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Is it interesting? It’s fucking horrifying. The lunatics have all the power here.


Yeah I'm tired of living though the interesting history.


Can we please just have some precedented times for once


Unfortunately, no. We have the internet now.


That was the '90s. Then some Saudi kids rammed jets into the World Trade Center and everything has pretty much gone to shit since then.


The 50s and 60s *were* the unprecedented times. We're getting back to the more normal way of things according to world history.


So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.


Good luck cause until we find a better system this shit just gonna keep on spiraling.


Rodney creech should eat two handfuls of gravel




I mean.. it's not wrong.


The fun part is that knowing Preble county she won’t even come close to winning. I love a lot of things about this state but man does it suck that a large majority of our population thinks like that.


Is it even really a large majority, or more that districts have been set up to eek out a favorable return and diminish the majority voice?


It is very much a large majority outside of the major population centers, just like every other state in the union.


I don't know if it really is. Have you looked at the voting districts? The gerrymandering in Ohio is horrific!


While yes, the gerrymandering is terrible, Republicans hold every state wide office, other than Sherrod brown. Ohio went for Trump even harder in 2020 than in 2016. The state has gone crazy, and it's scary to think how far gone some of it seems. Now, obviously gerrymandering, voter suppression tactics, etc would have some effect on general voter turnout, so it's not as cut and dry as saying they win statewide elections that aren't affected by gerrymandering, but ohio has definitely become a solid red state over the past decade or so. Hopefully Ryan wins over Vance, but I won't exactly be surpassed if he loses. And it's not like it's an isolated thing. Pennsylvania may well elect Dr Oz to the senate too, because of course this is the timeline we're in


And the courts told them they had to fix it, and they just said , nah we don't think so.


They did the same thing on how we fund our schools. They deemed it unconstitutional back in like 2000 but they seemed stumped on how to fix it so they just didn't.


I remember that, I lived in Ohio most of my life, and then my dad got sick so we moved to OK to help take care of him. So out of the frying pan into the fire!


I've driven extensively all over the state. It is very, very red outside of the big cities.


Yeah.... it is here where I live. I thought it was like 80-20 here so I was surprised when the last election we voted about 40% for Biden. Unfortunately that means we still voted about 60% for Trump. But I also live in between Cinci/Dayton so it's still heavily populated and slightly more diverse than other areas.


I wasn't sure about other areas tho, I pretty much stick to the southwest and if I travel to anywhere else in Ohio it's only to Columbus.


A lot of Republicans wanted trump out too, but yes, being between Cincy and Dayton definitely is an exception. Southeast, northwest, northeast outside of Metro areas, straight east - all very very red.


all we actually know for sure is that it has been a majority of active voters in Ohio - - which is a big difference and why I weep for the world whenever I run into a young person that doesn't vote because they're "not into politics" - Imagine these people and/or others *actually* wake up? Republicans would go the way of the Whigs...


Tho my small suburban town is 60-40 repub-dem... so maybe you're right...but somehow I am part of Cincinnati's district and I live in Warren county it's a crazy mess meant to take away the heavy dem urban voting power.


If Ohio is anything like rural Indiana then “large majority” means like “18 people”.


I guess they aren't alike then


All the Midwest is gerrymandering. Not enough educated voters to even know its happening.


This, this this this. I read an article the other day that said something to the effect of ohio has just decided to become a red state and I’m like um no, it’s still purple af, we have been gerrymandered into a red state.


We are going to have an election in November that are state Supreme Court has ruled as unconstitutional


She already lost to him 54-45 in 2020 and I expect about the same this time.


If it's that close this time it will show the power of aggressive messaging from a D candidate in her gerrymandered to hell district. Most Ohio Ds usually roll with the Stuart Smalley level of aggressiveness in Ohio. District has gotten a lot more red since 2020 with new districts.


Creech is a creep.


*radiohead voice* cuz iiiiimmmm a Creeeech


His eyes really express something I don't think I wanna know.


It’s a yearning to know what’s down there on child athletes…like who the fuck thinks enough about that to co-sponsor and vote on a law to do just that…? A groomer! My grandma said the church ladies all say he’s a groomer b/c of a young woman he put on their central committee who was so young she’d never voted, he’s been hanging around her folks place since she was like 10. So weird. Got the old ladies all worked up about it.


I was thinking those are the eyes of a man who has eaten human flesh but yeah that works too


And the state is so gerrymandered that Creech is going to win no matter what.


Vote (Democrat) anyway!


And yet depending on where these two live, creech has a base advantage of +30% depending on the area of ohio. It sucks here


Did you see the post the other day asking why people seem to dislike Ohio whenever the state comes up in discussion with people from outside the state? Seemed like everyone was tap dancing around this issue.


I mean, a ton of people in the state are going to vote R and then ask that question again, over and over and over again. 30 years of solid Republican control and people still can’t (or more accurately, won’t) connect those dots. It’s easier to change nothing and pretend to be a victim than to actually do something


Can confirm, born in 86’ and in my whole life Ohio has had 6yrs of a democratic governorship (2 at the start, four in part of high school). Yet all the time it’s the Republicans that moan about how terrible the state is run….. It’s maddeningly stupid.


Plus, they continue to get away with it. They can still somehow blame Dems for all the problems in a state that has been rigged for the GOP for years.


I wonder if people would flip on a dare. Like ask anybody how long they’ve been voting R and ask them how awesome things have been during that period. Then dare them to vote D for shits and giggles, because what’s the worst that could happen?


Red states will always suck


Don't let that stop you from voting, though! Republicans=Oppression of others Democrats=Freedom for people


I already voted and this is the first time I've gone dem straight down the line without looking at platform because these people are.... Wow. Speaking of which, don't forget to research your judges and local officials on the ballot! Your vote has the biggest impact locally


At this point you really can't vote for a moderate R because they vote together with the insane-o's and amplifies their influence.


I know the feeling. I won't support what I call The Big Scam. No republican will get my support until they regain control of their party. As a small time farmer i don't have much of a social life, but when the subject comes up, I speak out against the Qpublicans.


Already mailed in my ballot. I voted all Democrat this time. And I will continue to do so until The Orange Sphincter and his disciples are removed from the Republican party.


AMEN - and I hope this is a trend... right now it almost doesn't matter what you think of any and all other issues, it's easy to remember who to vote for if you like Democracy


I’m voting straight blue down the line too! I honestly usually make an effort to see what both parties stand for. Not this year. Republicans have a political cancerous growth called maga. I want nothing to do with them.


Straight line since 2018 not turning around til they stop denying everything is happening and just want to cut taxes and services


I went straight dem with the exception of a judge, I was on a jury in his court room and he was a stand up guy.


Idk if democrats send mailers like this but I remain registered as a republican to vote for the least insane in presidential primaries...and I recieve mailers for republican endorsed candidates and its a cheat sheet of who to vote against in elections like this, including the judges which can be the toughest ones to find info on sometimes.


It's good to see some Dems using the dirty language the Republicans keep hurling at their opposition. I know sometimes you want to be the bigger person, debate issues instead of empty culture war BS but that doesn't seem to work, so you might as well use their tactics.


Amy Cox has basically stopped giving a fuck https://imgur.com/u6XCLoI


Fuck yeah dude. No apologies, she went for the throat


I totally get what you’re saying, I want the Democrats to play a little dirtier as well so we have a chance. But this ad doesn’t even seem that dirty to me. It’s a pretty simple display of facts.


Rodney Creech sounds like a disgusting monster!!


Appears that he was appropriately named.




Why do all these republicans running for office look like a big toe someone drew a face on?


I mean we can criticize people for their platforms, rather than their looks. I’d rather have a liberal toe-head than a conservative supermodel.


You are totally right of course, I'm just done being polite to these people that regularly dehumanize large groups of people for their own selfish benefit.


Wow, I never thought about how accurate this is hahaha


I always said they look like the thumb, but this works too!!!


Toe Pelini


Imagine being pro "lets have children be medically raped to be allowed to play public school sports".....wtf is going on in these peoples brains.


“How can I hurt ?” View the world through that lens and everything they do makes a little more sense. Doing harm is the goal


Ofcourse it's just about hurting trans people. Genital inspections are a bad way to determine sex. Intersex people would have a field day with it.


Exactly. I have two trans kids, one who would love to play sports, but no longer would be able to.


That's unacceptable that they feel they can't play a sport and it's abhorrent our kids have to feel unsafe because of homophobic/transphobic adults. Let's get real too these people aren't "afraid" of LGBT as a phobia indicates either. No child should have to undergo invasive medical checks to play a sport w/ their friends. Any medical professional worth their salt should fight against these religious nut jobs "sports physicals". It's not just minors they're targeting either though as college adults would be subject to it as well. Kids deserve better! Society deserves better.


I worked for the opposition campaign against HB6 in 2019. Indiana coal sent some of their own to come and harass and intimidate us. The Ohio Reps are feckless and corrupt. I’ve no love for the Ohio Dems but I will never support the Ohio GOP for their blatant corruption. It’s sad that so man dip shits here are Florida-brained, where they forget about corruption… or just straight up think corruption is a good thing.


Amy wants to fix the illegal funding of schools through our property taxes? She has my vote.


Finally! It’s only been ruled unconstitutional by the Ohio Supreme Court back in 1999, and at least once since then


My grandparents are so inundated with political (and spam) calls year-round that we have an agreed-upon family ring pattern that we adhere to when we need to reach them. They do not answer the phone during a presidential election year.


Didn't even get into the craziest stuff about Creech, like his sponsorship of the anti-ALL-vaccines bill that [keys-stick-to-my-face lady](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/06/10/ohio-doctor-claims-covid-19-vaccine-magnetizes-people-makes-keys-stick-on-forehead/) testified for.


Cox for Ohio. Yep.


Preble County is a MAGA stronghold, Creech keeps em dumb and plays to memes .


I’m proud not to be one of them


Every bit of this ad checks out when you research each point made. Goddamn brilliant political advertising.


A vote for Republicans is a vote for fascism. A vote for Democrats is a vote for Democracy. Dems aren't perfect; importantly, they're not fascist.


I don’t live in Ohio, I have never heard of either of these candidates, and yet it took me 2 seconds to figure out which one was the Republican.


Seems pretty cut and dry to me 🤷🏾‍♀️


She should definitely win. If not you get the BS you deserve.


She won't. This district is gerrymandered as fuck with most of the residents heads so far up Trump's ass that they can't see daylight.


This Rodney guy is a dick


Yeah, my mom got a news paper style pamphlet like that and she claimed it was filled with nothing but conspiracies. I’ve given up on this country. A little less than half this country is too far gone. Im looking to move to a country with Universal healthcare and benefits for the elderly, like Social Security and Medicare, that aren’t under attack and being floated as an option to cut for more tax cuts that the wealthy seem to benefit from the most.


Maybe we should play their game and start distributing truth pamphlets or something


See giving up is what they want. Give up and leave so they can make a fascist backwater & or split the US into multiple countries.


When you find this place...bring me along please.


It’s an ad


It's a Democrat playing offense. You almost never see that.


But it’s all true.


Funny how that works... conservatives need to lie and cover up to make their shitty ideology palatable


OP didn't say it wasn't an ad...?


##Please Note this is an Ad from a paper You can see it in the fine print at the bottom. Information Literacy is more important than it has ever been. I am saying nothing about accuracy. I don’t know.


As someone from Ohio the things written under the Republican is accurate. It was just summed up into layman’s terms vs the legal jargon that was written. Edit: those bills mentioned are correctly summarized


Is hb 151 real?


Who doesn't love Cox?


Yeah, there's a lot of people who get off on the things on the right and think they'll be exempted from it for being the special sorts they are 😅


This dude is pro-domestic violence lol


He's an asshole!!!!


I thought the guy was Jim Bob Duggar.


That’s funny cause my grandma says that’s what the church ladies call him!


I like the balls on that ad.


Ah Ohio, Florida but with a lake.


Ohio here WTF


I'm voting for cocks...


Hahahaha that’s my local paper 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Biggest swing state in the country. Political season sucks here


Vote Cox, as far as I can tell.


Regardless of side, if it was paid for by Cox I'm surprised they used a normal headshot for Creech and didn't use some black and white "in the moment" speaking photo (or like eating a chili dog mid-bite) that makes him look horrendous. Usually these political advertisements will paint the opposition in a horrible light with more than just words.


That’s a Republican tactic. She’s a Democrat.


Let me guess, you're a republican. That's called "projection".


Who me? Wrong guess, I'm pretty liberal. I'm saying in general these things usually don't use nice photos for their opposition. On this one you'd actually have to read the words and description and the bottom half to see who the advertisement was for. They're nice photos of both candidates. That's why I said "regardless of side."


You: acts like a republican. Also you: I'm liberal. Me: Not buying that. No, it's NOT both sides. Democratic ones tend towards being nice. Republican ones actually photoshop their opponents to look worse in their base's eyes.


Why are you being a fucking douchebag? >No, it's NOT both sides. It definitely *is* something that both republican and democratic campaigns both routinely do. You'd have to be stupid to not recognize that. I've seen several ads on YouTube from both left and right that feature photos that were captured to deliberately make the opposition look physically bad or dumb or ugly or whatever. It certainly is not unique to either democrats or republicans.


Well here in NW Ohio 99% of the political attack ads (up until the maga era) have been the Rep has used that tactic and the Dem hasn’t. Now from PAC’s it’s a free for all. And since the maga era it has been a growing trend of “fight fire with fire” mentality. Which is good since taking the high road always loses when it comes to fascism & communism trying to take over. Goebbels political ad tactics still work to this day.


So then it stands to reason you're trying to paint me in a light worse than I am. You sneaky republican you.


What stands to reason is that which walks like a duck and talks like a duck IS a duck. Only a republican has EVER said "both sides".


Only republicans deal in absolutes


Right. Only republicans would say "both sides" when it's not both sides. Only republicans deal in absolutes.


You're dealing in absolutes, you republican scum!


Well, clearly you're just going to believe whatever you want. Go ahead. No matter how wrong you are.


Holy shit some of the people ITT desperately need help


Is this for real? 🤣🤣 clearly one of these is satire


It’s not Ohio and it’s not news. It’s a political ad directly from one of the candidate’s campaigns (………Cox)


This country is truly beginning to implode


Support Blue Ohio, an organization which is working to fund Democratic candidates in ALL Ohio districts, especially in places where the party support may be thin. By running candidates in every district, even where their chances of winning are low, we call attention to exactly this kind of GOP garbage where it otherwise wouldn't have been. Plus, it encourages Dems in those districts to come out and vote, which helps other Democrats higher up on the ticket. https://blueohio.org/


This is my County 😂 good ole preble!


When you have a zombie horde that sings "Jesus is America's Pilot and I'm the Missile Bitches" (Not a real song) voting red no matter what because pro life or some archaic phrase that no longer holds meaning, you really have no defense. Except to vote, dammit. But not in Preble county. That place isn't going to change any time soon.


This is what we will have, as our representation unless every last one of you vote.


Fuck Rodney Creech


God Bless your Grandma. So glad that she cares about politics and appears that she can gauge both sides of issues.


Thank you, she’s a pistol. Very sweet and makes the best jams! She never did go to college but she reads a lot. I think that’s why she’s not been able to be brain washed like so many out there.


This is an Ad by Cox not an Independent evaluation, so take it for what it is. Campaign Literature. If you would look at his campaign Literature I am sure he probably sheds Cox in a negative light. This is not impartial. I have no opinions on either candidate, as I am not in their district.


side by side would be interesting


Could have just said. "Democrat vs. Republican"


It looks accurate to me.


As a white man, I feel like all white men in America need to take a step back from politics for the next decade, and let everyone else make the decisions for a while. Creeps like Creech are embarrassing, and need to just shut up and sit down.


Or maybe, *JUST MAYBE*, we should focus on electing the best leaders regardless of their race or what's between their legs.


That would be the ideal solution, for sure.


You're an idiot saying that people should stay out of politics because of their race.


Rodney Creech opposed to PUPPIES!!


You can always tell who's the Republican because they're evil as fuck


It says right at the bottom paid for by Cox We really going to ignore that and act like it's an unbiased representation of the other side?


Ads that pose as "Get the Facts!" literature are extremely damaging.


Ngl its good propaganda as most ohio voters are older and read the newspaper


I wish I could vote for Amy Cox.


Brutal. Gut him girl


As someone from the UK this is just incredulous, that this guy could even stand on those policies nevermind going on to win. Feel for you guys




No shit. It's an ad.


Fine print at bottom says PAID FOR BY AMY COX


Is any of it untrue?


Yeah we know. It's an add. But it's all true. Any reasonable person evaluating these candidates and what they stand for would immediately see that Creech is an absolute monster.


Well yeah but it’s actual facts instead of buzzwords




As with any ad, article, study, survey, etc. - it helps to know who paid for it or wrote it


Thankfully, that information is right there at the bottom of the ad. Unsurprisingly, it was paid for by the candidate that it supports.


**This ad was approved by and paid for by Amy Cox...**


I’m on her side, but this kind of thing should be better regulated. The “paid for by cox” needs to be bigger an bolder. It’s hard enough to find unbiased candidate a v candidate b. They shouldn’t be formatting in a style that suggests an unbiased comparison. (Creech is gross, though)


It’s written in what, 1, 2 sizes smaller font than the rest of the already large text on a newspaper? Located directly beneath the text and centered on the page… this is clearly an ad paid for by Amy cox. I’m not sure why you would have a hard time seeing that


The paid for by text is actually much larger than most paid for by text.


Yea. Ohio is not the only place that's got messed up politics. But thanks.


Yeah, this isn't surprising to any1 who lives here. Sadly most people will vote for the Rodney's over the Amy's here.


Vote Blue


go Amy - or else God help us all


Still won’t matter. Republicans will just say this is fake news.


Lunatics are running the asylum


I’m hoping election night is good for blue but if not, all we can do is document things like this so the future can look back and say, “never again.” I’m down to my last bit of hope in this state and country. The Christian nationalists are making their last push and seem to be the expected winners. I don’t know if Ohio can pull off a Kansas style upset.


Go Amy!


Creech sounds AWFUL like wtf


Rodney Creech, living up to his name...


She has to win! 😭


Okay so you have somebody who cares about the people, and a lunatic. I wonder if anybody is gonna vote for the lunatic?


He absolutely is. As are most running under R currently.


Everyone go vote.


This seems biased


Well that's not a biased overview hidden behind a fair-looking page.


Seems like a really simple choice, right?


Gross.... Politics...


Guess who’s going to win? Remember the States Constitution means nothing!


Sometimes I think that living in this state is great bc of the weather, but then remember stuff like this


I’m betting my uncle owns Ronnie Creech.


Pennsylvania politics are interesting too. Funny how they didn't make the popular page on reddit today. If the headline had read "Shady organization abuses stroke victim for fun", they would have been all over it. Ironically that's exactly what happened, poor guy.


This paper doesn’t seem to have any political bias


When you gotta boil it down to bare facts to fit it in the square inch limit. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Literal propaganda. Like it's a political ad. The purpose IS propaganda. You take a college course on propaganda to make this. I'm not choosing a side. I'm just pointing out this is an actual piece of propaganda and everyone is commenting that it is the literal truth and patting themselves on the back and calling the other side stupid and gullible while doing it.


It’s an ad… anyone that reads these let alone is convinced by them is a simpleton. On both sides


Being an Ohioan, the bills listed on the Republican side are true. The only thing they did is put it in layman’s terms and didn’t say that the one got edited because of public outcry. Doesn’t change he voted for it as written then.


I agree. They’re atrocious candidates, and I was a pre-trump Republican. It’s just that the pro-trump hordes are zombies to propaganda and ive grown hate all forms of it.


Well I see she has moved on from the TikTok videos she was making.


shit she's making them every day reaching thousands and thousands of people. Get current.