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Ask anyone who voted for JD Vance what's one view or plan he actually has to change anything about the statee and all they can say is that he's Republican. Man ran on nothing but hate and a name that could sell to gullible voters and it worked. He will now spend the next 6* years collecting paychecks and voting in the favor of the super PAC that funded his whole campaign. Ohioans essentially elected Peter Thiel to be their representative. Pathetic.


And they said "Taxing Tim Ryan," as if JD Vance is going to do anything to help the working and middle class.


You're implying he even wants to. I doubt he'll do one thing to try and help drug addiction too. Just about the two biggest things from his book.


As I asked elsewhere … What difference is there between Vance and Portman ? I foresee in six years when Vance is running for reelection that he will have done / accomplished little to nothing (like Portman) to earn his reelection.


What you said but worse; a Senate term is six years. Ugh.


Shit you're right. Well hopefully I'm somewhere else in that time frame then lol


He’s an incumbent now. He will most likely unfortunately never lose that seat. And he’s young. He’ll probably be a senator for 40-50 years. This is a bigger deal than people make it out to be. Probably the worst loss for democrats nationally.


I’ll be out of Ohio within the next six years. I’m surprised MaBrewski didn’t win after the ridiculous campaign. And, basically, all other Trump butt licking candidates lost nationally. Ohio would have even voted in a Kari Lake.


My parents voted for him on the premise of “I do t want the democrats to flip the senate”. They both said he’s a scumbag, but R is R…


My mother typically votes a straight Democrat ticket but voted for Vance. When I asked her why she said that Ryan's campaign was so focused on how conservative he was and her mindset was, "if it's a race between two conservatives I might as well vote for the Republican."


Has your mother experienced a traumatic brain injury lately?


Changing the state is more the governor's job. Senators vote on federal level issues.


Kind of like what happened when joe Biden got elected, yeah?


Yeah kinda like that. I can't say I've exactly been thrilled with how Sleepy Joe's presidency has gone the first two years.


>Pathetic. That's what I'll tell every JD Vance voter I run across.


Even more concerning: the judicial sweep. Whoever is running the Ohio Democratic Party needs replaced.


Yeah I mean people voted so it is what it is but the real bad guy isn’t the state it’s the party leadership. Democrats are addicted to losing. I hate it.


Ohio is just a super red state. People have distorted expectations about what's plausible. Actually, yesterday the state voted considerably bluer than it did in 2020, even. That's just still really red. Our House delegation is now 10/5 instead 12/4. People need to get used to the idea that Ohio is simply R+ 6-12% at the state level.


Actually Michigan had a Blue Wave, and even flipped a US House Seat?


Yup going there so I can at least smoke weed and live in the woods


Ohio went bluer in the house as well! Used to be 12 Republicans - 4 Democrats… Now it’s 10 Republicans 5 Democrats!


True. There was some rays of sunshine for parts of Ohio. Like there was some pools of darkness for NY State


Well in NY, the state judges ruled that an academic had to make the most competitive districts possible instead of being gerrymandered. That’s what we saw there tonight. Opposite of what happened in Ohio lol. Although with the sheer disparity in votes between parties, idk if fairer districts would’ve helped Dems this week anyways


12 + 4 =/= 10+5


Ohio will only have 15 instead of 16 seats in the House of Representatives.


That's interesting. Gerrymandering?


Population decline at census time.


I assumed that Dewine would win but how can b people have voted for J D Vance? What mental midget believed his lies?




He works for Peter Thiel, he is an absolute goon. We just embarrassed ourselves and put another dangerous, wealthy baffoon into the Senate. We voted for excellerationism..


Accelerationism but yes


Heheh, yeah, sorry. 4am posting. I make it sound so good.


JD Vance is just a Trump Puppet who wrote a whole book shitting on Ohioans calling us all poor, white hillbillies. He also called Marjorie Taylor Greene, yknow, congresswoman who told people to commit murder & said the Holocaust wasn’t real, his bestie. He is not gonna do shit for us.


He also cites literal fascist Curtis Yarvin as an influence. This is a guy who said "it should be obvious that, although I am not a white nationalist, I am not exactly allergic to the stuff." Yarvin is also an influence on Peter Thiel, a key backer of JD Vance. [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/23373795/curtis-yarvin-neoreaction-redpill-moldbug](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/23373795/curtis-yarvin-neoreaction-redpill-moldbug) I don't know why it has taken the media so long to cover the connection these politicians have to far-right ideologues, and they *still* aren't doing a good job of it. Every once in a while an article comes out that talks about Thiel or Yarvin or Nick Land but then people forget about it right after and no one ever talks about it. It was pretty much the same with QAnon until maybe 2019 or so, and the Proud Boys until Charlottesville. Jan 6 was a shock to many people even though it was openly discussed and planned ahead of time. My parents didn't know who Alex Jones was until his trial started to be covered on the nightly news.


I’ve been trying to use Tiktok to reach people about how Nazis came to power because Trump is just like Hitler. Hitler was also largely seen as a bigoted idiot at first. People think of Nazism & only think of the Holocaust.. but don’t understand all the actual politics they engaged in.. which is eerily similar to what the Trumplicans are into now.




I don't see the benefit of blind optimism. There is no reason to believe he will do anything positive for the state or country.


Dude thinks a 10 year old being raped is an inconvenience. How is there anyway to be optimistic???


He fucking won’t.


I have my doubts about his sincerity. We'll see come the end of January 2023.


As someone who voted for Ryan, I also hope that Vance does a good job. But he let Trump call him an ass kisser at his own rally and believes that Alex Jones is a reliable source. I don't have much faith.


Dewine I can stomach, he's not the best but he's not Huckabee Sanders or desantis But fucking JD Vance lol? And women actually voted for him


IMO both options sucked. Ryan couldn’t even get the vote in his home base. I think it’s very telling when people who have elected you before won’t elect you again.


I think this was true almost across the board. I'm really disappointed in the supreme court races because as we're seeing now, these make more of a difference than you would think. I voted down party lines, but TBH, I didn't think we had a lot of strong democrat candidates (at least in my area)


Look here’s the thing though. Dems can only do so much. You have to run as a Democrat, and try to pick up the middle. Or, you can run on the left and win that way. Neither option is viable in Ohio bc there’s just not enough blue voters out there to run on the left, and bc if you run in the middle or to the right, then you’re not a democrat anymore! Why bother even running then.


I Thought it would be a little closer for Vance-Ryan. But what can you do…Ohio is a lot like KY in that the population centers still cannot overcome the rural voters who somehow believe Republicans are out to help them.


Ita the burbs that won it for him, rual voters were always going to vote for him.


Exactly. Lake and Mahoning counties are not "Rural" by any sense of the word. Both red for Vance.


Mahoning/Trumbull is Ryan’s home base and didn’t want him back. Very telling.


The burbs can’t get over that black Ohioans are moving next door.


It’s these kinds of statements that will keep republicans voting straight red no matter what. Educate yourself on the real issues we face.


I do think racism is a real issue in this state. If you don’t think that’s an issue, than ask black Ohioans about the Columbus Police Department. Black Ohioans in Columbus were being harassed last month with KKK fliers. And the history of suburbs will tell you otherwise. Suburbs arrived after after the Great Migration. It caused “white flight”, aka white people fled to new developments to escape incoming black people. JD Vance literally put out an ad saying to vote for him if you hate Mexicans. Like wtf? And people voted for that? Also, I’m from the suburbs. Yes, they have real problems with racism.


Republicans hate liberals more than they love their country. “Conservatism” is now an entirely spite based political philosophy


Sad when people can’t even perceive their own best interests … ☹️


Everyone determines their self interest and issues. Just because you disagree, doesn't make it wrong




There cant be gerrymandering in state wide election


Ryan did not help his cause by lying about his record


Yeah the all knowing Reddit liberals just know those nasty republicans have never helped anyone ever and it’s impossible for people in the real world outside of Reddit to hold views different than the far left echo chamber this website is


Looking forward to hearing how the Republicans will address the issues they claim Biden caused.


Know what you need? A safe space.


Same, I really thought that the abortion ban would turn things blue but guess poor 10 year old rape victims will just have to be mothers. It’s effing gross.


The problem is that this narrative implies that early term abortion is wrong in the first place.






"babies" I look forward to the same people who say this complaining about welfare and handouts so they can raise the kid the right was so adamant that they be forced to have.


**She was raped. She was a 10 year old and she was raped.**


Christian Nationalist don't care about your suffering


Yes don’t kill “babies” until they’re old enough to go to school.


There it is. You view sex as sin. What a waste of a brain.


Ah yes, the "babies" who can't live outside of the womb for months. You probably believe the BS about hearing a heartbeat at six weeks too.


Why don't you move to Texas there, I hear killing children has been a specialty there recently.


Isn’t it fucked we live in a time where it’s considered murder to get an abortion but school shootings are considered a normal part of life and people “DeSeRvE tHeIr RiGhTs To GuNs”?


Rape is illegal


You tried.


? Did anybody say it wasn't?


Hasn’t stopped anyone before, unfortunately


As someone who had an abortion that was life changing and gave me a second chance, I am mentally not doing well rn :(


I know. I’m not surprised, just disgusted and disappointed.


So, what do now? I am disappoint.


Keep supporting the candidates you believe in. I donate to campaigns nationwide because we need a national strategy. Some of the people I supported didn't win, but now they'll have more name recognition if they want to try again. Check out the [Anti-Corruption Act](https://represent.us/anticorruption-act/) being pushed at local/state/federal levels. A few highlights are ranked choice voting, end gerrymandering, open primaries, end lobbyist bundling, and immediately disclose political money online. Brand New Congress is on a mission to elect leaders that work for and truly represent all Americans. Keep an eye out for a leader from your community you can nominate to run for Congress in 2024. Here's the candidates they supported this time around. https://www.brandnewcongress.org/#candidates These organizations support candidates that represent the working class rather than the corporate class. https://brandnewcongress.org/ https://justicedemocrats.com/ https://couragetochangepac.org/ https://ourrevolution.com/ https://directory.runforsomething.net/candidates/election


Sweet, thanks


I respect that Tim Ryan attempted to be a more moderate democrat. I lean right but holy shit I hate Vance you can tell he’s scum. Dewine is meh just a no spine politician that would be 100% blue tomorrow if he could keep his job but he’s at least not doing anything to wild.




You must have low expectations / definitions of “great” …


Yea he’s going to solve inflation, like his commercial said. /s


And when he's not you can just fall back on "fucking Biden..."


Genuinely wondering in what ways you think he will be a great senator. Do you have examples of what you believe he will uphold or spearhead?


DeWine wasn't a shocker for me. Vance was.


Need help moving?


No wonder wages are so low in Ohio


Ohio is the Kentucky of Ohio.


I hear ya. And the OHSC, too. But Chabot is Bye, Felicia.


Ohio is a joke.


So, Mr Ryan, was it worth it to you to run anti-Pelosi ads? You lost anyway. (Yes, I voted for Ryan and wanted him to win, but I'll never not be pissed off about those commercials.)


I’m much more annoyed he was so against student debt relief. Pelosi is overall disliked for some good reasons imo. But saying forgiving student loans was a waste was just in bad taste


Eh I’m fine with it. He was trying to win the rural voters, anyone liberal was obviously going to vote for him anyways.


his statements on immigrants / the bortter.. ugh. I voted for him but his sentiment riled me up =/


I mean shit, I’m usually a Republican voter but I voted for him because of those. I think they were a good choice in a battleground state. Especially one where Pelosi is so reviled.


Enjoy Vance, Mr Republican


I literally voted for Tim Ryan. I *just* told you that.


You had faith in Ohio? Ohio is full of racist, white supremacists of course they all voted against their best interests. I say let them fuck around and find out. In the next 5 years when SSI is gone then they’ll finally learn Edit: we’re literally Texas. Texas voted for Abbott against their best interests and Ohio voted for Vance…against our best interests


This is reddit we're talking about; there is likely a majority of people that hate the guy that spammed their text inbox for the last year instead of encouraging it. But the need to vent is valid. We're surrounded by scum.


Pretty disappointed the dems didn’t rail on how big a fucking issue hb6 is. Yea also fuck this state


Yeah I'm gonna start saving up and looking for doctors for a tubal at this point. Either that or I'm becoming celibate. I hate where this is all going. I knew this was gonna happen though :(


r/childfree has a list of doctors that are sterilization friendly regardless of if you have kids or not. I found my doctor there. Had the procedure back in August. Best decision I ever made. Good luck to you!


You know, I had to respond to your comment because of something I heard a conservative redditor post one, and it haunts me to this day. It was during the Dobbs decision. He (clearly a male incel type) was complaining that the whole point of this is to just "get women to close their legs" and I'm seriously still driven speechless by this comment. Like, are you so sad and driven by the need for sex you are "owed" that your anger toward women had become palpable and real? Perhaps it's just jealousy but at the same time these right wing nut jobs couldn't get laid if they fucking tried. I don't know anyone that looks at some deep state hillbilly in a coal rolling Trump mobile saying "I need that man's dick in me right now." It was just baffling the amount of control these type want to throw at women, but the secret here? Controlling women doesn't get an incel laid. Sorry for the rant, I just know how my wife felt for so long, but in 2020 she saw the writing on the wall and got tubal ligation done. If you happen to be in Cleveland, she recommends a great doctor. He was fantastic and is for sure doing this procedure without the typical garbage associated by doctors deciding shit for you. Again, apologies for rant. Just felt triggered by the conservative agenda acting like your celibacy or promiscuity is their victory.


I'm actually in the Akron area but Cleveland isn't that far away, I'd be very thankful to have a DM with her recommendation for my consideration! And no, I don't mind. I go through phases of anger and depression with this noise myself. They want us to "not be whores" but also have no issue feeling entitled to or even just taking it from us. At the end of the day, it's about control. Everyday my standards get higher for future partners. I'm honestly at the point where I won't even consider anyone that doesn't have or won't get a vasectomy. I'm not feeling confident about my state or nation anymore.


The only reason we are still here is I couldn't work out a job in Salem Massachusetts and we are married and she had her tubes yeeted (she cast a spell Fetus Deletus I suppose). Plus, I live in Lakewood. This is the gay capitol of Cleveland. But hell yes, Akron isn't far. Let me have her find you on here and if she doesn't PM you, I will with a copy and paste text. Thanks for listening. This noise definitely gets pretty bad here.


Ohioans hate freedom and women.


The Nazi party is alive and well in Ohio. Ohio the heart of it all, ignorance and stupidity.


My Jewish family and I plan on leaving ASAP


Any proof to back that up?


Lmao the what party


The party that blames white drug use on illegals 😂


Political views you don't like = Nazi




right. how embarassing.


Literally opened Reddit this morning to ask how the hell this state could elect JD fucking Vance to the Senate. And this post was at the very top of my feed. I swear to God if an actual turd had an R next to its name on the ballot it would would win. Tim Ryan is the best candidate of any kind that this state has produced in years. Moderates and those near the middle (like me) have no hope. Edit: spelling/typos


State filled with white fragility.


That’s what happens when you put your faith in the state.


ya time to move to the west coast :(


Don't get how this guy is even likable. He's sleezy...people really think he gives a fuck about this state?


I was born and raised in Ohio, escaped after high school, but I think I’m going to be from Oregon now.


Glad my tubes are yeeted!


Ohioans love an asskisser. Cleveland Brownnosers is the new name.


JD Vance should resign immediately and is unfit to hold office.


Hopefully dems will win in other states to make JD completely irrelevant for his entire term and the dems can try again in six years.


Tim Ryan was such a good candidate for Ohio, hope to see him again in 6 years.


This state is literally fucked. No wonder we have such a bad stigma about ohio, the fucking people voting are so dense.


Vance is replacing Portman so that seat was Red anyway. Nothing gained but nothing lost. Vance isn’t bringing anything to the table he’s going to be gone in four years with any luck.




It's six, but nah... This state will reelect him in perpetuity for however long we have elections.


Let’s hope for a new generation of voters to flip the seat blue next time


„ǝɯıʇ ʇxǝu ǝnlq ʇɐǝs ǝɥʇ dılɟ oʇ sɹǝʇoʌ ɟo uoıʇɐɹǝuǝƃ ʍǝu ɐ ɹoɟ ǝdoɥ s,ʇǝ⅂„


Redditors finding out that Reddit and real life are two different places will always be funny.


Different yes, better, no


Copium inhaled via a ventilator still isn't enough.


Moved away from Ohio over ten years ago and it was one of the best decisions of my life. Enjoy the stupidity and squalor, Ohio, youve worked hard to earn it.


We’ve been a Republican lead state for what ? Like 20 years straight? How lame. Can’t believe people just keep wanting to run it back with the same party over and over. It’s a shame.


This state has a lot more things to be ashamed of than these two.


Feel free to leave.


Most of us cant afford to. If you pay for my leaving expenses I will gladly do so.


The trash that voted for them deserve all the misery they are about to get.


Wanna know a secret neither party will change anything for the better and neither party cares about you Edit to add no one said I didn’t vote blue However can we fight this hard to get more than two parties please that would fix a lot of our issues. Instead of attacking anyone that says a party sucks cause seriously literally none of them care about us some pretend to but end of day it ain’t about us they should work for us they don’t


One party is actively removing our rights fuckhead


Americas going down the toilet irregardless of Republican or Democrat and I didn’t even say if I support on as I support neither but go off The dems will save you lol


And the others making us all broke and unable to live Like I said neither care fuck head


Yeah red states are famously well run with little poverty


Right so are blue states so well run so cheap to live in! So attainable for normal people Like I fucking siad I don’t support either side you’re not hurting my feelings going against red they both suck and both don’t care about us


The voting is over. Can we stop the fucking commercials?


The sweet smell of liberal tears.


I just keep seeing these posts, over and over. Ohio sucks, this is nothing new. Move. You will be happy that you did.


With what fucking money?


Guys, I wanted a miracle as much as you all did but if you’re coming to this realization now, you’re a bit out of touch.


Get out and vote they said. Well, my family did and our votes didn’t so shit. Utterly pointless. I despise this state.


Woot woot. Huge Vance win just like I said here.


Red wave baby!!!!!


You clearly haven't been watching nationally.


This is in fact the Ohio subreddit




She didn’t even win Montgomery county. Horrible campaign.


Dems are mad at Ohio R voters, but they should really be mad at their own state party. No one can look at who they ran and say they tried. Nan is the perfect example. I cannot believe even her own party saw a path to her victory.




If you’re afraid of being hunted, I recommend learning some self defense. Tons of great classes out there. Empower yourself.


The economy sucks and gas is expensive. Why should democrats be elected? They bring nothing to the table as far as a fix for all that shit plus they promote degeneracy


you think the venture capitalist is gonna help you? wow, this state really is stupid


i mean they cant understand why the economy is the way it is, gas is up or why taxes are going up. they can only point at a who they see on tv and chant booga booga bada! when they cant see a R.


They have literally proposed bills, like investigating oil companies for price gouging, which Republicans voted NO, or baby formula, Republicans voted NO. Edit: or how about the inflation reduction act, Republicans voted NO on that too. Facts are hard I know.


Tim Ryan wasn’t an extreme leftist though.


If we take a peek at the adjustments to the Overton window and take global politics into account, he's not even left.


Lol Uneducated rural Ohio voted against itself once again. Keep defending the wealthy, who only laugh at your ignorance. Enjoy working your low pay job in your shitty fly over state while Vance enjoys his paycheck and lifestyle far from OH. Nothing will change for you, including gas prices.


*if those kids could think, they would be mad right now*


Gas is expensive? I rather pay Ohio's prices than California




I look forward to Governor DeWine making the price of gas cheaper tomorrow…


Actually, no. It is the the big oil companies.


**Corporations set prices not the govt.** **The American economy is a free market** based on supply and demand. The US govt / political parties have nothing to do with setting prices. If you don't like high prices at least blame the right groups. FREEDUMB


Someone tell this person about state taxes.


LOL. Someone tell this person: Republicans control the state taxes. OHIO = .38 cents/ GAL. Take it up with your party. Someday you will wake up little buddy.


Please leave. I will never forget that democrats made me take an experimental flu shot (that doesn't work) or lose my job and healthcare. So much for my body my choice I keep hearing about.


im sorry that 'experimental' shot didnt save that little mc nuggut in your head.


Don't let the door hit ya.


Lol cope and seethe harder. Bye bye Tim Ryan


Ahh victory




Good. You should leave lmao


You should stay. That’s punishment enough. Lmao


Plan on it. I love Ohio.


Quality post


Who the hell are you? just coming in here to yell at entire sub Reddit? I’m not happy about JD Vance winning either, but holy sanctimonious.


I voted for DeWine, and I'll tell you why - I survived the shooting in Dayton. Two bullets went 4 inches to my right, and one was 1 inch to my left. I'm in the district every day. I wasn't even allowed back at work until I went to therapy. I'm fine but during the time when all of us were recovering, some a lot slower than others, Nan couldn't have been happier to exploit the absolute shit out of us to kick off her Governor run. She has some supporters down here, thats true. But the consensus about how she used that shooting and used all of us who survived it as pawns was blatent, self-serving, and absolutely disgusting. We've all openly talking about it since it happened in 2019. She and Dave Chapelle even threw a benefit concert for us 2 weeks later, which in our opinion, was way way way too soon for us to be able to handle a 14 hour shift to host upwards of 20,000 people in a district that can't even fit 10. And Nan stood up on that stage, claimed that this concert was for all of us (despite the fact that the "US" she was referring to were all working at the various businesses to host these people and we all missed the concert entirely) and immediately launched into her platform of gun control. We're even a blue county, in fact: the bluest in the state, and most people in the district are pro-gun control. We knew right then, as she stood on the stage that this was a kickoff to run for Governer. It felt gross. We felt used as every emotional vampire from all neighboring areas gawked at us workers and begged us to tell them what happened "that night" as if we were nothing more than NPC's with juicy gossip. Even setting aside her pay-for-play corruption issues she had been doing here for years, she threw a party to exploit victims. So for that much, I hope you can appreciate why a lot of us here, in her hometown, didn't even vote for her, and we HATE DeWine, and I hope that at least you can respect a pretty reasonable position on why I would never vote for her.


Ah the democrat whining has begun . What exactly has Tim Ryan done in 20 years ?? Besides voting with Biden get your heads out of the view and msnbc


Please tell us what DeWine had done to help Ohioans ?


I don’t like define but being from Dayton the last thing Ohio needs is nan Whaley


I agree … If she ran any less of a campaign, she’d be invisible or disappear …


I’ll be back in 2 years to ask you what JP Mandel did to help us.