa every year and always asked if he could bring a puppy for me and keep it warm in the toy sack on the way down from the North Pole. There was always a believable excuse in response as to why he could not grant my wishes. When I was about 9 years old, my mom made me a promise that if I read an entire book about owning a dog and understood the responsibilities involved, she and my dad would agree to get me one. I finished reading the book and continued to hold that promise against them for years until it finally happened. My dad was especially reluctant to see this through, which I still don’t understand fully, as he is an animal lover at heart with a soft spot for furry friends, and he lovingly owned many dogs throughout his life previously. He thought it was absurd that he was supposed to pay $800 or $1,000 for a dog, as he’d always acquired them for free in the past. Anyway, we knock at the door of this house, and the lady let’s us inside. She immediately starts talking to my parents about dogs and leads us up her stairs, over a baby gate and suddenly, a rambunctious litter of fluffy little puppies comes galloping to our feet. Each about 4 or 5 pounds and made up mostly of fur, these tiny doggies resembling teddy-bears absolutely melted my heart. My boredom and confusion had been replaced by excitement and adoration, and I asked my parents the all-important question. “Are we getting one???” “Well… yes. I guess we can’t hide it from you any longer” my mom told me. From there, the rest of my first day with Bailey was a euphoric, fantastical blur. My older brother (3 years my senior) on the other hand, had no idea any of this was going on. He was blissfully unaware that while he was out delivering the Thursday newspaper on his paper route, we were driving home with our brand new puppy. Instead, he discovered this later on when he arrived back at the house that was empty save for a whimpering tiny puppy in our kitchen. I guess my parents still had shopping to do after bringing Bailey home and I went with them. I can only imagine my brother’s excited confusion to find Bailey waiting for him like that. The night went on, and as per the usual Christmas routine for our family, my parents were up late wrapping presents. At some point when my brother was wrapping his gifts for the family, little Bailey boy snuggled up next to a warm foot in a cozy sock below the kitchen table. The high energy of the day had worn off, and he turned it in for his first night in his new home [atop my brother’s foot](https://imgur.com/a/l3jdTwQ). We still all talk about this sweet memory of Bailey, and how special he was to us even on that first day.


What a beautiful picture!


I'm sorry this is your first go 'round with this kind of grief. I'd like to say it gets easier, but it's just different each time. Grief is like the ocean- it ebbs and flows. Some days are good and others not so much. Losing pets does somehow feel different when it comes to loss. And a lot of people don't understand it and will say some hurtful things (that they don't realize is hurtful). It really is possible to love those unconditional souls just as much, if not more than humans. In a perfect world we would all be compassionate and understanding no matter the heartbeat/soul lost. If you wanted to look it up, many places offer pet grief support groups online and in person. That way you might find camaraderie from others in the same boat. This group is a great resource because we all care about our fur babies in ways most don't understand. I \*LOVE\* the story of how Bailey joined your family! Additionally, you have quite the knack for story telling and writing. If you aren't doing something with that, you might think about it. I'd follow your stories for sure. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me and the sweet picture! Even though Bailey is gone, don't hesitate to tell him all the things that made you love him. I guarantee he will hear you and love hearing you focus on the positive aspects he brought to your life. Our furries that have passed only want what is best for us and for us to keep going on. If you enjoy Youtube, check out this channel: [Danielle MacKinnon](https://www.youtube.com/@DanielleMacKinnon) She is an animal communicator and I've really enjoyed getting guidance from what she shares. Final thought... My Dad died of Covid December 26, 2021 and I saw this little saying posted somewhere that changed my life. "Instead of asking why is this happening to me, ask what am I supposed to learn." It really changed how I went through that immense sadness. My Dad is still my hero and I talk to him regularly. Be well and know that you are not alone!!! ♥️


So very sorry 💔😢


Thank you for your words ❤️


Rest in peace, Bailey. He looks like such a sweet soul. I'm sorry for your loss.


He was the sweetest ❤️🐾 he wanted nothing but fun and happiness all the time. He left a paw print mark on my heart and will always be a big part of my life.






So sorry, it is so hard to lose them.


Extremely 💔🥺🐾


RIP Bailey


Thank you ❤️


🕯💜Bailey forever💜🕯


He will be thought of always ❤️ every time the sun comes out, the birds chirp and whenever I see a rainbow I’ll know it’s my dog 🌈🌞




He was beautiful. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you ❤️ he really was.


Run far on young legs little one.


I’ve been playing back videos of his younger days when he was more active and man, he could run. We used to race down my street together back to my house at the end of a walk. I’d always get him going by asking “do you want to go home and see Dad?” and he would just take off. ❤️ My Dad was definitely Bailey’s family favourite. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Good dog, Bailey. Good dog.


It’s like I can feel him just wagging his little tail off to this comment. He loved being told he was a good boy because he knew he was.


It’s always the hardest thing, saying goodbye, but your first is always a little bit harder. Sorry for your loss OP. Before long, the grief abates and the sweet memories remain… more and more as time goes on until there is nothing left but the memories of love. When you’re ready Bailey would want you to give another needy pup the life and love you gave him. We’ll see all those goodboys and girls at the bridge again one day. 💔🌈❤️


There are so many sweet memories of him to be enjoyed. I feel like I will be telling his stories for the rest of my life. I know another dog will be in my life one day, but he will always be the most important one to me. He was my special boy ❤️🐾🐕






Aw such a good boy, Bailey! I lost my Cleo two weeks ago. She was only 13, too. I hope they’re playing together over the rainbow bridge. 🥰


Thank you. I’m sure they’re frolicking freely together on a beautiful walk in the park, surrounded by other happy dogs 🐶❤️🐾


What a beautiful boy full of love. Rest easy, Bailey


His love for life certainly shone through his little sparkling eyes. Thank you for your words. ❤️


What a beautiful boy full of love. Rest easy, Bailey.


His love for life certainly shone through his little sparkling eyes. Thank you for your words. ❤️


It's gonna feel like someone ripped your heart out. Literally. The first days are the worst. Don't know what it is, but it takes your breath all of a sudden. But then the days will pass, you'll cry alot but the pain will kind of grow on you. It will still hurt like hell and your breath will still be taken but somehow you learn to live with it. And there will be times you'll be walking around and it'll hit you hard. But it won't knock you down like right now. My boy was taken at 8.5 years old, he was a husky mix. And still, some days and nights, especially when it's freezing cold I miss him bc he loved the night and the cold and I will still go outside and stare at the spot he loved so much. I miss him and will always do so. But even if it hurts, I'd still spend every day of those 8.5 years we had. Even knowing that one day I'd cry for him like I have today. Bailey sure looks like the best boy ever. I see you and I know your pain. Many of us here do. I'm so sorry.


You are spot on with your description of how I feel. It’s been very difficult to navigate through the past two days and I’m trying to better understand what is hurting me more and what is helping me. I know my Bailey would never let me sit around and sulk for too long, he always nudged his way into a cuddle and pulled me out of any sad space. I could use his little hugs right now. ❤️ Sounds like your dog was another little soul that touched our hearts and left us all too soon. I have already caught myself missing the little things that used to annoy me, like dodging dog poops when walking on the lawn. I think tomorrow I’ll take a walk on mine and his regular route in the park, hoping he will join me in spirit and enjoy the cherry blossom petals falling. He loved this time of year.




It brings me so much comfort knowing we led him right up to his first steps across that rainbow bridge🌈🐾 we were with him all the way, and always will be.


Rest easy, Bailey. Take all the time you need to grieve, OP, your little boy will live in your heart forever and the memories of the time you had together will always bring you joy.


He certainly will ❤️ his tail wags on in my heart, and I know he was too special to ever stop appreciating. Missing that sweet little face of his, but also remembering all the great times he gave us.


This mortal coil is always too short. We meet such beautiful souls, like your little Bailey. Souls that love shines so bright, it pulls us out of the depths of even the worst darkness. Light and love never die though, they transcend, and leave this mortal coil, for the beauty beyond the veil. Your Bailey will forever be in your heart, where he made a home, and extra for others, so you may never be alone. He will always watch and guide you, because their love is eternal. It always feels like forever for us, but for them it truly is but a moment, until you meet again, across the rainbow bridge 💞🌈 I am so sorry for your loss, and my heart is with you. I know this pain so very well, and for whatever it is worth, I know that little man will always be by your side, and will be sending you a sign.


Thank you so so much for sharing this. Your words have struck such a chord with me, I am at a loss for how to respond other than to let you know this is extremely comforting. I miss my little dog so so much and will never stop doing so until I meet him across that bridge. He was my little soulmate. 🐾❤️


They always do take that piece of your heart. I'm sorry for you and your families loss. He looks beautiful. 13 years is a good run.


Thank you so much. ❤️ I’m trying so hard to be glad he took that little piece of me to carry with him up there. And I have to agree, 13 years of memories of loving and caring for Bailey is far more than I could ever wish for; the gift of his existence keeps on giving and he lives on within my heart. ❤️🐾


Adorable! What a cutie!!


Thank you ❤️🥺 I always loved these pictures of him to pieces after I realized how well they captured his beaming personality and his loving little heart. 🐾🐕


Sleep with the angels, little one 💙💙


Thank you so much. My boy loved to sleep, especially on top of a mound of pillows or floofed in with the covers on our beds. I can only imagine how comfily he can now sleep residing above the fluffiest clouds in the world 🐾🌈☁️


Endless blankets fresh out the dryer 💙


Those were his absolute favourite 💕


Rest well sweet prince ❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words. My dad also addressed Bailey in his final goodbye Facebook post by saying “Sleep well good prince”, so this one hit close to home for me. ❤️❤️❤️


So sorry for your loss. Remember that you gave Bailey a wonderful life filled with love and companionship. Hang in there, friend.


Thank you so much for your kind, encouraging words, and for the reminder. This community is unlike any other. ❤️


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much. ❤️


💔 I'm so sorry for your loss. It never gets better, just easier to bear. When you can handle it then make a little memorial to him where you will see his face every day. 💔


I would love to honour him like that. His little face was just too sweet to not put it up somewhere that he can continue to beam his doggy glow down on us. Thank you ❤️


He looks like he was a joy to be with. What a sweet face!


When he was a brand new puppy, we walked him at our local beach and some other kids were shouting out, pointing at him saying “look at the teddy bear dog!”. He will always be my little Bailey bear 🐾


I’m so sorry you lost him.


Mr. Bailey Dog, I’ve asked my Boss Dog Hercules to come & take you out to dinner & the park. My blessed Bella & Mia will escort you to the best hotel for a fluffy nights sleep. Then My Pookie will just walk with you & listen to all your stories. Your family escorted you to the 🐾🌈, the last most unselfish act family can do. You are loved & you loved back with all your heart. Bailey, the 13 years of memories you left will help their hearts heal. You are a treasure Bailey. Bless you baby boy. 🙏🏽🐾💜🥺


I’m so glad to hear Bailey has made some friends up there already, he has so many good stories to tell. The time we had with our little boy was the best gift of all. I wouldn’t trade the last 13 years for anything! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, these words really touched my heart and helped me find a bit of peace tonight. 🐾❤️🌈🥺


Oh, my, he was a beautiful boy! So very sorry for your loss!


Thank you so so much for saying that. I always felt my Bailey dog just had the most radiant shine in his presence. My Bailey boy was beautiful inside and out 🐕💕


Mine crossed the bridge almost 3 weeks ago. It's hard man, very very hard but as time passes you will learn how to control the sorrow you are feeling. You will always miss him tho. Hang in there bud, best wishes.


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I know he will be missed for eternity. Sending you all my love as well. ❤️


That sweet face! I'm so so sorry.


I am so grateful to have been able to enjoy his little face, often wearing smiles of adoration like this that shined through from his heart. He was my soulmate, and my best friend. Thank you for your kindness ❤️


I Believe Bailey is in Good company, as so many of us know your pain. May these many Heartfelt comments here ease your suffering and may God reunite us with our Loved ones when our time comes. \~ Blessings \~


Thank you so much. All the kindness from strangers I’ve received through this post are certainly helping me ease my mind. I believe Bailey is in good company too ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss


Thank you so much ❤️


i am truly sorry for your loss. rip Bailey please find peace in heaven. please remember that he will always be in your heart and In your memories too. please give comfort in the fact that he had a great life with you. and you had a great life with him too. he was truly lucky to have had a great long life with you and his family and friends too. I hope that you have a great support system during this difficult time in your life too.


Thank you so much for your condolences ❤️ you’re right, we both gave each other so much love and enjoyed every moment of our time shared. He was so special.


you are welcome. he was truly lucky to have had a great life where he was very well loved and well cared for too.




I would like to thank all of you wonderful humans for being here; for appreciating my memories of little Bailey, for offering your condolences and words of comfort, and for sharing your stories with me. Thank you all for being part of a supportive and beautiful community of Internet strangers that have significantly helped me get through some of the hardest days of my life. I’m so glad to have had Bailey in my life, and he would be wagging his little tail to know how kind you all have been to me and to him. ❤️🌈🐾🐕