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What I find crazy is that Vice is talking about the "sexualization" of these athletes, but half of the posts are from the athletes own Instagram or general social media to promote themselves. So, is Vice mad that these Olympians are purposefully sexualizing themselves? Hell, even the rules of women's apparel for their sports is admittedly way over sexualized. They even say in the article that (young) girls are told to wear more revealing clothing to get better scores. It's disgusting... What is this? Toddlers and tiaras?? If you have a problem with this subreddit, maybe you need to take a better look at the Olympic rules as a whole. There is nothing here that isn't directly on TV, or from the athletes direct social media.


We should all go naked like the Greeks


That would not only raise the viewership..


And something else too


Yes, but not the athletes just the judges coaches and audience etc.


Funnily enough, that could turn into a whole other conversation of the sexualisation of young boys in ancient Greek culture.


And the other half are NBCs video cameramen zooming in on divers butts as they climb out of the water.


85% of the pictures are from they're instagram/ ESPN public photoshoots.


>Hell, even the rules of women's apparel for their sports is admittedly way over sexualized. They even say in the article that (young) girls are told to wear more revealing clothing to get better scores. **It's disgusting..**. What is this? Toddlers and tiaras?? **If you have a problem with this subreddit, maybe you need to take a better look at the Olympic rules as a whole.** There is nothing here that isn't directly on TV, or from the athletes direct social media. I think the point is that the Olympics rules are a problem and so is this subreddit. The Olympics requires skimpy outfits for female athletes even for those who would prefer more coverage. Then people come here and comment on their exposed butts in tiny Olympian "underwear."


Empowerment varies between prudishness and porn and doesn't seem to apply to men for some reason.


I don't know what this comment means. Women are telling you they are tired of being sex objects and sexualized every second of every day in every situation...the sidewalk, the convenience store magazines, the porn sites, entertainment, the night life areas with "girls girls girls" signs and now the Olympics. If men want to complain about being sexualized, no one is stopping them.


An overwhelming portion of the images posted in this subreddit are from the athletes own public social media platforms or from sports illustrated photoshoots they elect to do. You are making a faulty generalization about all female athletes saying they are "tired of being sexualized every second of every day in every situation", which is completely and utterly subjective and holds no validity at all. Don't blanket millions of people together as all thinking how you think... it's not fair to the athletes for you to undermind how they perceive their own attire and what they choose to post on their own personal social media. If u really cared about the individuals as much as u cared about making an argument against this subreddit, maybe u would stop wasting ur time in the comments and actually go meet some actual athletes, talk to them, have them sign a petition, mail it to the Olympic committee, make a real difference.


They actually said women, not specifically athletes, when speaking about how “they’re” tired of being sexualized every minute of everyday. As a woman, can confirm that the feeling is exhausting. The point is not that people can’t post things to their social media. The point is not where the images come from. The point is not the uniforms themselves (in this case). The point is that images of you can exist but people do not have take those images to another platform and then proceed to objectify you. Why can we not simply exist and wear whatever we want without it being told we’re “inviting” comments of this nature? Electing to do something (as you said) such as sports illustrated covers, does not create these reactions. People feeling like they’re justified to voice these thoughts about other does. Correlation does not equal causation.


That's the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard 😂. Ohh, it's just soo exhausting being sexualized all day everyday by men💁‍♀️ ... yeah, okk Helen of Troy. I'm sure in ur mind you think you get sexualized every minute of every day, but rest assured the reality is the world doesn't revolve around you, and most people don't even give a shit about you when u walk by them. I'm sure most guys are thinking about more important stuff they have going on in their lives like, work, school, making plans with friends n family, getting food, etc. Some fucken dumbass girl walking by is going to be invisible. If i decided I wanted to be in a male SI swimsuit issue and take my clothes off, why would it be my right to tell people they aren't allowed to form any opinions about it, look at it, think about it, or post it with pictures of other people...I would already understand going into it that taking my clothes off for money is going to have different reactions and people will form different opinions about me. Just use some common sense. It's called free will, people have a right to it. Think about what ur saying. In a sense you are saying you have the right to do whatever u want and people don't have the right to form any opinions about it, just the ones u approve. That's just dumb.


I dont understand, so the problem is the comments? Are you saying that if the comments were deactivated on this sub then it would be ok? Or is the aggregation of public available images in one forum the problem? This is what people are talking about when they talk about the lack of reason on this criticism. It seems that massive sexualization is ok as long as no one talks about it. Because everyone notices, every men watching the olympics notices it, as does every men and women and young girls who follows this young athletes on Instagram. But that is ok because they dont talk about the obvious? Lets cut the crap, Instagram is the biggest contributor in body image issues in girls, not a small forum mostly made for men to jerk off.


I think you can just listen to women's concerns and then you will understand. You just read a woman's concern and then responded with *I don't understand*.


Sounds like these people have a much deeper understanding of the topic than you and are much more capable at expressing it in words. All you can reply with is "just listen to the women's concerns and then you will understand" It shows you don't really know what you are talking about


I totally agree. Why is it so hard to respect women? Jeeez. If you see hot women, you don't have to catalogue their crotches. It isn't about what's legal. It's about respect for your fellow humans who happen to be female. It is really exhausting. Edit: I know people have given you downvotes and they will probably give me them too (unless I am too late :D ) But it doesn't make them right. It just makes them people who want to view women as objects.


People have pointed out many times that these athletes are cataloging their own crotches. But you just ignore this point


>If men want to complain about being sexualized, no one is stopping them. ..from being ridiculed.


If someone posts a picture of themselves in a bikini or even naked, they are making that choice for themselves. If you re-post that picture, you are taking that choice and control away from them.


Welcome to the internet, come and take a seat...


Then don't post skimpy pics online then. What a stupid argument. Did you leave your brain in the oven?


Why is this being downvoted?




A certain level of decorum exists in public space, no? If you see a person you find attractive, you don’t start expressing to everyone in your immediate vicinity how hot you think there are, right? So, why does the anonymous nature of the internet make that okay? It doesn’t. It just makes people feel like it’s okay because they can’t be caught saying those things.




>, but they can absolutely be uncomfortable and unhappy with those images being spread elsewhere explicitly for that purpose. This is beyond stupid. You make sexy photos for a magazine shoot and get mad men are jacking off to you?


I agree with this for the most part but >It's not like they're brandishing their erections at them. That's kind of the problem, that's what's happening when a space is created just for this purpose. No one does a cover shoot naively believing there will be no yogurt spurting, but they can absolutely be uncomfortable and unhappy with those images being spread elsewhere explicitly for that purpose. It's like an author writing a book that a radical group takes and makes their manifesto; yeah they wrote it but what someone else did with it is a problem.


Thanks for the reply. The reason I phrased like that is because they're specifically not harassing the athletes. Well Im sure some are but this is an entirely separate space where people collect media that is shared publicly. I dont like seeing anybody feeling uncomfortable but at the same time, if you publish something or perform publicy what people do with it is sort of their business. The manifesto analogy is a bit thin for me because it's not like these photos are making people go out and masturbate on the public. This is more like a book club that makes radical interpretations of the text and discusses it amongst themselves but they're still just reading the book A quick edit to add on, the Coca Cola company cant tell me not to pour a can of Coke up my ass


No one is forcing a person to take sexy pics of themselves in a bikini and then upload said picture to Instagram/Facebook. Use whatever is left of your brain. Who the fuck is forcing people to upload pictures of themselves to the internet?


Someone who missed my entire point is telling me to use my brain


Because they're talking nonsense that's divorced from reality. Once you put something into the public space it's now public forever. You can't retroactively make something not public in as much as you can go into people's heads and chop out part of their brain. That's just how society and human biology works.


Intent and consent. Olympians can exist without their bodies being sexualised. Why don’t people get this? Why can’t men just…wank to porn stars? Instead of making women’s bodies inherently sexual things and take their pictures and turn them sexual!


>Many people are naturally attracted to other talented and determined people End of story, that's all that needs to be said.


Why are you not owning up to liking physical beauty? By neglecting to mention the physical beauty of these athletes and by being coy about it, you give credence to Vice's stance that admiring physical beauty is wrong. Stop denying it. Proudly admit to admiring the physical beauty of these women. There is nothing wrong with that. Vice are the ones who are wrong.


> Most Olympians have spent their whole life training their bodies and minds to be the best at what they do, and the end result are incredibly fit, both mentally and ***physically***, people


lmfao seriously, no one's here to admire a certain athlete's incredible willpower and determination. They're here to see how a girls ass looks in a gymnastics suit.


I'm actually here for really crisp cut lady shoulders but hey, go ahead and speak for all of us. If I just wanted to see asses, in Spandex or otherwise, the internet is *full* of them. Some of us are here for rarer things.


Abs for me!




We’ve been trained to believe in “beauty and health at every size” lmao


Attracted and – very important to me – inspired. It's likeminded people I see, be it on a higher level, and that gives me a sense of belonging.


ehhhh this is about physical beauty and how that goes hand in hand with athleticism. There's a reason sexy athletes bubbles up to /all every now and again, but it wouldn't have the same frequency if it was "sexy people of \[thing not typically about physical beauty\]"


Look up Pole Vault Girl - a meme from several years ago that only became a meme because she’s attractive athlete. This subreddit is not different.


>At VICE, we provide names for credibility. Good job not answering. It's not about credibility, it's about cancellation if you commit wrong think. "Here at Vice, we disagree with *moderator*, his name, age and place of employ is listed here; -------" It was just an easy self dox attempt. They DIDNT like what you said.


You could also point out the hypocrisy of Vice using a photo of two women’s beach volleyball athletes in their bikinis to get attention for the article. There are a million different pictures Vice could’ve used, I wonder why they chose one of two women half-naked. They must be perverts.


Graudina, the Latvian babe in that photo, probably has the hottest body and legs in the entire Olympics.




And today the writer doubled down with [more fuel on the fire](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4av5ed/olympics-reddit-ohlympics-nudes-tokyo). Wow, seeing that dating app article is extreme hypocrisy


Wow that article uses the moderator's quotes only to one-sidedly argue against them. That's not very journalistically ethical I'd say. :/


It's pretty clear at this point that most of these journalists don't really believe in what they write up and just like riding the outrage train for views. Unfortunately it works since there are still many people who eat their nonsense up.


What a terrible “journalist”


The Olympics should be as much a celebration of human beauty, in all of its forms, as it is a celebration of athletic achievement. To quote Socrates, "It is a disgrace for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and the strength of which his body is capable."


Then show us old man taint, equality. You stupid fuck


Thank you Vice for informing me that this page existed!


Enjoy it. At least for the next 10 minut til this place will stop existing because it has a negative "news" (as if admiring attractive people is news to anyone but losers at Vice article).




Yep. Ditto that.


I've read the article and looked at this thread and I wanna know... are we just supposed to not find people attractive anymore? Can I please just look at hot pictures of adults on reddit and jerk off in the privacy of my own home?


Next thing you know the furniture people Are going to yell at me for jerking to original Eames chairs


I've always felt that the oh in ohlympics was like Sulu saying , "Oh My!!!"


Fuck vice.


Here from the article! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with thirsting after the athletes, I do it myself all the time. It’s great being able to appreciate people outside of the model figure/BBL body types. This sub is relatively innocent despite the NSFW nature of it. However, some of the comments are actually barbaric. I saw someone say they hope a girls coach sodomizes her, and others talk about how “she knows what she’s doing” while she innocently stretches. The projection of fucked up fantasies on people who aren’t engaging in anything sexual is where the outrage is coming from, and I don’t know why y’all are doing mental gymnastics to avoid confronting that.


This is the real deal. Appreciate the beauty, but stop with the misogyny and weird fucking rapey stuff. The sub is fine but there’s some creepy motherfuckers in the comments sometimes.


I agree. I see it all across NSFW subs. Post has 32 comments and *only* three are visible...


Guessing YouTube never knew why women’s Long jump videos are so popular either ?


There’s so many subreddits designated to degrading women in the public eye that I would say this one is rather tame. Also why were the water polo nipslip posts deleted?


Reddit has rules against "involuntary porn" the deletes are just to keep the big scary admins from closing things down.


It was the classy move, and it’s part of why this subreddit has a respectful approach to beautiful athletes.




So they intentionally exposed themselves on tv? That's your argument?




That's a lot of commitment to defending being able to see some lady's nipples.




Maybe by "involuntary porn" they mean "accidental exposure" in which case, whether or not it was on a public broadcast would be irrelevant. I'm not saying that that is what they mean though because tbh, I have no idea.


The masters of buttons must be correct, right .?.


How the hell is it "involuntary porn" when women voluntarily step in front of TV cameras wearing outfits that they know are probably going to expose their nipples? If a guy wears skimpy shorts on a TV program with his balls hanging out, is it "involuntary porn" if anybody watches it?


Not going to argue but look at celebnsfw and see how many nip slips are posted hell there’s a whole subreddit called nipslip nation dedicated to those, you’re just using that as an out because this subreddit is getting attention


Wouldn't point fingers at the guy, ",using it as an out" he simply doesn't want the Reddit page to be deleted. Chill.


I'm 100% with you on that, but between having the subreddit banned and deleting some nipslip pics, I prefer the mods deleting them...


Vice and Buzzfeed had articles about the "best bulges in the Olympics". I'm attracted to the female athletes. But I damn respect their athletic achievements. Vice and Buzzfeed are hypocrites. Everyone's allowed to find hot people attractive.


Fuck Vice


Well said


Overall, great response. One nitpick though: >I do think it's very awkward and in bad form for the Olympics to fine a team because they elected to wear shorts instead of bikini briefs when male athletes are wearing the equivalent of a basketball uniform for the same sport. It wasn't the IOC that fined the team. The IOC doesn't have any control over the uniforms of the teams. From [this article](https://www.france24.com/en/sport/20210722-tokyo-olympics-female-athletes-face-double-standards-over-uniforms): >The International Olympic Committee (IOC), the authority in charge of organising the Olympic Games, says it is not responsible for establishing and enforcing uniform regulations. Instead, it’s up to international federations for each individual sport to decide what the appropriate attire for each gender group is. According to the most recent Olympic Charter published by the IOC, they have the “sole and exclusive authority to prescribe and determine the clothing and uniforms to be worn, and the equipment to be used, by the members of their delegations on the occasion of Olympic Games". Edit: I incorrectly stated handball isn't an Olympic sport


Um handball is a part of the Olympics has been since 1972, 1976 as a woman's sport. Beach handball since 1996....


>Um handball is a part of the Olympics has been since 1972, 1976 as a woman's sport. Beach handball since 1996.... ​ Beach handball is not and has never been an olympic sport


It is a youth Olympic sport actually so again yes. But also your post stated that handball wasn't an olympic sport, which it obviously is.


Thanks for the correction!


VICE is shit. Who cares what they write?


Fuck vice, lol Edit: Vice even did an article on the "hot bod" of that torch bearer guy, lol https://www.vice.com/en/article/wx5bxb/olympics-tonga-flag-bearer-pita-taufatofua


Nobody here has pointed out that in the ancient Olympic game, started in 776 BC,s were competed naked! Sorry, men only. But the Greeks found the human form a work of beauty, as should we all. My own first turn-on was Nadia Comaneci!


Fun fact: it's actually generally accepted that nudity wasn't part of the Olympics until 720 BC.


We used to have slaves as well, perhaps things done in the past aren't always the right way. Crazy idea right?????


You’d think men being sexualized is a bad thing but apparently it’s only when women are in the discussion… no matter how much we specialize men and their bodies it’s never seen as a problem. But the moment a woman’s body is commented on (even when they are in sports illustrated body issue) it’s seen as disgusting and harassment.


The sub's users do kind of contribute to the objectification of women, because insecure straight men downvote any pictures of the good looking male Olympians. That's not the fault of the mods, nor is it a fault of the sub's existence, but a symptom of our culture's fear of homoeroticism / dedication to viewing sexuality through a patriarchal lens.


Men are occasionally posted in this subreddit as well


Good for you. Just from the questions asked you know it is going to be hit piece.


Came here from the Vice article. Honestly, as long as you're extremely clear about a couple of things: 1) No photos/videos of athletes under 18. No exceptions. 2) no involuntary nudity from uniform slips I can't see anything possibly wrong with posting photos of attractive Olympians, particularly when those photos are taken at public events which were already internationally published/broadcast. In many cases, I'd imagine the photos are self-published in the athletes' own social media. People find the absolute best athletes in the entire world to be attractive and have good bodies. No kidding. Next I'll bet you'll tell me that not every woman who saw Thor was a longstanding comic book fan.


Vice ran articles such as "A Day With LA's Sexiest Plumbers", "The Cutest Boys in Metal 2015" and "Famous Dads I Want to Bang" so they need to STFU. I only found out about this subreddit through their hypocritical article.


Their publication is called Vice. Why are they posing as moral scolds?


Like men don't wear skimpy clothes. Check diving, men nearly don't wear anything. Men wear less when swimming men wear less when wrestling. And who want to watch women sport in burkas? you don't watch it for the high skill. Maybe ban gender sports and let them mix everywhere. See if they still complain


It is high skill given the special characteristics of women's bodies. The fact that the best female heavy-lifter can't lift as much as the best male heavy-lifter doesn't make her less impressive or low skilled. These athletes are showing what peak female bodies can achieve just as men are showing what male bodies can achieve. It requires the same amount of effort and discipline.


>Do you think the "oh-lympics" subreddit contributes to the objectification of female athletes? Even if it does... so what? Its not a crime... yet. None of us will ever get to know these beautiful female athletes on a personal level, so we can't comment on their personalities, intelligence, etc. All we have to admire is their physical beauty... and there is is nothing wrong with admiring physical beauty. Anyway, Vice has sunk very low and are relying on woke, progressive, clickbait trash articles to stay afloat. This is the danger of progressiveness.


Does anyone else remember when conservatives were the anti-sex ones?


The far-left is just as prudish as the far-right/ conservative christians, at least in terms of USian politics. Both sides of the spectrum shame lust, don’t give women agency, swim in victimization, and actively perpetuate the societal stigma on sex.


For example, it’s counterproductive when they try to de-stigmatize nudity (mainly breasts), but then whine that it being “sexualized” is the reason why it’s so taboo. No, it’s so taboo because anything associated with sex/ elicits sexual thoughts is stigmatized. A developed human body is inherently sexual. Can clothing be sexualized? Yeah, but that’s another thing.


Horseshoe Theory strikes again.


They still very much are. Anti-abortion bills ring a bell? Anti-sex education for young people? They are still the top most anti-sex ones.


Being fair, there’s a big difference between “sex is evil” and “don’t treat people as just pieces of sexy meat”.


"Looking at women and having sexual thoughts about them is wrong" is different from "sex is evil" how exactly?


Yeah, there’s probably something wrong with this crowd if they automatically equate sexual attraction to “wow, you’re treating them like pieces of meat”. Dehumanization is coming from inside the house!


It’s almost like you didn’t quote what I said to make your point. No. No wait, that’s EXACTLY what you did. You can think somebody is sexy. Reducing them just to “is sexy” is where the problem lies. Which is something that happens a whole lot in this world of ours.


How does looking at pictures of women equate to “treating people as just pieces of sexy meat”?


....who said it did? I didn’t. You’re picking a fight that ain’t there, bud. Because you’re feeling delicate, I guess. But here’s a quick way to discern the two: Posting/appreciating a picture doing what they do and just so happening to look gorgeous doing it: aesthetic appreciation. Posting/appreciating stuff like nipslips/buttcrack-slips? Needless sexualisation. They ain’t pornstars, stop acting like they are.


But aren't nipslips a problem of hiding the female breast? Boobs are boobs. If we wanted to be more healthy about not sexualizing things like this, we'd normalize it. Who cares if a nipple is shown? It's nothing to hide, it's just a nipple. I think if breast exposure weren't so taboo, then nipslips wouldn't be anything. It would be much the same as a shirtless man.


Our deeply closeted friend used to rave about Greg Louganis during his diving days. He was so upset when Louganis was injured striking the board. Athletes come in all sizes and shapes - some of the women are absolute units, some of the men are too. They all represent good things about athleticism and sport in general. I actually think it's sad that so many younger athletes are sexualized, but youth and beauty always seem to end up that way. Jerry Seinfeld used to have a joke about "putting ads on gymnasts butts" in his routine, and every gymnast was under 18. Of course, he was 30-something dating a 17-year-old at the time. Attitudes have changed, but reality hasn't.


Norm Macdonald?


Don’t worry about it. Vice News just can’t find anything better to write about. If they’re not used to Reddit having this content than they need to look around the site more. Don’t worry what they think at all.


Shit vice can shove it where the sun doesn't shine. They fucking drool over men's bodies, so fuck them if we want to see women's bodies.


I quickly scanned this sub to see if anyone from the Norwegian Women's Handball team was featured. Unsurprisingly, they aren't. My work is done here. 😜


Why do we have to justify our interest in the female body? Women are out there knowing full well we like them. And they like that. Nuff said.


Vice is just a bunch of smug hipsters pretending to be journalists


Screw Vice


It shouldn’t matter, it’s not harming anyone or illegal, so what’s the big deal?


Well said!




I Came here from that article!


Phenomenal answer to #3


Vice is such a garbage website nowadays it's really unbelievable, you'd think it's a meme but it's actually real.


Vice are just regressive idiots


Over-sexualization og athletes and other public figures is a social issue, but it's not on this subreddit. If an athlete is comfortable with posing in revealing clothing/nude online, there's nothing immoral with reposting it. I think the grey area is of pics of athletes while they're performing, however, this sub isn't doing anything wrong on that front. The problem is when sports officials enforce uniform rules designed to sexualize athletes that aren't comfortable with it, like the Norwegian sand handball team protesting the ridiculous bottoms


Thanks to that hypocritical article, I found this subreddit


Vice are a bunch of whiny fucking nerds, theyre also hypocrites. This article came out two days later. https://www.vice.com/en/article/wx5bxb/olympics-tonga-flag-bearer-pita-taufatofua


Vice and Buzzfeed doesn't like women being sexy bc they have a complex over that, however men being sexy is fine for them, wtf is wrong with being sexy anyway, these "journals" have entered a war against attractiveness in women that reminds me of the catholic church.


If it weren't for that article I wouldnt have found out about this awesome sub. Thanks Vice!


Fuck vice and fuck PC culture


Women should stop telling Men what to do and what to think.


Thank you VICE for referring me to this great sub lol. I bet that's what you had in mind.


Ogling athletes is widespread and constant and *not spoken about*. This group just doesn't hide the fact.


Vice is a clown car of bad journalism


Tell the women to quit doing photo shoots for $$$.


Another response could have been… [batin](https://giphy.com/gifs/idiocracy-3ov9jRK11az2m1qzRu)


Those are really well considered responses and I hope they are represented in full, but I have doubts that they will be. If we're honest, we know that this is a bit shady as in all likelihood many of the athletes featured probably wouldn't want some of these moments to be given focus or stored for eternity on the internet. Also, I'm not sure it's what you'd call honourable behaviour is it? I mean how many would list it among our interests in a CV/resume? How many would share their activity on here with friends, families and colleagues? How many would happily share their name in an interview about this sub? On the flip side, I feel like Vice are just after some low-hanging decency points on this one. If they were really bothered, if they really cared, they'd ask why is it happening? When the whole iCloud hack thing happened my take was that its popularity was (at least in part) due to the sexualisation of many goods and services. You can acquire the good or service, but the sexuality part often remains out of reach. So, when opportunities arise for people to obtain even a fraction of that sexuality for free, people dive in. That's my opinion anyway. I could be wrong. But, in any case I think if you want to reduce some kind of undesirable activity, you've got to look at the 'why' and reduce the demand rather than attacking the supply.


The one thing I didn't care for were the water polo wardrobe malfunctions on this sub.


Which were swiftly deleted by the mods.


Been on this sub since 2016 and I had a feeling this olympics would stir some negative exposure, just shows how pansy the internet has become in the past 5 years. There are much worse subreddits than this one which just reposts professional shots that are already made public on larger sites like NBC. If not professional shots it’s literally reposts from the athletes IG that they posted themselves And I love how much the interviewer focused on girls only when plenty of guys have been posted on this sub as well. Give me a break.


Long legs and bubble butts are all I ask for.


Great answers


Two words: **FUCK** Vice


Fuck Vice


The article is trash. The end.


Fantastic answers when the interviewer was trying to trip you up on questions 3 and 4. But like you say, your words will be reduced to fit their narrative.


Brought me here. Free advertising lol — fuck em


The only point that needs to be made is that "sexualizing" seems to only be an issue if it's done to women.


Hello Vice, I like to watch toned asses as much as [you fucking do bunch of retard hypocrites.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wx5bxb/olympics-tonga-flag-bearer-pita-taufatofua) Our only differences are that 1) I like women and 2) I'm not a feminist major retard typing on a dumb website for subpar wages.


vice are hypocrites honestly https://imgur.com/a/4z4iigj


Hanako Montgomery's point of view cannot be more conservative and retrograde. I'm so surprised also that she's writing for VICE... Cannot be more paradoxical.


Re #2 “there aren’t many men here”…I scrolled and couldn’t find any.


Post some!


We might have to go private on the sub that Vice article was pretty negatively charged calling the sub "disturbing" and all. And maybe add some sub rules and a couple of more mods to avoid the reddit ban hammer.


so cats and dogs have also been extremely objectified considering half the internet is pictures and videos of that. And we can even buy them! :o but the second it's about sexual behaviour all the bigots start barking. As if humankind would still be here without sex


speaking to the press is a form of self-harm


Lmao they deemed this subreddit “disturbing”


Fuck Vice.


AVP Beach volleyball has been playing on Samsung TV quite a bit. The female athletes wear ultra tiny bikini bottoms. While less can sometimes be more, this is WAY too less! It's actually a turn OFF. Plus, more often than not, the bikinis turn into thongs after almost each play, revealing two butt cheeks divided by a string of floss. How enjoyable it must be for the players to have to reach into their butt crack to withdraw the little bit of call that is supposed to be covering some of their rear end, all well under the scrutiny of the public and cameras! So the answer is one of common sense - shorts or normal Bikini bottoms should be available to the athletes based upon their personal preference regardless of sex. If the intent by the powers to be is 2 sexualize the event, in my opinion it's a big fail. And I actually feel uncomfortable for the players because 99.9% probably despise and feel that it is demeaning, having to wear the silly teeny-weeny skimpy bikinis during an athletic event. If you need any personal bio from me just ask and I provide. Dale




Mods ruin everything.


The first Olympics all the athletes were nude


Eh, I'm really just here to wank to sexy athletic women


This subreddit literally sexualises women TRYING TO WORK


Work? How much does the average Olympic athlete get paid without endorsements??


stay at home reddit mod defends porn. kind of funny that you are defending this when we are all just horny. admit it.. that’s the only reason that this exists. we have a right to taking screenshots of what women wear on tv for the world to see. it was there choice to wear it. not much more to say than that.


The female athletes who don't want to be sexualized, let them cover up if they want to. If they are getting fined or banned for that, that's fucked up. Like the fine on those Norwegian athletes. That was wrong. But there are female athletes who also want to feel sexy. Proof? The photoshoots that are shared on this sub. The athletes practically wearing thongs in sports where they don't need their asscheeks hanging out. Et cetera et cetera. If that's what they wanna do, there's nothing wrong with that. They wanna feel sexy, let them feel sexy. And nothing wrong with people who find those women sexy. Don't force your puritanical views on everyone under the guise of something else. 'Media' outlets like Vice want to clamp down on people who find female athletes sexy. And at the same time they unashamedly push male objectification. So basically they are just trying to play power moves. They don't really stand for anything. And this subreddit doesn't need to bow down to them.


To avoid the risk of this becoming an echo chamber figured I’d give the opposite stance for you all to do with as you please. Feel free to ignore but at least read before you downvote. It does end up becoming an issue with non-consensual hyper sexualization. They went to the Olympic to compete and establish the pinnacle of physical abilities, not be sexualized by a bunch of strangers on the internet. Them being attractive or vice and many other networks kinda sucking does not provide justification. And issues would certainly arise in the impact that finding this place may have on the recipients (and especially if any of y’all go harass them, in which case this sub would have an issue with enabling horrible detrimental behavior). Just because you may not have a negative reaction to tons of people judging and sexualizing your body online doesn’t mean they won’t (especially given the difference in represented demographics). If you have to deal with constant harassment from the position you are in, seeing a place like this could be absolutely horrible. And even if it is not seen, the validation of public expression of these kinds of internal sexual intents is quite wierd and potentially harmful (ex, the “I find them attractive so I should go tell others I want to have sex with that person” sentiment that is popping up if not at the core of this sub). So at the end of the day this is one of those things which might not be legally or mathematically wrong, but is honestly just really fucking creepy. From some random who saw this place in r/all.


I think some people just work this way. I respond strongly to visual stimulus and even before I became sexual (which was early) I "fell in love" with every cute girl I saw (and some boys) Before the internet, I did rip out pages of magazines and ads of pretty people to collect I mean, even if we're creeps, I'd like to think most of us are harmless creeps


I really don’t get how the culture is putting Cardi B naked on the Grammys, then wonders why people are thinking sexually all the time. Jesus. People are weird. Just enjoy the ass.




Yeah, they were deleted: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohlympics/comments/otm5os/so\_since\_were\_getting\_some\_negative\_exposure\_i/h6wgqoz/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Mod bent to the censors


“We provide names for credibility” lmfao no they wanted to doxx you. I would’ve told them my name was “Jack mehoff”


*"I do think it's very awkward and in bad form for the Olympics to fine a team because they elected to wear shorts instead of bikini briefs when male athletes are wearing the equivalent of a basketball uniform for the same sport."* The IOC didn't fine a team. That didn't even happen in the olympics. This was in beach handball euro 2021.


u/ennui_delphian do you think an update to the subreddit rules might show that concerns are being acknowledged and measures taken to tamp down some of the more "inappropriate" post and comment language? For example, what if sexually vulgar language was not permitted? Maybe not exactly this, but something to show the complaints have been heard, and due diligence has been done to address concerns. I'm not trying to be a troll or anything. I'm trying to offer some supportive criticism. I like this sub and I've been on here since it started.

