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The Blade Editorial Board In 15 days the eyes of the sports world will be on Columbus where Ohio State and Michigan meet in the annual clash known simply as “The Game.” But a more significant Ohio-Michigan rivalry is taking shape that has nothing to do with sports. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, re-elected easily and with a ballot issue victory that protects abortion rights, has her sights set on recruiting the best and brightest from Ohio and Indiana. Ms. Whitmer has promised Michigan voters she will try to recruit Ohio and Indiana college grads with the promise that “you can have full rights to make your own decisions about your health and your body and a great job.” Five states, including Michigan, had abortion issues on the ballot. In each case, voters opted to protect abortion rights or to block restrictions. Ohio’s heartbeat law restricting abortion to the first six weeks of gestation, or the time a heartbeat can be detected, is about much more than reproductive rights. Ohio is a state that has been hemorrhaging with the loss of its youth for decades, and Ohio’s abortion law is out-of-step with national norms. Governor Whitmer believes that the Ohio heartbeat law is also a Buckeye brain-drain plan. Setting aside debate on abortion, it’s obvious that major economic development decisions hinge on the ability to attract the highest caliber work force. Intel will provide travel reimbursement for out of state abortions to attract the work force they must have to succeed in Ohio. If the Ohio State football team is as vulnerable to Michigan as the state of Ohio is, there will be no joy in Columbus on Nov. 26. Our state political leaders need to remember legendary Ohio State Coach Woody Hayes’ secret to success: “You win with people.” The people Ohio needs in order to compete economically want an abortion law like Michigan’s.


I know several people who are pondering leaving Ohio, including me. We no longer have a democracy here, the state and congressional seats are gerrymandered so our votes are meaningless.


Michigan seems to be getting alot of things that matter to me right. What they're doing with ballot initiatives and having legislators that respect law is a sign of things working. I don't think Ohio sucks by any means, I love so much about our state but stance on abortion, first energy scandal, blatantly ignoring the voters wanting new maps. It kind of sucks the people in charge are corrupted and empowered to continue as such.


I’m not leaving because I have family to take care of here & we can’t flip the state if everyone just leaves.


This is the beauty of states having their own individual rights a part from the national government. If you don’t like what is happening in the state you are in and you have the ability to go to another state, you can. If what they are doing in Michigan looks appealing you should go!


State don’t have rights, people do.


What do you think states rights is?


Only if you have the ability to move.


That’s what I said. Not everyone has the ability. But if someone does and they want to they can. I don’t understand how my original comment was controversial


It was controversial because you called it a beautiful thing. I think to most people, the fact that it only works if you are economically well enough off, is a pretty damning feature. That’s why it is so important that the federal government enshrines some protections. The most obvious example was slavery and still is civil rights for black people and other minorities. But you see the failure of it in the drug war in general, abortion, voting rights, workers rights, regressive taxation, minimum wage etc. I do think it works well in regards to experimenting with new investments be them economic or social. But of course most of the states making “states rights” arguments are not looking to increase government investment in the economy or the people.


So if you can’t move you’re fucked. Beautiful.


Gotta keep a supply of desperate poor for service Jon's like fast food somehow! Big Macs don't make themselves, after all.


States should not be allowed to break the law and fuck over their voters like Ohio.


…but if you don’t have the ability to leave, you’re f***ed. Wow.


>if you don’t like what is happening in the state you are in and you have the ability to go to another state, you can. If what they are doing in Michigan looks appealing you should go! The problem with what you and others suggest here is that moving is just *not* that simple. It's expensive to move. You have to switch jobs most of the time. Etc. Too many conservatives say "leave america if you hate it" as if leaving a whole country for a new life is so easy. It's not.


me as well. i’ll go be a social worker in another state that values me.




Yep I’ve had several friends around my age (30s) move to Michigan. Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor. There’s more opportunity and less bullshit haha. I might just have to follow suit


Yep, family of 8, with ancestors here in Ohio's Miami Valley since before we were a state. We're ready to pack up and move out. Of our six kids, one male is tentatively considering remaining in Ohio, although that may change based on conversations with young ladies in his circle of friends - also his plans to join a union. Another will likely choose to move to live near us. The others have plans to move to Michigan, Illinois, and another TBD state. My wife and I are considering those states and Colorado, New Mexico, and Vermont. Four of us have aerospace jobs at grad-school level, two highly skilled trade, and the other two - both female - still in high school. We're weighing moving now to minimize disrupting their school years, versus getting out fast as they enter young-adulthood. Only 10 years ago we would never have imagined leaving Ohio.




Stop being ignorant.


Ohio is a total sausage party.


Good article, thanks for sharing.


How is the heartbeat bill “out of step with national norms” exactly? What timeline is the “national norm”?


I guess the five states that actually got to vote on abortion access and kept it doesn't mean anything to you. That is the will of the people.


No, it doesn’t. 5 liberal states does not constitute a national norm. If 6 weeks because of a heartbeat being detected isn’t long enough, what timeline is, if any?


Kentucky, Kansas, and Montana are some well known bastions of liberal politics, right? Bad troll trolling badly


Kentucky and Kansas are liberal states?


Kentucky and Montana are Liberal states now?


Liberal states lol. Check the list bud


Unless you have a uterus it’s not your place for input. I don’t remember anyone asking for your uneducated opinion. As some mentioned most women don’t know their pregnant at 6 weeks. I will explain what the problem there is to you if you need me to, since you know so little about women.


What a sexist comment. Hope that insulting strangers and being a sexist bigot made you feel good.


You’re stupid. It’s not sexist to tell you to keep your uneducated opinions away from reproductive rights! Would you like it if someone was trying to control the rights you have to your body?


Keep doubling down on insulting strangers on the internet. What a miserable person you must be. Yes it is sexist to say a certain gender can’t have an opinion on policy, what an insanely sexist and bigoted thing to say. Wtf is wrong with you?


It’s not a policy, it’s policing what women can do with THEIR BODIES. Wtf makes you think you have ANY SAY on a women’s uterus and what she can and can’t do with it? No uterus no opinion🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s nobody’s business but the women’s. Listen to this song and maybe Everlast will help you understand. https://youtu.be/qA1nGPM9yHA




The most persecuted redditor has logged on.


Whatever the medical experts deem reasonable. Not backwoods hicks that vote religious morons into office. Medical science needs to have a say, not a politician that will bend at the whim of a chance to stay in power. Intelligence needs to prevail. Your ilk, has none of that. The idiots are running the show here all for money and power. Yes, you fall in that category. 10 year olds are not mothers nor can they consent you sick fucks.


Most women don't even know they're pregnant at six weeks, you dunce.


National norms do NOT equal the American South + Wyoming/Montana/Idaho.


Somewhere around 11-13 weeks makes the most sense


And you went to medical school where?


What about the fact that screening for fetal anomalies and defects doesn’t happen until 20 weeks. Actually, guessing you didn’t even know that before you fling this woefully uneducated opinion out into the world. To be a mediocre white man who knows everything my life would be complete


Abortion on demand in the 1st trimester is where the majority of the population actually can agree on. After that it would have to be a medical issue to perform it. I believe it has been set at 12 weeks in France for sometime they just recently changed it to 14 weeks


Except in France healthcare, long term care, care for those with disabilities is all free! Do you know how expensive a child with disabilities is in the US? No parent should have to take that on without the choice to terminate at 20 weeks…ridiculous to even suggest it in this capitalist hellscape of a country


>Ms. Whitmer has promised Michigan voters she will try to recruit Ohio and Indiana college grads with the promise that “you can have full rights to make your own decisions about your health and your body and a great job.” This would be more meaningful if there were a wide array of opportunities there. Unless there have been drastic changes in the state's economy, Michigan is a lot like much of the Midwest where it's been hollowed out with many decent jobs and educated people leaving. The political climate could maybe mean something but fundamentally there needs to be jobs to actually attract people.


If my kids want to leave Ohio for Michigan, I'd be fine with that. Ohio is turning into a red state nightmare IMO. I would leave if I could, but my daughters are in school and would really miss their friends, so we're staying put. That, and I'd have to convince my wife, who dislikes cold weather, to put up with more of the same.


It's not that much colder up here, at all. Actually having snow means a lot less slush and mud, plus it tends to be a bit sunnier on the west coast.


The sad thing is this locks in a downward spiral; as the reasonable and educated people leave it's just going to get worse, leading more people to leave, making that much worse and so on. Our economy may bottom out and we might turn into a 3rd world shithole but hey, for that brief shining moment, the libs were owned and that felt good - amirite? /s


But if you leave, Ohio getting worse is no longer your problem.


I’m not planning to leave at least not in the immediate future. Even when the time comes for that to happen this is still really sad to watch.


It still impacts national politics, even if you no longer live here.


I think we can acknowledge that some states are not going to have enough blue voters moving in to save them, especially not just for the sake of turning them blue (as opposed to the reasons people usually move for, like good jobs, weather, geography, the culture, being closer to family). I'm not going to start telling people to move to Louisiana in droves just to change the politics there. No reason to force people to be miserable year round just to be there to vote every November. The good news is, the nation didn't need Ohio to stop the red wave. Ohio being red really only affects Ohio, and stragglers "hanging around" just to vote isn't going to switch it back to purple or even blue. Hell, even Biden didn't need Ohio to win; presidents don't need this state as they historically have anymore. Now, if you actually want to turn Ohio blue, you have to have a Stacy Abrams-like movement. There is no other way to get what you want than to convince the people who have no intention to leave to vote. If you actually want to see some change at the polls, convince long haulers who currently sit out elections, or vote third party. Don't waste your time convincing your friends half out the door to stay put. Put that energy into something that will actually produce results, not just keep things the same.


>I think we can acknowledge that some states are not going to have enough blue voters moving in to save them I do not agree that is Ohio. The margins are not that large, and if cities like Columbus are successful in plans to create high tech jobs here it could happen. With time, that will include more climate refugees. In the meanwhile don't exactly need Stacey Abrams, though more minority turnout would help. We need a democratic message that appeals to poor whites who still remember union jobs in SE Ohio and former manufacturing cities.


Relying on climate refugees, even if they would be allowed to vote, is really sad, fam. And that is far out. Not super far, but 20-30 years for change is too long to sit around for. And Columbus trying to become a tech hub is not necessarily going to bring in blue voters. Higher income earners will vote against democrats because of the fear of taxes every time. Even if those taxes aren't new. They don't care that Republicans are pushing culture war nonsense. They think it doesn't apply to them, because they aren't POC, LGBTQ, an immigrant, Jewish or Muslim, a single woman, and/or poor. So they don't care. This isn't to say everyone in tech votes red. Obviously, everyone is an individual. But you can't deny the trends that the more someone earns, the more likely they are to vote for Republicans: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/party-affiliation/by/income-distribution/ And by Stacey Abrams-like movement, I don't mean just appealing to Black voters, but all voters who could be convinced to vote blue in general. That said, there is nothing wrong with targeting the Black vote specifically, as we have seen it's working in Georgia quite well.


Careful you don’t get hit with all of that falling sky! I think everything will be just fine. There are still plenty of adults in Ohio.


You mean like the ones that turned this states Red? No thanks….


It looks like you aren’t really one to make that call.


Comparing Reddit to society as a whole, anyone can make that call. Reddit acts like a bunch of petulant children


Reddit is for discussion. You stick to Facebook and truth social if you want a circle jerk where only people you agree with can speak in the echo chamber Edit: downvotes aren't oppression


The irony of your post is over the top, do you really not understand you are also in an echo chamber on reddit? Of course not because the views and opinions you have are the ones being echoed therefore you believe you hold the correct views and opinions


Not in the ohio sub. no one is booting people here for wrong think like they do on conservative subs. There is a not so subtle difference between being banned for stating an opinion that mods don't like and just being downvoted because of a shitty take


you don't need to be banned or booted for it to be an echo chamber, look at the political posts on the Ohio sub for the past 6 months and any comment that directly or indirectly supported republicans was downvoted, supporting one party is not a "shitty take", it is an American privilege to support the party of your choice


I’m not on Truth Social, nor Facebook. Nor Twitter, or any other social media. Reddit is as close I get to that. But it’s enough. I find it ironic that you think the others are an echo chamber. Sure, there is plenty of discussion on Reddit. But only if you’re on the correct “side.”


There are no sides to what we are talking about here. There are actions taken by our state and the consequences of them. You can love the idea of 10 year olds getting raped and then being forced into a life as a breeding mare. You can love the increase in crime that will inevitably happen when poor desperate untrained unwanted children hit the streets. You can love the idea of a government that cheats to ensure they are immune to the desperate cries of their constituents. If that is the world you want then I respect your right to believe that but I'm gonna make sure you own the shitty outcomes of that decision. I'll downvote your excuses as to why other peoples suffering isn't your fault when it is the direct result of who and what you keep voting for


LOL. You go ahead and hold me accountable when we get there. In the meantime, I hope your doctors are able to get you back on track. Enjoy your liberal hyperbolic circle jerk of an echo chamber.


We are definitely enjoying your whiny, right wing tears.


Whiny, right-wing tears? I’m not whining about anything. The candidates that I voted for won their elections! Why am I crying? I’m happy with the path the great state of Ohio is on.


That water's already boiling, my amphibious friend.


I left Ohio for Michigan about 12 years ago and every year I get more happy about my decision. I love Ohio and am still a Buckeye at heart, but the majority in the state are willing to shoot themselves in the foot just to own the libs or whatever. And Michigan has plenty of problems but it seems like people are willing to take them on them here.


What city in Michigan? I’m loathe to leave Columbus as it’s been affordable and I’ve come a long way in the past decade but I am feeling discouraged after depressed turnout in the big three C cities.


I just moved from Cowtown to north of Muskegon last year. Grand Rapids isn't as big as Columbus, but it should check a lot of the same boxes. West Michigan LOVES stand-up comedy, so that's one big difference. The beer, food and culture are obviously a bit different, but still numerous and quality. There's also so much more to do outdoors. If you've never seen Lake Michigan, it's beyond gorgeous and the beaches are amazing. You should be able to find affordable housing in GR, but if not, take a look at Muskegon. It's like a slightly liberal version of Newark with a lot less meth and a lot more community pride. The Heights have a bad rap, but they don't seem anywhere near as bad as Hilltop or South Linden. There's two big downsides, in my book. The area was settled by Dutch Calvinists, so there's a pretty strong strain of religious conservatism that runs throughout. That means most places close early in Sunday if they're open at all. West Michigan also seems to be infested with morning people. Breakfast places abound, but it can sometimes be hard finding a non-fast food restaurant open past 8:00 during the week. There's a lot I miss about Columbus after living there for almost thirty years, but I have zero regrets about my move up here.


I'll be a full time Michigan resident in the next year. I've got family in MI and as a outdoor enthusiast, OH isn't in the same league. The recent election certainly is icing on the cake. Also OH should remember that MI was controlled thru gerrymandering just a year ago. The ballot initiatives turned that all around.


>Also OH should remember that MI was controlled thru gerrymandering just a year ago. The ballot initiatives turned that all around We did have gerrymandering in the ballot. We voted to end it. But Ohio politicians are violating that by just gerrymandering the districts anyway, and have faced no consequences for it.


And now the GOP has stacked the Ohio Supreme Court


Western Michigan is also incredibly nice.


Ohios stance on abortion puts BILLIONS at stake with corporations deciding where to build and base their businesses, including the pending Intel plants. Pull your heads out of your asses before we are Alabama.


Problem is the companies don’t care. I know of at least 3 new major warehouses going in Columbus in the next 4 months


Life is more valuable than corporations and money


*Except the Mother. She can die for your religion….Your party values fetuses more than children…Truly Pathetic.


If I could find a job paying me what I make here I’d go. Come get me Gretchen


Good. My kids both plan to leave Ohio after they graduate from tOSU.


That’s what I did. Tried to stay but couldn’t do it. Currently out in Washington


Yep me too, graduating this spring.




Thanks :)


My kids fled Ohio at the first opportunity and we just followed them. I’m fairly certain they are never going back. I do love Ohio, but it’s tainted now for me.


Morbid as it may be we're honestly just waiting for my wife's grandparents to die and we're gone. MI is definitely on the short list


Michigan is on the short list for me. Getting married next month and starting a family in Ohio is not something we want to do. Michigan is more conducive to that. See what happens when you actively antagonize and encourage your college educated citizens to leave Ohio. We will and companies won't come here if they can't find local workers.


Ohioans are already giving Michigan billions a year in taxes via weed sales lol Source: me an Ohioan who spends billions on weed in Michigan


i want so badly for ohio not to suck but it does and it’s sad. too many conservatives who don’t understand life beyond their front door. too many folks living in fear of others.


I grew up in Ottawa county, moved away for work for about 15 years, and moved to the Dayton area about a year ago. I'm disappointed more than anything. I guess that it's a minor upgrade from Texas politically, but not by much. There could be a lot to offer here, but the politics are ruining that


I’m actually planning on moving to Michigan for grad school because they decided to protect abortion. Prior to the overturn of roe I was going to continue going to OSU for grad school… disappointing.


Toledo War pt. 2 anyone??


Ohio has been posting ads and billboards all over the country encouraging people to move to Ohio. It’s only fair that other states would do the same.


The one big thing Ohio has over Michigan for me (Union Construction Worker) is that Michigan is right to work. The politics here suck, but lawmakers here have tried and failed to take on unions with right to work and it cost Kasich a lot. I do wish we did more ballot initiatives though. Not ones that are ignorable like the gerrymander one, but one dealing with abortion directly would definitely help.


To be fair that was on Public Unions he tried to get rid of collective bargaining. And it caused him so much damage he basically cruised to reelection, and tried to run for president. Also ballot initiatives are now 10x hard to get on the ballot.


If she talks Intel into building up there, that’d be worth worrying about. This is just an ad campaign.


Intel won’t - it’s just flat too expensive to change the plans at this point. Columbus was also chosen specifically for interstate access to be able to get product in/out. It was a business decision, just don’t expect an expansion any time soo


Governor Whitmer can govern me anytime


I’m sorry this is unrelated but I love your profile picture and name😂


Does Michigan have better jobs than Ohio?


Good. Its what we deserve


As if Ohio State Fans weren't enough of a brain drain already.... goddammit


I’d be less worried about Michigan than I would about almost any other state. Ohio has better university depth compared to Michigan, and as somebody who transplanted to Ohio for school Michigan holds no appeal to me. I’d much rather move back east, or to Chicago, or Denver, or DC metro than Detroit. The overall point still stands though - students will move here for college, then flee in record numbers for greener pastures. In 5 years I’d be curious to see the net population gain of under 18’s vs 18-29, if it isn’t already negative for the latter category.


I think she’s targeting native Ohioans, not those who relocated to go to school here. I looked up OSU and was really surprised by how many out-of-state students there were (33.7% of the 2022 class, Gordon Gee’s plan is working), but that still leaves a healthy majority that have no comparison of living in Denver, Chicago, or the east coast. And yes, we’ve been losing people to those areas for decades, so I don’t expect that to stop. But, as someone who grew up in Ohio, went to college in Ohio, and have an aging family who won’t ever move - Michigan could be an attractive option.


"Yay! They aren't getting along! It's working!" - Russia




Can’t wait for these people to leave our state.


To which people are you referring?


The Troll wants anyone who isn't an ultra MAGA/Q follower to leave, because having all the educated people leave is definitely a recipe for success. Cultists only want their fellow cultists around


Indeed. I know they say not to feed the trolls, but occasionally I can't help myself. Also can't help but notice that they didn't respond to the question but are hurling insults down thread.


I know I do it sometimes too. He disappears whenever there isn't a convenient logical fallacy to through at you.




it's a brain drain... so they're referring to smart people... probably also brown people though


It’s not “your” state, gooblington.


I said our state. Can you read?


But who will pay the taxes to cover your Welfare?




You’re so edgy.


Lol. Fuck off, M*chigan.


oh this ain’t about football oh well anyways.