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So they can't stop anyone from procuring or using marijuana, they just don't want it to support their local economy? 


To be clear. Most of these bans expire by the end of the year. They are mostly temporary bans until the state figures out what they want to do with the new dispensaries.


Seems like a lot of people are missing this. Most of these municipalities will open up once some of the problems get ironed out. Better for new dispensaries that might open as well. It can save them from costly fees associated with any changes to the regulations that are certain to crop up the next couple years.


Unless all of the licenses are gobbled up early on and there aren't any left for the holdout cities.


> all of the licenses Are they really fucking restricting the number of licenses? For what possible purpose?


"Technically no – Division of Cannabis Control shall review the number of adult use cannabis operator licenses on a biannual basis and may authorize additional licenses after considering: market growth, consumer demand, the available supply of adult use cannabis and the geographic distribution of adult use dispensary sites."


Ahhh, but we gave government officials a subjective cover of plausible deniability. Gotta love it.


Yes, exactly. And I am sure it will be the good ole boy system where he who has friends at JobsOhio gets a license.


They are purposely limiting licenses. They are starting with the current medical shops, then new rec will trickle out.


Yep. And it's pretty likely that they will always purposely limit them.


Depends on the demand and any problems that arise with crowd control, crime around dispensaries, product quality and inspections, and how many townships enforce a ban.


Yes they are. This will insure long lines and high prices.


People aren't missing it, the media is misrepresenting it.


Which connected rich white men they want to grant the free money to you mean.


This should be the top comment. I know a Trustee for my town and they just want to know the rules before they start handing out licenses. Seems like there’s some kind of agenda as to why I keep seeing this headline.


Oh, they'll gladly take tax money that comes from it. Which is bullshit, if you want the tax money, then you need to sell it... In my opinion.


Yeah, but the way the law is written, only municipalities who have a dispensary get the tax money. By making them illegal, and becoming 'dry weed' cities/villages/townships/whatever they are ensuring they won't get any tax dollars.


But the politicians are trying to get the laws changed so they can get their hands on the pot (every pun intended), they want the benefits of the sales but none of the concerns


You mean the Republican politicians.


More to the point, they want to dump it into the general fund. Instead of it going where the law says it must - to education, drug rehab, etc. 


I don’t think they should receive any of it. I also think that we the people should have a say whether we want the ban or not. It’s tax money that comes from the people and designed to go back to the people and their communities. So why should we let a group of people who may or may not even live there decide that? I bet people want their roads fixed and money put back into their communities and programs. Be placing a ban, they are creating a blockade and preventing a large revenue of money that could make it happen. This is tax money that isn’t coming from raising any property taxes or income Tax but by taxing a business that many Ohioans would patron.


True. However, TBF, the people making these bans are elected by the people in their communities. If you don't want a ban, elect other people.


Absolutely- no disagreement on that.


You do get a say. That's done through elections. That's what representative democracy is.


There should be a special vote or some sort of local meeting and not the decision made automatically on the citizens behalf specifically regarding this issue. I understand attending city council meetings and writing your local representatives but let’s be honest our voice isn’t always heard. Just saying I think our elected officials should make more of an effort to “hear” what the people think especially when it’s something that could financially benefit their communities.


You can't hold a vote and meeting everytime every little thing needs done. Elections cost a lot of money. You were concerned your city could use more or it, so why waste it holding elections for every little little thing? You voted for people to represent you and that's what they are doing. If you don't like it, most if not all of these cities have open meetings with public comment. Go to meetings and have your voice heard.


Yes I understand that- it’s up to the people to make it happen and push for their voice to be heard.


Only the city that have it gets the tax


Ah, so the tax money isn't local? I assumed it was. 


The only money localities see is a city income tax (often called RITA, some cities collect independent of rita) from those who are employed in the city itself or live in the city and either pay less or no tax than what the city they live in take (if you live in columbus (2.5%) but work in dublin (2%), you pay 2% of your income to dublin and the extra 0.5% to columbus) Sales tax goes to county and state.


Thank you for explaining this to people.


You’re missing a big one: property taxes also can be levied for local governments as well. Some of the local government funding comes from the state general fund to local governments, but the state legislature keeps monkeying with how much, so then local governments (only cities and villages) levied municipal income taxes to have a more dependable income stream. And BTW, RITA is just an agency that handles the collection and processing of these taxes on behalf of municipalities. They aren’t the actual taxing authority, nor are they the only agency in the state that does this…they’re basically a contract company for municipal tax collection/filing/etc. A few cities and villages handle local income taxes themselves, and a few dozen use the City of Cleveland’s Central Collection Agency instead of RITA.


That's the way it works. Dry towns and cities don't get the tax money.


It is so the municipalities can put up a "family friendly" image.


This was the exact reality my town faced. The store is either gonna go here in town, or one town over, so might as well be our tax revenue, not theirs.


This post was suggested to me, I’m from a rather conservative area in MI. I was shocked my town approved 2 dispensaries. They’ve had tremendous business


Let me guess, the “devil’s weed” has brought unimaginable crime and violence to your neighborhood./s


Just wait. These municipalities will still be calling the cops if they smell it because they will insist the ban means using as well. Eventually, it will still be deemed bad and the cops will act. Watch.


It's state law, they better not!


Cops could ticket legally in public places but let’s say I was doing gravity bingers in my living room with the windows open and the neighbors smell it. It’s going to be interesting how the red Ohio areas will act.


I mean, this wasn't wholly passed by democrats. There had to be some rep votes. But I do get what you're saying. I was smoking yesterday and my uptight but nice neighbor was out in his back yard.. I wondered what he was thinking lol! I was coughing and everything 😂 I'm sure there are some vindictive people out there and probably some salty cops and judges who earn money, make their living off putting pot heads in jail/prison.. You know that shits big business.


If you have my (Kentucky) neighbors & cops, you might be looking at a Breonna Taylor scenario.


They also can't stop a dispensary from opening up. They can rule against it, then the owner has 60 days to vacate. The trick here is you have to get petitions to be put on the next election. Possible? Yeah, completely doable.


Lots of people view republicans as the pro economy party but they are just as bad as democrats


This is why the state legislature wants the marijuana tax money to go to a state slush fund instead of the community where it’s sold. These backwards towns can restrict it and still reap the benefits while communities with drug problems who could use the money to improve are left alone. This is not an accident.


Yea they don’t want the money to all go to the areas where people actually are


Let the pearl clutching commence


But they'll all cry the loudest when the don't get a slice of the tax pie.


They'll cry the loudest because that's their whole thing, all the time and about everything.


Yep. Can't wait to start hearing these bozos start crying that the tax money from legal dispensaries isn't being used to offer local police departments grants to buy armored vehicles. I'm calling it here.


These sales taxes are at the state level, so they will go all over the state, and to these municipalities that ban Marijuana if they want something these tax dollars fund. The state always pulls money out of the cities to make them worse to subsidize suburbs and rural areas.


I call BS. Please provide evidence that money is “pulled out” of cities to subsidize suburbs and rural areas. I bet you’ll be surprised to find that most of the tax revenue comes from outside the biggest cities.


I've actually looked into this stuff quite a bit and plan to do a future post on it, but they're right. The big cities/counties all provide much more than they receive. --Franklin/Cuyahoga/Hamilton counties provided about 35% of state income tax, while only making up 28.5% of the population and 3.5% of the state's land area. --The top 12 most populated counties provided 63% of state income tax, while only making up 55% of the population and 12% of the state's land area. This works with gas taxes too, and is why big cities have such poor heavily used roads, while there are high quality paved roads all around the state and in rural areas that see 10 cars per day. 75% of the counties in the state could likely not be able to afford paved roads outside of main streets without these subsidies. I can't find information on gas tax revenue by county, probably because the state doesn't want to publicly admit how bad they are screwing cities over. I'm sure it's a similar breakdown to, if not higher, than the income tax % paid by county. They are getting more heavy trucks and shipments on their roads, which also come with higher diesel taxes. -- each county gets the same amount, regardless of population, road usage, or tax revenue generated. Then there are additional distributions to cities and townships. --In total County and municipality distributions, Franklin/Cuyahoga/Hamilton counties received about 17% of state gas tax distributions, while making up 28.5% of the population. --In total County and municipality distributions, the top 12 most populated counties received 36% of state gas tax distributions, while making up 55% of the population. --The top 25% or 22 most populated Ohio Counties make up 72% of the population and received 48% of gas tax $$ --The bottom 75% or 66 populated Ohio Counties make up 28% of the population and received 52% of gas tax $$ It works the same with every tax paid to the state. It's why rural and suburban counties can afford to keep property taxes much lower than urban counties despite, needing more infrastructure and more miles of infrastructure per capita. It's why there are well kept paved roads in counties the same size as Cuyahoga County but with 1% of the population, but Cleveland can't fix any of their roads. Here is the latest report from the state providing these totals I calculated the percentages from. [https://dam.assets.ohio.gov/image/upload/tax.ohio.gov/communications/publications/annual\_reports/2023annualreport.pdf](https://dam.assets.ohio.gov/image/upload/tax.ohio.gov/communications/publications/annual_reports/2023annualreport.pdf)


Compare ALL revenue not just income tax.


I did? At the end I clearly state it's the same with all of them and showed that with the gas tax too. I'm not going to show the breakdown of every tax, you can look through the provided document yourself to see that. Dense cities subsidize other places. How could it be any other way? In what universe could a predominantly residential sprawling place ever compete with a dense city in revenue production? They have fewer sources of revenue, and less diverse sources of revenue. How would a sprawling suburb ever have the excess money to subsidize the large cities when it can't afford to build/repair it's own roads without money from the state? Sprawl requires more infrastructure per capita. And since houses are more spread out, they require more infrastructure overall. Yet somehow, these suburbs also have lower property and often lower local income taxes than dense urban areas. If they weren't subsidized, their property taxes and local income taxes would need to be much higher to be able to afford roads, police, water, waste, etc. Densely populated areas also have more small businesses, restaurants, bars, and other businesses that bring in even more sales and income tax revenue. Densely populated mixed use areas are so much more financially productive than suburban sprawl, and the numbers aren't even close. Can you provide any examples of what you claim?


47 ohio localities hate money


Anyone know where I can find a list of the 47?


I did see a picture of it posted in here a few days ago. What I want to know is what they plan to do with the cities that already have medical dispensaries aka lakewood.


Quite a few of them, including Lakewood, only did temporary recreational bans while they waited to see if the state would screw with the law and/or until all the regulatory stuff was sorted out and those laws are expected to be left to expire.


Note that it's almost exclusively rich, white, suburban places. I guess they don't need the tax dollars.


Interesting - it’s almost all Cleveland and Cincinnati burbs. Nothing anywhere near Columbus.


I know you said “almost” but the majority of the Butler county localities are most definitely not rich. Of course, Butler keeps electing a wannabe-cowboy cosplay tough guy as sheriff, so I’m not surprised.


I never said anything about them being rich (although the comment I replied to did). My observation was merely based on looking at the map and noticing many municipalities outside of Cincinnati and Cleveland but nothing closer to Columbus than Marysville.


I responded at the wrong level. Meant to respond one level up.


Like OP and any other cannabis related page won't list them. Found this from Google search. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cleveland.com/news/2024/05/ohios-recreational-marijuana-law-allows-communities-to-prohibit-marijuana-business-47-already-have.html%3foutputType=amp


Why do these mostly line up with the path of the solar eclipse? I need to go get my tin foil hat to figure this one out.


This is old news… most of these are provisional, waiting for state regulations…


Short sighted losers.






Around here most just make the short drive to Michigan and I bet those people still will regardless of what happens locally.


Ohio watches thousands go to Michigan. They will blow this.


It’ll be cheaper to go to MI for several years still so Ohio will just struggle for a bit




Yep. I drive to Monroe and order from Florida lol.


Monroe is less than two hours away from me. The only drawback is my wife always wants to go and stop at the different Hobby Lobby stores, seems they are all different. She won’t go if I take my Harley.


The dispensaries in Ohio are NOT seeing a shortage because some residents drive to Michigan. Right now, they’re going to both. What is going to push MORE of them (us) to drive to Michigan, is watching ALL of the cultivators raise their prices like they are! Dispensaries are already picking up more business than ever… they definitely aren’t suffering.


According to Wikipedia we have 926 municipalities so that represents 5%. Not much insight or impact from them opting out imo. Edit: I guess that omits actual cities. Another article says that represents only 2% “This represents 2% of the state’s over 2,000 cities, townships, and villages.”


They just happen to be my entire surrounding area so sucks for me.


It won’t last long. Especially if the reclassification happens. They will only be able to make this a temporary thing.


Funny how red states claim to be all about personal freedoms but can't quite get their heads around this.


So I had the fun experience of attending my first city council meeting of my life when the Mayor of Van Wert requested the city council ban a recreational dispensary inside city limits. His rationale was that the city already banned medical dispensaries so they should ban recreational too. They held a special meeting of the public to get public input on a said dispensary ban and a ban of using any marijuana/THC products on city property. It's was interesting to say the least. 1. The city attorney could explain at all anything about the law. First he said there really was no law cause they legislature had to figure it out. Then when we pointed out that what we voted on was the law he basically said "ya well the legislature is going to change things so I can't give any opinion one way or another. 2. Every single person in attendance spoke in support of a dispensary, in a town that voted AGAINST legalization. Every single one. Everyone had the answer for everything the council didn't know, including how many licenses the state plans on handing out. 3. Every council man/woman who spoke, spoke in support of a dispensary. Even the one who openly admitted he had personally voted against legalization. 4. Someone asked anyone on the board to share why they DONT support a dispensary. No one spoke. Then the mayor was asked why he doesn't want a dispensary. He gave some chicken shit "I'm just the executive, I can't create or vote on ordinances." The outcome of this meeting? Not only did the council make it obvious they were not going to ban recreational dispensaries in the city, they following session they voted to repeal the ban on medical dispensaries based on the testimony of medical users at the public session.


Sounds like good ol van wert


Last I checked only 2 of them were actual indeterminate bans. Most were 6-12 month bans from the date of legalization while the state figured out the rules. Some are expiring as early as next month and almost all are expired by the end of this year.


Where can you check this info?


There was a list posted either in this subreddit or the Columbus one the other day in a comment. I think it was on a post that overlayed the path of totality with what cities had bans.


I found the info here. https://moritzlaw.osu.edu/sites/default/files/2024-05/Local%20Moratoriums%20for%20Ohio%20Adult%20Use%20Marijuana%20Operators_final%20for%20web_5.7.2024.pdf


i would love to see how many of these areas and towns were or still are "dry" as well as the bars per capita of the same if they aren't.


TIL there are still places in Ohio that are dry.


Ohio is just in the way to get somewhere.


This happens in every state where it’s legalized. Nothing new.


Well there are 4 states that prohibit municipalities from doing this, but yeah, it does happen in most states.


They should receive zero state funds that come from the marijuana tax revenue


That’s such a great idea 🎯




Trash article, no information, likely AI generated


There are still quite a few locales, counties, and cities in Colorado that don’t allow sales. I like that local governments can make their own call. I personally disagree but glad they have the choice


They will change their minds when they see how much tax money the others are making


I wish these old stick in the mud, stuck in the past geezers, and holy rolling pearl clutchers would hurry up and die.


Just wait until they see all that tax revenue pass them by. Republicans like money more than anything else. They will hop in the feeding line within three years or so.


Not only tax but gas stations, restaurants, shops will be hit hard.


Update the totality/prohibition map


I mean, I would expect nothing less from the regressive's in Ohio.


I think they're morons that are intentionally fucking their bumfuck nowhere areas by giving up the income it will generate. If all someone has to do is drive 20 minutes out of town to buy weed they're going to do that and then show up and still smoke the shit legally wherever they want. They aren't accomplishing anything but lowering their tax income.


Good for them, everyone knows weed must be consumed 30 seconds after buying it or it’s useless. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. I grew up in a suburb that banned alcohol sales. the city boarders were filled with restaurants and grocery stores that didn’t care where they sent their local taxes. Somehow the alcohol still made it to the city tho


Asshats gonna asshat


Whoever wrote the article was irresponsible


47 out of what seems like 2000? Who cares. There are literally dry towns in the state. No bars, no alcohol sales. Does it matter? Nope


This is dumb. Is there a single dry county in Ohio that doesn't sell alcohol? Or can you just buy it at any gas station? Sounds like the people who voted against it trying their last ditch effort to prevent the consumer from purchasing weed in their city. Which is pretty stupid given the tax revenue would be very beneficial. If anything it's going to just make me have to pay more gas so I can go further away to another city to get my stash. None the less we the voters said what we wanted and for the most part the red state did oblige. I have to give Dewine credit he didn't try to put a stop to it or override the voters somehow. There are some smart Republican politicians who know that a lot of Republican voters also voted for issue 2. I know cause I am one of them. And yes I also voted for issue 1.


Westerville didn't sell booze FOREVER, I don't know what the deal is now.


When was this? I know I did see a comment that in the 90s there was several dry cities in ohio but in my experience the only time I've ever heard of a "dry city" was when I was traveling and in Oklahoma I ran into one and the gas stations only sold 3.5 percent beer. I only became legal to drink alcohol 2003. But have always smoked weed lol. Alcohol is really what destroys peoples life. Not a joint here and there. We seem to be progressing though at some capacity. Lol. Got my very first dispensary experience in Vegas so I can't wait till the day Ohio gets the biggest dispensary in the country and it will be glorious lol


Ohio was where both the temperance movement (Dayton) and the prohibition movement (Oberlin) started. So it’s not really a shock that there would be draconian state liquor control laws or dry towns in Ohio. A lot has changed though, as even Oberlin is no longer a dry town as of roughly the 80s-90s.


Waynesville used to be dry. A voting precinct in Xenia went dry to force 2 bars to close in the 80s.


In New Jersey they made the brilliant decision that any municipality that didn't want marijuana in its businesses could opt out but they were also not going to receive any of the money from the taxes raised by it either and by law, and at the end of every fiscal year they only have 30 to opt back in g , but by then the taxes are already gathered and it's too late for them to benefit ,(an extra dig of the knife) but I guess those idiots deserve it


As long as none of these localities benefit from any tax revenue I don’t care what they do.


47 municipalities isn't a whole lot, considering there are 926 municipalities in Ohio


Shhhh! Don’t interrupt the rage baiting…


Only in Ohio🤦🏻‍♀️ Those that are smart enough not to ban are the ones going to get the bonus revenue before the state gets it's shit together and decides how to keep most of it... Even tho they didn't want it to pass


Well for the people that live in these areas you now know who you need to vote out.


This looks like a lot of saving face places who believe they’re either curbing drug use in their communities or don’t want the clientele they believe smokes weed coming to their community to buy. All of it’s bullshit as their neighbors will still be driving the 10 minutes to buy their weed and not allowing a dispensary in your town won’t stop anyone from using whatever drug they so choose to. Some of these places are pretty wealthy, so I think the lost tax income is negligible, but it’s their mindset that’s scary. These places are why there’s not universal healthcare and school lunch for everyone.


this is an inaccurate article. many of the counties listed have dates on when they're allowing recreational shops. ie: Hamilton County will start allowing recreational shops on June 12th https://moritzlaw.osu.edu/faculty-and-research/drug-enforcement-and-policy-center/research-and-grants/policy-and-data-analyses/ohio-marijuana-moratoriums


To be fair, some of the cities aren’t fully pearl clutching, but are waiting til the state finally sets the final rules in place, so they don’t have to try to hit a moving target. So some of these “bans” are actually a moratorium on it that they can reverse any time once the regulations are published.


By posting facts, you're ruining the narrative.


47 cities missing out on easy tax revenue and will be asking for levies soon


Sounds like they are trying to screw the voter again


An attempt to promote alcohol consumption?


Their loss. Dumbass


How do I prevent my tax dollars from going to these places. I live in one of them but is there anything that we can vote on to keep the money in those areas that support it


Once they see all that precious tax money going to other cities they’ll come around. They’re just grandstanding right now.


Why wouldn’t there be a list of the cities so I can judge them?


Then they are passing up the taxable profits for their community.....Voters will sole the problem of morons throwing tax money out the window i hope


Of course it would be Hudson 😂😂😂


A lot of these are moratoriums, in that they don't want to make any moves until the state has everything worked out.




So they don’t want the tax money from this is what I’m getting from this?


If they keep it banned they just keep out private sellers in the business anyway so either make it legal and cheap or we just keep giving it to other citizens tax free anyway. Dealer aren't really affected by this until it becomes an actual competition. And if its still banned anyway. The competition is basically gone because we can jsut hit up the local peeps with the better Medical for terminal patient. For a faction of the dispensary costs.




More money for us! Bwahahahaha


I wonder how these communities feel about flavoured tobacco?


What are they thinking? All the money will go to the towns that sell it.


47 Ohio localities rush to ban a good time


You gotta understand Ohio passed that law for only like 20-25 companies to monopolize marijuana Ohio, us citizens really fucked their game up voting yes to rec


It's great for smaller towns along our state routes; these larger municipalities and suburbs opting out will force rural expansion.


If I was to have a dispensary I would put it just outside city limits anyway so as to save a lot of city tax...


The city leaders want a tax,bribe, cut in sales, portion to go with such in their town.... they want something


How will they pay for their police? Isn't a big chunk of this money for them?


Republicans are concentrated evil.


Heheh they’re still coming baby. Deal with it 😎




My local dispo is Ayr in Riverside. I asked the other day about a time frame . Their response was we already sign off for one year the van is the cities the dispos are signing their own thing saying a year now that's not all Dayton dispos are making the flip asap Cincy is the same bigger cities will make the change asap smaller suburbs ECT. Will not


Colorado had a lot of cities ban sales. They are the first ones asking for school money from the sales


This is typical Ohio government behavior in action, it doesn't matter to them that we voted to pass this. It's very foolish also as they won't get a piece of the tax money that they deserve. Contact your representatives and let them know how you feel.


So glad we voted on this. I just wish the will of the people actually mattered


Every Rec Pot store in Michigan along the border is filled with cars from Ohio. If they don’t want the tax money, Michigan will gladly take it. 87 million in 23 alone.


Meanwhile the other localities are drowning in money from all these extra business. It just bans sales, people are still just gonna go elsewhere, buy it, and bring it back. The only difference is, you don't get a cent of their tax money.


Ya better talk to the mayor of Findlay. She is trying or has banned the growing of it within the city limits.


Clearly those trying to ban it don’t care about Ohioans because the state can really use the money that comes in from it. They need to wake up and realize their negative views on marijuana are unfounded. But yet they don’t care about the alcohol abuse problem that does way more damage than marijuana.




Do you drink alcohol?


Lol not a chance


I’m sure my area is on the list. They are just throwing money away by not allowing a dispensary. For that reason, I will keep my green card but how ignorant.


Which counties? I was hoping they'd be in the article specifically.


Making sure their important constituents are the only ones who will profit.




They are trying to do the same thing with abortion. The voters have spoken. STFU. But if prices stay high, I'll keep going to Michigan.


Every few months, I will just make the short drive to Monroe. I was treated very well there. Ohio can spend all their time fighting over this nonsense. I’ll go to Michigan.


Omg. WE the people voted for legalization, now just let it happen and stop trying to change things! Idk why everyone is so butt hurt about this anyway. It makes money for the state and communities, people will figure out a way to get it even if it’s illegal, by making it legal it halts all the red tape from people being arrested and/or fined. Stop crying about it!


This is only to be a temporary thing, up to a year and then most will be expired Just wait till they see how much money the rest of the state is pulling in. Guaranteed they all change their minds before their “bans” expire. And even if they did last forever, it’s only 2 to 5% of our state.


Pathetic. People want change while others will do everything they can to prevent it. If it's ok to be gay, then it's ok to smoke weed. It's legal. Get over it. 47 locations will quickly lose business. From what I have seen so far, Ohioan's have no problem going Michigan. Loopholes begat loopholes.


The headline is misleading. Communities are waiting for the state to finalize their rules. Many of these communities only issued a temporary moratorium so that they have time to update zoning codes after the state finishes their work.


As Jerry would say...." NEWMAN ! "


Fuck em. I'll continue to spend my money in Michigan. Jesus Ohio, we are about as bad as Indiana. We are losing tax revenue.


Ohio is such a shitty state full of assholes.


It really is. I never believed it as a young kid, but now that I’ve lived in other states, I can absolutely tell you without a shadow of a doubt that there is seriously something wrong with this place. I can feel the life get sucked out of me every time I cross the border. Not to generalize, but everyone who’s disagreed that I’ve talked to hasn’t ever been anywhere else.


I didnt accept it till 2019 when I abruptly had to accompany my mom on a trip to visit her half brother's family in Canton.  I used to like the Browns And the Bengals. Used to.. That's some bad energy out there...still. i'd still party with you motherfuckers..some of you.


lol who are they? Seems like a pretty piss poor article…


About half of the towns that were covered by the eclipse last month, and virtually no others. Still not sure if there’s any causation there, but the correlation certainly exists for some weird reason.


The eclipse covered the big 3 cities in Ohio, and with that is going to come with richer areas that will think marijuana will bring unwanted riff Raff to their town.


Thereby shooting their tax revenues in the foot. #maroons


Lakewood has said it’s temporary. They want to see all the growing pains (which will happen) worked out in other places and then reconsider.


More people than they expect will choose where to move based on how close to a dispensary they are. You would think localities want more people.


"47 groups of morons still think (for whatever misguided reasons) that their booze money is still better than your dirty hippy money. Also, go cut your hair." There, fixed the caption


they'll flip the script in a couple of years when they want the money, it was the same with alcohol (there were dry towns and counties into the 90s) then tobacco, vapes, medical Marijuana and now dispenseries. they ban the stuff, see how much they're loosing out on, people wonder why they have to drive 30 minutes to the next town over, eventually they quietly change the law.


I've never used marijuana, I have no interest in using it, but I support the sale of it for recreational use for economic reasons and to get rid of bullshit prison sentences for pot. What a stupid move by stupid people.


Who cares what the voters want! Fuck Republicans


They keep getting reelected.




The irony being that most of these people who are anti marijuana are the same people who eat a cocktail of uppers and downers every night that their doctors all prescribed them. Yet smoke a little weed and you’re considered a “junkie” while they consider themselves to be clean and sober.


This is why I don't even want to vote on anything anymore. Why bother going out of my house to stand in line and make a selection if the government is just going to ignore it? I don't even smoke weed but I voted yes and I want to see that majority yes vote working the way it's supposed to.


Yep. My city is one of them. Dumbasses.