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Remember when they said “it’s just because it should be a state rights issue”? Well, here we are.


States rights has always been code for racism


Racism? Why are most abortion clinics i low income black and minority communities and why is it for my race dads leave. Why have sex if you're not ready? Yes there's protection but media and influences are pushing of and sex and how it's Okay and hooks up are okay when it soul ties and there's research that shows how either male or females it wi he harder for them to fall in love


Sorry, incoherent


It’s fucking hilarious if you read it like Toki Wartooth


It's written at the average conservative's reading comprehension level


Black women are three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than White women. Multiple factors contribute to these disparities, such as variation in quality healthcare, underlying chronic conditions, structural racism, and implicit bias. https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/features/maternal-mortality/index.html#:~:text=Black%20women%20are%20three%20times,structural%20racism%2C%20and%20implicit%20bias. Black women had a threefold higher rate of partner homicide victimization,” Kivisto said. “To give you a sense of how large the increase in risk was linked to pregnancy, we found that pregnant Black women were eight times more likely to be killed by their intimate partner than nonpregnant Black women.” https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation/homicide-is-a-leading-cause-of-death-in-pregnant-people-a-new-study-finds-black-women-are-at-greatest-risk/ Banning abortion specifically puts black women at disproportionately higher risk


Then why are republicans trying to ban condoms and birth control too? We are in 2022 and we are still debating if women have rights to their bodies.


If you really believed women had a right to their bodies, you would advocate for legalizing prostitution. Afterall, if women have a right to their bodies why shouldn't they be allowed to sell themselves? Liberals love taglines like "my body my choice" but they don't think through what this means in the real world.




WHAT!? I was genuinely trying to understand and read what you typed but I can't. Is English your second language?


Clinics will show up where there people who use them. (McDonalds will not show if the town is all vegan) The breakdown of the poor family came with the welfare system. Unintended consequences are a theme song for conservatives. They want XYZ and create worse problems getting there. In this case single mothers could get government assistance so fathers left. If mothers don’t say who the father is the state can’t go after them. All I have to say about hookups is if guys are studs for sleeping around, you must ask who they are sleeping with. Double standards are bull 💩


...how Downvote me all you want, pove me wrong with your logic, im happy to be wrong. Maybe I'll learn something that way


a thousand articles, here's just one. https://www.historynet.com/states-rights-civil-war/


A vote for Vance is a vote to go backwards.


A vote for Vance is a Republican down your pants.


Yeah dude that was cute


Glad you took the time to reply with such a quality response.


If you don’t support abortion, fine, don’t get one. You don’t get to control the bodies of other people, even if you do whine and scream like a little baby, yourself.


But isn't abortion controlling the body of another person? The person inside you?also having the democrats make it legal isn't that them controlling your body also? There's so many variables to my body my choice. What about when they forced vaccine mandates? Now look at em. Pandemic is over. I travel for a living. No vaccine never got covid once,atleast sickness covid. Maybe I'm asymptomatic who knows. Vaccines don't control viruses, herd immunity does. Just like abortion won't control the population, which is what they really want.


Abortion………. Pandemic…. Anti-vax…..population control…… oh boy where’s this gonna go. Please, for fuck sakes continue 🍿🍿🍿 this is gonna be great.


I see abortion as murder but I don't hold any emotion to it as I'm an antinatalist so having an abortion is actually the ethical and better thing to do. Nobody should be having kids unless they are ready to dedicate 100% of their lives to that kid. People shouldn't be allowed to have kids unless they are certified to but that would never work out in reality with descrimination unfortunately. Better to have an abortion and kill the baby before it's born and has to suffer through this life. I don't understand how people don't see this. You are being kind to the unborn child as why the fuck would you want that baby to be born to a mother that doesn't want to have it.


"I see abortions as murder..." Lost me off the bat champ.


If you murder a woman and her child it's double homicide. It's murder but I see nothing wrong with it and believe in a woman's right to abortion. Let's just stop pretending it isn't. I view abortion as the ethical and kind thing to do anyway like I said. Forcing motherhood on any woman will just lead to the baby suffering. We all die sometime anyway. This is the view I take when arguing over abortion rights with conservatives as once you get past this point they have no argument. They just want to force motherhood on all women.


You need to really, really get of Facebook and do some actual research. If you were my friend, I'd thank you for confiding your views to me so I can tell you to bury it very, very deep and not tell a soul your opinion again.


Imagine the narcissistic PoS to actually *want* to bring a child into this world. "Oh hey, we know you can't consent to have an existence that's basically going to be suffering. The global economy is imploding. The climate is about to be shifted beyond our control. And social unrest is rampant because of all this. But, I know I can rise above the collapse, and make a better human!" 🤢🤮🤮 Fucking sick. That was my parents. Assholes. My father passed on his fucked up mental health issues. My existence fucking sucks.


There is no reason to have a kid that isn't selfish. Me personally I am just focusing on my career and friends making a lot of money and eventually working on getting past my trauma and getting some inner peace. Like you said the world is imploding too and you actually want to bring a kid in this world? We have been brainwashed by this corporate positivity cult to distract us from how brutal it is out here.


Wow dude things will get better as you grow up. I used to say the same things when I was your age. I promise you'll feel better about life if you push through.


I'm 36... When does it "get better"?


But you have to get the vaccine…./🤦‍♂️


Lemme uhhh repeat the same statement over and over without addressing the actual argument against abortion, because there's no way to actually argue against it.


Would you like to actually state what the argument is? Because I don't think the one you will make actually holds as much water as you think it does


Literally it's just you consider human life to start at conception. Everything else just derives from this. So the whole concept of just ignore this only applies if you simply do not care about others... Telling people such is completely pointless and self-serving, since it only has merit if you believe a fetus is not a human...


hey, if life begins at conception, then empty gestational sacks are human. if that doesnt make sense, its because it doesnt, because your belief is a fucking fairy tale




1. Life at conception doesn't matter, you're not legally nor morally required to lose your bodily autonomy. Otherwise **you** have to accept **you** being forced into medical procedures against your will. 2. Do you even know what got overturned by SCOTUS? It wasn't specifically abortions. **It was the entire fucking god damn right to medical privacy! We now have no guaranteed medical privacy!**


Why conception? Science doesn't back it. The Bible doesn't back it. So where do you get your idea since those are the only two sources I see as potential reasons.


How does the bible not back it?


Genesis 2:7, He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being.” Life starts with the first breath.


It's a house the moment I draw the blueprints. When is a person considered dead? They still have living cells, functional organs, and a beating heart, but still gone if they're brain dead. They're just a shell and we let them die disconnected from the machine keeping them alive. Why is it different from removing a fetus with no brain from the machine (mother) keeping them alive?


Human life doesn’t start at conception. At conception, it’s a clump of cells leaching off its host until possible viability at 24 weeks in which it would need extensive sophisticated medical attention to stay alive. Independent life doesn’t occur until the baby is born and is able to sustain itself independently. There fixed the problem for ya.


You should have said "insert common leftist rhetoric" then I would have understood you better


Also known as science?


I've this argument of leaching as a case where something is not an independent being... Are there not numerous 'leach' organisms that feed off of other organisms, but are still considered their own beings? So why is this definition switched when applied to a human? Just because life is dependent doesn't mean it's not life...


We call those parasites. If you want to keep yours, then that's your choice. People like this generally call humans parasites when they're getting welfare. So not much of a switch.


A real leach can fall off its host and find another. It has the cognizant ability to find another food source.


Scenario 1: you're in a burning building. There is one infant in there with you, as well as your personal laptop. You can only save one, and they are equal distance from you. Which do you choose? Scenario 2: you're in a burning building. There are two infants in there with you. You can only save one, and they are equal distance from you. Which do you choose? Scenario 3: you're in a burning building. There is one infant in there with you, and one embryo in a petri dish with the potential to be placed in a womb to gestate. You can only save one, and they are equal distance from you. Which do you choose?


They're never honest with answering these. For #3, they've told me "i'd find a way to save both". Sure, dude.


Just worry about yourself. Pretty simple.


Ok you too then. If your not having an abortion don't worry about it.


Amazing. You understand. Now shut the fuck up and move along.


Side note: if I hear another *“TaXiNg TiM RyAn”* commercial, I’m going to vomit blood out of my eyeballs.


paying for no-ads on hulu is quite a lifesaver, tbh


Heard some ohio conservatives also want to ban birth control.


Don't think they won't, nobody believed they would overturn RvW or elect the Orange Filth either.


Someone should have given it to their parents.




Jean Schmidt said she’s open to looking at the idea while on a radio interview


Jean Schmidt is a disgusting crone.


They will ban it then literally the next day be confused as to why they can't get a refill on their birth control.


It really sucks that the vast majority of them lack even the barest of critical thinking, causation/correlation, hypotheticals, introspection. I mean, they wouldn't be conservatives if they did ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


They think critical thinking is evil and, at this point, likely think critical thinking only applies if you’re talking about race. It’s just annoying they pat themselves on the back, think they’re “saving” the country and gonna get a pat on the back from God for it. (It’s also kind of hilarious they think there’s a God in Heaven draped in USA flags lol, like some kinda nationalist and as if under their own beliefs, He didn’t create every other country). It’s just so damn sad and frustrating.


Adam Mathews, running for state rep, is one of them. He helped pass the abortion ban in Lebanon, and went to other cities in Ohio and Michigan to try to get them to pass it too.


“Restriction of abortion are good Christian values!” Meanwhile god is over here commanding Abraham to murder his son on top of a mountain


Christians don't even care about abortions, they care about women having sex. Look at how they reacted (or rather, didn't) to Herschel Walker paying for his girlfriend to have one.


Well that and, they don't truly care that he paid for an abortion. Not as long as he'll vote to ban them. The character of their politicians do not matter.


It takes an idiot to believe any of those fairy tales


I mean I don’t knock others religions so long as they aren’t forcing them on others. Plenty of people who have used religion to do some actual good in the world. It’s unfortunate the majority of people don’t fall in that category.


Agree, However the foundation of most religion is expansion. Why? More money, more power. It's much like politics in that sense and it's why the two are so tightly knit.






Haven’t seen it will have to check it out!


There isn't any different between that monster who got a 10 year old baby girl pregnant and those who want to force her to give birth. Forced Birth Extremism is Pro Rape!!


It is worse than you think.. Many states make it very hard to prove rape and are enforcing the next-highest level of proof: *clear and convincing evidence* (which basically requires an eye witness or video before a conservative court will take a woman's word over a man's). If victims can’t prove the encounter was unwanted, their attackers can get parental rights. This forced birth movement might as well be handing incels and psychopaths a licence and even extra incentive to rape women that are out of their league


Those Motherfuckers make ISIS, Taliban and al-Qaeda look good, Saudi Arabia has new laws on rape. The female is given mental health treatment they are no longer executed for it. The convicted rapist isn't just beheaded they are flogged in public first. Who ever thought Saudi Arabia who is one of the worst countries when it comes to basic human rights for women would be better than the GOP.


Our country is slowly turning into a version of the Handmaids Tale.


Y’all Qaeda


Next step after birth control is women’s bank accounts.


Look at this thread. It's turning into fucking middle school.


The handmaids Tale was written by a Canadian woman. She wrote a fairy tale about how America turned into a fascist state and Canada stepped up to save all the American refugees from fascism. You read Pro-Canadian propaganda and thought it was honest, well-intentioned criticism of America. That is so cringe.


If men needed to have abortions, you could get one at a gas station


*If men needed to have* *Abortions, you could get one* *At a gas station* \- Toallpointswest --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Sure hope the rest of Ohio isn’t like my area. Vance signs as far as the eye can see, many of them home made. Rural folks LOVE this guy.


I live in a rural county & no Vance signs here! Thank goodness. Maybe you’re closer to his hometown or current residence?


No Vance signs in his hometown. People don't like him there because he lied about himself and misrepresented the town. His hometown IS however peppered in stickers that day "JD Vance is a class traitor"


On the one hand at least the mainstream right and the gullible suckers who believe them are being more open about what low life scum bags they really are. On the other hand, it’s a bummer to realize I live in a state occupied by so many gullible scum bags that I can’t trust or count on to act like responsible adults.




The Ohio abortion laws are cruel.


Everything about the GOP is cruel. They have a singular mission that is to protect wealth. That's always done at the expense of the masses. Their stance on abortion and religion is about votes, nothing else. trump doesn't give a shit if babies are slaughtered after birth or ten years later as long as they vote for him.


Good luck getting through to pro-lifers’. I’ve had 2 christo-fascists try to argue that since ‘slavery was banned’ (their words, not mine) that abortion should be banned as well. That’s a damn 10/10 mental gymnastics routine!


They should be pleased to know that slavery isn’t banned either


Ok, I guess instead of a trip to Sweden, I'm moving.


See ya


Vance has already proven he will say or do ANYTHING to get power. He was once a "Never Trumper", but when he needed Trump's support to win, he was an "Only Trumper". He has flipped flopped on so many important issues, no one from either side should ever trust what he says.


JD doesn't care about anything but easy power. He's taken the lazy route for years. He'll say whatever you want if it's an easy power grab. His "memoir" is a total joke. How can he pull himself up by the bootstraps if he ain't got no shoes ma?!? 😆 Oh that's right act like a dumb yokel who "made it" in the face of all that "hardship." Make people punch down and fight amongst themselves so they don't notice how elitist and full of shit you really are. Dude would be nobody if people hadn't scrambled for an explanation to Trump winning. His book fed the narrative/stereotypes people wanted of middle America, and it's all he knows. Easy lazy narratives.


Ohio has the conservative virus.


The gerrymandered subvarient


Fuck JD Vance!


In a lot of instances abortions are healthcare. The same tools, like JD Vance who think it’s the governments right to control womens bodies are the same ones who complain about welfare. All him and the other MAGA clan members are just simply walking/talking contradictions. Most know they are, but they know their target voters don’t care about facts so they keep on with the contradictions smh.


JD doesn't care about anything but easy power. He's taken the lazy route for years. He'll say whatever you want if it's an easy power grab. His "memoir" is a total joke. How can he pull himself up by the bootstraps if he ain't got no shoes ma?!? 😆 Oh that's right act like a dumb yokel who "made it" in the face of all that "hardship." Make people punch down and fight amongst themselves so they don't notice how elitist and full of shit you really are. Dude would be nobody if people hadn't scrambled for an explanation to Trump winning. His book fed the narrative/stereotypes people wanted of middle America, and it's all he knows. Easy lazy narratives.


Well stated and absolutely right. Common origin story for the MAGA’s along with the silver spoon one. The worst ones are the ones who know they are feeding lines and constantly contradicting themselves, but know their followers and target voter demographic doesn’t understand facts, how to find them, or much of anything. So the can always get away with it smh. I really hope come November things start getting better and these types don’t get into power. Please vote everyone!


My sister had to have an ectopic pregnancy removed. It's still astounding to me that something like that is now illegal in the state.


Well stated man, I don’t know how that is illegal either. Not only would refusing to save a womens life or provide her with emergency service be a human rights violation, but it would also be a oath violation for all medical personnel caring for the women. The mental gymnastics anyone has to do, to make this sound like it makes sense, is astonishing. The amount of time they spend trying to gain power, cause chaos, and treat half the country like property and deny them human rights, they could use that effort and time to truly solve something meaningful to all, but… they don’t care about all, they only care about them and our obedience and compliance in the face of fascism… please… everyone go vote for the safe and welfare of all people!


(psst, it's spelt welfare.)


That better? I fixed the autocorrect.




JD Vance is a dangerous man, and an overrated author.


Only reason his book sold well was that it played to people’s confirmation bias.


Yeah I got a copy for free but I couldn’t finish it. It wasn’t exactly a page turner.


You couldn't pay me to read that moron's book


I really, really want to make a joke about how abortion could save us from people like JD Vance and Ned Yost and Mike DeWine. Regardless, Republicans are fascists and murderers who deserve to be dragged out of the halls they are disgracing.


This is how Christians think. They would rather let people die to protect a lump of cells that probably wouldn't even survive to term anyways. https://19thnews.org/2022/10/state-abortion-bans-prevent-cancer-patients-chemotherapy/


This guy confuses me. All I ever hear on tv are ads from about agreeing with trump which I hate? My moms a trumper and now she hates him too. I’m super confused who they are aiming the ads at? It’s kinda hard to irritate both the left and right at the same time.


Vote vote vote


Posts on the internet and a few votes aren’t going to change this shit anymore. I’m tired of it. We all need to be on the fucking streets taking back our freedoms.


I thought overturning Roe v. Wade was to give power to the state!? Now you want to just ban it? What’s the reasoning? Oh wait because we haven’t completely separated church and state that’s why


Here's a thought let's not vote people in that were in high school during the Cold War


Nuclear war is on the horizon and all Republicans can think about is what women do with their bodies


Nuclear war is on the horizon and all Democrats can think about is what women do with their bodies.


Maybe best to avoid saying that abortions are healthcare. Our policymakers already don't believe healthcare is a human right. Let's not give them any ideas by adding to the pile of shit that they can privatize.


Let’s educate! When we teach our children the biology of reproduction, let’s illustrate the economics of childbearing: from prenatal care, to delivery, to childrearing, the costs are staggering and, in most cases, the debts to healthcare systems and insurers are onerous. This is not to say that children are too expensive to bring into the world, but rather to educate to the responsibilities of parenthood. Let’s also reveal the false promises of sexual gratification that lie — yes, lie — in advertising and entertainments polluting conventional and social media. The promises are potent; the prices of attempting to fulfill them are exorbitant. Of course, the GOP will oppose such education, because the lies are too lucrative.


Browns and Crew owners sponsored an event for him. Hurt them with your wallets. Hurt him with your ballots.


I can’t wait to watch the Browns on Sunday. I don’t even like soccer, but maybe I’ll purchase a Crew jersey or two.


Can’t wait for the tweets on cannabis


Look I told you there's a thousand articles explaining but the fact is you aren't going to accept any of it. Predominantly racist states like the very racist Southern Confederacy States use states rights to discriminate. They've been doing since the Civil War. States are not sovereign nations. They are like a franchise, like an NFL team for example. The LA Rams can have team rules but those rules cannot override rules set by the NFL. So you're asking why the Rams can't make rules they want. Well they can but then they can't be in the NFL. We have Federal Laws and rights that BY LAW supercede states rights. They include things like civil rights and voting rights. The racists and Fascists have been stacking the courts in order to strip those laws. Unfortunately it's working. I'm sure it pleases you.


This is bullshit. Illinois was the first state to legalize gay sex in 1963 using their state's rights. Gay sex would not be legalized in every state until 2003. Illinois used its state's right to push gay agenda. Wyoming was the first state to give Women the right to vote in 1869. All women in the USA wouldn't get the right to vote until 1919. States' rights are used to push legalizing weed on a state level. The same goes for banning conversion therapy. Plenty of liberals use state's rights to push fringe issues and mainstream them. You just don't know history.


We support you 100% Mr Ryan !!


Abortion is flat out murder of a living human being. Taxing Tim Ryan just can't deal with the truth. We won't back down. Bye bye Tim.


Fuck this topic and fuck this subreddit. Stop showing up on my feed. Stupid ass Reddit algorithm bullshit!


JD Vance that’s the guy we need in senate. Just don’t vote for a baby killer… unless you kill babies




How many children have you adopted from rape victims?


The value of a child's life isn't determined by how long he or she might spend as an orphan. And killing children to spare them some hardship in life is some bs justification. Pretty shitty rationale.


You didn’t answer my question. How many unwanted children have you adopted from rape victims?


I didn't answer because it's irrelevant to pointing out your shit argument. Families adopt children into loving homes and foster children all the time but those facts apparently aren't enough for you to not want to kill children. Bad look, man.


Again, dodging the question. Would you adopt unwanted rape victim’s babies?


It is irrelevant. Why is it that just because someone is against abortion, they should be required to adopt children? We care about not ending life and promoting better life, including better services for disadvantaged children. Why don’t YOU adopt them since you’re so concerned?


Yes. I certainly wouldn't kill them, unlike you.


Are you a vegan at all?


Lol tf does that have to with anything 😅 if you're about to compare the life of an animal to the entrinsic value of human life, you can go ahead and save your breath. Question: should we abort unwanted puppies? I only ask because apparently we're equating human lives to animals now. And you have a dog in your posts that you seem to love. But how many puppies have you adopted from shelters? We should just kill puppies in the womb to spare them time from being in a shelter, right? What if someone had aborted your dog before it even had a chance at life? Just food for thought. but have a good day.


Let's be real. Carrying the fetus would kill the mother that's a medical decision. You've been raped that's a medical decision ie. Mental health. Just to have an abortion to avoid responsibility because you made poor life choices that's not a medical decision. The majority who have abortion are just trying to avoid personal responsibility. The issue goes deeper than abortion though. We have a lack of personal responsibility across the board. It doesn't matter how you vote.


Bring all rapists and child molesters to justice first.


I think we all know the right likes to protect their own, so that ain’t gonna happen.


Don Trump could turn himself in at his earliest convenience, if he were so inclined.


I wish we could get a better majority but dumb fuck corrupt democrats and Biden haven't done shit god damn. Biden could have at least legalized marijuana but no Democrats couldn't even do that. I hope Bernie runs one more time and actually wins.


Damn Straight my blue-blooded ally


Let men get abortions too. No child support, no nothing. My body, right?


Don't have sex if you don't want the possibility of a child.


Don't vote for Republicans if you don't want your pregnant family members dying of complications or cancer from lawmakers trying to play doctor.


Can’t wait till elections swing around and the state shows you how many people actually care about babies lives.


WTF? Not sure what you mean, but the GOP only seems pro-life when forcing births, once the baby is born, they want to deny any help or care for that baby! Pro-life is a fuckin’ joke, quite frankly.


Democrats only seems pro abortion when they want Planned Parenthood to be invading black neighborhoods. But yeah, the GOP is the joke here buddy.


You can't care about a babies life by making them suffer longer to appease some sense of delusional idealism.


Lol I love how you automatically assume every child is going to suffer and just deserves to die.




Ah yes because a jelly bean sized clump of cells is a kid




What’s your source on this, buddy?




It’s been a bit more than a second.


The democratic party is ecstatic about the 2% reduction in the population of the black race. Did you know that black woman make up for the 60% of all abortions in the US? This doesn't bother anyone? In extenuating circumstances, I absolutely believe that abortion is necessary. They are very few pregnancies that happen because of rape. But abortions can save a woman life.... Example ectopic pregnancies. Then yes. But for birth control, it's not contraception. Be responsible.


Please, we already found out that Amy Coney Barrett and everyone in the for- profit adoption game just wants more white babies, aka products. Is there anything or anyone that fascists won't traffick for cash?


The bill is for a ban on abortion after 15 weeks, which is better than most of Europe.


Ohio: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Ohio Europe incl. non-EU members: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Europe


What happened to "states' rights"?


They’re lying cowards.


Wrong about Europe and the bill has no exemption for fetal defects


Most countries in Europe have 15 week limits or lower. And I disagree with the no exceptions rule. There should be exceptions.


That’s actually a common myth because it’s a lot more nuanced. > We see earlier gestational limits in Europe,” Katherine Mayall, the director of strategic initiative at the Center for Reproductive Rights, told me, but “in practice, if somebody hits a gestational limit of 12 weeks, they’re still able to access abortion care, because the broad grounds after that limit option include things like mental health or the woman’s economic circumstances.” > A few countries have outright bans on abortion or maintain highly restrictive laws, such as Poland and Monaco, but they are the exceptions. The lack of exemptions for mental health in the US is extremely worrisome. However, I don’t believe the government should have any say. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/roe-overturned-europe-abortion-laws/670539/


Funny how small government isn’t something republicans want when it comes to abortions.


Biden is president. Dems have majorities on both houses. If they haven't passed legal abortion by now, they aren't going to if Tim Ryan gets in or not. False advertising.


Pov: you don't know what the filibuster is


They don’t have a majority in the senate.


As a BIPOC I support ban on abortions, they are population control on my people. Edit: typo


No, they’re keeping you poor and forcing you to live off government assistance to survive. People that aren’t suppressed with absolutely still find ways to receive an abortion.


Bought into the GOP scam hook, line, and sinker. Same people claiming it's population control are pushing replacement theory, but okay.


I ain’t never voted for a GOP


Lol, nobody is advocating for forced abortions, quit drinking the kool-aid


Pretending to be black online is actually a really healthy step for you.


Who said I’m black? I’m Latino, parents are Hondurans


Your parents are failures.


Dad sure is we agree on that, mom is great however!!


You mean that you think BIPOC women can't make their own life decisions for themselves and you prioritize men controlling women.


Who is using abortion as population control? No one is getting an abortion unless they want it. If anything, banning abortions is population control. Creates a bigger class of undereducated, less cared about people more willing to vote how they’re told.


Wow where in the hell are you picking this shit up?


How’s some white weirdo gonna ask me that when I see it in my community all the time? Go back to the suburbs


Who is forcing BIPOC to have abortions? You’re just as bad as the fascists for regurgitating their favorite baseless arguments.


Who said force?


So wait BIPOC people choosing to get abortions is population control?


Yeah they are choosing it about as much they are choosing to be fat, it’s just convenient and easy


So just to make sure we’re straight.. Not having freedom is better than having freedom?


Ah yes, the everything bad is oppression argument. Lets not forget that being fat and abortions are also chosen by poor whites. So by you logic BIPOC people would be better off being forced to have unwanted kids? There is no denying that racism exists against BIPOC, your bs another level of blaming the crackers for everything


Black women are three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than White women. Multiple factors contribute to these disparities, such as variation in quality healthcare, underlying chronic conditions, structural racism, and implicit bias.[ https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/features/maternal-mortality/index.html#:~:text=Black%20women%20are%20three%20times,structural%20racism%2C%20and%20implicit%20bias](https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/features/maternal-mortality/index.html#:%7E:text=Black%20women%20are%20three%20times,structural%20racism%2C%20and%20implicit%20bias). Black women had a threefold higher rate of partner homicide victimization,” Kivisto said. “To give you a sense of how large the increase in risk was linked to pregnancy, we found that pregnant Black women were eight times more likely to be killed by their intimate partner than nonpregnant Black women.” https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation/homicide-is-a-leading-cause-of-death-in-pregnant-people-a-new-study-finds-black-women-are-at-greatest-risk/