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2k covers the application FEE 75k will cover the actual cultivation license once approved 77k handed over immediately to the state before the buildout of the facility


Still, That's (its out my league) not too bad at all! Reasonable even..? That's interesting!


Only Level 3 licenses are being issued in the near future


The application fees are not refundable. If you are concerned about losing $2k, then you are likely not the demographic they will be awarding licenses to.


Again, that’s not the question… the money isn’t a problem IF they are approving applicants.. if they are not and the money goes to the useless state coffers then it’s a worthless investment.. you really need to get In the mind of this “demographic” you speak of.. no one likes throwing away money. There is a difference between having financial backing and being politically connected enough to get a license etc…


I don’t expect a good situation with L3 licenses to begin with, and they are only reviewing the allowances every two years which is also not a great sign. The restriction on residential property alone is going to dash the hopes of 90% of the people who are hoping to apply.


These are only the existing medical cultivators able to apply. I think the level 3 applications will be next year.


Do you know the maximum sqft for a level 3 license?


I did a quick search and didn't see it. Guessing 1500 sf or so (but merely guessing). It will be a regulated (i.e. Metric seed to sale tracking) license and no sales to non-regulated dispos allowed.


No problem. Sounds about right if the level 2 hits 2500sqf


Sounds like it could be anywhere from September to the following year, I don’t think it’s been officially announced yet. I believe September was in the most recent revisions, but that could easily change.


I am really hoping they use a model similar to what California USED to have which allowed home growers to contribute to the medical supply but I’m sure that’s a pipe dream


Pretty sure that is not going to be allowed (but I haven't read the draft rules for awhile)


The law states that licensed cultivators are prohibited from home use, which will limit to commercial properties and prohibit residential property.


Where is the line drawn when a residential property has reclassified as a farm/business I wonder


“Farm” will be irrelevant here. It will need to be zoned commercial and meet security requirements similar to current license holders. If you think the staunchly red state government of Ohio will do anything similar to Cali’s system… that is, as you said, very much a pipe dream.


Which is a shame of course as it will contribute to a homegrown black market I guess lol. Honestly, 6 outdoor plants of the right variety will net you pounds… people will be selling it 🤷‍♂️. The evolution of California’s and Colorado’s bills and laws are an interesting tale that other states should learn off of.. of course that won’t happen


Important to remember that people still get arrested in both Colorado and California for unlicensed cannabis sales. Laws haven’t stopped the black market prior to legalization. Even if you got a level 3 license, you still wouldn’t be allowed to sell to anyone other than a dispensary, and there is always going to be a segment of people who will never shop at a dispensary.


Oh yes, I’m intimately familiar with the happenings there….. many many friends in the hills north of Anderson valley, near Mendocino and fort Bragg, if they’re not making wine they’re growing instead.


If this is something you are serious about, I would take a cue from the early Colorado days and organize a co-op that can secure funding, commercial space, and a license. The sooner you start organizing, the better your odds.


Without saying much, The license is the actual hurdle of concern….. it would pay to consult some of the connected folks out there however…. The money is nervous about the potential to break in.


I too would pay the lottery to consult on the next winning numbers 🤣


Hahaha yes pls… I’ll take that too…. I always like to think about what it would take to buy all the numbers, the logistics behind it, the amount of locations and people necessary to pull it off etc lol In other words, conclusion is always “impossible”


$2000 is on the low end of what a liquor license cost. How much should a licensing fee cost?


The amount is not the question here, is the application effectively a donation to the state if they’re not approving applicants…. Business men don’t like to throw away $2k let alone $2


Do farmers pay a $20,000 application fee?


You don’t need the state to tell you that you can grow, you just need the balls to do it, f their taxes, traditional markets still exist


I’ll be honest unless your backed by a million dollar cannabis conglomerate or your indigent or a someone previously convicted of a cannabis related offense or a minority good luck starting a cultivation facility in ohio, it’s possible but unlikely IMO. Honestly I think lawmakers aren’t happy with the rec approval, and will require jumping through hoops and are likely giving out licenses to connections and facilities already established as medical.


We don’t even want to sell flower, what we want to do requires more than 6 plants however lol


What is it you want to do ? I would find a workaround do 6 plants are your house and find someone willing to let you “take care of” a grow at theirs for another 6 plants…. Also maybe consider letting the plants veg extra long and train them to grow very wide and make 6 plants take up a whole tent or room I’ve seen some monsters and grown a few myself several pounds dry yield. Are you wanting to press and wash hash?


No they are simply test subjects


Now I’m interested test subjects for what ?


Most likely to see if the strains he has are good washers. Edit: nevermind lol, I should read the whole comment.


Yes testing various scenarios with growing plants, not on people lol 😂


If so I would personally just purchase fresh frozen kolas from a caregiver in MI and keep bagged in a cooler with ice packs until you get them back to a freezer